- 陈杰
- 副总工程师
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

社会任职: 研究方向:多核处理器、通信与多媒体信号处理SoC研发 承担科研项目情况:2006年~,高性能卫星导航芯片与移动通信芯片的集成技术、无线宽带(WiMax、TD-SCDMA)基带SOC芯片研发、高性能处理器研发
2000年,日本文部省“2000年革新技术重大研究项目”“基于ZCZ-CDMA(Zero-Correlation-Zone Code Division Multiple Access)新型通信方式的未来移动通信系统算法及SOC芯片”
1998~2001年, UEC, Japan, VLSI Design, Signal Compression and Wavelet Analysis
* Progressive Image Compression (from lossy to lossless compression)
* ECG Compression by Using Integer Wavelet Transform
* Stereo Matching System Based on Wavelet Transform
* VLSI Structure for Wavelet Transform
* VLSI Design for W-CDMA Communications
* VLSI Design for Base-band Signal Processor of ZCZ-CDMA Communications(Millennium Project supported by Japanese Ministry of Culture, Education and Sciences)
1995~1997年, Yozan, Japan, Analog-Digital Mixed VLSI Design (0.8um-0.25um CMOS Process)
* A High Speed Low Power Matched Filter LSI for W-CDMA Communications (BPSK, single sampled)
* A High Speed Low Power Matched Filter VLSI for W-CDMA Communications (QPSK, single sampled)
* A High Speed Low Power Signal Processing VLSI for Wireless LAN
* A High Speed Low Power Matched Filter VLSI for W-CDMA Communications (QPSK, double-sampled)
* A 32-Tap Analog-Digital Mixed Filter LSI
* A 64-Tap Analog-Digital Mixed Filter LSI
* A RAKE Combination LSI for W-CDMA Communications
* A High Speed Low Power Base-band Signal Processor VLSI for W-CDMA
* A Very High Speed Matched Filter LSI for CDMA Communications
1991~1995年, UEC, Japan, Signal Compression by Wavelet Transform
* Quantization Analysis of Orthonormal Wavlet Transform
* Image Compression System Based on Orthonormal Wavelet Transform
* Image Compression System with Predictable and Controllable Subjective Quality
* ECG Compression Based on Wavelet Transform
1989~1991年, UEC, Japan, Universal Data Compression
* Lossless Image Compression Based on Lempel-Ziv Algorithm
代表论著: 专利申请: 获奖及荣誉:2004年荣获“回国留学人员成就奖”(六大部委)