于 泳








  • 于 泳
  • 副研究员
  • 北京北四环西路15号,中国科学院力学研究所。













Yong Yu*,Xuan Wang, Dominik Oberthür, Arne Meyer, Markus Perbandt,Li Duan, Qi Kang, Design and application of a microfluidic device for protein crystallization using an evaporation-based crystallization technique. J. Appl. Cryst. 45, 53–60. 2012. Junshan Liu, Junyao Wang, Zuanguang Chen, Yong Yu, Xiujuan Yang, Xianbin Zhang, Zheng Xua, and Chong Liu, A three-layer PMMA electrophoresis microchip with Pt microelectrodes insulated by a thin film for contactless conductivity detection. Lab Chip, 11, 969, 2011. Yong Yu*, Yuhong Liu, Xuan Wang, D. Oberthür, K. Dierks, and C. Betzel,Effects of forced solution flow on lysozyme crystal growth. Cryst. Res. Technol. 45, No. 4, 380 – 386, 2010. Meng Yang, Yong Yu*, Feng Shen, Karsten Dierks, Weihai Fang, and Qinglong Li, Detection of Heavy Metals with Laser-induced Fluorescence in a Capillary Electrophoresis Microchip. Analytical Letters, 43: 2883–2891, 2010. 王翾, 于泳*, 刘玉红, 溶菌酶分子聚集状态对蛋白质晶体生长影响的研究.生物物理学报, 26(5), 380-388, 2010。 Feng Shen,Yong Yu*,Meng Yang,Qi Kang,Dual confocal laser-induced fluorescence/moveable contactless conductivity detector for capillary electrophoresis microchip. Microsyst Technol,2009, 15:881–885. Heng Qi, Yuhong Liu, Xuan Wang, Feng Shen, Yong Yu,Tao Chen,Tiechuan Zuo,Micromachining of passive planar micromixer on poly (methyl methacrylate) substrate with excimer laser ablation,Microsyst Technol ,15:297–300, 2009. 刘玉红,于泳*,康琦. 溶菌酶晶体形貌的原子力显微成像观测,电子显微学报,27(1):64-66, 2008。 Feng Shen, Meng Yang,Yong Yu*, and Qi Kang. Simultaneous laser-induced fluorescence and contactless-conductivity detection for microfluidic chip. Chinese Chemical Letters, 19 ,1333-1336,2008. Cui Hailiang, Yu Yong*, Chen Wangchun, Kang Qi, Study on flow characteristics of solid/liquid system in lysozyme crystal growth, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(9), 1196-1204,2007. 崔海亮,于泳*,溶菌酶晶体生长过程中固/液流动体系的流体特性研究, 陈万春,康琦, 科学通报, 52(7),777-783,2007。 Lan Ding, Wang Yu-Ren, Yu Yong, Ma Wen-Jie, and li Cheng, Improving nucleation in the fabrication of high-quality 3D macro-porous copper film through the surface-modification of a polystyrene colloid-assembled template. Chinese Physics, V12(2), 468-471,2007. Hai Liang CUI, Yong YU* , Wan Chun CHEN, Qi KANG,Study of growth mechanism of lysozyme crystal by batch crystallization method, Chinese Chemical Letters, 17(1),101-104,2006. 于泳*,陈万春,康琦,刘道丹,戴国亮,崔海亮,配液结晶法制备溶菌酶蛋白质晶体的生长机理研究,化学学报,V64(12),1284-1290,2006。 Yong Yu and Gang Jin, Influence of electrostatic interaction on fibrinogen adsorption on gold studied by imaging ellipsometry combined with electrochemical methods. Journal of Colloid Interface Science,283(2), 477-481,2005. Yong Yu, Peiqing Ying, , Gang Jin,Competitive adsorption between bovine serum albumin and collagen observed by atomic force microscope. CHINESE CHEM LETT, 15(12), 1465-1468,2004. 于泳, 胡劲波,尚军,李启隆,抗癌药长春新碱及其与微管蛋白相互作用的电化学研究,化学学报,62(2),137-141,2004。 戴国亮,于泳,康琦,胡文瑞,溶菌酶晶体生长前期溶液中聚集体研究,化学学报,62,757,2004。 Guo Liang DAI, Yong YU, Qi KANG, and Wen Rui HU,Studying aggregate in lysozyme solution by atomic force microscope. CHINESE CHEM LETT , 15(10), 1237-1240,2004. Yong Yu and Gang Jin, Study of the adsorption of fibrinogen on gold-coated silicon wafer by an impedance method. Journal of Colloid Interface Science,268(2), Issue 2, 288-292, 2003. Peiqing Ying, Yong Yu, Gang Jin,and Zulai Tao, Competitive protein adsorption studied with atomic force microscopy and imaging ellipsometry. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 32(1), 1-10, 2003. Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Studies on the Interaction of Paclitaxel with Tubulin by an Electrochemical method, Analytical Chimica Acta,436,147-152, 2001. Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Electrochemical Studies on the Interaction of Vincristine with Tubulin, Chinese Chemistry. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 19, 1084-1088, 2001. Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Electrochemical Studies of Paclitaxel Interaction with Tubulin, Chinese Chemical Letters, 11(4),351-352, 2000. 毛燕宁, 于泳, 李启隆, 阿霉素在Co/GC离子注入修饰超微电极上的电化学行为及其应用研究,药学学报,35(3),212-215, 2000。 Yong Yu and Qilong Li, Study on the voltammetric adsorption behaviour of paclitaxel and its application, ANALYTICAL LETTERS, 32(11), 2271―2283, 1999. 于泳, 毛燕宁, 李启隆, 李启隆, 线性扫描示波极谱法测定抗癌药物紫杉醇,分析化学, 27(5),562―565, 1999.


主持项目:1. 自然科学基金面上项目“溶液对流对蛋白质晶体生长动力学影响的研究”课题的研究。 2. 中国科学院国防科技创新基金项目“航天应用微流控分析芯片的研制”。

参与项目:1. 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目“微重力科学若干基础性研究--空间蛋白质晶体生长的机理研究”。 2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“微重力流体力学研究”中晶体生长相关内容的研究。3. 921 “大Prandtl数液桥热毛细对流空间实验”和“两相多液滴热毛细迁移及相互作用研究”等课题。