







  • 薛勇彪
  • 研究员

薛勇彪,博士,研究员,博士生导师 1983年获兰州大学学士学位;1986年获中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所硕士学位;1989年获John Innes Institute和University of East Anglia博士学位;1990-1995年进入John Innes Centre和University of Oxford从事博士后研究。1995-1997年在John Innes Centre的Sainsbury Laboratory 任Research Scientist。1997年回中国科学院遗传发育所工作,1998年获百人计划和国家自然科学基金委杰出青年項目资助;2007年获国家自然科学二等奖2项;2016年入选“万人计划”国家高层次人才特殊支持计划领军人才。

薛勇彪研究组主要从事植物分子和生殖生物学领域的工作,研究重点为显花植物生殖障碍和生长发育的分子机理。首次克隆了控制金鱼草花粉自交不亲和性的SLF(S-locus F-box)基因,并发现由SLF、SSK1 (SLF-interacting SKP1-like1)等组成的SCF类E3泛素连接酶复合体SCFSLF在自交不亲和反应中起决定性作用;同时研究植物适应性生长和发育的分子遗传机理。研究主要集中在以下三个方向:自交不亲和性的分子机制 通过分子遗传学和细胞生物学等多学科手段,研究车前科植物金鱼草和茄科植物杂交矮牵牛自交不亲和性中花粉因子SLF(S-locus F-box)和花柱因子S-核酸酶相互作用的分子机制SLF和S-RNase表面静电势“同性相斥,异性相吸”的相互作用模式图物种形成的分子机制与演化 利用模式植物番茄作为研究对象,通过分子遗传学等手段研究打破番茄种间生殖隔离障碍的分子机制,阐明茄属番茄族的起源与演化关系SC和SI番茄物种间 S-位点及其相关因子的比较分析 水稻复杂性状的分子遗传机制 通过分子遗传学、转录组和蛋白组学等多学科手段,研究水稻对环境温度响应的分子遗传机制及调控网络TOGR1 做为pre-rRNA伴侣调控水稻耐热生长的模式图

RECENT MAJOR PUBICATIONS (see http://plantbiol.genetics.ac.cn/the_xue_lab/publication01e.htm for a complete list)

