简历: |
2012.04~今: 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,百人计划/研究员 2009.11~2012.03:美国密歇根大学地球与环境科学系,博士后 2007.04~2009.10:日本东京大学地震研究所,外国人特别研究员 2003.10~2007.03:日本京都大学,博士 1999.09~2003.09:中国地震局地球物理研究所,硕博连读
研究方向: |
基于理论计算与实际观测地震波形,研究地球内部结构和地震发生机理。 |
承担项目: |
2018.01~2020.12, 2015年尼泊尔地震相关地质灾害的地震学成因,国家自然科学基金-国际山地综合发展中心国际(地区)合作项目,项目负责人 2018.01~2020.12, Source and Structural Properties of the 2015 Mw7.8 Nepal earthquake, 京都大学防灾研究所国际合作项目, 项目负责人 2014.01~2017.12, 青藏高原地区地震发生机理及其地球内部结构,中国科学院百人择优支持,项目负责人 2013.01~2016.12, 采用SS前驱波研究青藏高原地区地球内部结构,中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人 2007.04~2009.09, 基于大规模台阵的中国东北地震学研究,日本学术振兴会,项目负责人 2005.04~2006.03, 日本南海海槽地震的精确定位及其构造意义,日本科学协会笹川科学研究基金, 项目负责人 |
获奖及荣誉: |
2018,COX访问教授,美国斯坦福大学 2017,青藏高原青年科技奖,中国青藏高原研究会 2016,傅承义青年科技奖,中国地球物理学会 2014,百人计划择优支持,中国科学院 |
代表论著: |
Bai, L., Klemperer, S.L., Mori, J. et al., 2019. Lateral variation of the Main Himalayan Thrust controls the rupture length of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal, Science Advances, 5, eaav0723. [link][ITPCAS release][Stanford release] Bai, L., Song, B., Li, G., Jiang, Y., Dhakal, S., 2019. Seismic Activity in the Himalayan Orogenic Belt and Its Related Geohazards. Advances in Earth Science. (in Chinese with English abstract) in press. Li, G., Li, Y.E., Zhang, H., Bai, L., Ding, L., Li, W., Cui, Q., Zhou, Y., 2019. Detection of a thick and weak low-velocity layer atop the mantle transition zone beneath the northeastern South China Sea from triplicated P-wave waveform modeling. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. In press. Dhakal, S., Bai, L., Neupane, B., Li, L., Song, B., 2019. Review of earthquake activity and faulting structure in Nepal Himalaya. Bull. Nepal Geolog. Soc., 36, ID15.Rahman, M.M., Bai, L., 2018. Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Nepal using multiple seismic source models. Earth Planet. Phys. 2: 327-341. [link] Rahman, M.M., Bai, L., Khan N. G., Li, G., 2018. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Himalayan-Tibetan Region from Historical and Instrumental Earthquake Catalogs. PAGEOPH. 175: 685-705. doi: 10.1007/s00024-017-1659-y. [link] Bai, L., Li, G., Khan, N.G., Zhao, J., and Ding, L., 2017. Focal depths and mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan region, Gondwana Res., 41: 390-399. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2015.07.009. [link] Bai, L., Li, G., Song, B., 2017. The source parameters of the M6.9 Mainling, Tibet earthquake and its tectonic implications. Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese with English abstract) 60: 4956-4963. Doi: 10.6038/cjg20171234. [link] Li, G., Bai, L., Zhou, Y., Wang, X., Cui, H., Zhou, X., 2017. Velocity structure of the mantle transition zone beneath the southeastern edge of Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics. 721: 349-360, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.08.009. [link] Khan, N.G., Bai, L., Zhao J., Li G., Rahman, M.M., Cheng C., Yang, J., 2017. Crustal structure beneath Tien Shan orogenic belt and its adjacent regions found by multi-scale seismic data, Science China: Earth Sciences. 60: 1-14, doi: 10.1007/s11430-017-9068-0. [link] Cheng, C., Bai, L., Ding, L., Li, G., Yang, J., Xu, Q., 2017. Crustal structure of eastern Himalaya Syntaxis revealed by receiver function method, Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese with English abstract) 60: 2969-2979, doi: 10.6038/cig20170806. [link] Bai, L., Liu, H., Ritsema, J., Mori, J., Zhang, T., Ishikawa, Y., and Li, G., 2016. Faulting structure above the Main Himalayan Thrust as shown by relocated aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43: 637-642. doi: 10.1002/2015GL066473. [link]. Pei, S., Liu, H., Bai, L., Liu, Y., Sun, Q., 2016. High-resolution seismic tomography of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal: Evidence for the crustal tearing of the Himalayan Rift, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43: 9045-9052. doi:10.1002/2016GL069808. [link] Bai, L., and Zhang, T., 2015. Complex deformation pattern of the Pamir-Hindu Kush region inferred from multi-scale double-difference earthquake relocations, Tectonophysics, 638: 177-184. