







  • 汪小全
  • 研究员

1968年1月生于安徽省旌德县,1989年毕业于安徽师范大学,1992和1997年在中国科学院植物研究所分别获得硕士和博士学位,1998年7月-1999年5月在美国Michigan State University作访问学者。现任中国科学院植物研究所所长、中国植物学会副理事长兼秘书长、研究员、博士生导师、学术委员会副主任、学位委员会副主任,Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution副主编、Plant Biology 和Journal of Systematics and Evolution等刊物编委。曾任系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室主任。社会兼职有中国植物学会副理事长兼秘书长。

主要从事植物分子系统学、生物地理学和分子生态学研究,近年来在裸子植物的分子进化、物种形成、系统发育与生物地理学及青藏高原植物物种分化和谱系生物地理学等研究方面取得了重要成果。迄今发表论文70余篇,其中30余篇(第一或通讯作者)发表在Mol. Biol. Evol.、Mol. Ecol.、Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.、J. Biogeogr.、J. Mol. Evol.、Ann. Bot.等进化生物学和生态学领域的国际主流杂志上。



1) 国家自然科学基金'八五' 重大项目“中国主要濒危植物的保护生物学研究”(No.39391500,1993-1997),主要完成人之一。

2) 国家自然科学基金'九五'重点项目“原始被子植物的结构、分化和演化”(No.39630030,1997-2000),主持子课题“原始被子植物的分子系统学研究”。

3) 国家自然科学青年基金“毛茛科升麻族植物的分子系统发育”(No.39800010,1999-2001),主持人。

4) 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目“长江流域生物多样性变化、可持续利用与区域生态安全”,主持第四课题“物种分化与物种多样样” (No.G2000046804,,2000.4-2005.3)。

5) 中国科学院“十·五”重要方向项目“若干重要植物类群的系统发育重建和分子进化”(No.kscxz-sw-101A,2001-2004),主持子课题“松柏类植物的物种形成与分子进化”。

6) 中国科学院全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金“松柏类植物的系统发育及分子进化研究”(2001-2005),主持人。

7) 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体科学基金“植物进化机制的进化发育生物学研究”(No.30121003,2002.1-2004.12;2005.1-2007.12),主持子课题“马先蒿属的进化生物学研究。

8) 主持国家杰出青年科学基金“松柏类植物核基因的进化与分子生物地理学”(No.30425028;2005.1-2008.12)。

9) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“青藏高原代表性植物类群的演变与分子生态学研究”(kzcx2-yw-415, 2007.1-2009.12), 主持人。

10) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“青藏高原代表性植物类群的起源与物种分化” (30730010, 2008.01-2011.12), 主持人。

11) 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目“中国-喜马拉雅地区生物多样性演变和保护研究”,主持第二课题“适应辐射与物种形成” (2007CB411602, 2007.7-2011.12)。

12)国家自然科学基金面上项目“倪藤类植物的系统位置与分子进化研究” (31170197, 2012.01-2015.12),主持人。

13) 国家自然科学基金重点项目“青藏高原植物辐射式物种形成的机制研究” (31330008, 2014.01-2018.12),主持人。

14) 国家重点研发计划项目“全球变化对北半球木本植物多样性的影响” (2017YFA0605100, 2017.07-2022.06),主持人。

主要论著(* 为通讯作者)


83. Ran JH*, Shen TT, Wu H, Gong X, Wang XQ*. 2018. Phylogeny and evolutionary history of Pinaceae updated by transcriptomic analysis. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 129:106-116.

82. Ran JH, Shen TT, Wang MM, Wang XQ*. 2018. Phylogenomics resolves the deep phylogeny of seed plants and indicates partial convergent or homoplastic evolution between Gnetales and angiosperms. Proc. R. Soc. B-Biol. Sci., 285: 20181012.


81. Wang, H.-J., Li, W.-T., Liu, Y.-N., Yang, F.-S., Wang, X.-Q.* 2017. Resolving interspecific relationships within evolutionarily young lineages using RNA-seq data: an example from Pedicularis section Cyathophora (Orobanchaceae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 107: 345-355.


80. Liu, Y.-Y., Yang, K.-Z., Wei, X.-X., Wang, X.-Q. 2016. Revisiting the phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP) gene family reveals cryptic FLOWERING LOCUS T gene homologs in gymnosperms and sheds new light on functional evolution. New Phytol. 212: 730-744.