Research Papers:1. Bradley, D., Xu, P., Mohorianu, II, Whibley, A., Field, D., Tavares, H., Couchman, M., Copsey, L., Carpenter, R., Li, M., Li, Q., Xue, Y., Dalmay T., Coen E. (2017) Evolution of flower color pattern through selection on regulatory small RNAs. Science 358, 925-928.2. Li, J., Zhang, Y., Song, Y., Zhang, H., Fan, J., Li, Q., Zhang, D., and Xue, Y.(2017) Electrostatic potentials of the S-locus F-box proteins contribute to the pollen S specificity in self-incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. Plant J 89, 45-57.3.Zhang, B., Wu,S., Zhang Y., Xu, T., Guo, F., Tang, H., Li, X., Wang, P., Qian, W., Xue Y.,(2016) A High Temperature-Dependent Mitochondrial Lipase EXTRA GLUME1 Promotes Floral Phenotypic Robustness against Temperature Fluctuation in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). PLOS Genetics. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006152 4.Wang, D., Qin, B., Li, X., Tang, D., Zhang, Y., Zheng, Z., Cheng, Z., Xue,Y.,(2016) Nucleolar DEAD-Box RNA Helicase TOGR1 Regulates Thermotolerant Growth as a PrerRNA Chaperone in Rice. PLOS Genetics. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.10058445.Li Q., Zhao T., Yue M., Xue Y., Bao S.,( 2016) The Protein Arginine Methylase 5 (PRMT5/SKB1) Gene Is Required for the Maintenance of Root Stem Cells in Response to DNA Damage. JGG 43 (2016) 187e1976.Liu, W., Fan, J., Li, J., Song, Y., Li,Q., Zhang, Y., Xue, Y., (2014) SCFSLF-mediated cytosolic degradation of S-RNase is required for cross-pollen compatibility in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility in Petuniahybrida. Front.Genet. 5:288 doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00228 7.Hu, X., Qian Q., Xu T., Zhang Y., Dong G., Gao, T., Xie, Q., Xue, Y. (2013) The U-Box E3 ubiquitin ligase TUD1 functions with a heterotrimeric G a subunit to regulate brassinosteroid-mediated growth in rice. PLoS Genet 9(3): e10033918.Xu, C., Li, M., Wu, J., Guo, H., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Chai, J., Li, T.,Xue, Y. (2013) Identification of a canonical SCFSLF complex involved in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility of Pyrus (Rosaceae). Plant Mol. Biol. 81:245-2579.Duan,Y. , Xing, Z., Diao, Z., Xu, W., Li, S., Du, X., Wu, G., Wang, C., Lan, T., Meng, Z., Liu, H., Wang, F., Wu, W., Xue, Y. (2012) Characterization of Osmads6-5, a null allele, reveals that OsMADS6 is a critical regulator for early flower development in rice (Oryza sativa L.) . Plant Mol. Biol. 80:429-442 10.Duan, Y., Li, S., Chen, Z., Zheng, L., Diao, Z., Zhou, Y., Lan, T., Guan, H., Pan, R., Xue, Y., Wu, W. (2012). Dwarf and Deformed Flower 1, encoding an F-box protein, is essential for regulating vegetative and floral development in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant J. 72:829-842 11.The Tomato Genome Consortium (2012) The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature 485:635-641 12.Chen, G., Zhang, B., Liu, L., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Xie, Q., Z., Xue, Y. (2012) Identification of a ubiquitin-binding structure in the S-locus F-box protein controlling S-RNase-based self-incompatibility. J Genet Genom 39:93-102 13.Xu, W., Yang, R., Li, M., Xing, Z., Yang, W., Chen, G., Guo, H., Gong, Z., Du, Z., Zhang, Z., Hu, X., Wang, D., Qian, Q., Wang, T., Su, Z., Xue, Y. (2011) Transcriptome phase distribution analysis reveals diurnal regulated biological processes and key pathways in rice flag leaves and seedling leaves. PLoS One 6: e17613 14.Zhang, Z., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Li, D., Li, Q., Yue, M., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., Xu, Y., Xue, Y., Chong, K., Bao, S. (2011) Arabidopsis floral initiator SKB1 confers high salt tolerance by regulating transcription and pre-mRNA splicing through altering histone H4R3 and small nuclear ribonucleoprotein LSM4 methylation. Plant Cell 23:396-41115.Wei, L., Xu, W., Deng, Z., Su, Z., Xue, Y., Wang, T. (2010) Genome-scale analysis and comparison of gene expression profiles in developing and germinated pollen in Oryza sativa. BMC Genomics 11:33816.Causier, B., Castillo, R., Xue, Y., Schwarz-Sommer, Z., Davies, B. (2010) Tracing the evolution of the floral homeotic B- and C-function genes through genome synteny. Current Biol. 27:2651-266417.Zhao, L., Huang, J., Zhao, Z., Li, Q., Sims, T.L., Xue, Y. (2010) The SKP1-like protein SSK1 is required for cross-pollen compatibility in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility. Plant J. 62:52-6318.Wang, K., Tang, D., Hong, L., Xu, W., Huang, J., Li, M., Gu, M., Xue, Y., Cheng, Z. (2010) DEP and AFO regulate reproductive habit in rice. PLoS Genet. 