







  • 万博
  • 研究员
  • 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所



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学术任职: Ore Geology Reviews 副主编

1. 董磊磊, 2018, 金矿中金的来源探索:以西天山两类金矿为例: 博士学位论文, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京. 133 pp.
21. Dong, L., Wan, B.*, Deng, C., and Cai, K. 2020, Mineral chemistry and sources of fluid and sulfur at the Katbasu gold deposit in South Tianshan, NW China: Ore Geology Reviews, v.116. 123224.
20. Zang, Z., Dong, L., Liu, W., Zhao, H., Wang, X., Cai, K., and Wan, B.*, 2019, Garnet U-Pb and O isotopic determinations reveal a shear-zone induced hydrothermal system: Scientific Reports, v. 9, p. 10382. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-46868-4
19. Liu, Y., Wan, B.* and Xue, D., 2019. Sample digestion and combined preconcentration methods for the determination of ultra-low gold levels in rocks. Molecules, v.24, doi:10.3390/molecules24091778
18. Wan, B.*, Wu, F.-Y., Chen, L., Zhao, L., Liang, X., Xiao, W., and Zhu, R., 2019, Cyclical one-way continental rupture-drift in the Tethyan evolution: subduction-driven plate tectonics: SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, v.62: p.2005-2016 /万博,吴福元,陈凌,赵亮,梁晓峰,肖文交,朱日祥, 2019重力驱动的特提斯单向裂解-聚合动力学. 中国科学地:球科科学,v.49, p.2004-2017
17. Wan, B.*, Li, S., Xiao, W., and Windley, B. F., 2018 Where and when did the Paleo-Asian ocean form?: Precambrian Research, v.317, p.241-252.
16. Wan, B.*, Deng, C, Najafi, A, Hezarehd, M., Talebian, M. Dong, L., Chen, L., Xiao, W., 2018, Fertilizing porphyry Cu deposits through deep crustal hot zone melting: Gondwana Research, , v.60, p.179-185.
15. Deng, C., Wan, B.*, Dong, L., Talebian, M., Windley, B. F., Dadashzadeh, H., Mohammadi, B., and Barati, B., 2018, Miocene porphyry copper deposits in the Eastern Tethyan orogenic belt: Using Sr, O isotopes and Sr/Y ratios to predict the source of ore-related and ore-barren magmas: Gondwana Research, v.60, p.179-185.
14. Dong, L., Wan, B.*, Yang, W., Deng, C., Chen, Z., Yang, L., Cai, K., and Xiao, W., 2018, Rb-Sr geochronology of single gold-bearing pyrite grains from the Katbasu gold deposit in the South Tianshan, China and its geological significance: Ore Geology Reviews, v.100, p.99-110.
13. Dong, L., Wan, B.*, Deng, C., Cai, K., and Xiao, W., 2018, An Early Permian epithermal gold system in the Tulasu Basin in North Xinjiang, NW China: Constraints from in situ oxygen-sulfur isotopes and geochronology: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.153, p.412-424.
12. Wan, B.*, Xiao, W., Windley, B. F., Gao, J., Zhang, L., and Cai, K., 2017, Contrasting ore styles and their role in understanding the evolution of the Altaids: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 80, p. 910-922.
11. Wan, B.*, Windley, B. F., Xiao, W., Feng, J., and Zhang, J. e., 2015, Paleoproterozoic high-pressure metamorphism in the northern North China Craton and implications for the Nuna supercontinent: Nature communications, v. 6, p. 8344.
10. Wan, B.*, Xiao, W., Han, C., Windley, B. F., Zhang, L., Qu, W., and Du, A., 2014, Re–Os molybdenite age of the Cu–Mo skarn ore deposit at Suoerkuduke in East Junggar, NW China and its geological significance: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 56, p. 541-548.
9. Wan, B.*, Xiao, W., Windley, B. F., and Yuan, C., 2013, Permian hornblende gabbros in the Chinese Altai from a subduction-related hydrous parent magma, not from the Tarim mantle plume: Lithosphere, v. 5, no. 3, p. 290-299.