79. Wu, H., Ma, Z., Wang, M.-M., Qin A.-L., Ran, J.-H., Wang, X.-Q.* 2016. A high frequency of allopolyploid speciation in the gymnospermous genus Ephedra and its possible association with some biological and ecological features. Mol. Ecol. 25: 1192-1210.

78. Liu, Y.-N., Li,Y., Yang, F.-S.*, Wang, X.-Q.* 2016. Floral nectary, nectar production dynamics, and floral reproductive isolation among closely related species of Pedicularis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 58: 178-187.


77. Ran, J.-H., Shen, T.-T., Liu, W.-J., Wang, P.-P., Wang, X.-Q.* 2015. Mitochondrial introgression and complex biogeographic history of the genus Picea. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 93: 63-76.

76. Wang, H.-J., Li, W.-T., Liu, Y.-N., Yang, F.-S.*, Wang, X.-Q.* 2015. Range-wide multilocus phylogenetic analyses of Pedicularis sect. Cyathophora (Orobanchaceae): Implications for species delimitation and speciation. Taxon64: 959-974.

75. Guo, Y.-Y., Luo, Y.-B., Liu, Z.-J.*, Wang, X.-Q.* 2015. Reticulate evolution and sea-levelfluctuations together drove species diversification of slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum) in South-East Asia. Mol. Ecol. 24: 2838-2855.

74. Hao, Z.-Z., Liu, Y.-Y., Nazaire, M., Wei, X.-X.*, Wang, X.-Q.* 2015. Molecular phylogenetics and evolutionary history of sect. Quinquefoliae (Pinus): implications for Northern Hemisphere biogeography. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 87: 65-79.

73. Cun, Y.-Z., Wang, X.-Q.* 2015. Phylogeography and evolution of three closely related species of Tsuga(hemlock) from subtropical eastern Asia: further insights into speciation of conifers. J. Biogeogr.42: 315-327.


72. Lu, Y., Ran, J.-H., Guo, D.-M., Yang, Z.-Y., Wang, X.-Q.* 2014. Phylogeny and divergence times of gymnosperms inferred from single-copy nuclear genes. PLoS ONE 9: e107679.

71. Wang, X.-Q.*, Ran, J.-H. 2014. Evolution and biogeography of gymnosperms. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 75: 24-40.

70. Liu, L., Hao, Z.-Z., Liu, Y.-Y., Wei, X.-X., Cun, Y.-Z., Wang, X.-Q. 2014. Phylogeography of Pinus armandii and its relatives: Heterogeneous contributions of geography and climate changes to the genetic differentiation and diversification of Chinese white pines. PLoS ONE 9: e85920.

69. Nazaire, M., Wang, X.-Q., Hufford, L. 2014. Geographic origins and patterns of radiation of Mertensia(Boraginaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 101: 104-118.


68. Ran, J.H.*, Shen, T.T., Liu, W.J., Wang, X.-Q.* 2013. Evolution of the bHLH genes involved in stomatal development: Implications for the expansion of developmental complexity of stomata in land plants. PLoS ONE 8: e78997[PDF]

67. Qin, A.-L., Wang, M.-M., Cun, Y.-Z., Yang, F.-S., Wang, S.-S., Ran, J.-H., Wang, X.-Q.* 2013. Phylogeographic evidence for a link of species divergence of Ephedra in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions to the Miocene Asian aridification. PLoS One 8: e56243 [PDF]


66. Gao, H., Guo, D.-M., Ran, J.-H., Wang, X.-Q. 2012.Evolution of the 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) gene family: Conserved evolutionary pattern and two new classes in gymnosperms. J. Syst. Evol.50: 195-205 [PDF]

65. Yang, Z.-Y., Ran, J.-H., Wang, X.-Q.* 2012. Three genome-based phylogeny of Cupressaceae s.l.: Further evidence for the evolution of gymnosperms and Southern Hemisphere biogeography. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.64: 452-470[PDF]

64.Guo, Y.-Y., Luo, Y.-B., Liu, Z.-J., Wang, X.-Q.* 2012. Evolution and biogeography of the slipper orchids: Eocene vicariance of the conduplicate genera in the Old and New World tropics. PLoS ONE 7: e38788 [PDF]

63. Yang, F.-S.*, Qin, A.-L., Li, Y.-F., Wang, X.-Q.* 2012. Great genetic differentiation among populations ofMeconopsis integrifolia and its implication for plant speciation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 7: e37196[PDF]


62. Zhang, W., Wang, X.-Q., Li, Z.-Y. 2011. The protective shell: sclereids and their mechanical function in corollas of some species of Camellia (Theaceae). Plant Biol. 13: 688-692