6(1): e100081819.Liu, F., Xu, W., Wei, Q., Zhang, Z., Tan, L., Chao, D., Yao, D., Wang, C., Yan, H., Sun C. Xue, Y.,Su, Z. (2010) Gene expression profiles deciphering rice phenotypic variation between Nipponbare (Japonica) and 93-11(Indica) during oxidative stress. PLoS One 5(1): e863220.Li, H., Xue, D., Gao, Z., Yan, M., Xu, W., Xing, Z., Huang, D., Qian, Q., Xue, Y. (2009) A putative lipase gene EXTRA GLUME1 regulates both empty glume fate and spikelet development in rice. Plant J. 57:593-605 21.Zhang, Y., Xu, W., Li, Z., Deng, X., Wu, W., Xue, Y. (2008) F-box protein DOR functions as a novel inhibitory factor for ABA-induced stomatal closure under drought stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. 148:2121-2133 22.Xu, S., Deng, Z., Chong, K., Xue, Y., Wang, T. (2008) Dynamic proteomic analysis reveals a switch between central carbon metabolism and alcoholic fermentation in Oryza sativa filling grains. Plant Physiol. 148:908-925 23.Pu, L., Li, Q., Fan, X., Yang, W., Xue, Y. (2008) A R2R3 MYB transcription factor GhMYB109 is required for cotton fiber development. Genetics 180:811-820 24.Chen, J., Ding, J., Ouyang, Y., Du, H., Yang, J., Cheng, K., Zhao, J., Qiu, S., Zhang, X., Yao, J., Liu, K., Wang, L., Xu, C., Li, X., Xue, Y., Xia, M., Ji, Q., Lu, J., Xu. M., Zhang, Q. (2008) A tri-allelic system of S5 is a major regulator of the reproductive barrier and compatibility of indica-japonica hybrids in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105:11436-11441 25.Yang, W., Kong, Z.,Omo-Ikerodah, E., Xu, W., Li, Q., Xue, Y. (2008) A calcineurin B-like interacting protein kinase OsCIPK23 functions in pollination and drought stress responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.). JGG 35:531-543 26.Yang, W., Lai, Y., Li, M., Xu, W., Xue, Y. (2008) A novel C2-domain phospholipid binding protein, OsPBP1, is required for pollen fertility in rice. Mol Plant 1:770-785 27.Zhang, D., Yang, Q., Ding, Y., Cao, X., Xue, Y., Cheng, Z. (2008) Cytological characterization of the tandem repetitive sequences and their methylation status in Antirrhinum majus genome. Genomics 92:107-114 28.Liu, F., Xu, W., Tan, L., Xue, Y., Sun, C., Su, Z. (2008) Case study for identification of indel-caused alternative expression isoforms in rice subspecies japonica and indica by integrative genome analysis. Genomics 91:186-194 29.Li, M., Xu, W., Yang, W., Kong, Z., Xue, Y. (2007) Genome-wide gene expression profiling reveals conserved and novel molecular functions of the stigam in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiol. 144:1797-181230. Yang, Q., Zhang, D., Li, Q., Cheng, Z., Xue, Y. (2007) Heterochromatic and genetic features are consistent with recombination suppression of the self-incompatibility (S)-locus in Antirrhinum. Plant J. 51:140-151 31. Wang, X, Zhang, Y., Ma, Q., Zhang, Z., Xu, Z., Xue, Y., Bao, S., Chong, K. (2007) SKB1-mediated symmetric dimethylation of histone H4R3 controls flowering time in Arabidopsis. EMBO J. 26:1934-1941 32. Dai, S., Chen, T., Chong, K., Xue, Y., Li, S., Wang, T. (2007) Proteomic identification of differentially expressed proteins associated with pollen germination and tube growth reveals characteristics of germinated Oryza sativa pollen. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 6:207-23033. Kong, Z., Li, M., Yang, W., Xu, W., Xue, Y. (2006) A novel nuclear-localized CCCH-type zinc finger protein, OsDOS, is involved in delaying leaf senescence in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiol. 141:1376-138834. Huang, J., Zhao, L., Yang, Q., Xue, Y. (2006) AhSSK1, a novel SKP1-like protein that interacts with the S-Locus F-box protein. Plant J. 46:780-793 35. Dai, S., Li, L., Chen, T., Chong, K., Xue, Y., Wang, T. (2006) Proteomic analyses of Oryza sativa mature pollen reveal novel proteins associated potentially with pollen germination and tube growth. Proteomics 6:2504-252936. Dong, L., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Deng, X., Xue, Y. (2006) An auxin-inducible F-box protein CEGENDUO negatively regulates auxin-mediated lateral root formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol. 60:599-61637.Lan, L., Li, M., Lai, Y., Xu, W., Kong, Z., Ying, K., Han, B., Xue, Y. (2005) Microarray analysis reveals similarities and variations in genetic programs involved in pollination/fertilization and stress responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Mol Biol 59:151-16438.Wang, Z., