







  • 张付申
  • 研究员
  • 北京市海淀区双清路18号中国科学院生态环境研究中心

张付申,博士,中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员,固体废弃物处理与资源化实验室主任,中国科学院大学岗位教授,博士生导师。日本东北大学博士(文部省),美国密西根大学博士后,日本名古屋大学博士后(JSPS),中国科学院“百人计划”入选者,教育部固体废物处理与资源化重点实验室学术委员会委员,中华环保联合会固危废专业委员会副主任兼石油石化环保专家委员会委员,英国Waste and Resource Management 杂志编委。主要从事固体废弃物污染控制理论与资源化利用技术研究,包括:固体废弃物中有价资源回收、固体废弃物合成环境功能材料、固体废弃物无害化处理与污染控制、废弃生物质资源化利用等。重点在水热合成、烧结合成以及超临界流体、等离子体技术资源化利用电子废弃物、生物质废弃物和无害化处理危险废弃物方面开展研究工作。主持或参加的主要研究项目包括:国家科技支撑计划重点项目;国家973计划项目;环保部公益项目、中国科学院重大科研装备研制项目;国家水体污染控制与治理重大科技专项;中日合作项目;自然科学基金项目等。近5年发表SCI论文30余篇,获授权发明专利10余件。



研究员 百人计划入选者

环境学会固废专业委员会委员 中华环保联合会固危废专业委员会副主任


1、国家自然科学基金项目,51778606,电动汽车废旧电池中锂的高能活化络合机制与超临界固相萃取机理研究,主持 2、国家自然科学基金项目,21477151,载人航天器微重力环境下废弃物中卤代有机污染物的水热变化特征研究,主持 3、国家自然科学基金项目,51278485,电子垃圾中的钯在超临界流体中的溶出特性研究,主持 4、国家水体污染控制于治理科技重大专项课题任务,2012ZX07202-005,干化污泥资源化技术研究,主持 6、国家自然科学基金项目,21077120,含溴电子废物在超临界甲醇中的催化脱溴机制研究,主持 7、环保部公益性行业科研专项课题,201009026,全氟化合物废物的处理处置技术,主持 8、国家水体污染控制于治理科技重大专项子课题,2009ZX07212-002,分散式垃圾污染控制与资源化利用技术研究与示范,主持 9、国家科技支撑计划重点项目,2008BAC32B03,持久性有机污染物削减与替代共性技术研究,主持 10、国家自然科学基金项目,20777084,医疗垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的超临界水处理效应,主持 11、中国科学院重大科研装备研制项目,废弃生物质微波真空裂解制油装置研制,主持 12、国家973计划项目,2007CB407303,区域复合污染的多界面过程和多介质传输机制,参加


1. Jun-Ping Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. Recycling waste polyethylene film for mphoteric superabsorbent resin Synthesis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018,331, 169–176. 2. Rui Shi, Fu-Shen Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Zhang. Recycling oxygen from spaceflight solid waste for life support system: Potential of pyrolysis process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 334, 479–486. 3. Dong Xia, Fu-Shen Zhang. A novel dry cleaning system for contaminated waste plastic purification in gas-solid media. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 171, 1472-1480. 4. Yi Su, Lei Wang, Fu-Shen Zhang. A novel process for preparing fireproofing materials from various industrial wastes. Journal of Environmental Management. 2018, 219:332-339. 6. Rui Shi, Zhi-Yuan Zhang, and Zhang Fu-Shen. An efficient approach for spaceflight solid waste treatment: co-disposal with hazardous medicine by hydrothermal oxidation process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 349, 204-213. 7. Jun-Ping Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. A new approach for blending waste plastics processing: Superabsorbent resin synthesis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 197, 501-510. 8. Meng-Meng Wang, Cong-Cong Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. Recycling of spent lithium-ion battery with polyvinyl chloride by mechanochemical process. Waste Management. 2017, 67, 232–239. 9. Lei Wang, Fu-Shen Zhang. Characterization of a novel sound absorption material derived from waste agricultural film. Construction and Building Materials. 2017, 157, 237–243. 10. Meng-Meng Wang, Cong-Cong Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. An environmental benign process for cobalt and lithium recovery from spent lithium-ion batteries by mechanochemical approach. Waste Management. 2016, 51, 239–244. 11. Kang Liu, Fu-Shen Zhang. Innovative leaching of cobalt and lithium from spent lithium-ion batteries and simultaneous dechlorination of polyvinyl chloride in subcritical water. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016, 316, 19-25. 12. Kang Liu, Zhiyuan Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. Advanced degradation of brominated epoxy resin and simultaneous transformation of glass fiber from waste printed circuit boards by improved supercritical water oxidation processes. Waste Management, 2016, 56, 423-430. 13. Kang Liu, Zhiyuan Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. Direct extraction of palladium and silver from waste printed circuit boards powder by supercritical fluids oxidation-extraction process. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016, 315, 216-223. 14. S.E.A. Sharaf El-Deen*, Fu-Shen Zhang. Immobilisation of TiO2-nanoparticles on sewage sludge and their adsorption for cadmium removal from aqueous solutions. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. 2016, 11, 239-258. 15. Cong-Cong Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. Recovery of triphenyl phosphate from waste printed circuit boards by solvothermal process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2014, 240, 10–15. 16. Cong-Cong Zhang, Veena Sahajwalla, Fu-Shen Zhang. Tetrabromobisphenol A recovery from computer housing plastic by a new solvothermal process. Environmental Chemistry Letter. 2014, 12, 347–352. 17. Yin-Ming Li, Fu-Shen Zhang. Characterization of a cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide-modified sorbent for removal of perfluorooctane sulphonate from water. Environmental Technology, 2014, 35, 2556-2568. 18. Zhiyuan Zhang, Fu-Shen Zhang. Selective recovery of palladium from waste printed circuit boards by a novel non-acid process. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014, 279, 46–51. 19. Aris Erzat, Fu-Shen Zhang. Detoxification effect of chlorination procedure on waste lead glass. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2014, 16:623–628. 20. Aris Erzat, Fu-Shen Zhang. Evaluation of lead recovery efficiency from waste CRT funnel glass by chlorinating volatilization process. Environmental Technology. 2014, 35, 2774–2780.