







  • 王猛
  • 研究员
  • 天津空港经济区西七道32号




2005.8-2009.12,雪城大学(Syracuse University),化学,博士学位


2010.1-2015.4,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳 - 香槟分校(University of Illinois at




高通量新分子生物合成研究组依托于研究所高通量筛选平台实验室通过对生物学研究操作过程的高通量化与自动化使得人力从繁琐的重复工作中解放出来,同时也通过完成人力不可能完成的大量实验实现从数量到质量的突变,能把生物学研究推向一个新的高峰。国际上高通量筛选从设备到技术远没有达到系统化与标准化,正处于高速发展百家争鸣的阶段。研究组现阶段在高通量筛选平台的工作主要集中于将生物学研究的核心实验操作实现高通量自动化。如实现微生物DNA转化的高通量自动化;质粒库、菌种突变库的高通量自动化构建;小分子化合物的高通量检测等。另一方面研究组主要运用合成生物学、分子生物学、生物化学及高通量生物技术等手段,开展围绕生物活性分子的发掘、生物合成机理、高效生产为核心问题的基础及应用技术研究。现阶段主要研究方向有:1)高价值生物活性分子在酵母中的高效合成。 2)链霉菌来源生物活性分子的生物合成与高效发酵生产。 3)生物活性分子的高通量组合生物学合成。研究成果在Chemistry & Biology, ACS Catalysis, Nature Communications等国际一流杂志上发表14篇文章。


1. Wang, M., Yu, C., Zhao, H. (2015). Directed evolution of xylose specific transporters to facilitate glucose-xylose co-utilization. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. DOI: 10.1002/bit.25724

2. Li, S., Si, T., Wang, M., Zhao, H. (2015). Development of a Synthetic Malonyl-CoA Sensor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Intracellular Metabolite Monitoring and Genetic Screening. ACS synthetic biology. DOI:10.1021/acssynbio.5b00069

3. Wang, M., Li, S., Zhao, H. (2015). Design and engineering of intracellular-metabolite-sensing/regulation gene circuits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology and Bioengineering.DOI: 10.1002/bit.25676

4. Wang, M., Zhao, H. (2014) Characterization and engineering of the adenylation domain of a NRPS-like protein: a potential biocatalyst for aldehyde generation. ACS catalysis, 4(4), 1219-1225.

5. Heberlig, G.W., Wirz, M., Wang, M., and Boddy, C. N. (2014). Resorcylic acid lactone biosynthesis relies on a stereo-tolerant macrocyclizing thioesterase. Organic Letters, 16(22), 5858-5861.

6. Wang, M., Beissner, M.; Zhao, H.(2013)Aryl-aldehyde formation in fungal polyketides: Discovery and characterization of a distinct biosynthetic mechanism. Chemistry & Biology.21(2), 257-263.

7. Luo, Y., Huang, H., Liang, J., Wang, M., Lu, L., Shao, Z., Cobb, R.E., and Zhao, H. (2013)Activation and characterization of a cryptic polycyclic tetramate macrolactam biosynthetic gene cluster. Nature Communications. 4, 2894.

8. Pinto, A., Wang, M., Horsman, M., Boddy, C. N. (2012) 6-Deoxyerythronolide B synthase thioesterase-catalyzed macrocyclization is highly stereoselective. Organic Letters, 14(9), 2278-2281.

9. Wang, M., Si, T. and Zhao, H. (2011) Biocatalyst development by directed evolution. Bioresource Technology, 115,117-125.

10.Wang, M. and Zhao, H. (2011) Microbial synthesis of drugs and fuels via synthetic biology. Chinese Bulletin ofLife Sciences, 23, 875-881.

11. Wang, M., Zhou, H., Wirz, M., Tang Y. and Boddy, C.N. (2009) A thioesterase from an iterative fungal polyketide synthase shows macrocyclization and cross coupling activity and may play a role in controlling iterative cycling through product offloading. Biochemistry 48 (27), 5288–6290.

12. Wang, M., Opare, P. and Boddy, C. N. (2009) Polyketide synthase thioesterases catalyze rapid hydrolysis of peptidyl thioesters. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letter 19 (5), 1413-1415.

13. Wang, M. and Boddy, C. N. (2008) Examining the role of hydrogen bonding interactions in the substrate specificity for the loading step of polyketide synthase thioesterase domains. Biochemistry 47 (45), 11793–11803.

14. Wu, Q., Wang, M., Chen, Z. C., Lu, D. S., Lin, X. F. (2006) Synthesis of metronidazole esters and their monosaccharide ester derivatives. Enzyme Microbiology and Technology 39 (6), 1258-1263.