







  • 刘玲莉
  • 研究员

1999年获南京大学学士学位,2002获北京大学硕士学位,2007年获美国北卡罗莱州立大学博士学位,2007年至2011年间在美国国家环保局环境评价中心进行博士后研究工作。2011年11月到植物所工作,2015年获国家自然科学家基金委优秀青年基金资助。现任现任植被与环境变化国家重点实验室副主任、中国植物学会植物生态学会专业委员会秘书长、北京生态学会理事;Ecology Letters 编委, Journal of Plant Ecology 编委,《植物生态学报》常务副主编,中国大百科全书第三卷《生态系统生态学》分支副主编。






·科技部国家重大科学研究计划 (2014CB954003),“土壤系统碳动态、机制及其对全球变化的响应”,参加人;

·科技部国家重大科学研究计划 (2013CB956304),“全球变化对中国典型草地生态过程的影响及生态环境效应”,课题负责人;




1.Wang J, Liu WX, Li P, Jia Z, Deng MF, Yang S, Liu LL*. 2020. Long-term deepened snow cover alters litter layer turnover rate in temperate steppes. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13531

2.Liu WX, Tian R, Peng ZY, Yang, S, Liu XX, Yang YS, Zhang WH and Liu LL*. 2020. Nonlinear responses of the Vmax and Km of hydrolytic and polyphenol oxidative enzymes to nitrogen enrichment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141, 107656.


3.Liu LL*. 2019. Upward trend of nitrogen deposition curbed by the dual force of environmental regulation and social-economic structural change in China. Science Bulletin. 64(18),1300-1302

4.Yang S, Liu WX, Qiao CL, Wang J, Deng MF, Zhang BB, and Liu LL*. 2019. The decline in plant biodiversity slows down soil carbon turnover under increasing nitrogen deposition in a temperate steppe. Functional Ecology. 7:1362-1372


5.Deng MF, Liu LL*, Jiang L, Liu WX, Wang X, Li SP, Yang S, Wang B. 2018. Ecosystem scale tradeoff in nitrogen acquisition pathways, Nature Ecology and Evolution,2 (11), 1724.

6.Wang X, Wu J, Chen M, Xu XT, Wang ZH, Wang B, Wang CZ, Piao SL, Lin WL, Miao GF, Deng MF, Qiao CL, Wang J, Xu S, Liu LL*. 2018. Field evidences for the positive effects of aerosols on tree growth. Global change biology 24(10) 4983-4992

7.Liu WX, Allison SD, Li P, Wang J, Chen D, Wang ZH, Yang S, Diao LW, Wang B, Liu LL*. 2018 The effects of increased snow depth on plant and microbial biomass and community composition along a precipitation gradient in temperate steppes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 124:134-41.

8.Li P, Liu LL*, Wang J, Wang ZH, Wang X, Bai YF, Chen SP. 2018. Wind Erosion Enhanced by Land Use Changes Significantly Reduces Ecosystem Carbon Storage and Carbon Sequestration Potentials in Semi‐Arid Grasslands. Land Degradation & Development 29 (10), 3469-3478.

9.Liu WX, Qiao CL,Yang S, Bai WM, Liu LL*. 2018. Microbial carbon use efficiency and priming effect regulate soil carbon storage under nitrogen deposition by slowing soil organic matter decomposition. Geoderma 332, 37-44.

10.Xu S, Li P, Sayer EJ, Zhang BB, Wang J, Qiao CL, Peng ZY, Diao LW, Chi YG, Liu WX, Liu LL*. 2018. Initial soil organic matter content influences the storage and turnover of litter, root and soil carbon in grasslands. Ecosystems, 2018; 21, 1377-1389.


11.Wang J, Yang S, Zhang BB, Liu WX, Deng MF, Chen S, Liu LL*. 2017. Temporal dynamics of ultraviolet radiation impacts on litter decomposition in a semi-arid ecosystem. Plant and Soil,419, 71-81.

12.Wang J, Liu LL*, Wang X, Yang S, Zhang BB, Li P, Qiao CL, Deng MF, Liu WX. 2017. High nighttime humidity and sissolved orgnic carbon content support rapid decomposition of standing litter in a semi-arid landscape. Functional Ecology31, 1659-1668.


13.Deng MF, Liu LL*, Sun ZZ, Piao SL, Ma YC, Chen YW, Wang J, Qiao CL, Wang X, Li P. 2016. Increased phosphate uptake but not resorption alleviates phosphorus deficiency induced by nitrogen deposition in temperate Larix. principis-rupprechtii forests. New Phytologist. 212 (4), 1019-1029

14.SunZZ, Liu LL*, Peng SS, Pe?uelasJ, ZengH, Piao SL*. 2016. Age-related modulation of the nitrogen resorption efficiency response to growth requirements and soil nitrogen availabilityin a temperate pine plantation. Ecosystems. 19: 698–709

15.Liu LL*, Wang X, Lajeunesse MJ, Miao GF, Piao SL, Wan SQ, Wu YX, Wang ZH, Yang S, Li P, Deng MF. 2016. A cross‐biome synthesis of soil respiration and its determinants under simulated precipitation changes. Global change biology. 22, 1394–1405.


16.Wang J, Liu LL*, Wang X, Chen Y. 2015. The interaction between abiotic photodegradation and microbial decomposition under ultraviolet radiation. Global Change Biology. 21, 2095-2104.

17.Qiao CL, Liu LL*, Hu SJ, Compoton JE, Greaver TL, Li QL, 2015. How inhibiting nitrification affects nitrogen cycle and reduces environmental impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen input. Global Change Biology, 21, 1249-1257


18.Wang X, Liu LL*, Piao SL, Janssens IA, Tang JW, Liu WX, Chi YG, Wang J, Xu S. 2014. Soil respiration under climate warming: differential response of heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration. Global Change Biology, 20, 3229–3237


19.Xu S, Liu LL* and Sayer E. 2013. Variability of aboveground litter input alters soil physicochemical and biological processes: A meta-analysis of litterfall -manipulation experiments. Biogeoscience 10, 7423-7433.


20.Liu LL* and Greaver TL*. 2010. A global perspective of below-ground carbon cycle under nitrogen enrichment. Ecology Letters 13: 819-828

21.Liu LL* and Greaver TL*. 2009. A review of nitrogen enrichment effects on three biogenic GHGs: the CO2 sink may be largely offset by stimulated N2O and CH4 emission. Ecology Letters12: 1103-1117

22.Liu LL*, King JS, Booker FL, Giardina CP, Allen LH and Hu SJ. 2009. Enhanced litter input rather than changes in litter chemistry drive soil carbon and nitrogen cycles under elevated CO2: a microcosm study. Global Change Biology 15:441-453

23.Liu LL*, King JS, Giardina CP and Booker FL. 2009. The influence of chemistry, production and community composition on leaf litter decomposition under elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 in a northern hardwood ecosystem. Ecosystems12: 401–416

24.Liu LL*, King JS and Giardina CP. 2007. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 on nutrient dynamics: decomposition of leaf litter in trembling aspen and paper birch communities. Plant and Soil 299: 65-82.

25.Liu, LL*, King JS and Giardina CP. 2005. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 on leaf litter production and chemistry in trembling aspen and paper birch communities.Tree Physiology 15:1511-1522.