







  • 许晶禹
  • 研究员
  • 北京北四环西路15号


2010-12--今,中国科学院力学研究所,副研究员;2007-07--2010-12,中国科学院力学研究所,助理研究员;2003-09--2007-05 中国科学院力学研究所,工学博士。

目前主要从事油气混输技术中的多相流动研究,在气体/非牛顿幂律流体流动、油水乳化流变学、管道分离技术以及电阻层析成像技术等方面取得了较好的研究成果, 相关学术论文发表在International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemical Engineering Communications, et al. 已发表学术论文40余篇(其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI收录15篇),已申请发明专利12项。





[1]Zhang J., Xu, J.-y., Wu Y.-x., Li D.-h., Li H. Experimental validation of the calculation of phase holdup for an oil-water two-phase vertical flow based on the measurement of pressure drops. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. FLOWMEASINST-D-11-00140R3, Accepted. (通讯作者)(SCI, EI收录 )

[2]Zhang J., Xu, J.-y., Gao M.-c., Wu Y.-x. Apparent viscosity of oil-water (coarse) emulsion and its rheological characterization during the phase inversion region. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01932691.2012.735917. (通讯作者)(SCI, EI收录 )

[3]Xu, J.-y. (2012): A simple correlation for prediction of the liquid slug holdup in gas/non-Newtonian fluids: horizontal to upward inclined flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, In press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2012.06.017 (SCI, EI收录 )

[4]Xu J.-y., Zhang J., Liu H.-f., Wu Y.-x. (2012): Oil-gas-water three-phase upward flow through a vertical pipe: influence of gas injection on the pressure gradient, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 46, 1-8 (SCI, EI收录 )

[5]Shi S.-y., Xu J.-y., Sun H.-q., Zhang J., Li D.-h., Wu Y.-y. (2012): Experimental study of a vane-type pipe separator for oil–water separation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90: 1652-1659(SCI, EI收录 )

[6]LIU H.-f., XU J.-y., ZHANG J., SUN H.-q., ZHANG J., WU Y.-x. (2012):Investigation on Oil-Water Separation in a Liquid-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 24:116–123,2012 (SCI, EI收录 )

[7]Xu, J.-y., Li, D.-h., Guo J., Wu, Y.-x., (2010): Investigations of phase inversion and frictional pressure gradients in upward and downward oil-water flow in vertical pipes. International Journal of Multiphase flow 36, 930-939 (SCI, EI收录 )

[8]Xu, J.-y. (2010): Investigation on average void fraction for air/non-Newtonian power-law fluids two-phase flow in downward inclined pipes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 34, 1484-1487 (SCI, EI收录 )

[9]Xu, J., Wu, Y. and Chang, Y. (2009): Influence of gas injection on in-situ oil fraction of an oil-water flow in horizontal pipes. Chemical Engineering and Technology 32, 1922-1928 (SCI, EI收录 )

[10]Xu, J.-y., Wu, Y.-x., Zheng Z.-c., Wang, M., Munir, B., Oluwadarey, H. I., Schlaberg, H.I. and Williams, R.A. (2009): Correlation of electromagnetic flow Meter, electrical resistance tomography and mechanistic modelling for a new solution of solid slurry measurement. Journal of Hydrodynamics 21, 557-563. (SCI, EI收录 )

[11]Xu, J.-y., Wu, Y.-x. Li, H., Guo, J. and Chang, Y. (2009): Study of drag reduction by gas injection for power-law fluid flow in horizontal stratified and slug flow regimes. Chemical Engineering Journal 147, 235–244. (SCI, EI收录 )

[12]Xu, J.-y., Wu, J.-x. (2009): A simple model for predicting the void fraction of gas/non-Newtonian fluid intermittent flows in upward inclined pipes. Chemical Engineering Communications 196, 746–753. (SCI, EI收录 )

[13]Xu, J.-y., Wu, Y.-x., Feng, F.-f., Chang, Y. and Li, D.-h. (2008): Experimental investigation on the slip between oil and water in horizontal pipes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 33, 178-183. (SCI, EI收录 )

[14]Xu, J., Wu, Y., Chang, Y. and Guo, J. (2008): Experimental investigation on the holdup distribution of oil-water two-phase flow in horizontal parallel tubes. Chemical Engineering and Technology 31, 1536-1540. (SCI, EI收录 )

