简历: |
教育经历 1998.09—2002.07 清华大学水利系水利水电建筑工程专业本科学习 2002.09—2004.07 清华大学水利系水文水资源专业硕士学习 2004.10—2007.09 日本东京大学土木系水文气象专业博士学习
工作经历 2007.10—2008.03 日本科学技术振兴机构博士后 2008.04—2010.03 日本东京大学土木系博士后 2010.04—2010.11 日本东京大学地球观测数据统融合连携研究机构助教 2010.12—2011.08 日本东京大学地球观测数据统融合连携研究机构副教授 2011.08–今 中国科学院青藏高原研究所研究员(百人计划) 2014.01–今 中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越中心特聘研究员 2015.04–今 中国科学院大学岗位教授 2017.07–今 中国科学院墨脱地球景观与地球系统综合观测研究中心(简称:墨脱中心)执行主任
自主开发了耦合陆面过程的第三代分布式水文模型系统(WEB-DHM),近年来通过耦合积雪和冻土等寒区物理过程将其拓展到第三极地区的冰冻圈水文研究中,提升了青藏高原多圈层水循环的模拟和研究能力,深入研究了一系列第三极地区水循环研究中的热点问题(高原湖泊扩张归因分析、寒区干旱监测、短期洪水预报等)。因其良好性能,该模型已经作为主导水文模型用于多个重大科研项目以及亚洲各国的综合水资源管理中,受到国内外科学家的广泛关注。 组建了一支在青藏高原多圈层水文模拟和观测领域具有较强创新能力的十余人研究团队;强调模拟和观测相结合,已建立了包括雅鲁藏布江缺测区径流观测网、帕隆藏布气象-积雪-冻土观测站、祁连山党河源区流域雨量梯度观测网等综合野外观测平台;作为墨脱中心(中国科学院墨脱地球景观与地球系统综合观测研究中心)执行主任、正在稳步推进区域多圈层综合观测网络的建设,填补我国在喜马拉雅山脉南坡观测研究的空白。2017年秋季作为主要协调人之一、组织了“第二次青藏高原综合科学考察”之“河湖源关键区科考”,并作为河流队队长带队考察雅鲁藏布江上游、在海拔4000米以上河段建立了多个水文观测断面。
研究方向: |
社会任职: |
2008—2010 “中日气象灾害合作研究中心”专家组成员。 2011—2012 国际SCI期刊专刊编委(Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol.90C, 2012)。 2016—今 中国冰冻圈科学学会(筹)理事。 2017—今 中国科学院水资源研究中心专家委员会委员。 2017—今 2018、2019中德前沿科学论坛中方召集人(System Earth)。 2017—今 中国地理学会水文地理专业委员会工作委员会委员。
承担项目: |
国家自然基金:“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划“气候变化驱动下雅鲁藏布江冰川冻土植被协同变化及其径流效应” 重点项目,项目负责人,2018-2021。 国家自然基金:“党河上游寒区水文过程的观测与模拟研究” 面上项目,项目负责人,2016-2019。 中国科学院战略科技先导专项:“泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设”专项“西风与季风相互作用和水资源变化”项目“亚洲水塔变化及其影响”课题“西风-季风区径流变化及其影响”子课题,子课题负责人,2018-2022。 中国科学院战略科技先导专项:“地球大数据科学工程”专项“时空三极环境”项目“三极水与生态时空动态”课题,课题负责人,2018-2022。 |
获奖及荣誉: |
中国青藏高原青年科技奖(2018),中国青藏高原研究会。 全国向上向善好青年(创新创业类,2018),共青团中央。 全国优秀科技工作者 (2016),中国科学技术协会。 中国科学院“百人计划”终期评估优秀 (2016),中国科学院。 国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才 (2015),中共中央组织部。 国家优秀青年科学基金 (2013),国家自然科学基金委。清华大学优良毕业生 (2002),清华大学。 |
代表论著: |
(通讯作者以 * 标出;按年代排序)
Wang, L.*, A.W. Sichangi, T. Zeng, X. Li, Z. Hu, M. Genanu (2019), New methods designed to estimate the daily discharges of rivers in the Tibetan Plateau, Science Bulletin, in press. (SCI, IF = 4.136) Yao, T., Y. Xue*, D. Chen, F. Chen, L. Thompson, P. Cui, T. Koike, W. Lau, D. Lettenmaier, V. Mosbrugger, R. Zhang, B. Xu, J. Dozier, T. Gillespie, Y. Gu, S. Kang, S. Piao, S. Sugimoto, K. Ueno, L. Wang, W. Wang, F. Zhang, Y. Sheng, W. Guo, W. Ailikun, X. Yang, Y. Ma, S. Shen, Z. Su, F. Chen, S. Liang, Y. Liu, V. Singh, K. Yang, D. Yang, X. Zhao, Y. Qian, Y. Zhang, Q. Li (2018). Recent Third Pole’s rapid warming accompanies cryospheric melt and water cycle intensification and interactions between monsoon and environment: multi-disciplinary approach with observation, modeling and analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0057.1, in press. (SCI, IF = 7.804) Zhang, X., L. Wang*, D. Chen (2018). How does temporal trend of reference evapotranspiration over the Tibetan Plateau change with elevation? International Journal of Climatology, 39, 2295-2305. (SCI, IF = 3.1) Liu, W., L. Wang, F. Sun, Z. Li, H. Wang, J. Liu et al (2018). Snow hydrology in the upper Yellow River basin under climate change: A land surface modeling perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 12676–12691. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Lei, Y.