- 张佳华
- 研究员
- 北京市海淀区邓庄南路9号中国科学院遥感地球所

简 历:
教育背景:1995-1998 中国科学院遥感应用研究所地图学与遥感专业 博士毕业 1998-1999 中国科学院大气物理所东亚区域气候中心 博士后 1999-2001日本国立环境研究所(NIES)大气环境与遥感部 博士后 科研工作经历:1999-2001 日本国立环境研究所大气环境部,STA Fellow 特别研究员 2001-2002 中国科学院大气物理所东亚区域气候中心气候与环境遥感 副研究员 2002-2012 中国气象科学研究院 研究员(2008起三级研究员),<遥感与气候信 息开放实验室>主任, 博导 2012-现在 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所数字地球实验室, 百人计划择 优、博导、 2015年任二级研究员, 2001.5-6 意大利理论物理研究所区域气候模式访问研究 2004.2-3 美国NOAA气候诊断实验室(CMDL) 访问研究 2005年 美国George Mason 大学访问 2006.11 俄罗斯水文气象研究所 访问研究 2007.1 香港中文大学太空与地球信息科学研究所 访问合作 2009.9 西班牙定量遥感会议访问 2011.10 美国内布拉斯加大学干旱遥感合作研究 2012.2-3 澳洲国立大学Australian National University (ANU)访问学者 2013.6 加拿大国际地球国际会议大会报告 2013.8 芬兰赫尔辛基大学大气环境中心访问研究 2013.9 英国城市大学计算机学院大气环境访问 2014.8-10 美国南达科塔州立大学空间信息中心\USGS访问学者 2015.9-10 美国南达科塔州立大学空间信息中心\USGS访问学者
研究生培养: 培养博士生和研究生近30多名(外国留学生4名),博士后3名。
全球变化遥感、生态遥感、环境遥感、农业遥感、灾害遥感、数字地球 Research Area: Global Chang Remote Sensing, Ecological Remote Sensing, Environment Remote Sensing, Agricultural & Crop Yield Remote Sensing, Disaster Remote Sensing, Hydrological Remote Sensing, Earth System simulation and Digital Earth, Land use and land cover change (LUCC).
1.全球变化遥感及其区域响应 全球大气-植被-土壤相互作用和C循环遥感 全球降水-蒸发水文过程遥感及其水循环模拟 全球大气气溶胶-云-降水相互作用及效应 全球粮食遥感估产和气候变化影响作物研究 全球气候模式(GCM)情景应用及数据资料同化 全球火灾发生及其森林草地火灾探测 2.气象与水文灾害遥感监测 干旱与洪涝灾害遥感监测 高温与低温灾害遥感监测 城市热环境污染遥感监测 高原积雪与风蚀沙尘灾害遥感探测 3.环境和生态参数反演、流域生态与水-热-碳循环遥感 土地覆盖与土地利用变化和地表及生态参数遥感 作物面积识别、作物产量模拟和智慧/数字农业 草地动态、湿地、高原与城市生态遥感过程模拟 “3S”应用、数字油田、大数据和数字地球
