- 张万昌
- 研究员
- 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京海淀区邓庄南路9号

简 历:
张万昌, 男, 1966年1月出生于新疆石河子, 理学博士, 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所研究员/教授/博士生导师,全球灾害研究室主任。2000年11月从名古屋大学学成回国,被南京大学特聘为教授, 2001年3月取得博导资格。至2012年6月,一直在南京大学从事科研和教学工作。2012年6月正式调入中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心工作(现中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所), 研究员/博导, 全球灾害研究室主任。其中,2001年3月-2006年7月任南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所常务副所长,博导,在中国科学院大气物理研究所东亚中心全球变化重点实验室从事遥感与GIS全球变化研究工作。先后主持过国家基础规划项目(973)课题、国家自然科学基金项目、国家教育部科学技术重点项目、中国科学院知识创新项目、国家重大科技专项项目、行业专项及海外杰出青年基金(B类)项目,并参与与欧盟、日本、美国、乌拉圭、加拿大、巴西等国际研究机构的国际合作项目30余项。历任中国科学院国际合作项目评审专家、中国海洋学会、中国海洋湖沼学会海洋遥感专业委员会委员、东南大学、新疆大学、兰州理工大学兼职教授、日本东京亚洲环境技术推进机构高级顾问,国家减灾救灾标准委员会委员,国际学术组织IEEE会员。 “International Journal of Remote Sensing”、 “Sensors”、 “Hydrological Processes”、“Journal of Hydrology”、“Journal of Urban Planning and Development”等多家学术刊物特邀审稿人。 2005年被ASCE 聘任为Journal of Urban Planning and Development编辑委员会委员。 张万昌教授在国内外相关学术期刊上发表论文及论著共计260余篇, 其中100余篇学术论文被SCI、EI收录, 合著专著一部。三篇在国际和国内学术会议上获奖。作为第一发明人申请国家发明专利6项,拥有软件著作权8项。从2001年起至今已培养20余名博士及博士后、20余名硕士, 其中2004届博士生雍斌、2005届硕士生朱求安分别获南京大学优秀博士毕业论文和优秀硕士毕业论文奖。
1983/09-1987/06: 成都理工大学,水文系,工程地质专攻;理学学士学位;
1987/09-1990/06: 中国科学院兰州寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,地理学专攻;理学硕士学位;
1993/04-1996/03: 日本名古屋大学理学部大气水圈科学研究所,大气水圈科学专攻;UNESCO特别课程理学硕士学位;日本文部省国费外国人奖学金留学生 (Monbushyo Scholarship,日本国文部省奖学金);
1997/04-2000/03: 日本名古屋大学理学部地球行星科学系,地球系统科学遥感与GIS专攻;理学博士学位;日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员;日本学术振兴会全额资助 (JSPS Fellow,日本国学术振兴会奖学金)外国人留学生。
1990/07-1993/03: 中国科学院兰州寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,助理研究员;
1992/05-1992/12: 日本国科学技术厅长岗雪冰防灾实验研究所,访问学者(STA Fellow);
1996/04-1997/03: 日本名古屋大学理学部大气水圈科学研究所,特别研究员;
2000/04-2000/10: 日本名古屋大学理学部大气水圈科学研究所, 研究员;
2000/11-2006/01: 南京大学国际地球系统科学研究所,教授、博导、常务副所长;
2005/09-2009/07: 中国科学院大气物理研究所,研究员、博导;
已经培养博士研究生18人,硕士研究生20余人, 目前在读博士和硕士研究生12人(外国留学博士生4名)。
1. 遥感水文学:遥感与GIS流域水文,水资源及水环境研究;
2. 环境与灾害遥感研究:针对大气圈、水圈、生物圈的环境与灾害的遥感分析、模型构建研究;
3. 遥感与GIS地球系统科学研究:大气圈、水圈、生物圈全球变化遥感与GIS应用研究。
A: 目前在研项目情况:
B: 已完成代表性项目情况:
5.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目“复杂自然环境时空定量信息获取与融合处理的理论与应用”第四课题“中国水圈环境关键与典型事件时空尺度定量遥感信息系统与应用示范”,课题编号:2001CB309404,课题负责人, 项目时限:2002-2007;
7. 海外杰出青年基金(B类)“遥感在长江陆面水文过程中的研究与应用”,课题编号:20020864,中方合作负责人, 项目时限:2002-2005;
8.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目“北方干旱化与人类适应”第二课题“半干旱区地表生态和水文过程及其相互作用的研究”,子课题编号:2006CB400502-2,子课题负责人, 项目时限:2006-2011;
10. 国家气象局行业专项“面向TIGGE的集合预报关键应用技术研究”,课题编号:GYHY200706001,子课题负责人,项目时限:2007-2010;
11. 国家气象局行业专项“基于多模式集合预报的交互式应用技术研究”,课题编号:GYHY200906007,子课题负责人,项目时限:2009-2012;
13. 中国数字科技馆体验馆2007年二级子项目“中国数字科技馆3S技术体验馆”,课题编号:无,子课题负责人,课题时限:2007-2009。
Selected Refereed Journal Articles (* marked author is the corresponding author):
1. Su Yu, Zhang Wanchang*, Su Wenting, 2016. Homogeneous approximation property for continuous shearlet transforms in higher dimensions. Journal of Inequalities and Applications. DOI: 10.1186/s13660-016-1116-y. 【SCI】
2. Lu Yi, Wan-Chang Zhang* and Chang-An Yan, 2016. Modified topographic index that incorporates the hydraulic and physical properties of soil. Hydrology Research. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2016.119.In press 【SCI】
3. Hao Chen, Wanchang Zhang*. 2016. Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Management with Application to Earthquake Disaster Databank & Sharing Platform. 2016 International Symposium on Earth Observation for One Belt and One Road (EOBAR). 2016/5/16-2012/5/17. Beijing, China, 2016. 【EI】