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2014.11.006. [link] Bai, L., Medina Luna, L., Hetland, E., and Ritsema, J., 2014. Focal depths and mechanisms of Tohoku-Oki aftershocks from teleseismic P wave modeling, Earthq. Sci., 27: 1-13. doi: 10.1007/s11589-013-0036-x. [link] Bai, L., and Ritsema, J., 2013. The effect of large-scale shear-velocity heterogeneity on SS precursor amplitudes, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1002/2013GL058669. [link] Bai, L., Ritsema, J. and Zhao, J., 2012. Focal depth estimates of earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan region from teleseismic waveform modeling, Earthq. Sci., 25:459-468. [link] Bai, L., Zhang, Y., and Ritsema, J., 2012. An analysis of SS precursors using 3D spectral-element seismograms, Geophys. J. Int., 188: 293-300, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05256.x [link] Bai, L., Tian, X., and Ritsema, J., 2010. Crustal structure beneath the Indochina peninsula from teleseismic receiver functions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L24308, doi:10.1029/2010GL044874. [link] Bai, L., Kawakatsu, H., and Morita, Y., 2010. Two anisotropic layers in central orogenic belt of North China Craton, Tectonophysics, 494: 138-148, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.09.002. [link] Bai, L., Iidaka, T., Kawakatsu, H., Morita, Y., and Dzung, N.Q., 2009. Upper mantle anisotropy beneath Indochina block and adjacent regions from shear-wave splitting analysis of Vietnam array data, Phys. Earth Planet Int., 176: 33-43. [link] Bai, L., Bergman, E.A., Engdahl, E.R., and Kawasaki, I., 2007. The 2004 earthquake offshore of the Kii peninsula, Japan: Hypocentral relocation, source mechanism and tectonic implications, Phys. Earth Planet Int., 165: 47-55. [link] Bai, L., Kawasaki, I., Zhang, T., Ishikawa, Y., 2006. An improved double-difference earthquake location algorithm using sP phases: Application to the foreshock and aftershock sequences of the 2004 earthquake offshore of the Kii peninsula, Japan (Mw 7.5), Earth Planets Space, 58: 823-830. [link] Bai, L., Wu, Z., Zhang, T., Kawasaki, I., 2006. The effect of distribution of stations upon location error: Statistical tests based on the double-difference earthquake location algorithm and the bootstrap method, Earth Planets Space, 58: e9-e12. [link] Bai, L., Zhang, T., Zhang, H., 2003. Multiplet relative location approach and waveform correlation correction and their application. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 16: 606-615.
Bai., L., Statistical analysis of the effect of several parameters upon earthquake location accuracy, invited by CGU, Beijing, China, Oct. 2018. Bai., L., The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake and the seismic hazards along Himalayan orogenic belt, invited by ICIMOD, Chengdu, China, Dec. 2017. Bai., L., Faulting structure above the Main Himalayan Thrust as shown by relocated aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake, invited by AOGS, Beijing, China, Aug. 2016. Bai, L., Focal depths and mechanisms of earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan region, invited by AGU, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 2015. Bai, L., An analysis of SS precursor amplitudes, Invited by CGS, Chengdu, Oct. 2014. |