1.科技部重点研发计划项目“粮食主产区产量与效率层次差异分布规律与丰产增效潜力”,课题负责人(2016-2020) 2.国家自然科学基金“遥感-光合-作物产量模型耦合干旱胁迫信息对区域作物产量的模拟”,项目负责人 (2015-2019) 3.国土资源部项目“基于卫星遥感深圳滨海湿地动态变化及未来情景预测”,项目负责人 (2016-2018) 4.“全球变化下干旱及衍生灾害遥感及评估”,项目负责人(2012-2015) 5.中国科学院遥感所1-3-5重点培育项目:“地球系统气溶胶-云-降水相互作用及对极端降水的影响” ,项目负责人,(2014-2016) 6.中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心主任基金: “多源卫星遥感气溶胶-云相互作用及对降水影响”,项目负责人(2012-2013) 7.科技部全球变化重大专项(973):“全球变化影响下我国主要陆地生态系统的脆弱性与适应性研究” 课题负责人(2010-2014) 8.财政部公益类气象行业专项:“遥感技术在作物生长模式及农业气象预报中的应用研究”项目负责人(2011-2013) 9.中国气象科学研究院创新团队项目 “干旱胁迫下遥感-区域模型研制及干旱风险评估”(2011-2012) 首席专家 10.科技部“11.5”支撑项目课题 “长江中下游高温热害监测预警技术研究”(2006-2010)课题负责人 11.科技部“863”计划项目课题:“基于星载-地面观测高光谱-多角度提取作物水分胁迫信号”(2006-2010)课题负责人 12.财政部公益类气象行业专项:“大气程辐射遥感图像的计算机生成技术研究”(2007-2009) 专题负责人 13.国家自然科学基金:“遥感联合地面试验定量反演不同覆盖条件下作物水分信号”(2008-2010) 主持人 14.中港合作:“Development of an Integrated Modeling and Prediction System with Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data for the PRD Region” (2006-2008) (CO-I) 15.科技部社会公益项目:“藏北地区生态环境与气象灾害的监测与预警研究”(2004-2007),负责人 16.国家自然科学基金:“利用MODIS 卫星遥感数据提取华北地区冬小麦干旱信号的研究”(2004-2006)主持人 17.国家自然科学基金:“基于遥感和地面试验的作物水分定量反演模型研究”(2007.1-2007.12)主持人 18.中国气象局气象变化专项:“藏北草地荒漠化的气候影响机制及气候效应评估(2007.1-2007.12)负责人 19.中国气象局台风气象基金:“基于多源卫星遥感的台风监测和预警技术研究”(2005-2007)负责人 20.中国气象局沙漠气象基金:“利用多源遥感信息对北疆积雪监测方法的研究”(2004-2006)负责人 21.中国气象局气象卫星项目:“城市群热环境遥感”(2007-2009) 专题负责人 22.中国气象局气象卫星项目:“东北湿地动态变化遥感”(2007-2009)专题负责人 23.中国气象局局校合作项目:“遥感数据资料同化与系统建设”(2004-2007)专题负责人 24.中国科学院知识创新项目:“森林碳循环的遥感研究”(2004-2006) 专题负责人 25.国家基础发展规划973项目: “首都北京及周边地区大气、水、土环境污染机理与调控” (2002-2005) 参加 26.国家基础发展规划973项目:“我国生存环境演变和北方干旱化趋势预测研究”(2000.1-2004.12)骨干。
专著(Book):[1] 张佳华等著《植被与生态遥感》2010,科学出版社;(60万字). [2] 张佳华等著《城市热环境遥感》2010 ,气象出版社. [3] 张佳华等著《长江中下游高温热害监测预警技术研究》2017.10科学出版社(出版中)(50万字). [4] 张佳华等著 《中国藏北地区生态环境与气象灾害遥感》2007,气象出版社. [5] 张佳华副著《气候变化对我国粮食生产影响和模拟》2010,气象出版社;[6] 张佳华副著《气候变化对农业影响的脆弱性与风险评估》2014,内蒙古大学出版社. [7] 张佳华参著《城市环境综合观测与大气环境动力学研究》2009;气象出版社. [8] 张佳华参著《中国重大农业气象灾害研究》,2010.气象出版社.