4. Jinping Liu, Wanchang Zhang*,Lu Yi,et.al.,2016. Long Term Analyses on Spatio-temporal Evaluation of Snow Covers in Central Asia by Using ERA-Interim and MODIS Products. 2016 5th International Symposium on Earth Observation for One Belt and One Road (EOBAR).2016/5/16-2016/5/17. Beijing,China,2016.【EI】
5. Shilun Zhou, Wanchang Zhang*, 2016. Flood monitoring and damage assessment in Thailand using multi-temporal HJ-1A/1B and MODIS images. 2016 5th International Symposium on Earth Observation for One Belt and One Road (EOBAR).2016/5/16-2016/5/17. Beijing,China,2016.【EI】
6. Chang-An Yan, Wanchang Zhang*, Zhijie Zhang, Yuanming Liu, Cai Deng, and Ning Nie. 2015. Assessment of Water Quality and Identification of Pollution Risk Regions Based on Field Observations & GIS in the Honghe River Watershed of Huaihe Basin, China. PLOS ONE. Manuscript Number:PONE-D-14-44372. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119130. 【SCI】
7. Chang-An Yan, Wanchang Zhang*, and Zhijie Zhang, 2015. Comparisons of SWAT and HSPF on streamflow simulations in the Linyi Watershed of Huaihe River Basin, China. Hydrological Processes. (Under Review). 【SCI】
8. Yuanming Liu, Wanchang Zhang*, Zhijie Zhang. 2015. Tile-Cutter: a tool for tile cutting based on the Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) Implementation Standard. Computers & Geosciences. 【SCI】 (IF 1.429,Submitted)
9. Yuanming LIU, Wanchang ZHANG*, Zhijie ZHANG, Liang ZHOU, 2015. A conceptual data model coupling with physically-based distributed hydrological models based on catchment discretization schemas. Journal of Hydrology. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS. 2004.1369935 【SCI】
10. Ning Nie, Wanchang Zhang*, Zhijie Zhang, Huadong Guo, Natarajan Ishwarane, 2015. Reconstructed Terrestrial Water Storage Change (ΔTWS) from 1948 to 2012 over the Amazon Basin with the Latest GRACE and GLDAS Products. Water Resources Management, 2015. WARM-D-15-00148R1. 【SCI】
11. Ning Nie; Wanchang Zhang*; Huadong Guo; Natarajan Ishwaran. 2010-2012 drought and flood events in the Amazon Basin inferred by GRACE satellite observations. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 9 (1), 096023 (August 04, 2015); doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.9.096023. 【SCI】
12. Ning Nie; Wanchang Zhang*; Huadong Guo; Natarajan Ishwaran, 2015. A Global Hydrological Drought Index Dataset Based on Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Data. PLOS ONE. in press 【SCI】
13. Lu Yi , Wanchang Zhang*, Cai Deng, 2015. A new topographic index considering the spatial heterogeneity of soil hydraulic and physical properties. Hydrology Research. In publication 【SCI】
14. Huicong Jia, Donghua Pan*, Wanchang Zhang, 2015. Risk Assessment of Maize Drought Disaster in Southwest China Using the EPIC Model. Journal of Mountain Science. DOI:10.1007/s11629-015-3514-x 【SCI】
15. Huicong Jia, Donghua Pan*, Wanchang Zhang, 2015. Health Assessment of Wetland Ecosystems in the Heilongjiang River Basin, China. Wetlands, DOI: 10.1007/s13157-015-0705-8 【SCI】
16. Huicong Jia, Donghua Pan*, Jingai Wang, Wanchang Zhang, 2015. Risk Mapping of Integrated Natural Disasters in China. Natural Hazards, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-2057-3 【SCI】
17. Chang-An Yan and Wanchang Zhang*, 2014. Effects of model segmentation approach on the performance and parameters of Hydrological Simulation Program – Fortran (HSPF) models. Hydrology Research. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2014.182. 【SCI】
