







  • 罗天祥
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院3号楼    100101

2004年5月至今 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,研究员,博士生导师

2005年11月-2006年2月 在日本国立环境研究所从事合作研究(日本环境省Eco-Frontier Fellow)

2006年11月-2007年2月 在日本国立环境研究所从事合作研究(日本环境省Eco-Frontier Fellow)

1999.1-2004.4 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,副研究员

1998.3-1998.12 在美国Woods Hole海洋生物实验室生态系统中心从事全球变化模型研究

1996.4-1998.2 中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会,助理研究员

1993.3-1996.3 中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会生态学博士研究生,获博士学位

1989.8-1993.2 广西农学院林学分院从事森林生态系统定位研究,助理研究员

1986.8-1989.7 广西农学院林学分院森林生态学硕士研究生,获硕士学位

1980.7-1984.7 广西农学院林学分院林学系本科生,获学士学位




2011-至今,《Journal of Arid Environments》编委及consulting editor 2009-至今,《植物生态学报》编委 2012-至今,《生态学报》编委 2012-2014,中国科学院研究生院全球气候变化研究系列讲座主讲人



中国科学院重大项目子课题“青藏高原主要类型生态系统交错带与全球变化的关系”(1997-2000,KZ951-A1-204-04-04) 国家“973”计划项目子课题“青藏高原生态系统界面过程特征参数的空间分异规律研究”(1998-2003,G1998040813-04) 中国科学院知识创新项目“联系生物地球化学与植物地理学的区域植被动态模型”(2000-2003,CX10G-C00-02) 国家科技攻关项目子课题“青海共和盆地生物多样性及其生物生产力研究”(2002-2004, 2002BA517A-09-03-03) 中国科学院院长青年基金特别支持项目“叶寿命指数与森林植被地带性分布的内在联系机理”(2003-2005) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“叶寿命指数表征的森林对气候变化的适应机理”(2004,30370290,小额资助) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“土壤低温阈值对高山林线的指示意义”(2007-2009,40671069) 国家“973”计划项目“青藏高原环境变化及其对全球变化的响应与适应对策”子课题“亚高山森林垂直带水碳耦合过程及其对气候变化的响应”(2005-2010,2005CB422005) 国家“973”计划项目课题“全球变化影响下自然生态系统的脆弱性及评价指标”(2010-2014,2010CB951301) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“叶碳同位素对高寒草甸生产力年际变化及海拔分异的指示”(2012-2015,31170451) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)子课题“典型高山林线及荒漠草原对气候变化的响应”(2012-2016,XDB03030402)


