- 李冬梅
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:
社会任职: 研究方向:气体传感器;新原理传感器;高频声表面波器件 承担科研项目情况:
1. 国家“973”计划:声表面波气体检测方法与技术的研究
2. 国家“863”项目:高频声表面波关键材料与应用研究
3. 国家“863”项目:新一代无线通讯用SAW器件及材料研究
4. 国家“863”项目:新型离子束增强溅射轴瓦的研制
5. 国家自然科学基金:薄膜中亚稳磁性相的形成及其磁化行为
6. 国家自然科学基金:斜离子束轰击辅助沉积对非晶和亚稳相形成的研究
代表论著:1.D. M. Li, F Pan, JB Liu and M Liu, Ion Bombardment-induced High orientation of Al/Ti Films for Surface Acoustic Wave Device Application, J. of Electronic Materials, 2005, 34 (7):1053-1058
2.D. M. Li, X.B.Wang and F Pan, A study of the stress and resistivity of Al/Ti films deposited by an ion beam assisted process for surface acoustic wave devices applications, Materials Sciences and Engineering, 2006, A418, 218-222
3.D. M. Li, F Pan, J.B Niu and M.Liu, Enhancement of the orientation and adhesion of Al films on LiNbO3 with Ni underlayer, Rare Metals, 2005, 24(4):363-367
4.D. M. Li, F Pan, XB Wang, JB Niu and M Liu, Microstructure and Electronic Properties of Al/Zr/LiNbO3 Multilayers, Materials Science Forum, 2005, 475-479:3775-3778
5.D. M. Li, JJ Chen and F Pan, Crystal Orientation and mechanical property of Al films deposited by magnetron sputtering for Surface Acoustic wave application, International Vacuum and thin films, 2004, 2:36-39
6.D. M. Li, JJ Chen and F Pan, High orientation Al films growth on LiNbO3 single crystal and its adhesion, The Chinese Journal of Nanferrous Metals,,2004, 14 (3):448-453
7.D. M. Li, X.B.Wang and F Pan, Withdrawal Weighting Image-impedance Connected SAW Filters with Al-Mo Alloy Electrodes, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2005: 623-624
专利申请: 获奖及荣誉:
2007年 国家技术发明二等奖,中高频声表面波关键材料及应用研究,(-5)
2006年 北京市科学技术进步奖一等奖,中高频声表面波关键材料与器件研究,(-12)