18. Chang-An Yan, Wanchang Zhang*, and Zhijie Zhang,2014. Hydrological Modeling of the Jiaoyi Watershed (China) Using HSPF Model. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 672360, 9 pages. DOI:10.1155/2014/672360. 【SCI】
19. Huicong Jia, Donghua Pan, Yi Yuan & Wanchang Zhang (2014): Using a BP Neural Network for Rapid Assessment of Populations with Difficulties Accessing Drinking Water Because of Drought, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2013.879025 【SCI】
20. Shuang Liu, Jingwen Xu *, Junfang Zhao, Xingmei Xie, Wanchang Zhang, 2013. An innovative method for dynamic update of initial water table in XXT model based on neural network technique. Applied Soft Computing. 13(10): 4185–4193. 【SCI】 IF=2.14
21. XU Jingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Zheng Ziyan, Chen Jing and Jiao Meiyan, 2012: Early flood warning for Linyi watershed by the GRAPES/XXT model using TIGGE data. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(1), 103–111, doi:10.1007/s13351-012-0110-7. 【SCI】
22. Xu Jingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Zheng Ziyan, et al., 2012. Establishment of a hybrid rainfall runoff model for use in the Noah LSM. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(1), 85–92, doi: 10.1007/s13351-012-0108-1. 【SCI】
23. Liu Yonghe*, Zhang Wanchang, Zhang Kexin, Pei Hongqin. 2012. Multi-fractal analysis of daily rainfall from a monsoon watershed in Eastern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 107(3-4), pp 591-598. 【SCI】
24. Zhao Dengzhong and Zhang Wanchang*, 2012. Estimation of Daily Actual Evapotranspiration from MODIS with Limited Meteorological Data under a Clear Sky over the Weihe Basin, China. Journal of Hydrology, in publication. 【SCI】
25. Jiongfeng Chen, Wanchang Zhang*, 2012. A Simplified Hydrological Model for Simulating Top Surface Soil Moisture Changes at Watershed Scale. Journal of Hydrology, in publication. 【SCI】
26. Zheng Ziyan, Zhang Wanchang*, Xu Jingwen, et al., 2012. Numeric Simulation and Evaluation of a New Hydrologic Model Integrated with GRAPES, Acta Meteor. Sinica, 26(5), 653–663, doi:10.1007/s13351-012-0509-1. 【SCI】
27. Chen, Jiongfeng; Zhang, Wanchang*; Gao, Junfeng; Cao, Kai;2012,Assimilating multi-site measurements for semi-distributed hydrological model updating QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, Vol 282, pp 122-129, 2012/12/19. 1. 874 (2011) 【SCI】
28. Zheng Ziyan, Zhang Wanchang* Xu jingwen, Yan Zhongwei, Lu Xuemei, 2011. Surface soil moisture simulation for typical torrential event with a modified Noah LSM coupling to NWP model, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. VOL. 4, NO. 1, 1-6. 【SCI】
29. Zhang Wanchang* Gao Yongnian, 2011. Topographic correction algorithm for remotely sensed data accounting for indirect irradiance, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32: 7, 1807 — 1824. DOI: 10.1080/01431161003623441. 【SCI】
30. Zheng Ziyan,ZHANG Wanchang*,XU Jingwen, 2011,A trial of ensemble flood simulation experiment based upon TIGGE data with a coupled atmosphere-hydrology model. IWRM2010, IAHS 350-104, ISBN 978-1-907161-25-4, Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing Environments, 734-742. 【SCIE】
31. Liu Yonghe, Zhang Wanchang*, Shao Yuehong, 2011, A comparison of four distributions of precipitation amounts used in stochastic daily precipitation models, Advances in Atmospheric Science,2011. 12:5, 168-176. 【SCI】