Luo TX, Liu XS, Zhang L, Li X, Pan Y, Wright IJ. 2018. Summer solstice marks a seasonal shift in temperature sensitivity of stem growth and nitrogen-use efficiency in cold-limited forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 248: 469–478. Shen W,Zhang L, Guo Y, Luo TX. 2018. Causes for treeline stability under climate warming: evidence from seed and seedling transplant experiments in southeast Tibet. Forest Ecology and Management 408: 45-53 Ale R, Zhang L, Li X, Raskoti BB, Pugnaire FI, Luo TX*. 2018. Water shortage drives interactions between cushion and beneficiary species along elevation gradients in dry Himalayas. JGR-Biogeosciences, doi: 10.1002/2017JG004365. Zhao JX, Luo TX*, Li RC, Wei HX, Li X, Du MY, Tang YH*. 2018. Precipitation alters temperature effects on ecosystem respiration in Tibetan alpine meadows. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 252: 121-129. Li RC, Luo TX*, M?lg T, Zhao JX, Li X, Cui XY, Du MY, Tang YH. 2016. Leaf unfolding of Tibetan alpine meadows captures the arrival of monsoon rainfall. Scientific Reports 6, 20985; doi: 10.1038/srep20985. Zhao JX, Luo TX*, Li RC, Li X, Tian LH. 2016. Grazing effect on growing season ecosystem respiration and its temperature sensitivity in alpine grasslands along a large altitudinal gradient on the central Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 218–219: 114–121. Wei HX, Luo TX, Wu B. 2016. Optimal balance of water use efficiency and leaf construction cost with a link to the drought threshold of the desert steppe ecotone in northern China. Annals of Botany 118: 541-553. Pugnaire FI, Zhang L, Li RC, Luo TX. 2015. No evidence of facilitation collapse in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 233-242. Shen W, Zhang L, Liu XS, Luo TX*. 2014. Seed-based treeline seedlings are vulnerable to freezing events in the early growing season under a warmer climate: evidence from a reciprocal transplant experiment in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 187: 83–92. Li RC, Luo TX*, Tang YH, Du MY, Zhang XZ. 2013. The altitudinal distribution center of a widespread cushion species is related to an optimum combination of temperature and precipitation in the central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments 88: 70-77 Wang Z, Luo TX*, Tang YH, Du MY. 2013. Causes for the unimodal pattern of biomass and productivity in alpine grasslands along a large altitudinal gradient in semi-arid regions. Journal of Vegetation Science, 24: 189-201. Kong GQ, Luo TX*, Liu XS., Zhang L., Liang EY. 2012. Annual ring widths are good predictors of changes in net primary productivity of alpine Rhododendron shrubs in the Sergyemla Mountains, southeast Tibet. Plant Ecology 213: 1843–1855. Luo TX, Li MC, Luo J. 2011. Seasonal variations in leaf δ13C and nitrogen associated with foliage turnover and carbon gain for a wet subalpine fir forest in the Gongga Mountains, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Research 26: 253-263. Wei HX, Wu B, Yang WB, Luo TX*. 2011. Low-rainfall induced shift in leaf trait relationship within species along a semi-arid sandy land transect in northern China. Plant Biology 13: 85-92. Liu XS, Luo TX*. 2011. Spatio-temporal variability of soil temperature and moisture across two contrasting timberline ecotones in the sergyemla mountains, southeast Tibet. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 43: 229-238. Zhang L, Luo TX*, Zhu HZ, Daly C, Deng KM. 2010. Leaf lifespan as a simple predictor of evergreen forest zonation in China. Journal of Biogeography 37: 27-36. Luo TX, Zhang L, Zhu HZ, Daly C, Li MC, Luo J. 2009. Correlations between net primary productivity and foliar carbon isotope ratio across a Tibetan ecosystem transect. Ecography 32: 526-538. Li YH, Luo TX*, Lu Q. 2008. Plant height as a simple predictor of the root to shoot ratio: evidence from alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 245-252. Luo TX, Luo J, Pan Y. 2005. Leaf traits and associated ecosystem characteristics across subtropical and timberline forests in the Gongga Mountains, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Oecologia 142: 261-273 Luo TX, Brown S, Pan Y, Shi PL, Ouyang H, Yu ZL, Zhu HZ. 2005. Root biomass along subtropical to alpine gradients: global implication from Tibetan transect studies. Forest Ecology and Management 206: 349-363 Luo TX, Pan Y, Ouyang H, Shi PL, Luo J, Yu ZL, Lu Q. 2004. Leaf area index and net primary productivity along subtropical to alpine gradients in the Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Biogeography 13: 345-358 Luo TX, Li WH, Zhu HZ. 2002. Estimated biomass and productivity of natural vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Applications 12: 980-997 Luo TX, Shi PL, Luo J, Ouyang H. 2002. Distribution patterns of aboveground biomass in Tibetan alpine vegetation transects. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 26: 668-676 Luo TX, Neilson RP, Tian H, V?r?smarty C, Zhu HZ, Liu SR. 2002. A model for seasonality and distribution of leaf area index of forests and its application to China. Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 817-830. 罗天祥, 李文华, 冷允法, 岳燕珍. 1998. 青藏高原自然植被总生物量的估算与净第一性生产力的潜在分布. 地理研究, 17(4): 337-344. 罗天祥, 李文华, 王启基, 罗 辑. 1999. 青藏高原主要植被类型生物生产量的比较研究. 生态学报, 19(6): 54-62. 李永华, 罗天祥, 卢琦, 田晓娅, 吴波, 杨恒华. 2005. 青海省沙珠玉治沙站17种主要植物叶性因子的比较研究. 生态学报 25 (5): 994-999. 李明财, 罗天祥, 孔高强, 刘新圣. 2007. 高山林线急尖长苞冷杉不同器官的稳定碳同位素组成分布特征. 应用生态学报 18: 2654-2660. 李明财, 罗天祥, 朱教君, 孔高强. 2008. 高山林线形成机理及植物相关生理生态学特性研究进展. 生态学报 28: 5583-5591. 李明财, 罗天祥, 孔高强, 郭军. 2008. 色季拉山林线不同生活型植物稳定碳同位素组成特征. 生态学报 28: 3160-3167. 李明财, 罗天祥, 郭军, 何吉成, 刘新圣. 2008. 藏东南高山林线冷杉原始林土壤热通量. 山地学报 26: 490-495. 何吉成, 罗天祥, 徐雨晴. 2009. 藏东南色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var. smithii)林线的生态气候特征. 生态学报 29: 37-46. 俞洁辉,刘新圣,罗天祥,张林. 2012. 念青唐古拉山北麓草甸海拔分布上限土壤温湿度的季节变化. 地理学报, 2012, 67(9): 1246-1254. 胡梦瑶, 张林, 罗天祥, 沈维. 2012. 西藏紫花针茅叶功能性状沿降水梯度的变化. 植物生态学报 36: 136-143 李翔, 王忠, 赵景学, 罗天祥. 2017. 念青唐古拉山南坡高寒草甸生产力对温度和降水变化的敏感性及其海拔分异. 生态学报 37(17): 5591-5601. 沈维, 张林, 罗天祥. 2017. 高山林线变化的更新受限机制研究进展. 生态学报, 37(9): 2858-2868.