8. Wan, B.*, Xiao, W., Zhang, L., and Han, C., 2012, Iron mineralization associated with a major strike–slip shear zone: radiometric and oxygen isotope evidence from the Mengku deposit, NW China: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 44, p. 136-147.
7. Wan, B.*, Xiao, W., Zhang, L., Windley, B. F., Han, C., and Quinn, C. D., 2011, Contrasting styles of mineralization in the Chinese Altai and East Junggar, NW China: implications for the accretionary history of the southern Altaids: Journal of the Geological Society, v. 168, no. 6, p. 1311-1321.
6. Wan, B.*, Zhang, L., and Xiang, P., 2010, The Ashele VMS‐type Cu‐Zn Deposit in Xinjiang, NW China Formed in a Rifted Arc Setting: Resource Geology, v. 60, no. 2, p. 150-164.
5. Wan, B.*, Zhang, L., and Xiao, W., 2010, Geological and geochemical characteristics and ore genesis of the Keketale VMS Pb–Zn deposit, Southern Altai Metallogenic Belt, NW China: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 37, no. 2, p. 114-126.
4. Wan, B.*, Hegner, E., Zhang, L., Rocholl, A., Chen, Z., Wu, H., and Chen, F., 2009, Rb-Sr geochronology of chalcopyrite from the Chehugou porphyry Mo-Cu deposit (Northeast China) and geochemical constraints on the origin of hosting granites: Economic Geology, v. 104, no. 3, p. 351-363.
3. 万博*, 张连昌, 徐兴旺, 孙赫, 2006, 东天山小石头泉铜多金属矿区火山岩-次火山岩地球化学与成矿构造背景: 岩石学报, v. 22, no. 11.
2. 万博*, 张连昌, 2006, 新疆阿尔泰东南缘卡拉先格尔铜矿带含矿斑岩地球化学及其成矿意义: 中国地质, v. 33, no. 3, p. 618-625.
1. 万博*, 张连昌, 2006, 新疆阿尔泰南缘泥盆纪多金属成矿带 Sr-Nd-Pb 同位素地球化学与构造背景探讨: 岩石学报, v. 22, no. 1, p. 145-152.
61. 陈凌, 王旭, 梁晓峰, 万博, 和刘丽军. 2020. 俯冲构造 vs. 地幔柱构造–板块运动驱动力探讨. 中国科学: 地球科学, doi:10.1360/SSTe-2019-0106.
60. Tan, Z., Agard, P., Gao, J., Hong, T. and Wan, B. 2020. Concordant pulse in Mn, Y and HREEs concentrations during UHP eclogitic garnet growth: Transient rock dynamics along a cold subduction plate interface. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 115908.
59. 肖文交, 宋东方, Windley, B, 李继亮, 韩春明, 万博, 张继恩, 敖松坚, 张志勇. 2019.中亚增生造山过程与成矿作用研究进展. 中国科学: 地球科学 49, 1512-1545, doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2019-0133.
58. Esmaeili, R., Xiao, W., Ebrahimi, M., Zhang, J. E., Zhang, Z., Abd El-Rahman, Y., Han, C., Wan, B., Ao, S., Song, D., Shahabi, S., and Aouizerat, A., 2019, Makran ophiolitic basalts (SE Iran) record Late Cretaceous Neotethys plume-ridge interaction: International Geology Review, p. 1-21.
57. Tan, Z., Agard, P., Monié, P., Gao, J., John, T., Bayet, L., Jiang, T., Wang, X.-S., Hong, T., Wan, B., and Caron, B., 2019, Architecture and P-T-deformation-time evolution of the Chinese SW-Tianshan HP/UHP complex: Implications for subduction dynamics: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 197, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102894
56. Liu, X., Liu, W., Xiao, W. and Wan, B., 2019. Magma replenishment as revealed by textural and geochemical features of plagioclase phenocrysts in subduction-related lavas. Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition, v.93, p.464-476.
55. 高俊,朱明田,王信水,洪涛,李光明,李继磊,肖文交,秦克章,曾庆栋,申萍,徐兴旺,张招崇,周建波,赖勇,张晓晖,孙景贵,万博,王博, 2019,中亚成矿域斑岩大规模成矿特征: 大地构造背景, 流体作用与成矿深部动力学机制. 地质学报, v.93, p.24-71.