32. Yongnian Gao, Wanchang Zhang*. LULC Classification and Topographic Correction of ETM+ Imagery in the Yangjia River Basin: the Influence of DEM Resolution. Sensors, 2009(3): 1980-1995. doi:10.3390/s90301980.【SCI】
33. Y.-H. Liu, W.-C. Zhang* and J.-W. Xu, Another fast and simple DEM depression-filling algorithm based on priority queue structure, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 2009, 2(5): 213?218. 【SCI】
34. Y.-H. Liu, W.-C. Zhang*, Y.-H. Shao and J. –Y. Zhang, A Comparison of Several 5-Minute Radar-Rainfall Estimation Models. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 2009, 2(6): 1?6. 【SCI】
35. Yongnian Gao, Wanchang Zhang*. A simple empirical topographic correction method for ETM+ imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2009,30:9, 2259-2275. DOI: 10.1080/01431160802549336. 【SCI】
36. Xu Jingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Sun Chengwu, FU Congbin. 2009,An Efficient Method on Deriving Topographic Index from DEM for Land Surface Hydrological Model TOPMODEL Simulation. Acta Meteorologica Sinica. Vol. 23, No.5, 609-616.【SCIE】
37. Yong, Bin; Ren, Liliang; Yang, Xiaoli; Zhang, Wanchang; Chen, Xi; Xiong, Lihua; Jiang, Shanhu; A new GIS-based algorithm for computing the TOPMODEL topographic index Source: IAHS-AISH Publication, v 331, p 395-401, 2009, Hydro-informatics in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources. 【SCIE】
38. 雍 斌, 任立良, 陈 喜, 张 运, 张万昌, 符淙斌, 牛国跃, 2009,大尺度水文模型TOPX构建及其与区域环境系统集成模式RIEMS的耦合. 《地球物理学报》. 2009, 52(8): 【SCIE】
39. Hongming He, Jie Zhou, Yongjao Wu, Wanchang Zhang*, Xiuping Xie. 2008. Modelling the Response of Surface Water Quality to the Urbanization in Xian, China, Journal of Environmental Management, 86 (2008): 731-749. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman. 2006.12.043.【SCI】
40. Hongming He, Jie Zhou*, Yongjao Wu, Wanchang Zhang, Xiuping Xie. 2008. Modeling the Interaction of Urbanization and Surface Water Quality Environment. Environmental Forensics 9: 215-225. 【SCI】
41. Hongming He, Jie Zhou, Wanchang Zhang*. 2008. Modelling the impacts of environmental changes on hydrological regimes in the Heihe River Watershed, China. Global and Planetary Change 61, 175-193. 【SCI】
42. Hongming He, Jie Zhou, Yongjao Wu, Wanchang Zhang, Xiuping Xie. 2007. Estimating water quality pollution impacts Based on Economic Loss Models in Urbanization process in Xi' an, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 133(3), 151-160 【SCI】
43. W. -C. Zhang*, J. Chen, K. Ogawa and Y. Yamaguchi, 2005. An approach to estimating evapotranspiration in the Urumqi River Basin, Tianshan, China, by means of remote sensing and a geographical information system technique. Hydrological Processes, V19, N9, p 1839-1854. DOI: 10.1002/ hyp.5639. 【SCI】
44. Junfeng Ji, Jun Chen, Li Jin, Wanchang Zhang, William Balsam, Huayu Lu, 2004. Relating magnetic susceptibility (MS) to the simulated Thematic Mapper (TM) bands of the Chinese loess: the application of TM image for soil MS mapping on Loess Plateau. Journal of Geographic Research, Vol. 109, B05102, doi: 10.1029/ 2003JB002769. 【SCI】
45. W. -C. Zhang*, Y. Yamaguchi and K. Ogawa, 2001. Evaluation of the effect of pre-processing of the remotely sensed data on the actual evapotranspiration, surface soil moisture mapping by an approach using Landsat TM, DEM and meteorological data. Geocarto International. 15 (4), P.57-67. 【SCI】
46. W. -C, Zhang*; Ogawa, Katsuro; Besheng, Ye; Yamaguchi, Yasushi, 2000, Monthly stream flow model for estimating the potential changes of river runoff on the projected global warming. Hydrological Processes, V14, N10, Jul, 2000, p 1851-1868. 【SCI】