[15]Xu, J.-y., Wu, Y.-x., Shi, Z.-h., Lao, L.-y. and Li, D.-h. (2007): Studies on two-phase co-current air/non-Newtonian shear-thinning fluid flows in inclined smooth pipes. International Journal of Multiphase flow 33, 948–969. (SCI, EI收录 )

[16]Xu, J.-y., Wang, M., Wu, Y.-x., Schlaberg, H.I., Zheng, Z.-C. and Williams, R. A. (2007): An experimental study of in-situ phase fraction in jet-pump using electrical resistance tomography technique. Chinese Physics Letters 24, 512-515. (SCI收录 )

[17]Xu, J.-y., Wu, Y.-x., Li, D.-h. And Dong, H.-L. (2007): Effects of non-Newtonian liquid properties on pressure drop during horizontal gas-liquid flow. Journal of Central South University of Technology. (SCI, EI收录 )


[1]魏丛达,许晶禹,王立洋,刘海飞, 吴应湘 (2012). T型管内油水两相流动研究油气储运. 稿件编号201201009. 已录用. (通讯作者)

[2]许庆华,孙焕强,许晶禹,邓晓辉,吴应湘 (2012). 低含水W/O乳化液电脱水实验研究. 水动力学研究与进展 A卷 27(4):436-441. (通讯作者)

[3]邓晓辉,许晶禹,吴应湘,罗东红 (2011). 动态微米气泡浮选除油技术研究. 工业水处理. 31 (4): 89-90.

[4]李志彪,许晶禹,吴应湘 (2011). 气液混输管线间歇流动压降研究. 管道技术与设备 1: 5-8.

[5]刘海飞,邓晓辉,罗东红,许晶禹,吴应湘,郑之初, (2010). 柱型旋流器内单相流场压降的实验研究. 水动力学研究与进展 A卷 25,127-132.

[6]崔斌,吴应湘,许晶禹(2009): 油水井带压作业装置中环形密封胶芯的设计. 石油化工高等学报 22,79-82.

[7]常英,许晶禹,吴应湘 (2008): 水平分支管路中油水两相流动研究. 水动力学研究与进展 A卷 23,702-708.

[8]侯力群,吴应湘,许晶禹 (2008): 天然气水合物热激励法开采模型研究. 西安石油大学学报--自然科学版 23, 44-47.

[9]许晶禹,吴应湘,李东晖 (2006): 液相介质对水平气液间歇流动的压降影响. 过程工程学报 6, 161-166. (EI收录 )

[10]许晶禹,吴应湘,李东晖 (2005): 液相物性对气液两相管流流型和压降影响的研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报 13, 111-119. (EI收录 )

[11]许晶禹,吴应湘,李东晖 (2005): 利用射流泵输送油水两相管流的实验研究. 实验流体力学 19, 49-55.


[1]Zhang J., Xu J.-y., Wu Y.-x., et al. Experimental validation of the calculation of phase holdup for oil-water two phase vertical flows based on the measurement of pressure drop. 4th workshop on process tomography, 2011.

[2]Xu J.-y., Wu Y.-x. Experimental validation of the model for calculating the drag reduction during gas/power-law fluid flow. 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2010, Tampa, FL, USA. May 30 – June 4. 2010.

[3]Li, D.-h., Xu, J.-y., Feng, F.-f. and Wu, Y.-x. The Flow Rate Measurement of Oil-Water Two Phase Flow Using Turbine Flow Meter and γ Ray Densitometry. 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2010, Tampa, FL, USA. May 30 – June 4. 2010.

[4]Liu H.-f., Xu J.-y. Wu Y.-x. and Zheng Zh.-c. Numerical study on oil and water two-phase flow in a cylindrical cyclone. 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics. Shanghai, China. October 11-15, 2010. (EI收录 )

[5]Wu Y.-x., Li D.-h., Li H., Xu J.-y. Oil-gas-water Three-phase Flow Measurement by Dual Gamma Ray Technique. 3rd International Workshop on Process Tomography (IWPT-3), Tokyo, Japan. Apr. 2009.