代表性论文 ( peer-reviewed paper):
1.Zhang Jiahua, Feng Lili,Yao Fengmei,Improved maize cultivated area estimation over a large scale combining MODIS-EVI time series data and crop phenological information. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,2014. 94(5):102~113. (SCI)
2.Zhang Jiahua, Zhou Zhengming,Yao Fengmei,Yang Liling,Hao Cui,Validating the Modified Perpendicular Drought Index in North China Region Using in Situ Soil Moisture Measurement. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2015.12(3):542~546. (SCI)
3.Yun Bai,Jiahua Zhang* (*corresponding author), Sha Zhang,Upama Ashish Koju et al,Fengmei Yao,Tertsea Igbawua,Using precipitation, vertical root distribution, and satellite-retrieved vegetation information to parameterize water stress in a Penman-Monteith approach to evapotranspiration modeling under Mediterranean climate. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems,2017.01.25,10.1002 / 2016MS000702. (SCI)
4.Yuqin Liu,Gerrit de Leeuw, Veli-Matti Kerminen,Jiahua Zhang*, Putian Zhou,Kulmala Mark,Huadong Guo,Aijun Ding,Satellite observed indications of aerosol effects on warm cloud properties over Yangtze River Delta of China. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2017, 12.06.doi:10.5194/acp-2016-1000. (SCI)
5.Cui Hao,Jiahua Zhang*, Fengmei Yao,Multivariate drought frequency estimation using copula method in Southwest China.Theoretical & Applied Climatology,2017,127(3):977~991.(SCI)
6.Lamei Shi, Jiahua Zhang*, Fengmei Yao , Xinlei Han, Tertsea Igbawua, Yuqin Liu, Da Zhang, Influence of meteorological conditions on correlation between aerosol and cloud in summer.Advances in Space Research,59(7)1907–1920.(SCI)
7.Feng Cheng , Yong Zha , Jiahua Zhang* , Junliang He , Shiyong Yan,A Study on Distance Transport of PM 2.5 to Xianlin in Nanjing, China and its Source Areas, 2017, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17: 1772–1783, 2017. (SCI)
8.Feng Cheng, Jiahua Zhang*, Junliang He, Yong Zha, Qiannan Li , Yunmei Li. Analysis of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions based on MODIS data, Advances in Space Research 59 (2017) 63–73. (SCI)
9.Chang Qing,Zhang Jiahua*, Wenzhe Jiao,Fengmei Yao,Siyuan Wang, Spatiotemporal dynamics of the climatic impacts on greenup date in the Tibetan Plateau.Environment Earth Science,2016,75:1343~1356 .(SCI)
10.Tertsea Igbawua, Zhang Jiahua*, Qing Chang,Fengmei Yao,Vegetation dynamics in relation with climate over Nigeria from 1982 to 2011.Environment Earth Science,2016,75:518~533.(SCI)
11.Yao Fengmei,Liu Dan, Zhang jiahua*, Peijun Wang,Estimation of Rice Yield with a Process-Based Model and Remote Sensing Data in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River of China.Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing,2016.doi:10.1007/s12524 -016-0596-z. (SCI)
12.Haroon A Muhammad, Zhang Jiahua*, Yao Fengmei, Drought monitoring and performance evaluation of MODIS-based drought severity index (DSI) over Pakistan. Natural Hazards,2016,84(2), 1349–1366. (SCI)
13.Chang Qing, Zhang Jiahua*,Wenzhe Jiao,Fengmei Yao, A comparative analysis of the NDVIg and NDVI3g in monitoring vegetation phenology changes in the Northern Hemisphere.Geocarto International,2016.DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2016.1222633. (SCI)
14.Han Xinlei, Yao Fengmei, Zhang Jiahua*,et al. Haze detection by using modified normalized difference haze index in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei province. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing.2016, 10(2):025 DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.10.025025. (SCI)
15.Feng Cheng,Jiahua Zhang*, Junliang He,Yong Zha, Analysis of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions based on MODIS data. Advances in Space Research,2016,59:63~73. (SCI)
16.Fengmei Yao,Cui Hao,Jiahua Zhang*. Simulating urban growth processes by integrating cellular automata model and artificial optimization in Binhai New Area of Tianjin, China. Geocarto International,2016, 31(6): 612-627. (SCI)
17.Lili Feng,Zhiqing Jia,Jiahua Zhang *, The dynamic monitoring of corn planting area distribution in response to climate change from 2001–2010: a case study of Northeast China.Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography,2016,1:1~12. (SCI)
