简历: |
学习和工作经历: 1992.9- 1996.7 山东师范大学生物系生物教育专业, 获学士学位 1996.9-2001.7中国科学院植物所资源中心植物学专业硕博连读, 获理学博士1998.10-1999.1 荷兰莱登大学标本馆访问学者, 学习植物木材解剖结构分析技术.2001.11-2002.8 法国森林与农业研究中心(CEMAGREF)博士后, 从事树轮生态学研究. 2002.9-2004.7 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所博士后, 从事青藏高原的树轮生态学研究. 2004.10-2005.12;2006.11-2007.04 洪堡学者,德国汉堡大学 2008.11-2009.3 德国汉堡大学,高访 2004.8-2009.12 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员2010.1-今 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,研究员, 博士生导师
研究方向: |
树轮生态学与气候学,森林生态过程与气候变化 |
承担项目: |
主持研究项目: 1. 中国博士后科学基金, 2003-2004, 柴达木盆地东部祁连圆柏和青海云杉的生长对环境变化的响应及其与森林海拔高度的关系; 2. 国际科学基金 (International Foundation for Science) 2005-2006, Dendroecological investigation of relict Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Kom.) on sandy land in east Inner mongolia: implication for afforestation and ecosystem restoration; 3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 2004-2006 青藏高原东北部祁连圆柏的生长对环境响应的空间分析; 4. 中国沙漠气象科学研究基金, 2006-2008, 中国北方半干旱区伪年轮对季节气候变化的指示; 5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2007-2009, 藏东南色齐拉山林线树木形成层活动对气候变化的指示; 6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2009-2011, 藏东南色齐拉山过去400年来的树轮气候记录. 参加研究项目: 1. 国家973项目, 2006-2010, 青藏高原环境演变对全球变化的响应与适应对策; 2. 科技基础性工作专项, 2008-2010, 利用什么年轮重建干寒区气候环境演变信息的整编. |
获奖及荣誉: |
2000,中国科学院地奥二等奖学金2001,中国科学院彭阴刚一等奖学金2004,德国洪堡基金会洪堡学者2008,中国科学院王宽诚高访项目-资源环境专项2009,中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖2011, 教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第二)2012, 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员2012,马塔切纳青年优秀论文奖2015, 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 |
代表论著: |
Liang E*, Wang Y, Piao S, Lu X, Camarero JJ, Zhu H, Zhu L, Ellison AM, Ciais P, Pe uelas J. 2016. Species interactions slow warming-induced upward shifts of treelines on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 113(16), 4380–4385. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1520582113. Liang E*, Leuschner C, Dulamsuren C, Wagner B, Hauck M*. 2016. Global warming-related tree growth decline and mortality on the north-eastern Tibetan plateau. Climatic Change, 134(1): 163-176.Liang E*, Balducci L , Ren P , Rossi S. 2016. Xylogenesis and Moisture Stress. In Kim YS, Funada R, Singh AP (eds), Secondary Xylem Biology : Origins, Functions, and Applications. Elsevier press, pp. 25-54.Liu B, Wang Y, Zhu H, Liang E*, Camarero JJ. 2016. Topography and age mediate the growth responses of Smith fir to climate warming in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Biometeorology, 60(10): 1577-1587. Lu X, Huang R, Wang Y, Dawadi B, Liang E*, Camarero JJ. 2016. Summer temperature drives radial growth of alpine shrub willows on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 48(3): 461–468. Li X, Camarero JJ, Bradley C, Liang E*, Rossi S. 2016. The onset of xylogenesis is not related to distance from the crown. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46 (6): 885–889. Wang Y, Pederson N, Ellison AM, Buckley H, Case B, Liang E, Camarero JJ. 2016. Increased stem density and competition may diminish the positive effects of warming at alpine treeline. Ecology,97(7): 1668–1679. Wang Y*, Zhu H, Liang E, Camarero JJ. 2016. Impact of plot shape and size on the evaluation of treeline dynamics in the Tibetan Plateau. Trees, 30(4): 1045–1056 Buckley, H. L., B. S. Case, R. Vallejos, J. J. camarero, E. Gutiérrez, E. Liang, Y. Wang, and A. M. Ellison. 2016. Detecting ecological patterns along environmental gradients: alpine treeline ecotones. Chance 29(2): 10-15. Li X, Rossi S, Liang E*, Camarero JJ. 2016. Temperature thresholds for the onset of xylogenesis in alpine shrubs on the Tibetan Plateau. Trees,DOI: 10.1007/s00468-016-1436-z.Asad F, Zhu H*, Zhang H, Liang E, Muhammad S, Farhan SB, Hussain I, Wazir MA, Ahmed M, Esper J. 2016. Are the temperature variations in the Karakoram (Pakistan) out of phase with hemispheric trends during the past 440 years? Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-016-3273-6.