47. W. -C. Zhang*, Y. S. Zhang, K. Ogawa and Y. Yamaguchi, 1999. Observation and estimation of daily actual evapotranspiration and evaporation on a glacierized watershed at the Headwater of Urumqi River, Tianshan, China. Int. J. Hydrol. Processes. 13: P.1589-1601. 【SCI】
48. W. -C. Zhang*, J. K. Han, Z. C. Xie, X. J. Wang, L. Albert and K. Goto-Azuma. 1993. A preliminary study of ice texture and fabric on an ice core to the bedrock extracted from Glacier No.1 at the headwater of Urumqi River, Tianshan, China. Bulletin of Glacier Research. 11, P. 9-15. 【SCI】
49. 陈志敏,张万昌*, 严长安, 2014. ESSI分布式水文模型在淮河流域的应用[J]. 水文, (05):17-24. 【EI】
50. 刘瑞娟, 张万昌*. 分布式非点源有毒污染物模型构建研究 [J]. 水利学报. 2013(02): 18-28. 【EI】
51. Yuanming LIU, Wanchang ZHANG*. A model of caching geo-data sharing based on computer cluster technology. in 2012 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Information Technology, MSIT 2012, August 24, 2012 - August 26, 2012. 2012. Xi'an, Shaan, China: Trans Tech Publications. Advanced Materials Research 532: 902-907. 【EI】 (Accession number: 20124615672174)
52. Yuanming LIU, Wanchang ZHANG*, and Changan YAN. The huaihe basin water resource and water quality management platform implemented with a spatio-temporal data model. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 2012. XXXIX-B6: p. 135-140. 【EI】
53. Pengkun Xu, Wanchang Zhang*. 2012. Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage and Ice Mass Changes from GRACE: A Review. 2012 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE). 2012/7/16-2012/7/19, pp 676-678. Genoa, ITALY, 2012. 【EI】
54. Chuansheng Liu, Wanchang Zhang, 2010, Multi-scale Study on the Spatial Heterogeneity of Remotely-sensed Evapotranspiratrion in the Typical Oasis of Tarim Basin, China, ISDE 6. 【EI】
55. JingWen Xu, JunFang Zhao, WanChang Zhang, XiaoXun Xu. A Novel Soil Moisture Predicting Method Based on Artificial Neural Network and Xinanjiang Model. Advanced Materials Research 2010(Volumes 121 - 122), 1028-1032. 【EI】 Accession number: 20110113544618
56. Jingwen Xu, Xingmei Xie, Junren Xian, Wanchang Zhang, Lan Shen. Integration of ANN with TOPMODEL in daily stream flow forecasting. [A]. In: 2010 International Conference on Display and Photonics [C]. Nanjing, China: SPIE, 2010, 77491I-77496. 【EI】Accession number: 20110613642480
57. Jingwen Xu, Weidan Liu, Ziyuan Zheng, Wanchang Zhang, Li Ning. A new hybrid hydrologic model of XXT and artificial neural network for large-scale daily runoff modeling [A]. In: 2010 International Conference on Display and Photonics [C]. Nanjing, China: SPIE, 2010, 77490P-77496. 【EI】 Accession number: 20110613642461
58. 高勇年,高俊峰,张万昌,夏 霆,2010,地形效应下的区域蒸散遥感估算。《农业工程学报》,26(10):218-223. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2010.10.037 【EI】
59. Xu Jingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Wang Changquan, Zhu Xuemei and Chen Jiongfeng, Development of a distributed agriculture drought prediction model based on TOPMODEL and GIS, Proc. SPIE. Vol. 7491, 749190K (2009); Doi: 10.1117/12.836758, PIAGENG 2009-Remote Sensing and Geo-science for Agricultural Engineering. 【EI】 [EI收录号:20094312394928.]
60. Xu Jingwen, Zhang Wanchang*, Wang Changquan, Zheng Ziyan and Chen Jiongfeng, Development of a soil moisture prediction model based on Xinanjiang Model and GIS, Proc. SPIE. Vol. 7491, 749190L (2009); Doi: 10.1117/12.836762, PIAGENG 2009-Remote Sensing and Geo-science for Agricultural Engineering. 【EI】 [EI收录号:20094312394929.]