18.Zhang Jiahua (Co-author) Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX): Towards a holistic understanding of the feedbacks and interactions in the land-Atmosphere-ocean-society continuum in the northern Eurasian region. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2015, 16(22):14421-14461.(SCI)
19.Jiahua Zhang, Fengmei Yao,Cui Hao,Vijendra Boken,Impacts of temperature on rice yields of different rice cultivation systems in southern China over the past 40 years. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,2015.87-88:153~159. (SCI)
20.Hao Cui, Zhang Jiahua*, Yao Fengmei,Combination of multi-sensor remote sensing data for drought monitoring over Southwest China.International Journal Applied Earth Observation and Geosciences.,2015,35(1):270~28. (SCI)
21.Fengmei Yao,Yanjing Tan,Jiahua Zhang*, Peijuan Wang, Estimation of maize yield by using a process-based model and remote sensing data in the Northeast China Plain.Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,2015.87-88:142~152. (SCI)
22.He, Junliang,Zha, Yong, Zhang, Jiahua* ,Gao, Jay,Li, Yunmei,Chen, Xiaoqiang,Retrieval of aerosol optical thickness from HJ-1 CCD data based on MODIS-derived surface reflectance. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2015.36(3):882~898. (SCI)
23.Junliang He,Yong Zha,Jiahua Zhang* ,Jay Gao,Qiang Wang,Synergetic retrieval of terrestrial AOD from MODIS images of twin satellites Terra and Aqua. Advances in Space Research,2014,53(9):1337~1346.(SCI)
24.Meng Fanchao,Zhang Jiahua*,Fengmei Yao,Cui Hao,Interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration and irrigation on photosynthetic parameters and yield of maize in Northeast China. PLos One,2014.9(5) :e98318~e98318. (SCI)
25.Wanning Wu,Yong Zha,Jiahua Zhang*, Jay Gao,Junliang He,A temperature inversion-induced air pollution process as analyzed from Mie LiDAR data.Science of the Total Environment,2014, 479–480:102~108.(SCI).
26.Jiang Yan, Wang P, Xu XD,,Zhang Jiahua*,Dynamics of carbon fluxes in responses to vegetation, meteorological and terrain factors in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Earth Sciences,,2014, 72(11):4551~4565.(SCI)
27.Junliang He, Yong Zha,Jay Gao,Jiahua Zhang*, Aerosol Indices Derived from MODIS Data for Indicating Aerosol-Induced Air Pollution.Remote Sensing ,2014,6(3):1587~1604. (SCI)
28.Yao Fengmei,Feng Lili,Zhang Jiahua*, Corn Area Extraction by the Integration of MODIS-EVI Time Series Data and China’s Environment Satellite (HJ-1) data.J Indian Soc Remote Sens,2014,DOI 10.1007/s12524-0. (SCI)
29.Li C., Xue Y*.,Wolfgang von H.,Zhang JH.*, Pan P.Y.,Quantitative evaluation of uncertainties in satellite retrieval of dust-like aerosols induced by spherical assumption. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,2014,136(6):45~57.(SCI)
30.Yao Fengmei, Qing Pengceng, Zhang Jiahua* ,Lin Erda,BOKEN Vijendra.Uncertainties in Assessing the Effect of Climate Change on Agriculture using Model Simulation and Uncertainty Processing Methods.Chinese Science Bulletin,2011.,56(8):729~737. (SCI)
31.Wang PJ, Sun R, Zhang JH* , Zhou YY,Xie DH,Yield estimation of winter wheat in the North China Plain using the remote-sensing–photosynthesis–yield estimation for crops (RS–P–YEC) model. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2011,32(21):6335~6348. (SCI)
32.Yang Y.J.,Wu B.W.,Shi C.E., Zhang J.H.* ,Li Y.B.,Tang W.A.,Wen Y.Y.,Zhang H.Q.,Shi Tao.,Impacts of urbanization and station-relocation on surface air temperature series in Anhui Province, China. Pure and Applied Geophysics,2012,170(11):1969~1983. (SCI)
33.Chi Li,Yong Xue,Quanhua Liu,Jie Guang,Xinwei He,Jiahua Zhang,Tingkai Wang,Xinjie Liu,Post calibration of channels 1 and 2 of long-term AVHRR data record based on SeaWiFS data and pseudo-invariant targets. Remote Sensing of Environment,2014, 150(7):104~119.(SCI)
34.Wang Y.W., Yang Y.H., X.Y. Zhou, N. Zhao,,Zhang J.H.,Air pollution is pushing wind speed into a regulator of surface solar irradiance in China.Environmental Research Letters,2014,9(53):1~11. (SCI)
35.Fu Wang, Jianping Guo, Yerong Wu, Xiaoye Zhang, Minjun Deng, Xiaowen Li, Jiahua Zhang, Jing Zhao,Satellite observed aerosol-induced variability in warm cloud properties under different meteorological conditions over eastern China. Atmospheric Environment,2014,84:122~132.(SCI).
36.Jun Ou, Yuesong Jiang,Jiahua Zhang, Jilan Liao, Spreading of spiral spectrum of Bessel–Gaussian beam in non-Kolmogorov turbulence.Optics Communications, 2014, 318:95-99.(SCI)
37.Jiang Y.,Zhang J.H. ,Xu X.D., A GPP assimilation model for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau based on CO2 eddy covariance flux tower and remote sensing data. Inter.J.Appl. Earth Observation and Geoinformation,2013, 23(8):213~225. (SCI)
38.J Ou,Y Jiang,JHZhang, Y He. Reflection of Laguerre–Gaussian beams carrying orbital angular momentum: a full Taylor expanded solution. J. Opt. Soc. American. A, 2013, 30(12): 2561-2571. (SCI)
39.YueSong Jiang ,ShuaiHui Wang,JiaHua Zhang,Jun Ou,Hua Tang, Spiral spectrum of Laguerre–Gaussian beam propagation in non-Kolmogorov turbulence. Optics Communications, 2013,303:38~41.(SCI)
40.Yong Zha, Jiahua Zhang, Jay Gao, ,Junliang He,Impact of MODIS-derived cloud cover on aerosol optical depth measured with a sun photometer: a case study from Nanjing, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2013,34(23):8534~8548. (SCI)
41.Y Wang,Y Yang,S Han,Q Wang,Zhang JH,Sunshine dimming and brightening in Chinese cities(1955-2011) was driven by airpollution rather than cloud. Climate Research, 2013, 56:11-20. (SCI)
42.YANG Fei,Zhu Yunqiang,Zhang Jiahua ,YAO Zuofang, Estimating Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation of Corn with Vegetation Indices and Neural Network from Hyperspectral Data. Chin. Geogra. Sci.,2012,22(1):63~74. (SCI)
43.Wang Pei-juan ,Xie Dong-hui, ,Xu Yun,Zhang Jia-hua. Inversion of Winter Wheat Water Content with the Relationship between Canopy Parameters and Spectra Based on Different Irrigations.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2012,32(1):209~213.(SCI)
44.Wu, Yerong,Guo, Jianping ,Zhang, Xiaoye,Tian, Xin,Zhang, Jiahua, Wang, Yaqiang,Duan, Jing,Li, Xiaowen,Synergy of satellite and ground based observations in estimation of particulate matter in eastern China. Science of the Total Environment,2012,433:20~30.(SCI)
45.Yan H.,S.Q. Wang,D. Billesbach,W. Oechel,Zhang J.H.,T. Meyers,T.A. Martin,R. Matamala,D. Baldocchi,G. Bohrer,D. Dragoni,R. Scott ,Global estimation of evapotranspiration using a leaf area index-based surface energy and water balance model. Remote Sensing of Environment,2012,124 (10):581~595. (SCI)
46.Jia-Hua Zhang, Feng-Mei Yao,Cheng Liu, Li-Min Y,Vijendra K. Boken,Detection, Emission Estimation and Risk Prediction of Forest Fires in China Using Satellite Sensors and Simulation Models in the Past Three Decades—An Overview. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,2011,(8):3156~3178. (SCI)
47.Zhang Jiahua, Yao Fengmei,Li Bingbai,Yanhao,Cheng Gaofeng,Vijendra BOKEN,Progress in monitoring rice heat temperature disaster using satellite and ground-based optical remote sensing information. Sciences in China,Series D,2011,54(12):1801~1811.
