







  • 王勇
  • 副研究员







目前主持:(1)国家高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项(民用部分)课题“高分信息元数据技术规范研究”(2016-2017);(2)国家高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项(民用部分)课题“疾病预防控制遥感信息环境要素关联与提取关键技术研究及应用示范(一期)”(2014-2017);(3)国家重点研发计划子课题“突发生物危害地理环境要素空间数据整合” (2016-2018);(4)国家重大科技专项子课题“油气资产投资优化组合平台研发”(2016-2019)。

主要学术论著 [近5年]

1) Qian Ding, Gong Cheng, Yong Wang*, et al. 2017, Effects of natural factors on the spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils surrounding mining regions. Science of the Total Environment, in press. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2016.11.001. (SCI)

2) Haiwen Du, Yong Wang*, et al., 2017, Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of GIS-based spatial autocorrelation in plague natural focus of typical Chinese Mongolian gerbils. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, (SCI)

3) Wenbo Mo, Yong Wang*, et al. 2016, Impacts of road network expansion on landscape ecological risk in a megacity, China: A case study of Beijing. Science of the Total Environment, 574:1000–1011. DOI: 10.1016 /j.scitotenv.2016.09.048

4) Gong Cheng, Dan Li, Dafang Zhuang, Yong Wang*. 2016, The influence of natural factors on the spatio-temporal distribution of Oncomelania hupensis. Acta Tropica, 164:194–207. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2016.09.017.(SCI)

5) Dafang Zhuang, Haiwen Du, Yong Wang*, et al.. 2016, Probing the spatial cluster of Meriones unguiculatus using the nest fleaindex based on GIS technology. Acta Tropica, 163:157-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2016.08.007.(SCI)

6) Yong Wang* Qian Ding, Dafang Zhuang. 2015, An eco-city evaluation method based on spatial analysis technology: A case study of Jiangsu Province, China. Ecological Indicators, 58:37-46. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind. 2015.05.032. (SCI)

7) Yong Wang*, Dafang Zhuang. 2015, A rapid monitoring and evaluation method of Schistosomiasis based on spatial information technology, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12: 15843–15859. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph121215025. (SCI)

8) Xiaopeng Qi, Yong Wang(#), Yue Li, Yujie Meng, et al.. 2015, The effects of Socioeconomic and environmental factors on the incidence of Dengue Fever in the Pearl River Delta, China, 2013. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(10): e0004159. DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004159. (SCI)

9) X. Qi, Y. Wang(#), L. Xia, Y. Meng, et al.. 2015, Cross-sectional survey on public health informatics workforce in China: issues, developments and the future. BMC Public Health, 129:1459-1464. DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.03.002.(SCI)

10) Yong Wang, Wei Ji, Xinfang Yu, et al. 2014, The impact of urbanization on the annual average temperature of the past 60 years in Beijing. Advances in meteorology, Article ID 374987. DOI: 10.1155/2014/374987.(SCI)

11) Wei Ji, Yong Wang*, et al.. 2014, Spatial and temporal distribution of expressway and its relationships to land cover and population: A case study of Beijing, China. Transportation Research Part D, 32:86–96. DOI: /10.1016 /j.trd.2014.07.010. (SCI)

12) Luo Liu, Xi Chen, Xinliang Xu, Wang Yong, et al. 2014, Changes in production potential in China in response to climate change from 1960 to 2010. Advances in meteorology, Article ID 640320. DOI: 10.1155/2014/640320. (SCI)

13) Xinfang Yu, Qiankun Wang, Huiming Yan, Yong Wang, et al.. 2014, Forest Phenology Dynamics and Its Responses to Meteorological Variations in Northeast China. Advances in meteorology. DOI: 10.1155/2014/592106. (SCI)

14) Qi Xiaopeng, Jiang Dong, Wang Hongliang, Zhuang Dafang, Ma Jiaqi, Fu Jingying, Qu Jingdong, Sun Yan, Yu Shicheng, Meng Yujie, Huang Yaohuan, Xia Lanfang, Li Yingying, Wang Yong, et al. 2014, Calculating the burden of disease of avian-origin H7N9 infections in China. BMJ OPEN, 4(1): e004189. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004189. (SCI)

15) Yong Wang, Dong Jiang, Dafang Zhuang, et al.. 2013, Effective key parameter determination for an automatic approach to land cover classification based on multispectral Remote Sensing imagery. PLoS ONE, 8(10): e75852. DOI:10.1371/journal. pone.0075852. (SCI)

16) Daping Song, Dong Jiang, Yong Wang(#), Wei Chen, et al.. 2013, Study on association between spatial distribution of metal mines and disease mortality: A case study in Suxian district, South China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10:5163-5177. DOI:10.3390/ijerph10105163. (SCI)

17) Jingying Fu, Dong Jiang, Yaohuan Huang, Dafang Zhuang, Yong Wang. 2013, A kalman filter-based method for reconstructing GMS-5 global solar radiation by introduction of in Situ data. Energies, 6: 2804-2818. DOI:10.3390/en6062804. (SCI)