54. Han, C., Xiao, W. Su, B., Sakyi, PA., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Wan, B., Song, D., 2018, Geology, Re-Os and U-Pb geochronology and sulfur isotope of the Donggebi porphyry Mo deposit, Xinjiang, NW china, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.165, p.270-284.
53. Su, W., Cai, K., Sun, M., Wan, B., Wang, X., Bao, Z., and Xiao, W., 2018. Carboniferous volcanic rocks associated with back-arc extension in the western Chinese Tianshan, NW China: Insight from temporal-spatial character, petrogenesis and tectonic significance: Lithos, v.310-311, p. 241-254.
52. Zhang, Z., Xiao, W., Ji, W., Majidifard, M., Talebian, M., Rezaeian, M., Xiang, D., Chen, L., Wan, B., Ao, S, Esmaeili, R., 2018, Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope for the granitoids from the NW Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran: implications for Mesozoic-Cenozoic episodic magmatism during Neo-Tethyan lithospheric subduction: Gondwana Research, v.62, p.227-245.
51. Chen, H., Wan, B., Pirajno, F., Chen, Y., and Xiao, B., 2018, Metallogenesis of the Xinjiang Orogens, NW China-New Discoveries and Ore Genesis: Ore Geology Reviews, v.100, p.1-11.
50. Gao, J., Klemd, R., Zhu, M., Wang, X., Li, J., Wan, B., Xiao, W., Zeng, Q., Shen, P., and Sun, J., 2017, Large-scale porphyry-type mineralization in the Central Asian metallogenic domain: A review: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,dio:org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.10.002.
49. Wang, Y., Cai, K., Sun, M., Xiao, W., De Grave, J., Wan, B., and Bao, Z., 2017, Tracking the multi-stage exhumation history of the western Chinese Tianshan by Apatite Fission Track (AFT) dating: implication for the preservation of epithermal deposits in the ancient orogenic belt: Ore Geology Reviews, v.100, p.111-132..
48. Xiao, W., Windley, B. F., Han, C., Liu, W., Wan, B., Zhang, J. e., Ao, S., Zhang, Z., and Song, D., 2017, Late Paleozoic to early Triassic multiple roll-back and oroclinal bending of the Mongolia collage in Central Asia: Earth-Science Reviews, dio:10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.09.020.
47. Han, C., Xiao, W., Su, B., Sakyi, P. A., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Wan, B., Song, D., and Wang, Z., 2016, Ages and tectonic implications of the mafic–ultramafic-carbonatite intrusive rocks and associated Cu-Ni, Fe-P and apatite-vermiculite deposits from the Quruqtagh district, NW China: Ore Geology Reviews, dio: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.07.011.
46. Bao, Z., Cai, K., Sun, M., Xiao, W., Wan, B., Wang, Y., Wang, X., and Xia, X., 2018, Continental crust melting induced by subduction initiation of the South Tianshan Ocean: Insight from the Latest Devonian granitic magmatism in the southern Yili Block, NW China: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 153, p. 100-117.
45. Nabatian, G., Li, X.-H., Wan, B., and Honarmand, M., 2017, The genesis of Mo-Cu deposits and mafic igneous rocks in the Senj area, Alborz magmatic belt, Iran: Mineralogy and Petrology, v.112, p.481-500.
44. Wang, X., Cai, K., Sun, M., Xiao, W., Xia, X., Wan, B., Bao, Z., and Wang, Y., 2018, Two contrasting late Paleozoic magmatic episodes in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt, NW China: Implication for tectonic transition from plate convergence to intra-plate adjustment during accretionary orogenesis: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.153, p.118-138.
43. Nabatian, G., Wan, B., and Honarmand, M., 2017, Whole rock geochemistry, molybdenite Re-Os geochronology, stable isotope and fluid inclusion investigations of the Siah-Kamar deposit, western Alborz-Azarbayjan: New constrains on the porphyry Mo deposit in Iran: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 91, p. 638-659.
42. Xiao, W., Ao, S., Yang, L., Han, C., Wan, B., Zhang, J. E., Zhang, Z., Li, R., Chen, Z., and Song, S., 2017, Anatomy of composition and nature of plate convergence: Insights for alternative thoughts for terminal India-Eurasia collision: Science China Earth Sciences, v. 60, no. 6, p. 1015-1039.
41. Luo, J., Xiao, W., Wakabayashi, J., Han, C., Zhang, J. e., Wan, B., Ao, S., Zhang, Z., Tian, Z., and Song, D., 2017, The Zhaheba ophiolite complex in Eastern Junggar (NW China): long lived supra-subduction zone ocean crust formation and its implications for the tectonic evolution in southern Altaids: Gondwana Research, v. 43, p. 17-40.
40. Han, C., Xiao, W., Su, B., Sakyi, P. A., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Wan, B., Song, D., Zhang, Z., and Wang, Z., 2017, Neoarchean Algoma-type banded iron formation from the Northern Shanxi, the Trans-North China Orogen: SIMS U-Pb age, origin and tectonic setting: Precambrian Research, v. 303, p. 548-572.
39. Zhang, Z., Xiao, W., Majidifard, M. R., Zhu, R., Wan, B., Ao, S., Chen, L., Rezaeian, M., and Esmaeili, R., 2017, Detrital zircon provenance analysis in the Zagros Orogen, SW Iran: implications for the amalgamation history of the Neo-Tethys: International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 106, no. 4, p. 1223-1238.
38. Yamini, M. A., Tutti, F., Yamini, M. R. A., Ahmadian, J., and Wan, B., 2017, Examination of chloritization of biotite as a tool for reconstructing the physicochemical parameters of mineralization and associated alteration in the Zafarghand porphyry copper system, Ardestan, Central Iran: mineral-chemistry and stable isotope analyses: Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 111, no. 5, p. 747-759.
37. Cai, K., Sun, M., Buslov, M., Jahn, B.-m., Xiao, W., Long, X., Chen, H., Wan, B., Chen, M., and Rubanova, E., 2016, Crustal nature and origin of the Russian Altai: Implications for the continental evolution and growth of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB): Tectonophysics, v. 674, p. 182-194.
36. Ao, S., Xiao, W., Jafari, M. K., Talebian, M., Chen, L., Wan, B., Ji, W., and Zhang, Z., 2016, U–Pb zircon ages, field geology and geochemistry of the Kermanshah ophiolite (Iran): From continental rifting at 79 Ma to oceanic core complex at ca. 36 Ma in the southern Neo-Tethys: Gondwana Research, v. 31, p. 305-318.
35. Tian, Z., Xiao, W., Sun, J., Windley, B. F., Glen, R., Han, C., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J. e., Wan, B., and Ao, S., 2015, Triassic deformation of Permian Early Triassic arc-related sediments in the Beishan (NW China): last pulse of the accretionary orogenesis in the southernmost Altaids: Tectonophysics, v. 662, p. 363-384.
34. Han, C., Xiao, W., Su, B.-X., Sakyi, P. A., Chen, Z., Zhang, X., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Wan, B., and Zhang, Z., 2014, Formation age and genesis of the Gongchangling Neoarchean banded iron deposit in eastern Liaoning Province: Constraints from geochemistry and SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating: Precambrian Research, v. 254, p. 306-322.
33. Xiao, W., Han, C., Liu, W., Wan, B., Zhang, J. e., Ao, S., Zhang, Z., Song, D., Tian, Z., and Luo, J., 2014, How many sutures in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Insights from East Xinjiang–West Gansu (NW China)?: Geoscience Frontiers, v. 5, no. 4, p. 525-536.
32. Han, C., Xiao, W., Su, B., Chen, Z., Zhang, X., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Wan, B., and Song, D., 2014, Neoarchean Algoma-type banded iron formations from Eastern Hebei, North China Craton: SHRIMP U-Pb age, origin and tectonic setting: Precambrian Research, v. 251, p. 212-231.
31. Han, C., Xiao, W., Zhao, G., Su, B., Sakyi, P. A., Ao, S., Wan, B., Zhang, J. e., Zhang, Z., and Wang, Z., 2014, Mid-late Paleozoic metallogenesis and evolution of the Chinese Altai and East Junggar orogenic belt, NW China, Central Asia: Journal of Geosciences, v. 59, no. 3, p. 255-274.
