







  • 李家春
  • 北京北四环西路15号中国科学院力学研究

简历:1940年7月26日 出生于上海市 1957-1962年 复旦大学数学系毕业 1962-1966年 中国科学院力学研究所研究生毕业 1966-1988年 中国科学院力学研究所历任研实员、助研、副研 1988-1998年 中国科学院力学研究所研究员,博导(1990),历任基 础室、环流室主任,环境中心学术委员会主任 1998-2006年 中国科学院力学研究所研究员,学位委员会主任,学术委员会副主任。 2003年 当选中国科学院院士 2006年- 中国科学院力学研究所研究员,学术委员会主任


社会任职:任亚洲流体力学委员会主席,中国力学学会理事长,中国海洋工程学会副理事长;任《力学学报》副主编,《应用数学与力学》,《力学进展》,《水动力学研究与进展》常务编委, IJRS, CPL,COE,中国科学等刊物编委;任湍流,海洋工程等国家重点实验室学术委员;任复旦大学,中国科学院研究生院兼职教授


Li J.C., Singularity criteria for perturbation series, Scientia Sinica, A, 1982, 25 (6):593-600.

Li J.C.,Genaralized Rayleigh principle and its application, Scientia Sinica, A, 1983, 26 (11):1178-1188

Li JC,Hui WH,Donelan MA,Effects of velocity shear on the stability of surface wave trains,in "Nonlinear Waves",Berlin,Springer-Verlag,1988:213-220

Li, J. C., A solitary group of two dimensional deep water waves due to concentrated force couple, Acta Mechanica Sinica,1988,4 (3):195-200

Li J.C.,Approximate theory of natural convection with small Grashof number, Scientia Sinica, A, 1989, 32 (10):1203-1215

Li, J. C.,Lin, M., Prediction of deterministic and random forces by plunging breaking waves, in "Breaking Waves", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991:311-318

Li JC,Allen T.Chwang,Effects of non-uniform current on the wave field,in Proceeding of ISOPE,1994:125-132

Li JC,Kwok YK,Fung Jimmy CH.Vortex dynamics in the studies of looping in tropical cyclone tracks,Fluid Dyn.Res1997,21:57-71

Li JC,Yao DL,Shen WM,Studies on the terrestrial interface processes in arid areas, J.Arid Environ,1997,36:25-36


Li J.C., Zhang Z.F., Two parameter dependent drag coefficients over air-sea interface by turbulent modeling, Communication in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 1999,4(1):8-12

J.C. Li, Large eddy simulation of complex turbulent flows: physical aspects and research trends, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2001, 17(4) : 289-301.

Li, J. C., Zhang, Z. F, Turbulent modeling of ABL over wavy water surface, CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum on Climate Prediction, Beijing, 2001(invited speaker)

J.C.Li, Simulation of vortex-dominant and turbulent flows in natural environment, WCCM 6, Beijing, 2004.(invited speaker)

Li J.C., Zhou J.F., Sediment transport mechanism in estuaries and its application, Invited special presentation on the 11th ACFM, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia May,2006.( invited speaker)



Li JC, Fu S., Progresses in Fluid Dynamics Research, AIP Publisher, Beijing, 2011.


Li JC, Fan J, Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics Research, Procedia Engineering, Vol.102, Elseviers, 2015