61. Ran, J.-H., Wang, P.-P., Zhao, H.-J., Wang, X.-Q.* 2010. A test of seven candidate barcode regions from the plastome in Picea (Pinaceae). J. Integr. Plant Biol. 52: 1109-1126 [PDF]

60. Guo, D.-M., Ran, J.-H., Wang, X.-Q.* 2010. Evolution of the cinnamyl/sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD/SAD) gene family: the emergence of real lignin is associated with the origin of bona fide CAD. J. Mol. Evol. 71: 202-218 [PDF]

59. Cun, Y.-Z., Wang, X.-Q.* 2010. Plant recolonization in the Himalaya from the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Geographical isolation contributed to high population differentiation. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 56: 972-982 [PDF]

58. Wei, X.-X.*, Yang, Z.-Y., Li, Y., Wang, X.-Q.* 2010. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Pseudotsuga(Pinaceae): Insights into the floristic relationship between Taiwan and its adjacent areas. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 55: 776-785 [PDF]

57.Ran, J.-H., Gao, H., Wang, X.-Q.*2010. Fast evolution of the retroprocessed mitochondrial rps3 gene in Conifer II and further evidence for the phylogeny of gymnosperms. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 54: 136-149 [PDF]


56.Wen, J., Xiang, Q.-Y., Qian, H., Li, J., Wang, X.-Q., Ickert-Bond, S.M. 2009. Intercontinental and intracontinental biogeography—patterns and methods. J. Syst. Evol. 47: 327-330


55. Yang F.-S., Li Y.-F., Ding X., Wang, X.-Q.* 2008. Extensive population expansion of Pedicularis longiflora (Orobanchaceae) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its correlation with the Quaternary climate change. Mol. Ecol. 17: 5135–5145 [PDF]

54. Peng, D., Wang, X.-Q.* 2008. Reticulate evolution in Thuja inferred from multiple gene sequences: implications for the study of biogeographical disjunction between eastern Asia and North America. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 47: 1190-1202 [PDF]

53. Hong, D.-Y., Zhang, D-M., Wang, X.-Q., Koruklu, S.T., Tzanoudakis, D. 2008. Relationships and taxonomy of Paeonia arietina G. Anderson complex (Paeoniaceae) and its allies.Taxon, 57: 922-932


52. Kan, X.-Z., Wang, S-S, Ding, X., Wang, X.-Q.* 2007. Structural evolution of nrDNA ITS in Pinaceae and its phylogenetic implications. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 44: 765-777 [PDF]

51. Qiao, C.-Y.,Ran, J.-H., Li, Y., Wang, X.-Q.* 2007. Phylogeny and biogeography of Cedrus (Pinaceae) inferred from sequences of seven paternal chloroplast and maternal mitochondrial DNA regions.Ann. Bot., 100: 573-580 [PDF]

50. Hong, D.-Y., Wang, X.-Q., Zhang, D.-M., Koruklu, S.T.2007. Paeonia daurica Andrews or P. mascula ssp.triternata (Pall. ex DC.) Stearn & P. H. Davis (Paeoniaceae)? Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 154: 1–11

49. Yang, F.-S., Wang, X.-Q.*2007. Extensive length variation in the cpDNA trnT-trnF region of parasitic Pedicularisand its phylogenetic implications. Pl. Syst. Evol., 264: 251-264 [PDF]


48.Ran, J.-H., Wei, X.-X., Wang, X.-Q.* 2006. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Picea (Pinaceae): implications for phylogeographical studies using cytoplasmic haplotypes. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 41: 405-419 [PDF]

47.Hong, D.-Y., Wang, X.-Q. 2006.The identity of Paeonia corsica SIEBER ex TAUSCH (Paeoniaceae), with special reference to its relationship with P. mascula (L.) MILL. Feddes Repertorium, 117: 65–84

46.Hong, D.-Y., Wang, X.-Q., Zhang, D.-M, Koruklu, S.T. 2005. On the circum-scription of Paeonia kesrouanensis, an east Mediterranean peony. Nord. J. Bot., 23: 395-400


45. Wei, X.-X., Wang, X.-Q.* 2004. Recolonization and radiation in Larix (Pinaceae): evidence from nuclear ribosomal DNA paralogues. Mol. Ecol.,13: 3115-3123 [PDF]

44. Wei, X.-X., Wang, X.-Q.*2004.Evolution of 4-coumarate: coenzyme A ligase (4CL) gene and divergence of Larix(Pinaceae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.,31: 542-553 [PDF]