30. Han, C., Xiao, W., Zhao, G., Su, B., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Wan, B., Wang, Z., Ding, J., and Qu, W., 2014, Re–Os isotopic age of the Hongqiling Cu–Ni sulfide deposit in Jilin Province, NE China and its geological significance: Resource Geology, v. 64, no. 3, p. 247-261.
29. Tian, Z., Xiao, W., Windley, B. F., Lin, L. n., Han, C., Zhang, J. e., Wan, B., Ao, S., Song, D., and Feng, J., 2014, Structure, age, and tectonic development of the Huoshishan–Niujuanzi ophiolitic mélange, Beishan, southernmost Altaids: Gondwana Research, v. 25, no. 2, p. 820-841.
28. Han, C., Xiao, W., Zhao, G., Su, B., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Wan, B., and Wang, Z., 2014, Tectonic implications of Re-Os dating of molybdenum deposits in the Tianshan–Xingmeng Orogenic Belt, Central Asia: International Geology Review, v. 56, no. 8, p. 985-1006.
27. Lin, L. n., Xiao, W., Wan, B., Windley, B. F., Ao, S., Han, C., Feng, J., Zhang, J. e., and Zhang, Z., 2014, Geochronologic and geochemical evidence for persistence of south-dipping subduction to late Permian time, Langshan area, Inner Mongolia (China): Significance for termination of accretionary orogenesis in the southern Altaids: American Journal of Science, v. 314, no. 2, p. 679-703.
26. Han, C., Wu, F., Xiao, W., Zhao, G., Ao, S., Zhang, J., Wan, B., Qu, W., and Du, A., 2014, The Paleoproterozoic Chibaisong Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusion and Cu-Ni Deposit, North China Craton: SHRIMP Zircon U-Pband Re-Os Geochronology and Geodynamic Implications: Journal of Geophysics and Remote Sensing, v. 3, no.1, p. 651-657.
25. Wang, Z.-M., Han, C.-M., Xiao, W.-J., Wan, B., Sakyi, P. A., Ao, S.-J., Zhang, J.-E., and Song, D.-F., 2014, Petrology and geochronology of Paleoproterozoic garnet-bearing amphibolites from the Dunhuang Block, Eastern Tarim Craton: Precambrian Research, v. 255, p. 163-180.
24. Wu, H., Zhang, L., Pirajno, F., Xiang, P., Wan, B., Chen, Z., and Zhang, X., 2014, The Jiguanshan porphyry Mo deposit in the Xilamulun metallogenic belt, northern " ">23.Feng, J., Xiao, W., Windley, B., Han, C., Wan, B., Zhang, J. e., Ao, S., Zhang, Z., and Lin, L., 2013, Field geology, geochronology and geochemistry of mafic–ultramafic rocks from Alxa, China: implications for Late Permian accretionary tectonics in the southern Altaids: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 78, p. 114-142.
22. Han, C., Xiao, W., Zhao, G., Su, B.-X., Sakyi, P. A., Ao, S., Wan, B., Zhang, J. e., and Zhang, Z., 2013, SIMS U-Pb zircon dating and Re-Os isotopic analysis of the Hulu Cu-Ni deposit, eastern Tianshan, Central Asian Orogenic Belt, and its geological significance: Journal of Geosciences, v. 58, no. 3, p. 251-270.
21. Han, C., Xiao, W., Zhao, G., Su, B., Ao, S., Zhang, J. e., and Wan, B., 2013, Age and tectonic setting of magmatic sulfide Cu-Ni mineralization in the Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang, Central Asia: Journal of GEOsciences, v. 58, no. 3, p. 233-250.
20. Han, Z., Han, C., Xiao, W., Zhao, G., Wang, Z., Ao, S., Zhang, J., and Wan, B., 2013, Palaeozoic porphyry Cu–Au and ultramafic Cu–Ni deposits in the eastern Tianshan orogenic belt: temporal constraints from U–Pb geochronology: International Geology Review, v. 55, no. 7, p. 842-862.
19. 焦守涛, 颜丹平, 张旗, 李承东, 万博, 田忠华, 2013, 八达岭花岗岩的年龄, 地球化学特征及其地质意义: 岩石学报, v. 29, no. 3, p. 769-780.