*, T. Yao, K. Yang, B.W. Bird, L. Tian, X. Zhang, W. Wang, Y. Xiang, Y. Dai, L. Zhu, J. Zhou, L. Wang (2018), An integrated investigation of lake storage and water level changes in the Paiku Co basin, central Himalayas, Journal of Hydrology, 562, 599-608 . (SCI, IF = 3.727) Dong, W., Y. Lin, J.S. Wright, Y. Xie, Y. Ming, H. Zhang, R. Chen, Y. Chen, F. Xu, N. Lin, C. Yu, B. Zhang, S. Jin, K. Yang, Z. Li, J. Guo, L. Wang, G. Lin (2018). Regional disparities in warm season rainfall changes over arid eastern-central Asia. Scientific Reports, 8, 13051. (SCI, IF = 4.122) Sichangi, A.W., L. Wang*, Z. Hu (2018). Estimation of river discharge solely from remote-sensing derived data: an initial study over the Yangtze River. Remote Sensing, 10, 1385. (SCI, IF = 3.406) Dai, Y., L. Wang, T. Yao*, X. Li, L. Zhu, X. Zhang (2018). Observed and simulated lake effect precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau: An initial study at Nam Co Lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 6746–6759. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Wang, Y., L. Wang*, X. Li, D. Chen (2018). Temporal and spatial changes in estimated near-surface air temperature lapse rates on Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 2907-2921. (SCI, IF = 3.1) Bibi, S., L. Wang*, X. Li, J. Zhou, D. Chen, and T. Yao (2018). Climatic and associated cryospheric, biospheric, and hydrological changes on the Tibetan Plateau: a review. International Journal of Climatology, 38 (Suppl.1): e1-e17. (SCI, IF = 3.1) Wang, L.*, J. Zhou*, J. Qi, L. Sun et al. (2017). Development of a land surface model with coupled snow and frozen soil physics. Water Resources Research, 53, 5085–5103. (SCI, IF = 4.36) Zhang, G.*, T. Yao, C.K. Shum, S. Yi, K. Yang, H. Xie, W. Feng, T. Bolch, L. Wang, A. Behrangi, H. Zhang, W. Wang, Y. Xiang, J. Yu (2017). Lake volume and groundwater storage variations in Tibetan Plateau’s endorheic basin. Geophysical Research Letter, 44, 5550–5560. (SCI, IF = 4.34) Li, J., D. Liu, T. Wang*, Y. Li*, S. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Wang, H. Gao, S. Peng, J. Ding, M. Shen, and L. Wang (2017). Grassland restoration reduces water yield in the headstream region of Yangtze River. Scientific Reports, 7(0), 2162. (SCI, IF = 4.122) Guo, X., L. Tian*, L. Wang, W. Yu, D. Qu (2017). River recharge sources and the partitioning of catchment evapotranspiration fluxes as revealed by stable isotope signals in a typical high-elevation arid catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 549, 616–630. (SCI, IF = 3.727) Ding, B.*, K. Yang*, W. Yang, X. He, Y. Chen, Lazhu, X. Guo, L. Wang, H. Wu, T. Yao (2017). Development of a Water and Enthalpy Budget-based Glacier mass balance Model (WEB-GM) and its preliminary validation. Water Resources Research, 53, 3146–3178. (SCI, IF = 4.36) Li, X.*, L. Wang, X. Guo, D. Chen (2017). Does summer precipitation trend over and around the Tibetan Plateau depend on elevation? International Journal of Climatology, 37 (Suppl.1): 1278–1284. (SCI, IF = 3.1) Guo, X., L. Wang*, L. Tian, X. Li (2017). Elevation-dependent reductions in wind speed over and around the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 37, 1117-1126. (SCI, IF = 3.1) Wang, L.*, L. Sun, M. Shrestha, X. Li, W. Liu, J. Zhou, K. Yang, H. Lu, D. Chen (2016b). Improving Snow Process Modeling with Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface-Air-Temperature Lapse Rate. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, 12005–12030. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Wang, L.