48.Zhang Jiahua, Zhou Zhengming,Wang Peijuan,Spectra reflectance characteristics of different snow and snow –covered land surface objects and mixed spectrum fitting.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2011,31(9):1~4. (SCI)
49.Zhang Jiahua,XU Yun,YAO FengMei,WANG PeiJuan,GUO WenJuan, Advances in estimation methods of vegetation water content based on optical remote sensing techniques.Sciences in China (E),2010,53(5):1159~1167. (SCI)
50.Yan, Hao, Zhang, Jiahua,Hou, Yingyu,He, Yanbo,Estimation of air temperature from MODIS data in east China. International Journal of Remote Sensing,2009,30(23):6261~6275. (SCI)
51.Zhang Jiahua (co-author) Changes in fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data. Climate Dynamics, 2008, 30 (7-8): 887-907 ( SCI).
52.Zhang, Jiahua ,Yao, Fengmei,Zheng, Lingyun,Yang, Limin,Evaluation of grassland dynamics in the Northern-Tibet Plateau of China using remote sensing and climate data. SENSORS,2007,7 (12):3312~3328. (SCI)
53.Zhang, Jiahua,Hou, YY,Li, GC,Yan, H,Yang, LM,Yao, FM,The diurnal and seasonal characteristics of urban heat island variation in Beijing city and surrounding areas and impact factors based on remote sensing satellite data. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES,2005, 48:220~229.(SCI)
54.Yao, Fengmei,Xu, Yinglong,Lin, Erda,Yokozawa, Masayuki,Zhang, Jiahua,Assessing the impacts of climate change on rice yields in the main rice areas of China.CLIMATIC CHANGE,2007,80(3-4):395~409. (SCI)
55.Zhang JH ,Yao FM,Fu CB,Yan XD,Study on response of ecosystem to the East Asian monsoon in eastern China using LAI data derived from remote sensing information.Progress in Natural Science,2004,14(3):279~282. (SCI)
56.Zhang Jiahua,Fu Congbin,YAN Xiaodong, Seita Emori,Hiroshi Kanzawa,Global respondence analysis of LAI versus surface air temperature and precipitation variations.Chinese Journal of Geophysics,2002, 45(5):631~637.
57.Zhang Jiahua ,Fu Congbin,Hiroshi Kanzawa, Estimation of stomatal conductance for winter wheat in Ecosystem based on remote sensing information and micro-meteorological parameters. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2001 ,13(4):439~443. (SCI)
58.Zhang JH ,FU CB,Yao FM,Simulation of soil erosion dynamics in grassland ecosystem of semi-arid China using the CENTURY model. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2000,12(3):81~86.(SCI)
1999, 奥地利IIASA青年科学家 1999-2011 日本科技厅 STA Fellow 兼任中国国家973 项目“对地观测综合交叉领域评审组专家;全球气候变化重大专项(2010CB951300)专家组委员;国家自然基金重大与国际合作项目、重点与优青等评审专家;中美气候变化影响适应工作组第一工作组召集人。教育部留学基金会评专家;中国气象局卫星遥感专家组委员,中国气象学会遥感与空间委员会全国气象标准委员会遥感应用分会委员,美国科学促进会,IEEE会员。2005 两岸四地GIS会议摄影测量分会主席;2011年Geoinformation 会议水文遥感分会主席;2012 年国际ICEEP会议环境分会主席;2013年第35届环境遥感大会生态遥感分会Co-chair。2016年国际PPEX科学大会报告Co-chair与科学委员会委员。国际Scientific Reports, Remote Sensing of Environment, Inter.J Remote Sens., Remote Sensing, J. of Applied Remote Sensing, Climatic Change, Science of the Total Environment , Environment Monitoring and Assessment,Inter J Digital Earth, Sciences in China,Chinese Sciences Bulletin 等近30种SCI期刊特邀评审专家。