18. Wu, H., Zhang, L., Wan, B., Chen, Z., Xiang, P., Pirajno, F., Du, A., and Qu, W., 2011, Re–Os and 40 Ar/39 Ar ages of the Jiguanshan porphyry Mo deposit, Xilamulun metallogenic belt, NE China, and constraints on mineralization events: Mineralium Deposita, v. 46, no. 2, p. 171-185.
17. Wu, H., Zhang, L., Wan, B., Chen, Z., Zhang, X., and Xiang, P., 2011, Geochronological and geochemical constraints on Aolunhua porphyry Mo–Cu deposit, northeast China, and its tectonic significance: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 43, no. 1, p. 78-91.
16. Chen, Z., Zhang, L., Wan, B., Wu, H., and Cleven, N., 2011, Geochronology and geochemistry of the Wunugetushan porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in NE China, and their geological significance: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 43, no. 1, p. 92-105.
15. Zhang, X., Zhang, L., Xiang, P., Wan, B., and Pirajno, F., 2011, Zircon U–Pb age, Hf isotopes and geochemistry of Shuichang Algoma-type banded iron-formation, North China Craton: constraints on the ore-forming age and tectonic setting: Gondwana Research, v. 20, no. 1, p. 137-148.
14. Wang, Q., Shu, L. S., Charvet, J., Faure, M., Ma, H., NatalIn, B., Gao, J., Kroner, A., Xiao, W., and Liu, J., Winley, B., Chen, Y., Glen, R., Jian, P., Zhang, W., Seltmann, R., Wile, S., Choulet, F., Wan, B., Quinn, C., Agramonte, Y., Shang, Q., Zhang, W., Wang, B., Lin, W.,2010, Understanding and study perspectives on tectonic evolution and crustal structure of the Paleozoic Chinese Tianshan: Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, v. 33, no. 4, p. 242-266.
13. 郭谦谦, 潘成泽, 肖文交, 曲军峰, 敖松坚, 张继恩, 宋东方, 田中华, 万博, 韩春明, 2010, 哈密延东铜矿床地质和地球化学特征:新疆地质,v. 28, no. 4, p. 419-426.
12. 张连昌, 吴华英, 相鹏, 张晓静, 陈志广, 万博, 2010, 中生代复杂构造体系的成矿过程与成矿作用——以华北大陆北缘西拉木伦钼铜多金属成矿带为例: 岩石学报, v. 26, no. 5, p. 1351-1362.
11. 吴华英, 张连昌, 陈志广, 万博, 相鹏, 张晓静, 2010, 西拉木伦多金属成矿带鸡冠山斑岩钼矿富氟高盐度高氧逸度流体包裹体研究: 岩石学报, v. 26, no. 5, p. 1363-1374.
10. 相鹏, 张连昌, 吴华英, 张晓静, 陈志广, 万博, 2009, 新疆青河卡拉先格尔铜矿带 Ⅱ-Ⅲ 矿区含矿斑岩锆石年龄及地质意义: 岩石学报, no. 6, p. 1474-1483.
9. Zhang, L.-c., Wu, H.-y., Wan, B., and Chen, Z.-g., 2009, Ages and geodynamic settings of Xilamulun Mo–Cu metallogenic belt in the northern part of the North China Craton: Gondwana Research, v. 16, no. 2, p. 243-254.
8. Zhang, L.-c., Zhou, X.-h., Ying, J.-f., Wang, F., Guo, F., Wan, B., and Chen, Z.-g., 2008, Geochemistry and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopes of Early Cretaceous basalts from the Great Xinggan Range, NE China: Implications for their origin and mantle source characteristics: Chemical Geology, v. 256, p. 12-23.
7. 陈志广, 张连昌, 万博, 张玉涛, 吴华英, 2008, 内蒙古乌奴格吐山斑岩铜钼矿床低Sr-Yb 型成矿斑岩地球化学特征及地质意义. 岩石学报, v.24, p.115-128.
6. 陈志广, 张连昌, 吴华英, 万博, 曾庆栋, 2008, 内蒙古西拉木伦成矿带碾子沟钼矿区 A 型花岗岩地球化学和构造背景: 岩石学报, v. 24, p. 879-889.
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