简历: |
2007.8- 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员; 2004.7-2007.7 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,博士后; 2006.3-2006.5 德国图宾根大学学术访问; 1999.9-2004.6 兰州大学自然地理专业攻读研究生,获博士学位 1995.9-1999.7 曲阜师范大学地理学教育专业,获学士学位
承担项目: |
2020.1-2023.12, 青藏高原尼玛盆地孢粉记录的早新生代生态环境演变及古高度, 自然科学基金委面上项目,负责人2018.01-2020.12,中国科学院西部之光青年A类学者,中国科学院人才项目,负责人;2011.01-2016.12,青藏高原北部气候与构造相互作用(I-II期),自然科学基金委创新群体项目,参与人;2013.01-2016.12,柴达木盆地超千米深钻岩芯孢粉记录的晚中新世以来干旱生态环境演变,自然科学基金委面上项目,负责人;2013.01-2017.12,中国西部大陆剥蚀风化与青藏高原隆升和全球变化的关系之中国西部季风区新生代剥蚀风化记录与生态环境演变,科技部973计划,专题负责人;2012.10-2017.10,青藏高原新生代孢粉记录,中国科学院战略先导性专项B子课题,子课题负责人;2011.01-2015.12,兰坪-思茅及羌塘盆地新生代碳同位素记录的生态环境演化及干旱气候变化事件,科技部973计划,参与人;2011.01-2014.12,青年创新促进会,中国科学院人才项目,负责人;2009.1-2011.12,天水盆地新近纪孢粉记录的生态环境演变与东亚季风演化,自然科学基金委面上项目,负责人;2006.1-2008.12黄土高原地区红粘土孢粉纪录的生态环境演变 自然科学基金委青年基金,负责人。 |
获奖及荣誉: |
2005年第37批中国博士后基金; 2011年首届中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
代表论著: |
Wu, Fuli*, Gao, S.J., Tang, F.J., Meng, Q.Q., An, C.R.*, 2019. A late Miocene-early Pleistocene palynological record from the Yunnan Plateau and its climatic and tectonic implications for the Eryuan Basin, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi: org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.05.037Miao, Y.F.*, Wu, Fuli*, Fang, X.M., Lu, H.J., Fu, B.H., Song, C.H., Yan, X.L., Escargurl, G., Yang, Y.B., Meng, Q.Q., Shi, P.L., 2019. Miocene fire intensification linked to continuous aridification across Inner Asia. Geology, 47, 1-5.Wu, Fuli*, Miao, Y.F., Meng, Q.Q., Fang, X.M., Sun, J.M., 2019. Late Oligocene Tibetan Plateau warming and humidity: evidence from a sporopollen record Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 434-441.Xie, Y.L., Wu, Fuli*, Fang, X.M.*, 2019. Middle Eocene East Asian monsoon prevalence over southern China: Evidence from palynological records. Global and Planetary Change, 175: 13-26.Wu, Fuli*, Zhao, Y., Fang, X.M., Meng, Q.Q., 2018. An ecological response to the Eocene/Oligocene transition revealed by the δ13CTOC record, Lanzhou Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 159: 74-80.Wu, Fuli, Fang, X.M.*, Meng, Q.Q., Zhao, Y., Tang, F.J., Zhang, T., Zhang, W.L., Zan, J.B., 2017. Magneto- and litho-stratigraphic records of the Oligocene-Early Miocene climatic changes from deep drilling in the Linxia Basin, Northeast Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 158: 36-46.Zhao, Y., Wu, Fuli*, Fang, X.M., Yang, Y.B., 2017. Altitudinal variations in the bulk organic carbon isotopic composition of topsoil in the Qilian Mountains area, NE Tibetan Plateau, and its environmental significance.Quaternary International, 454: 45-55.Miao, Y.F., Wu, Fuli*, Chang, H., Fang, X.M., Deng, T., Sun, J.M., Jin, C.S., 2016. A Late-Eocene palynological record from the Hoh Xil Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau, and its implications for stratigraphic age, paleoclimate and paleoelevation. Gondwana Research, 31: 241-252.Zhao, Y., Wu, Fuli*, Fang, X.M., Yang, Y.B., 2015. Topsoil C/N ratios in the Qilian Mountains area: Implications for the use of subaqueous sediment C/N ratios in paleo-environmental reconstructions to indicate organic sources. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 426: 1-9.Wu, Fuli*, Mark, H, Fang, X.M., 2014.Early Pliocene paleo-altimetry of the Zanda Basin indicated by a sporopollen record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 412: 261-268.Wu, Fuli, Fang, X.M.*, An, C.R., Herrmann, M., Zhao, Y., Miao, Y.F., 2013. Over-representation of Picea pollen induced by water transport in arid regions, Quaternary International, 298: 134-140.Miao, Y.F., Wu, Fuli*, Herrmann, M., Yan, X.L., Meng, Q.Q., 2013. Late early Oligocene East Asian summer monsoon in the NE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a palynological record from the Lanzhou Basin, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 75: 46-57.Wu, Fuli, Fang, X.M.*, Mark, H., Mosbrugger, V., Miao, Y.F.,2011. Extended drought in the interior of Central Asia since the Pliocene reconstructed from sporopollen records. Global and Planetary Change, 76: 16-21.Wu, Fuli, Fang, X.M.*, Miao, Y.F., Dong, M., 2010. Environmental indicators from comparison of sporopollen in early Pleistocene lacustrine sediments from different climatic zones. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(26): 2981-2988.Wu, Fuli, Fang, X.M.*, Ma, Y.Z., Herrman, M., Mosbrugger, V., An, Z.S., Miao, Y.F., 2007. Plio-Quaternary stepwise drying of Asia: Evidence from a 3-Ma pollen record from the Chinese Loess Plateau, Earth Planetary Sciences Letter, 257: 160-169.Wu, Fuli*, Fang, X.M, Ma, Y.Z, An, Z.S., Li, J.J., 2004. A 1.5 Ma sporopollen record of paleoecologic environment evolution in the central Chinese Loess Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (3): 295-302. |