[6]Li, D.-h., Feng, F.-f., Wu, Y.-x., Xu, J.-y. Investigation of the mixture flow rates of oil-water two-phase flow using the turbine flow meter. The 6th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Okinawa, Japan, December 2008, Ref. No: D087

[7]Xu, J.-y., Wang, M., Munir, B., Oluwadarey, H. I., Schlaberg, H.I., WU, Y.-x. and Williams, R.A.: Correlation of electromagnetic flow Meter, electrical resistance tomography and mechanistic modelling for a new solution of solid slurry measurement. 5th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Bergen, Norway, September 2007, IPS27.

[8]Xu, J.-y., Wang, M., Wu, Y.-x., Schlaberg, H.I., Zheng, Z.-C. and Williams, R. A. (2006): In-situ measurement of two-phase fraction in jet pump using the ERT Technique. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Macau, China, December 2007, 890-895. (ISPT收录)

[9]Xu, J.-y., Wu, Y.-x. Li, D.-h. and Dong H.-l. (2005): An effect of non-Newtonian liquid phase on pressure drop during horizontal gas-liquid intermittent flow. The 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology (PRCR4), Shanghai, China, August 2005, 199-202. (ISPT收录)

[10]Xu, J.-y., Wu, Y.-x., Li, D.-h. Ma, N.-q, Yuan, M.-z. and Ma, R.-h. (2004): Pressure drop studies of gas-liquid bubbly flow in vertical upward pipeline. 2nd International Symposium on Multiphase, Non-Newtonian and Reacting Flows, Hangzhou, China, September 2004, 321-324. (ISPT收录)


[1]许晶禹,唐池,呼和敖德 (2012). 连云港深水航道淤泥流变特性研究. 连云港淤泥质海岸深水航道建设理论与实践(前期基础篇).人民交通出版社 (ISBN978-7-114-0966107) : 154-161.

[2]呼和敖德,杨兵,许晶禹,唐池 (2012). 连云港深水航道淤泥起动试验研究. 连云港淤泥质海岸深水航道建设理论与实践(前期基础篇).人民交通出版社 (ISBN978-7-114-0966107) : 162-171

[3]张健,许晶禹,朱平辉,高梦忱,郭军,王淑京,吴应湘 (2012). 乳化剂对油水乳化液流变性的影响. 第十一届全国水动力学学术会议大会文集:614-620. (通讯作者)

[4]孙焕强,许晶禹,张军,吴应湘,郭军 (2012). 水平管道中油水旋流稳定性研究. 第十一届全国水动力学学术会议大会文集:665-670.

[5]史仕荧,吴应湘,许晶禹,李华,李东晖,马乃庆 (2012). 除水孔结构对管道式导流片型分离器油水分离影响研究. 第十一届全国水动力学学术会议大会文集:671-678.

[6]刘海飞,朱平辉,许晶禹 (2012). 倾斜管路中超稠油水两相流动研究. 第十一届全国水动力学学术会议大会文集 693-699. (通讯作者)

[7]刘海飞,钟兴福,许晶禹,吴应湘 (2010). 柱型旋流器油水分离特性的数值模拟研究. 中国造船 50, 362-368.

[8]李东辉,丰飞飞,许晶禹,吴应湘. 油水两相流粘度变化对涡轮流量计测量影响的实验研究. 中国造船. 2008.49(增2):433~440

[9]许晶禹,吴应湘,李东晖 (2004): 油水两相流动压降的实验研究. 中国造船 45, 275-280.



[1]2011.10~2016.10.国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项: 水下油气水高效分离与计量装置(SSM),二级任务'高效管道式多相分离系统'(项目编号:2011YQ120048-02)二级任务负责人



[4]2009.01~2012.12.中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 “石油开采中的若干关键科学问题与技术应用示范”(KJCX1-YW-21), 任该项目中的三级课题“油气水高效分离技术研究”,三级任务负责人


[6]2008.01~2010.12.国家科技重大专项大型油气田及煤层气开发中,海洋深水油气田开发工程技术的外协子课题:管道式油气水高效分离技术(2008ZX05026-004-07), 任该项课题的课题副组长

[7]2011.08~2014.07. 力学研究所优秀青年人才培育计划B类项目'稠油/水两相混合溶液有效粘度研究',课题负责人。