- 张妍
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- 副研究员
- 无
2014/9 -2017/6, 中国科学院过程工程研究所,化学工程,博士,导师:李志宝
2005/9 - 2008/6,南京工业大学,化学工艺,硕士,导师:陆小华
2001/9 - 2005/6,南京工业大学,化学工程与工艺,学士
2017/7 - 中国科学院过程工程研究所,绿色过程与工程实验室,副研究员
2011/9 -2017/7 中国科学院过程工程研究所,绿色过程与工程实验室,助理研究员
2008/7 -2011/9 中国科学院过程工程研究所,绿色过程与工程实验室,研究实习员
国家自然科学基金面上项目,21878294,基于热力学的多晶型药物成核调控机制与动力学, 2019.1-2022.12,65万元,在研,主持。
国家自然科学基金青年项目,21506218,七水硫酸亚铁从硫酸钛母液中结晶热力学研究, 2016.1-2018.12,21万元,结题,主持。
1.张妍,程景才,杨超*,毛在砂. 药物多晶型的过程控制和工程技术进展. 中国医药工业杂质. 2018,49(5): 537-546.
2.Yan Zhang,Zhibao Li*, Yan Zeng, George P. Demopoulos. A Green Process for Recovery of H2SO4 and Fe2O3 from FeSO4.7H2O by Modeling Phase Equilibrium of the Fe(Π)–SO42- –H+–Cl– System. AIChE Journal, 2017,63(10): 4549-4563.
3.Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li*. Solubility of FeSO4?7H2O in the H2SO4?Ti(SO4)2?MgSO4?H2O and HCl?H2O systems from 278 to 308 K.Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2017,62(3): 973-979.
4.张妍, ZENG Yan, 李志宝*, GEORGE P Demopoulos. 电解质溶液化学模型理论最新进展及应用举例, 沈阳化工大学学报, 2017, (01): 1-8.
5.Yan Zhang, Edouard Asselin, Zhibao Li*. Solubility measurement and chemical modeling of MgSO4·7H2O in the Ti(SO4)2?H2SO4?H2O system. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2016, 61: 2363-2370.
6.Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li*, Edouard Asselin. Determination and chemical modeling of the solubility of FeSO4·7H2O in the Ti(SO4)2?H2SO4?H2O system. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 102: 219-227. 102.
7.Yan Zhang, Edouard Asselin, Zhibao Li*. Laboratory and pilot scale studies of potassium extraction from K-feldspar decomposition with CaCl2 and CaCO3. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2016, 49: 111-119. 102.
8.Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li*. Vapor?liquid equilibria of the FeSO4?Fe2(SO4)3?H2SO4?H2O system at (30, 60, 90, and 101.3) kPa Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2015, 60: 947-954.
9.Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li*. Effects of Cooling Rate, Saturation Temperature and Solvent on the Metastable Zone Width of Triethanolamine Hydrochloride. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50: 6375-6381.
10. Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li*. Solubilities of Triethanolamine Hydrochloride Ionic Liquid in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Solutions with Concentrations from (0 to 8.37) mol kg-1, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55: 4434-4439.
11. Ziaul Haque Ansari, Yan Zeng, Yan Zhang, George P. Demopoulos, Zhibao Li*. Modeling of glycine solubility in aqueous HCl–MgCl2 system and its application in phase transition of glycine by changing media and supersaturation. Journal of Crystal Growth , 2017, 467:116–125.
12. 刘伟,张妍,刘文礼*. 碳酸氢铵分解动力学及其在弱碱性条件下的溶解特性. 过程工程学报. 2017,17(1): 123-129.
13. Geng Li, Yan Zhang, Edouard Asselin, Zhibao Li*. Vapor?Liquid Equilibria for the ZnSO4?H2SO4?H2O and MgSO4?H2SO4?H2O Systems at (30, 60, 90, and 101.3) kPa, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2014, 59: 3449-3460.
14. Yan Zeng, Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li*, George P. Demopoulos. Measurement and Chemical Modeling of the Solubility of Na2SiO3·9H2O and Na2SiO3 in Concentrated NaOH Solution from 288 to 353 K. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53: 9949-9958.
15. Yang Bai, Yan Zhang, Wei Li, Xuefeng Zhou, Changsong Wang, Xin Feng, Lvzheng Zhang, Xiaohua Lu*. Nanopatterned surface with adjustable area coverage and feature size fabricated by photocatalysis, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2009, 255: 9296-9300.
16. 张妍,李伟,周雪锋,冯新,杨祝红,陆小华*,利用自组装单分子膜对表面结构和性质的研究进展. 功能材料,2007, 38 (A06): 2026-2030.
17. Xuefeng Zhou, Wei Li, Yan Zhang, Xin Feng, Xiaohua Lu*. A New Approach to Investigate Hole Oxidation on TiO2 Films in Aqueous Solution by OTS SAMs. Acta Phys. –Chim. Sin. 2007, 23 (7): 1113-1116.
1.Kunming Zhai, Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li, The hydration kinetics of magnesium oxide obtained by calcination of magnesite (MgCO3) or synthetic nesquehonite (MgCO3·3H2O). COM 2014, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
2.Yan Zhang, Narangarav Tumen-Ulzii, Zhibao Li, Burmaa Gunchin. Leaching of Covellite from Molybdenite: Synergetic effect of FeCl2. Copper 2010 – International Copper Conference. Hamburg, Germany, 2010.
3.Narangarav Tumen-Ulzii, Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li, Burmaa Gunchin. Purification of low grade molybdenite by acid leaching processes. The 2009's Fifth International Conference on Hydrometallurgy. Zhangjiajie, China, 2009.
4.Narangarav Tumen-Ulzii, Yan Zhang, Zhibao Li, Burmaa Gunchin. Ferric Leaching of Copper from Low Grade Molybdenite. The Third Conference of new chemical material, Nanjing, China, 2008.
5.张妍, 李伟, 杨祝红, 陆小华,利用碘离子氧化法研究二氧化钛的空穴效应,第四届全国化学工程与生物化工年会,杭州,2007.
1. 李志宝,张妍,李赓,金仁涛. 一种蛇纹石和/或橄榄石的碱法处理方法. 2014.1.26, 中国, 201410036293.9.
2. 李志宝,张妍. 一种利用蛇纹石制备氧化镁、镍、钴和白炭黑的方法.2015.12.16, 中国, 2012101798185.5.
3. 李志宝,张妍. 一种采用Friedel盐或Kuzel盐除去水溶液中有害阴离子的方法. 2015.4.1中国, 201210231178.8