*, X. Li*, Y. Chen, K. Yang, D. Chen, J. Zhou, W. Liu, J. Qi, J. Huang (2016a). Validation of the Global Land Data Assimilation System based on measurements of soil temperature profiles. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 218, 288–297. (SCI, IF = 4.039) Makokha, G.O., L. Wang*, J. Zhou, X. Li, A. Wang, G. Wang, D. Kuria (2016). Quantitative Drought Monitoring in a Typical Cold River Basin over Tibetan Plateau: an integration of meteorological, agricultural and hydrological droughts. Journal of Hydrology, 543, 782–795. (SCI, IF = 3.727) Arthur, S.W., L. Wang*, K. Yang, D. Chen, Z. Wang, X. Li, J. Zhou, W. Liu, D. Kuria (2016). Estimating continental river basin discharges using multiple remote sensing data sets. Remote Sensing of Environment, 179, 36-53. (SCI, IF = 6.457) Liu, W., L. Wang*, J. Zhou, Y. Li, F. Sun, G. Fu, X. Li, Y. Sang (2016). A worldwide evaluation of basin-scale evapotranspiration estimates against the water balance method. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 82-95, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.04.006. (SCI, IF = 3.727) Guo, X.*, L.Wang, L. Tian (2016). Spatio-temporal variability of vertical gradients of major meteorological observations around the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 1901-1916. (SCI, IF = 3.1) Zhou, J.*, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, D. He (2016). Spatiotemporal variations of actual evapotranspiration over the Lake Selin Co and surrounding small lakes (Tibetan Plateau) during 2003–2012. Science China-Earth Sciences, 59(12), 2441-2453. (SCI, IF = 2.058) Dong, W., Y. Lin*, J. Wright, Y. Ming, Y. Xie, B. Wang, Y. Luo, W. Huang, J. Huang, L.Wang, L. Tian, Y. Peng, F. Xu (2016). Summer rainfall over the southwestern Tibetan Plateau controlled by deep convection over the India. Nature Communications, 7, 10925. (SCI, IF = 12.353) Bao, H.*, T. Koike, K. Yang, L. Wang, M. Shrestha, P. Lawford (2016). Development of an enthalpy-based frozen soil model and its validation in a cold region in China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, 5259–5280. (SCI, IF = 3.38) W. Liu*, L. Wang, D. Chen, K. Tu, C. Ruan, Z. Hu (2016). Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipitation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics, 46, 3481–3497. (SCI, IF = 3.774) W. Liu*, A. Zhang, L. Wang, G. Fu, D. Chen, C. Liu, and T. Cai (2015). Projecting the future climate impacts on streamflow in Tangwang River basin (China) using a rainfall generator and two hydrological models. Climate Research, 62, 79-97. (SCI; IF = 1.859) Shrestha, M., T. Koike, Y. Hirabayashi, Y. Xue, L. Wang, G. Rasul, and B. Ahmad (2015), Integrated simulation of snow and glacier melt in water and energy balance-based, distributed hydrological modeling framework at Hunza River Basin of Pakistan Karakoram region, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120, 4889–4919. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Z. Hu*, L. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Hong, and H. Zheng (2015). Quantitative assessment of climate and human impacts on surface water resources in a typical semi-arid watershed in the middle reaches of the Yellow River from 1985 to 2006. International Journal of Climatology, 35, 97–113. (SCI, IF = 3.1) Zhou, J., L. Wang*, Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, X. Li, and W. Liu (2015). Exploring the water storage changes in the largest lake (Selin Co) over the Tibetan Plateau during 2003-2012 from a basin-wide hydrological modeling. Water Resources Research, 51, 8060–8086. (SCI, IF = 4.36) Yang, H., S. Piao, Z. Zeng, P. Ciais, Y. Yin, P. Friedlingstein, S. Sitch, A. Ahlstrom, M. Guimberteau, C. Huntingford, S. Levis, P.E. Levy, M. Huang, Y. Li, X. Li, M.R. Lomas, P. Peylin, B. Poulter, N. Viovy, S. Zaehle, N. Zeng, F. Zhao, Lei Wang (2015). Multicriteria evaluation of discharge simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120, 7488–7505. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Wang, L.*, T. Koike, M. Ikeda, C.T. Nyunt, D.N. Tinh, O. Saavedra, T.V. Sap, L.C. Nguyen, K. Tamagawa, T. Ohta (2014). Optimizing multidam releases in large river basins by combining distributed hydrological inflow predictions with rolling-horizon decision making. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140(10), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000452. (SCI, IF = 3.197) Li, X.*, L. Wang, D.-L. Chen, K. Yang, A. Wang (2014). Seasonal evapotranspiration changes (1983-2006) of four large basins on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119,13079–13095. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Shrestha, M.*, L. Wang, T. Koike, H. Tsutsui, Y. Xue, and Y. Hirabayashi (2014). Correcting basin-scale snowfall in a mountainous basin using a distributed snowmelt model and remote sensing data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 18, 747–761. (SCI, IF = 4.256) Ding, B., K. Yang, J. Qin, L. Wang, Y. Chen, X. He (2014). The dependence of precipitation types on surface elevation and meteorological conditions and its parameterization. Journal of Hydrology, 513, 154-163. (SCI, IF = 3.726) Yang, K.*, H. Wu, Y. Chen, J. Qin, L. Wang (2014), Toward a satellite-based observation of atmospheric heat source over land, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119, 3124–3133. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Xue, B., L. Wang*, K. Yang, L. Tian, J. Qin, Y. Chen, L. Zhao, Y. Ma, T. Koike, Z. Hu, X. Li (2013b), Modeling the land surface water and energy cycles of a mesoscale watershed in the central Tibetan Plateau during summer with a distributed hydrological model, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 118, 8857–8868. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Xue, B., L. Wang*, X. Li, K. Yang, D. Chen, L. Sun (2013a). Evaluation of evapotranspiration estimates for two river basins in Tibetan Plateau by a water balance method. Journal of Hydrology, 492, 290-297. (SCI, IF = 3.726) Li, X., L. Wang*, D. Chen, K. Yang, B. Xue, L. Sun (2013). Near-surface air temperature lapse rates in the mainland China during 1962-2011. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 118, 7505–7515. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Zhang, Y.*, G. Cheng, X. Li, X. Han, L. Wang, H. Li, X. Chang, G.N. Flerchinger (2013). Coupling of a simultaneous heat and water model with a distributed hydrological model and evaluation of the combined model in a cold region watershed. Hydrological Processes, 27, 3762-3776. (SCI, IF = 3.181) Wang, L.*, T. Koike, M. Wang, J. Liu, J. Sun, H. Lu, H. Tsusui, K. Tamagawa, X. Xu (2012). Use of integrated observations to improve 0-36h flood forecasting: development and application of a coupled atmosphere-hydrology system in the Nanpan River Basin, China. Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan, 90C, 131-144. (SCI, IF = 5.023) Wang, F.*, L. Wang, H. Zhou, O. Saavedra, T. Koike, W. Li (2012). Ensemble hydrological prediction based real-time optimization of multi-objective reservoir during flood season in a semiarid basin with global numerical weather predictions. Water Resources Research, 48, W07520. (SCI, IF = 4.36) Shrestha, M.*, L. Wang, T. Koike, Y. Xue, and Y. Hirabayashi (2012). Modeling the spatial distribution of snow cover in the Dudhkoshi region of the Nepal Himalayas. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13, 204-222. (SCI, IF = 3.79) Wang, F.*, L. Wang, T. Koike, H. Zhou, K. Yang, A. Wang, W. Li (2011). Evaluation and application of a fine-resolution global dataset in a semiarid mesoscale river basin with a distributed biosphere hydrological model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 116, D21108. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A.*, L. Wang, T. Koike (2011). Modeling the hydrologic responses of the Pampangga River Basin in the Philippines: A quantitative approach for identifying droughts. Water Resources Research, 47, W03514. (SCI, IF = 4.36) Shrestha, M.*, L. Wang, T. Koike, Y. Xue, Y. Hirabayashi (2010). Improving the snow physics of WEB-DHM and its point evaluation at the SnowMIP sites. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2577-2594. (SCI, IF = 4.256) Saavedra, O.*,T. Koike, K. Yang, T. GRAF, X. Li, L. Wang, X. Han (2010). Decision support for dam release during floods using a distributed biosphere hydrological model driven by quantitative precipitation forecasts. Water Resources Research, 46, W10544. (SCI, IF = 4.36) Wang, L.*, C.T. Nyunt, T. Koike, O. Saavedra, L.C. Nguyen, T.V. Sap (2010c). Development of an integrated modeling system for improved multi-objective reservoir operation. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 4(1), 47-55. Wang, L.*, Z. Wang, T. Koike, H. Yin, D. Yang, S. He (2010b). The assessment of surface water resources for the semi-arid Yongding River Basin from 1956 to 2000 and the impact of land use change. Hydrological Processes, 24, 1123-1132. (SCI, IF = 3.181) Wang, L.*, T. Koike, K. Yang, R. Jin, H. Li (2010a). Frozen soil parameterization in a distributed biosphere hydrological model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14, 557-571. (SCI, IF = 4.256) Wang, L.*, T. Koike, D. Yang, K. Yang (2009c). Improving the hydrology of the Simple Biosphere Model 2 and its evaluation within the framework of a distributed hydrological model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 54(6), 989-1006. (SCI, IF = 2.061) Wang, L.*, T. Koike, K. Yang, P. Yeh (2009b). Assessment of a distributed biosphere hydrological model against streamflows and MODIS land surface temperature in the upper Tone River Basin. Journal of Hydrology, 377, 21-34. (SCI, IF = 3.727) Wang, L.*, T. Koike, K. Yang, T. Jackson, R. Bindlish, D. Yang (2009a). Development of a distributed biosphere hydrological model and its evaluation with the Southern Great Plains Experiments (SGP97 and SGP99). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114, D08107. (SCI, IF = 3.38) Wang, L.*, T. Koike (2009). Comparison of a distributed biosphere hydrological model with GBHM. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-JSCE, 53, 103-108. |