目前负责中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所技术支撑平台的生物分子相互作用实验室的设备运行、实验服务、方法开发等。以SPR(表面等离子体共振)技术、ITC(等温滴定量热)技术和SPR imaging技术为核心,开展抗原-抗体特异性筛选、相关靶标的药物(抑制剂)筛选、特异性底物筛选、转录因子靶基因筛选、配体垂钓等方面的研究,在生物大分子相互作用方面积累了丰富的经验。
1.Shen J§, Yang Z§ et al. NMR studies on the interactions between yeast Vta1 and Did2 during the multivesicular bodies sorting pathway. Sci. Rep.6, 38710; doi: 10.1038/srep38710 (2016).
2.Wenxian Lan, Zhongpei Hu, Jie Shen, Chunxi Wang, et al .Structural investigation into physiological DNA phosphorothioate modification. Sci. Rep, 2016, 6: 25737 .
3.Wei Bai, Jie Shen, Yueming Zhu, Yan Men, Yuanxia Sun and Yanhe Ma .Characteristics and Kinetic Properties of L-Rhamnose Isomerase from Bacillus Subtilis by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry for the Production of D-Allose. Food Science and Technology Research, 2015 21(1), 13-22.
4.Shanshan Qina, Yiran Renb, Xu Fu, Jie Shen, Xin Chen, Quan Wang et al. Wenqing Shui*.Multiple ligand detection and affinity measurement by ultrafiltration and mass spectrometry analysis applied to fragment mixture screening. Analytica Chimica Acta,2015 886, 98–106.
5.Wang C§, Shen J§, Yang Z§, Chen P, Zhao B et al .Cao C*.Structural basis for site-specific reading of unmodified R2 of histone H3 tail by UHRF1 PHD finger. Cell Res , 2011 21(9),1379-82.
6.Zhang Y§, Hu W§, Shen J, Tong X, et al. Cao C*. Cysteine 397 plays important roles in the folding of the neuron-restricted silencer factor/RE1-silencing transcription factor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2011 414(2),309-14.