61. Xu, Jingwen; Zhang, Wanchang; Zhao, Junfang;2009, Stream flow forecasting by artificial neural network and TOPMODEL in Baohe River basin, 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application Workshops, IITAW 2009, p 186-189. 【EI】Accession number: 20101812900011
62. Xu, Jingwen; Zhao, Junfang; Zhang, Wanchang; Hu, Zhongda; Zheng, Ziyan; 2009, Mid-short-term daily runoff forecasting by ANNS and multiple process-based hydrological models, Proceedings - 2009 IEEE Youth Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunication, YC-ICT2009, p 526-529. 【EI】Accession number: 20101612856755
63. Xu, Jingwen; Zhu, Xuemei; Zhang, Wanchang; Xu, Xiaoxun; Xian, Junren; 2009, Daily stream-flow forecasting by artificial neural network in a large-scale basin: Proceedings - 2009 IEEE Youth Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunication, YC-ICT2009, p 487-490. 【EI】Accession number: 20101612856745
64. 邵月红, 张万昌*. 统计权重矩阵法在多普勒雷达估测降水集成分析中的应用. 《水科学进展》. 2009, 20(6): 1-8. 【EI】
65. Yong, B., Zhang, W.-C*., Niu G. Y., etal., 2008, Spatial statistical properties and scale transform analyses on the topgraphic index derived from DEMs in China. Computer & Geosciences, doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2008.03.006. 【SCI】
66. Shao Yuehong, Zhang Wanchang*, Analysis of quantitative precipitation estimation with different methods by using doppler radar data. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing, GRS 2008. Nov 6-11st, Shanghai, China, GRS 2008, Volume 2, Page(s): 372-375. 【EI】 【ISTP】
67. Shao Yuehong, Zhang Wanchang*, Application of back-propagation neural network to estimate precipitation with doppler radar in Yishuhe watershed of China. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing, GRS 2008. Nov 6-11st, Shanghai, China, GRS 2008, Volume 2, Page(s): 376-379. 【EI】 【ISTP】
68. Xu Jinwen, Zhang Wanchang*, A new method of obtaining surface runoff parameters of SIMTOP from DEM. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing, GRS 2008. Nov 6-11st, Shanghai, China, GRS 2008, Volume 2, Page(s): 352-355. 【EI】【ISTP】 Accession number: 20094612444936
69. Zhang Wanchang*, Jiongfeng Chen, Distributed hydrological model with new soil water parameterization for integrating remotely sensed soil moisture at watershed scale. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing, GRS 2008. Nov 6-11st, Shanghai, China, GRS 2008, Volume 2, Page(s): 364-367. 【EI】 【ISTP】
70. Jiongfeng Chen, Zhang Wanchang*, Soil moisture mapping in typical semi-arid regions of China by using ENVISAT ASAR data. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing, GRS 2008. Nov 6-11st, Shanghai, China, GRS 2008, Volume 2, Page(s): 360-363. 【EI】 【ISTP】
71. Jiongfeng Chen, Zhang Wanchang*, 2008, Spatial variability of surface soil moisture in semi-arid region of northern China. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing, GRS 2008. Nov 6-11st, Shanghai, China, GRS 2008, Volume 2, Page(s): 356-359. 【EI】 【ISTP】
72. Bi Xuemei, Zhang Wanchang*, Long term analyses on spatial and temporal evaluation of snow covers in northern china by using RS and meteorological data. International Workshop on Geo-science and Remote Sensing, GRS 2008. Nov 6-11st, Shanghai, China, GRS 2008, Volume 2, Page(s): 368-371. 【EI】 【ISTP】
73. Yongnian Gao, Wanchang Zhang*. Variable Empirical Coefficient Algorithm for Removal of Topographic Effects on Remotely Sensed Data from Rugged Terrain. Proceeding of IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2007), 2007, 4733-4736. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2007.4423917. 【EI】
74. Yongnian Gao, Wanchang Zhang*, Jing Wang and Chuansheng Liu. LULC Classification of Landsat -7 ETM+ Image from Rugged Terrain Using TC, CA and SOFM Neural Network. Proceeding of IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2007), 2007, 3490-3493. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2007.4423598. 【EI】【ISTP】
75. Chuansheng Liu, Wanchang Zhang*, Dengzhong Zhao and Yongnian Gao. Remotely-sensed Evapotranspiration of Typical Oasis in the Southern Edge of Tarim Basin and Its Relationship to Land Cover Changes. Proceeding of IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS2007), 2007, 3237-3240. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2007.4423534. 【EI】
76. Xuemei Bi, Wanchang Zhang* and Hongchang Hu, 2007, The spatial-temporal evaluation and valiability study on aridity of Northern China using ESDA, Geoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Science, edited by Jingming Chen, Yingxia Pu, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6753, 67532Q, (2007) · 0277-786X/07/