43. Hong D.-Y., Wang X.-Q., Zhang D.-M. 2004. Paeonia saueri (Paeoniaceae), a new species from the Balkans. Taxon, 53(1): 83-90


42. Wei, X.-X., Wang, X.-Q.*. 2003. Phylogenetic split of Larix: evidence from paternally inherited cpDNA trnT-trnF region. Pl. Syst. Evol., 239: 67-77 [PDF]

41. Wei, X.-X., Wang, X.-Q.*, Hong, D.-Y. 2003. Marked intragenomic heterogeneity and geographical differentiation of nrDNA ITS in Larixpotaninii (Pinaceae). J. Mol. Evol., 57(6): 623-635 [PDF]

40.Yang, F.-S., Wang, X.-Q.*, Hong, D.-Y. 2003. Unexpected high divergence in nrDNA ITS and extensive parallelism in floral morphology of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol., 240: 91-105 [PDF]

39.Song, B.-H., Wang, X.-Q.*, Wang, X.-R., Ding, K.-Y., Hong, D.-Y. 2003. Cytoplasmic composition in Pinus densata and population establishment of the diploid hybrid pine. Mol. Ecol., 12: 2995-3001 [PDF]

38. Liu, Z.-L., Zhang, D., Wang, X.-Q., Ma, X.-F., Wang, X.-R. 2003. Intragenomic and inter- specific 5S rDNA sequence variation in five Asian pines. Amer. J. Bot., 90: 17-24 [PDF]

37. Yang, F.-S., Hong, D.-Y., Wang, X.-Q.2003. A new species and a new specific synonym of Pedicularis(Scrophulariaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, China. Novon 13: 363-367 [PDF]


36. Song, B.-H., Wang, X.-Q.*, Wang, X.-R., Sun, L.-J., Hong, D.-Y., Peng, P.-H. 2002.Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid. Mol. Ecol., 11(6): 1057-1063 [PDF]


35. Song, B.-H., Wang, X.-Q.*, Li, F.-Z., Hong, D.-Y. 2001. Further evidence for paraphyly of the Celtidaceae from the chloroplast gene matK. Pl. Syst. Evol.,22: 107-115 [PDF]

34. Tank, D. C., Wang, X.-Q., and Sang, T. 2001. Recent transfers of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase genes between conifers diverged 200 million years ago. Amer J. Bot., 88(6)(suppl.): 572

33. 汪小全. 2001. MADS-box基因的进化与植物生殖器官形态建成. 见李承森主编,《植物科学进展》, Vol 4, 2001, 北京,高等教育出版社,P3-14


32. Wang, X.-Q., Tank, D.-C., Sang, T. 2000. Phylogeny and divergence times in Pinaceae: evidence from three genomes. Mol. Biol. Evol., 17: 773-781 [PDF]

31.汪小全, 舒艳群. 2000. 红豆杉科及三尖杉科的分子系统发育─兼论竹柏属的系统位置. 植物分类学报, 38(3):01~210.

30.汪小全. 2000. 松科分子系统学与分子进化研究进展. 见李承森主编,《植物科学进展》, Vol 3, 2000, 北京,高等教育出版社,P81~89

29.刘忠, 汪小全*, 陈之端, 林祁, 路安民. 2000. 五味子科的系统发育: 核糖DNA ITS区序列证据. 植物学报, 42(7): 758~761.

28.马小军, 汪小全, 徐昭玺,肖培根,洪德元.2000. 人参不同栽培群体遗传关系的RAPD分析. 植物学报,42(6): 587~590

27.宋葆华,陈之端,汪小全,李法曾. 2000. 中国苋属nrDNA 的ITS序列分析及其系统学意义. 植物学报, 42: 1184~1189.

26.马小军, 汪小全,肖培根,洪德元. 2000. 野山参与栽培参rDNA内录间隔区(ITS)序列比较。中国中药杂志,25(4): 206~209.

25.马小军, 汪小全, 肖培根, 洪德元. 2000. 国产人参种质资源的研究进展.中国药学杂志, 35(5): 289-292.


24. Feng, Y.-X., Chen, Z.-D., Wang, X.-Q., Pan, K.-Y., Hong, D.-Y. 1999. A taxonomical revision of the Loropetalum-Tetrathyrium complex and its systematic position in Hamamelidoideae inferred from ITS sequences. Taxon, 48: 689~700.