Wang Y, Liang E*, Ellison AM, Lu X, Camarero JJ. 2015. Facilitation stabilizes moisture-controlled alpine juniper shrublines in the central Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 132: 20-30. Lu X, Camarero JJ, Wang Y, Liang E*, Eckstein D. 2015. Up to 400-year old Rhododendron shrubs on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: prospects for shrub-based dendrochronology. Boreas, 44 (4): 760-768. Ren P, Rossi S, Gricar J, Liang E*, Cufar K. 2015. Is precipitation a trigger of the onset of xylogenesis inJuniperus przewalskii on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau Annals of Botany, 115: 629–639.Liang E*, Liu W, Ren P, Dawadi B, Eckstein D. 2015. The alpine dwarf shrub Cassiope fastigiata in the Himalayas: does it reflect site-specific climatic signals in its annual growth rings Trees, 29(1): 79-86Deslauriers A, Rossi S, Liang E. 2015. Collecting and Processing Wood Microcores for Monitoring Xylogenesis. In Yeung, E.C.T., Stasolla, C., Sumner, M.J., Huang, B.Q. (Eds.), Plant Microtechniques and Protocols, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 417-429.Bi Y, Xu J, Gebrekirstos A, Guo L, Zhao M, Liang E, Yang X. 2015. Assessing drought variability since 1650 AD from tree-rings on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, southwest China. International Journal of Climatology, 35: 4057–4065. Cuny HE, Rathgeber CBK, Frank D, Fonti P, M?kinen H, Prislan P, Rossi S, del Castillo EM, Campelo F, Vavr?ík H, Camarero JJ, Bryukhanova MV, Jyske T, Gri?ar J, Gryc V, De Luis M, Vieira J, ?ufar K, Kirdyanov AV, Oberhuber W, Treml V, Huang JG, Li X, Swidrak I, Deslauriers A, Liang E, N?jd P, Gruber A, Nabais C, Morin H, Krause C, King G, Fournier M. Woody biomass production lags stem-girth increase by over one month in coniferous forest. Nature Plants, Article Number: 15160, DOI: 10.1038/NPLANTS.2015.160.
Liang E*, Dawadi B, Pederson N, Eckstein D. 2014. Is the growth of birch at the upper timberline in the Himalayas limited by moisture or by temperature Ecology, 95(9): 2453–2465.
Li X, Liang E*, Gricar J, Prislan P, Rossi S, Cufar K. 2013. Age-dependence of xylogenesis and its climatic sensitivity in Smith fir on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Tree Physiology, 33(1): 48–56. Dawadi B, Liang E*, Tian L, Devkota LP, Yao T. 2013. Pre-monsoon precipitation signal in tree rings of timberline Betula utilis in the central Himalayas. Quaternary International, 283: 72-77. Linderholm HW, Liu Y, Leavitt SW, Liang E. 2013. Dendrochronology in Asia. Quaternary International, 283: 1-2.Liang E, Ren P, Zhang S, Shao X, Eckstein D. 2013. How can Populus euphratica cope with extremely dry growth conditions at 2800 m a.s.l. on the northern Tibetan Plateau Trees, 27 (2) : 447-453Wang Y, Li X, Dawadi B, Eckstein D, Liang E*. 2013. Phenological variation in height growth and needle unfolding of Smith fir along an altitudinal gradient on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees, 27 (2): 401-407Liu B, Li Y, Eckstein D, Zhu L, Dawadi B, Liang E*. 2013. Has an extending growing season any effect on the radial growth of Smith fir at the timberline on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau Trees, 27 (2): 441-446
Liang E, Lu X, Ren P, Li X, Zhu L, Eckstein D. 2012. Annual increments of juniper dwarf shrubs above the tree line on the central Tibetan Plateau: a useful climatic proxy. Annals of Botany, 109: 721–728.Wang Y, Cufar K, Eckstein D, Liang E*. 2012. Variation of maximum tree height and annual shoot growth of Smith fir at various elevations in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 7(3): e31725. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031725. PDF download: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0031725Liang EY, Wang YF, Eckstein D, Luo TX. 2011. Little change in the fir tree-line position on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau after 200 years of warming. New Phytologist, 190: 760–769.Liang EY, Liu B, Zhu LP, Yin Z-Y. 2011. A short note on linkage of climatic records between a river valley and the upper timberline in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 77: 97-102.Liu B, Liang EY*, Zhu LP. 2011. Microclimatic conditions for natural Juniperus Saltuaria treeline in the Sygera Mountains, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Mountain Research and Development, 31(1): 45-53. Liang EY, Shao XM, Eckstein D, Liu XH. 2010. Spatial variability in tree growth along a latitudinal transect in the Qilian Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40 (2): 200-211. Liang EY, Yafeng Wang, Xu Y, Bo Liu, Shao XM. 2010. Growth variations in Abies georgei var. smithii along altitudinal gradients in the Sygera Mts., southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees-Structure and Function, 24: 363–373.Liang EY, Eckstein D. 2009. Dendrochronological potential of the alpine shrub Rhododendron nivale on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Annals of Botany, 104 (4): 665-670.Liang EY, Shao XM, Xu Y. 2009. Tree-ring evidence of recent abnormal warming on the southeast Tibetan Plateau. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 98 (1-2): 9-18. Liang EY, Shao XM, Liu XH. 2009. Annual precipitation variation inferred from tree rings since A.D. 1770 for the western Qilian Mts., northern Tibetan Plateau. Tree-Ring Research, 65 (2): 95-103 (inside front cover) .Liang EY, Eckstein D, Liu HY. 2009. Assessing the recent grassland greening trend in a long-term context based on tree-ring analysis: a case study in North China. Ecological Indicators, 9 (6): 1280-1283.Liang EY, Eckstein D., Shao XM. 2009. Seasonal cambial activity of relict Chinese pine at the northern limit of its natural distribution in Northern China - exploratory results. IAWA Journal, 30 (4): 371–378.Liang EY, Shao XM, Qin NS. 2008. Tree-ring based summer temperature reconstruction for the source region of the Yangtze River on the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 61(3-4): 313-320.Liang EY, Eckstein D., Liu H.Y. 2008. Climate-growth relationships of relict Pinus tabulaeformis at the northern limit of its natural distribution in northern China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19: 393-406.Liang EY, Shao XM, Liu HY, Eckstein D. 2007. Tree-ring based PDSI reconstruction since AD 1842 in the Ortindag Sand Land, east Inner Mongolia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52 (19): 2715-2721.Liang EY, Liu XH, Yuan YJ, Qin NS, Fang XQ, Huang L, Zhu HF, Wang LL, Shao XM. 2006. The 1920s drought recorded by tree rings and historical documents in the semi-arid and arid areas of northern China. Climatic Change, 79: 403-432. Liang EY, Shao XM, Eckstein D, Huang L, Liu XH. 2006. Topography- and species-dependent growth responses of Sabina przewalskii and Picea crassifolia to climate on the northeast Tibetan Plateau. Forest Ecology and Management, 236: 268-277. Liang EY, Eckstein D. 2006. Light rings in Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) in semiarid areas of north China and their palaeo-climatological potential. New Phytologist, 171: 783-791. Liang EY, Shao XM, He JC. 2005. Relationships between tree growth and NDVI of grassland in the semi-arid grassland of north China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26 (13): 2901-2908.Liang EY, Shao XM, Kong ZC Lin JX. 2003. The extreme drought in the 1920s and its effect on tree growth deduced from tree ring analysis: a case study in North China. Annals of Forest Science, 60 (2): 145-152. Liang EY, Vennetier M, Lin JX, Shao XM. 2003. Relationships between tree increment, climate and above-ground biomass of grass: a case study in the typical steppe, north China. Acta Oecologica, 24: (2): 87-94.Liang EY, Shao XM, Hu YX, Lin JX. 2001. Dendroclimatic evaluation of climate-growth relationships of Meyer spruce (Picea meyeri) on a sandy substrate in semi-arid grassland, north China. Trees-Structure and Function, 15 (4): 230-235.Liang EY, Shao XM, Lin JX, Hu YX. 2001. A dendroclimatic study of relic Picea meyeri in Inner Mongolian steppe. Acta Botanica Sinica, 43 (3): 288-294. |