







  • 李振声
  • 院士

李振声研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院院士,第三世界科学院院士 1951年毕业于山东农学院农学系,曾任中国科学院西北植物研究所所长、中国科学院西安分院与陕西省科学院院长、中国科学院副院长。曾获得全国科学大会奖、国家科技发明奖一等奖、陈嘉庚农业科学奖、何粱何利基金科学与技术进步奖、2005年农业部中华农业英才奖、2006年国家最高科学技术奖、第三世界科学院2009年学术讲演奖等,2014年入选“中国种业十大功勋人物”,2016年获国际作物学会“杰出作物学家奖”。主要研究内容 李振声研究组的主要研究方向是小麦远缘杂交研究。研究主要集中在小偃麦新种质规模化创制、耐盐小偃麦新品种的选育与推广、高光效与抗锈小偃麦新品种选育与推广等三个方面: 1、小偃麦新种质的规模化创制 通过远缘杂交、回交、花粉辐射、异地加代、原位杂交检测等技术手段,建立了规模化创制小偃麦易位系新系统,创制了一批新种质,为我国小麦品种改良提供新的种质资源。 2、耐盐小偃麦新品种的选育与推广 选育出适于滨海盐碱地种植的小偃81和小偃60耐盐小偃麦新品种。在此基础上,以新创制的耐盐小偃麦易位系为骨干亲本与优良小麦品种进行杂交/回交,经原位杂交分析、耐盐性鉴定,并通过系统选择、多点试验和产量比较等,选出具有耐盐、丰产、优质特性的新一代耐盐小偃麦新品种,为环渤海地区粮食增产做贡献。 3、高光效与抗锈小偃麦新品种选育与推广 在对小偃麦品种和当前主栽品种光合效率评价的基础上,选配亲本组合,综合利用传统育种、现代分子聚合育种和对杂种光合效率系统鉴定等技术,培育高光效小偃麦新品种。此外,对小偃麦新种质进行抗锈病鉴定,获得小麦抗锈病新抗源,为培育抗锈高光效品种提供育种材料。品种 1. 小偃60. 河北省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号“冀审麦2016030号” 2. 小偃81. 河北省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号“冀审麦2005006号”植物新品种权 1. 小偃60. 培育人:李滨、李宏伟、郑琪、仇光星、池建义、李振声. 品种权号:CNA20100586.6 2. 小偃101. 培育人:李宏伟、李滨、郑琪、仇光星、池建义、李振声. 品种权号:CNA20130549.9 3. 小偃102. 培育人:李宏伟、李滨、郑琪、仇光星、池建义、李振声. 品种权号:CNA20110654.2 4. 小偃81. 培育人:李振声、李滨、魏其克、仇光星、池建义、李继云、童依平、孙建华、刘全友. 品种权号:CNA20040370.2授权专利 1. 一种规模化创制小麦异源易位系的方法. 发明人:郑琪、李宏伟、李滨、李振声. 授权号:ZL201410056588.2. 2. 一种比较植物耐强光能力的方法.发明人:李宏伟、郑琪、李滨、李振声. 授权号:ZL201410549301.X. 3. 一种利用荧光原位杂交分离植物细胞中染色体的方法. 发明人:郑琪、李振声、胡赞民、李滨、李宏伟. 授权号:ZL200910086727.5.近期发表论文1. Qiaoling Luo, Wan Teng, Shuang Fang, Hongwei Li, Bin Li, Jinfang Chu, Zhensheng Li, Qi Zheng (2019) Transcriptome analysis of salt-stress response in three seedling tissues of common wheat. The Crop Journal 7(3):378-3922. Hongwei Li, Willem H.P. Boshoff, Zacharias A. Pretorius, Qi Zheng, Bin Li, Zhensheng Li (2019) Establishment of wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum translocation lines with resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Ug99. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 46(8):405-407.3. Wanchang Li, Yanan Liu, Miaomiao Liu, Qi Zheng, Bin Li, Zhengsheng Li, Hongwei Li (2019) Sugar accumulation is associated with leaf senescence induced by long-term high light in wheat. Plant Science 287.4. Yanan Liu, Qinzhen Xu, Wanchang Li, Xinghong Yang, Qi Zheng, Bin Li, Zhensheng Li, Hongwei Li (2019) Long-term high light stress induces leaf senescence in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Photosynthetica 57(3):830-8405. Liu Liqin, Luo Qiaoling, Li Hongwei, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng, Zheng Qi (2018) Physical mapping of the blue?grained gene from Thinopyrum ponticum chromosome 4Ag and development of blue-grain-related molecular markers and a FISH probe based on SLAF-seq technology. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131:2359-23706. Liu Liqin, Luo Qiaoling, Teng Wan, Li Bin, Li Hongwei, Li Yiwen, Li Zhensheng, Zheng Qi (2018) Development of Thinopyrum ponticum-specific molecular markers and FISH probes based on SLAF-seq technology. Planta 247:1099-11087. Li Hongwei, Zheng Qi, Zhang Juan, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng (2017) The analysis of determining factors and evaluation of tolerance to photoinhibition in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Photosynthetica 55:69-768. Li Hongwei, Zheng Qi, Pretorius Zacharias A., Li Bin, Tang Dingzhong, Li Zhensheng (2016) Establishment and characterization of new wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum addition and translocation lines with resistance to Ug99 races. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 43:573-5759. Zheng Qi, Luo Qiaoling, Niu Zhixia, Li Hongwei, Li Bin, Xu Steven S., Li Zhensheng (2015) Variation in chromosome constitution of the xiaoyan series partial amphiploids and its relationship to stripe rust and stem rust resistance. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 42:657-66010. Chen Kunmei, Li Hongwei, Chen Yaofeng, Zheng Qi, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng (2015) TaSCL14, a novel wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) GRAS gene, regulates plant growth, photosynthesis, tolerance to photooxidative stress, and senescence. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 42:21-3211. He Xue, Qu Baoyuan, Li Wenjing, Zhao Xueqiang, Teng Wan, Ma Wenying, Ren Yongzhe, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng, Tong Yiping (2015) The nitrate-inducible nac transcription factor TaNAC2-5A controls nitrate response and increases wheat yield. Plant Physiology 169:1991-2005.12. Li Yiwen, An Xueli, Yang Ran, Guo Xiaomin, Yue Guidong, Fan Renchun, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng, Zhang Kunpu, Dong Zhenying, Zhang Luyan, Wang Jiankang, Jia Xu, Ling Hongqing, Zhang Aaimin, Zhang Xiangqi, Wang Daowen (2015) Dissecting and enhancing the contributions of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits to dough functionality and bread quality. Molecular Plant 8:332-334.13. Li Zhensheng, Li Bin, Zheng Qi, Li Hongwei (2015) Review and new progress in wheat wide hybridization for improving the resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Y. Ogihara et al. (eds.) Advances in Wheat Genetics: From Genome to Field. doi:10.1007/978-4-431-55675-6_43.14. Qu Baoyuan, He Xue, Wang Jing, Zhao Yanyan, Teng Wan, Shao An, Zhao Xueqiang, Ma Wenying, Wang Junyi, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng, Tong Yiping (2015) A wheat CCAAT box-binding transcription factor increases the grain yield of wheat with less fertilizer input. Plant Physiology 167(2):411-42315. Li Hongwei, Wang Gui, Liu Shudong, An Qiang, Zheng Qi, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng (2014) Comparative changes in the antioxidant system in the flag leaf of early and normally senescing near-isogenic lines of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Cell Reports 33:1109-1120.16. Li Hongwei, Wang Gui, Zheng Qi, Li Bin, Jing Ruilian, Li Zhensheng (2014) Genetic analysis of biomass and photosynthetic parameters in wheat grown in different light intensities. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 56:594-604.17. Zheng Qi, Klindworth Daryl L., Friesen Timothy L., Liu Aifeng, Li Zhensheng, Zhong Shaobin, Jin Yue, Xu Steven S (2014) Characterization of Thinopyrum species for wheat stem rust resistance and ploidy level. Crop Science 54:2663-267218. Zheng Qi, Lv Zhenling, Niu Zhixia, Li Bin, Li Hongwei, Xu Steven S., Han Fangpu, Li Zhensheng (2014) Molecular cytogenetic characterization and stem rust resistance of five wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum partial amphiploids. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 41:591-59919. Cao Pei, Ren Yongzhe, Zhang Kunpu, Teng Wan, Zhao Xueqiang, Dong Zhenying, Liu Xin, Qin Huanju, Li Zhensheng, Wang Daowen, Tong Yiping (2014) Further genetic analysis of a major quantitative trait locus controlling root length and related traits in common wheat. Molecular Breeding 33:975-985.20. He Xue, Fang Jingjing, Li Jingjuan, Qu Baoyuan, Ren Yongzhe, Ma Wenying, Zhao Xueqiang, Li Bin, Wang Daowen, Li Zhensheng, Tong Yiping (2014) A genotypic difference in primary root length is associated with the inhibitory role of transforming growth factor-beta receptor-interacting protein-1 on root meristem size in wheat. Plant Journal 77:931-943.21. He Zhihui, Li Hongwei, Shen Yunkang, Li Zhensheng, Mi Hualing (2013) Comparative analysis of the chloroplast proteomes of a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) single seed descent line and its parents. Journal of Plant Physiology, 170:1139-1147. 22. Ling Hongqing, Zhao Sancen, Liu Dongcheng, Wang Junyi, Sun Hua, Zhang Chi, Fan Huajie, Li Dong, Dong Lingli, Tao Yong, Gao Chuan, Wu Huilan, Li Yiwen, Cui Yan, Guo Xiaosen, Zheng Shusong, Wang Biao,Yu Kang, Liang Qinsi, Yang Wenlong, Lou Xueyuan, Chen Jie, Feng Mingji, Jian Jianbo, Zhang Xiaofei, Luo Guangbin, Jiang Ying, Liu Junjie, Wang Zhaobao, Sha Yuhui, Zhang Bairu, Wu Huajun, Tang Dingzhong, Shen Qianhua, Xue Pengya, Zou Shenhao, Wang Xiujie, Liu Xin, Wang Famin, Yang Yanping, An Xueli, Dong Zhenying, Zhang Kunpu, Zhang Xiangqi, Luo Mingcheng, Dvorak Jan, Tong Yiping, Wang Jian, Yang Huanming, Li Zhensheng, Wang Daowen, Zhang Aimin, Wang Jun (2013) Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitor Triticum urartu. Nature 496:87-9023. Teng Wan, Deng Yan, Chen Xinping, Xu Xiaofeng, Chen Riyuan, Lv Yang, Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Xueqiang, He Xue, Li Bin, Tong Yiping, Zhang Fusuo, Li Zhensheng (2013) Characterization of root response to phosphorus supply from morphology to gene analysis in field-grown wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 64:1403-141124. Wang Jing, Sun Jinghan, Miao Jun, Guo Jinkao, Shi Zhanliang, He Mingqi, Chen Yu, Zhao Xueqiang, Li Bin, Han Fangpu, Tong Yiping, Li Zhensheng (2013) A phosphate starvation response regulator Ta-PHR1 is involved in phosphate signaling and increases grain yield in wheat. Annals of Botany -London 111:1139-115325. Fang Jingjing, Ma Wenying, Zhao Xueqiang, He Xue, Li Bin, Tong Yiping, Li Zhensheng (2012) Lower canopy temperature is associated with higher cytokinin concentration in the flag leaf of wheat. Crop Science 52:2743-2756.26. Ge Hongmei, You Guang Xia, Wang Lanfen, Hao Chenyang, Dong Yushen, Li Zhensheng, Zhang Xueyong (2012) Genome Selection Sweep and Association Analysis Shed Light on Future Breeding by Design in Wheat. Crop Science 52(3):1218-1228.27. Li Hongwei, Lin Fanyun, Wang Gui, Jing Ruilian, Zheng Qi, Li Bin, Li Zhensheng (2012) Quantitative trait loci mapping of dark-induced senescence in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 54:33-4428. Ren Yongzhe, He Xue, Liu Dongcheng, Li Jingjuan, Zhao Xueqiang, Li Bin, Tong Yiping, Zhang Aimin, Li Zhensheng (2012) Major quantitative trait loci for seminal root morphology of wheat seedlings. Molecular Breeding 30:139-14829. Chen Xiaoying, Li Wei, Lu Qingtao, Wen Xiaogang, Li Hongwei, Kuang Tingyun, Li Zhensheng, Lu Congming (2011) The xanthophyll cycle and antioxidative defense system are enhanced in the wheat hybrid subjected to high light stress. Journal of Plant Physiology 168:1828-1836.30. Li Xinpeng, Zhao Xueqiang, He Xue, Zhao, Guangyao, Li Bin, Liu Dongcheng, Zhang Aimin, Zhang Xueyong, Tong Yiping, Li Zhensheng (2011) Haplotype analysis of the genes encoding glutamine synthetase plastic isoforms and their association with nitrogen-use- and yield-related traits in bread wheat. New Phytologist 189:449-458.31. Dong Lingli, Zhang Xiaofei, Liu Dongcheng, Fan Huajie, Sun Jiazhu, Zhang Zhongjuan, Qin Huanju, Li Bin, Hao Shanting, Li Zhensheng, Wang Daowen, Zhang Aimin, Ling Hongqing (2010) New Insights into the Organization, Recombination, Expression and Functional Mechanism of Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes in Bread Wheat. Plos One 5.32. Li Hongwei, Tong Yiping, Li Bin, Jing Ruilian, Lu Congming, Li Zhensheng (2010) Genetic analysis of tolerance to photo-oxidative stress induced by high light in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Genetics and Genomics 37:399-412.33. Liu Yongkang, Li Mingjun, Li Jingyuan, Li Xiaojuan, Yang Xinghong, Tong Yiping, Zhang Aimin, Li Bin, Lin Jinxing, Kuang Tingyun, Li Zhensheng (2009) Dynamic changes in flag leaf angle contribute to high photosynthetic capacity. Chinese Science Bulletin 54:3045-3052.34. Miao Jun, Sun Jinghan, Liu Dongcheng, Li Bin, Zhang Aimin, Li Zhensheng, Tong Yiping (2009) Characterization of the promoter of phosphate transporter TaPHT1.2 differentially expressed in wheat varieties. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 36:455-466.35. Su Junying, Zheng Qi, Li Hongwei, Li Bin, Jing Ruilian, Tong Yiping, Li Zhensheng (2009) Detection of QTLs for phosphorus use efficiency in relation to agronomic performance of wheat grown under phosphorus sufficient and limited conditions. Plant Science 176:824-836.36. Zheng Qi, Li Bin, Li Hongwei, Li Zhensheng (2009) Utilization of blue-grained character in wheat breeding derived from Thinopyrum poticum. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 36:575-580.37.Li Zhensheng, Li Bin, Tong Yiping (2008) The contribution of distant hybridization with decaploid Agropyron elongatum to wheat improvement in China. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 35:451-456.