23.马小军, 汪小全,孙三省,肖培根,洪德元.1999.野生人参RAPD指纹的研究. 药学学报, 34(4): 312~316.

22.马小军, 汪小全,蔡美琳,孙三省,肖培根. 1999. 野山参微量DNA提取方法的研究. 中国中药杂志, 24(4): 205~207.


21. Wang, X.-Q., Han, Y., and Hong, D.-Y. 1998. A molecular systematic study of Cathaya, a relic genus of the Pinaceae in China. Pl. Syst. Evol., 213: 165-172.

20. Wang, X.-Q., Han, Y., and Hong, D.-Y. 1998. PCR-RFLP analysis of the chloroplast gene trnK in the Pinaceae, with special reference to the systematic position of Cathaya. Is. J. Plant Sci., 46: 265-271.

19. Wang, X.-Q., and Hong, D.-Y. 1998. Molecular phylogenetic, morphological, and biogeographic evidence for the origin of the genus Actaea within the genus Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae). Am. J. Bot., 85(6)(suppl.): 476

18. Chen, Z.-D., Wang, X.-Q., Sun, H.-Y., Han, Y., Zou, Y.-P., and Lu, A.-M. 1998. Systematic position of the Rhoipteleaceae: evidence from DNA sequences of rbcL gene. Acta Phytotax. Sin., 36(1): 1~7.

17. 汪小全,李振宇. 1998. rDNA片段的序列分析在苦苣苔亚科系统学研究中的应用. 植物分类学报, 36(2): 97~105.

16. 汪小全, 邓峥嵘, 洪德元. 1998. 铁破锣属的系统位置-ITS(nrDNA)序列证据. 植物分类学报, 36: (5): 403~410.

15. 汪小全, 洪德元. 1998. 分子系统学研究进展.见李承森主编,《植物科学进展》, Vol. 1, 北京,高等教育出版社,P16~30.

14. 俸宇星, 汪小全, 潘开玉, 洪德元. 1998. rbcL基因序列分析对连香树科和交让木科系统位置的重新评价--兼论低等金缕梅类的关系.植物分类学报, 36(5): 411-422.

13. 马小军, 汪小全, 邹喻苹,肖培根,洪德元.1998. 人参RAPD指纹鉴定的毛细管PCR方法. 中草药, 29(3): 191-194.

12. 马小军, 汪小全,肖培根. 1998. 人参RPAD产物的限制性内切酶消化.中草药, 29(9): 625-627.


11. Wang, X.-Q., Zou, Y.-P., Zhang, D.-M., Hong, D.-Y., and Liu, Z.-Y. 1997. Genetic diversity analysis by RAPD inCathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang. Science In China (Series C), 40(2): 145-151.

10. 汪小全, 韩英, 邓峥嵘, 洪德元. 1997. 松科系统发育的分子生物学证据.植物分类学报, 35(2): 97~106.

9. 汪小全, 洪德元, 1997. 植物分子系统学近5年进展概况. 植物分类学报,35(5): 465~480.


8.汪小全, 邹喻苹, 张大明, 洪德元, 刘正宇. 1996. 银杉遗传多样性的RAPD分析. 中国科学(C辑), 26(5): 436-441.

7. 汪小全, 邹喻苹, 张大明, 张志宪, 洪德元. 1996. RAPD应用于遗传多样性和系统学研究中的问题. 植物学报, 38(12): 954~962.


6. 裴颜龙, 邹喻苹, 尹蓁, 汪小全, 张志宪, 洪德元. 1995. 矮牡丹与紫斑牡丹RAPD分析初报.植物分类学报, 33(4): 350-356.

5. Wang, X.-Q., Li, Z.-Y., and Hong, D.-Y. 1994. A karyomorphological study of nine species in four genera of Ranunculaceae. Cathaya, 6: 43-56.

4. 邹喻苹, 汪小全, 雷一丁, 裴颜龙, 张志宪. 1994. 几种濒危植物及其近缘类群总DNA的提取与鉴定. 植物学报, 36(7): 528-533.

3. Wang, X.-Q., Hong, D.-Y., and Li, Z.-Y. 1993. A study on pollen and seed-coat in the tribe Cimicifugeae and some allied genera (Ranunculaceae). Cathaya, 5: 131~149.

2. 杨亲二, 汪小全, 洪德元. 1993. 国产7种乌头属植物的核型研究. 植物资源与环境,2(2): 33-38.

1. 张定成, 邵建章, 汪小全. 1992. 安徽南部贝母属植物核型研究. 植物分类学报, 30(1): 62-68.