







姓      名:
职      务:
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通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北一条11号



于1990、1996、1999年在中国科学技术大学先后获得学士、硕士和博士学位。攻读博士期间曾于1997-1998年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心和英国卢瑟福实验室联合培养,2000年起作为洪堡学者在德国凯撒斯劳腾大学复合材料研究所工作。2001年获德国联邦政府Sofja Kovalevskaja Award青年科学家奖,在德国研究所组建独立研究小组。2005年回国任国家纳米科学中心研究员、博士生导师。

目前是国际复合材料领域知名学术期刊Composites Part A中国区主编(Chinese Editor),Composites Science & Technology, J Compos Mater, Tribology Int, J Multifunctional Composites等5个学术期刊编委。



1) 纳米复合材料力学;2)多级次多功能纳米复合材料;3)纳米复合材料制造及应用。


2015年10月 入选国家百千万人才工程,被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉

2012年8月 获国家杰出青年科学基金资助

2011年1月 中国科学院先进工作者

2008年11月 中国科学院-拜耳青年科学家奖

2001年10月 德国联邦政府Sofja Kovalevskaja Award青年科学家奖



 1.Wang GR, Dai ZH, Wang YL, Tan PH, Liu LQ, Xu ZP, Wei YG, Huang R, Zhang Z: Measuring interlayer shear stress in bilayer graphene. Physical Review Letters 2017; 119: 036101.
 2.Dai ZH, Wang YL, Liu LQ, Liu XL, Tan PH, Xu ZP, Kuang J, Liu Q, Lou J, Zhang Z: Hierarchical graphene based films with dynamic self-stiffening for biomimetic artificial muscle. Advanced Functional Materials 2016; 26: 7003-7010.
 3.Wang GR, Dai ZH, Liu LQ, Hu H, Dai Q, Zhang Z: Tuning the interfacial mechanical behaviors of monolayer graphene/PMMA nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016; 8: 22554-22562.
 4.Zhao LY, Zhao J, Liu YY, Guo YF, Zhang LP, Chen Z, Zhang H, Zhang Z: Continuously tuneable wettability using surface patterned shape memory polymers with giant deformability. Small 2016; 12: 3327-3333.
 5.Zeng Z, Jin H, Chen MJ, Li WW, Zhou LC, Zhang Z: Lightweight and hierarchically porous MWCNT/WPU composites for ultra-high performance electromagnetic interference shielding. Advanced Functional Materials 2016; 26: 303-310.
 6.Liu YY, Zhao J, Zhao LY, Li WW, Zhang H, Yu X, Zhang Z: High performance shape memory epoxy/carbon nanotube nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016; 8: 311-320.
 7.Kuang J, Dai ZH, Liu LQ, Yang Z, Jin M, Zhang Z: Synergistic effects from graphene and carbon nanotubes enable ordered hierarchical structure foams with combination of compressibility, super-elasticity and stability, and their potential application as pressure sensors. Nanoscale 2015; 7: 9252-9260.
 8.Gao Y, Liu LQ, Zu SZ, Peng K, Zhou D, Han BH, Zhang Z: The effect of interlayer adhesion on the mechanical behaviors of macroscopic graphene oxide papers. ACS Nano 2011; 5: 2134-41.
 9.Gao Y, Liu LQ, Li JZ, Ma WJ, Zhou WY, Xie SS, Zhang Z: Axial compression of hierarchically structured carbon nanotube fiber embedded in epoxy. Advanced Functional Materials 2010; 20: 3797-3803.
 10.Ma WJ, Liu LQ, Zhang Z, Yang R, Liu G, Zhang TH, An XF, Yi XS, Ren Y, Niu Z, Li J, Dong H, Zhou W, Ajayan PM, Xie S-S: High-strength composite fibres: Realizing true potential of carbon nanotubes in polymer matrix through continuous reticulate architecture and molecular level coupling. Nano Letters 2009; 9: 2855-2861.

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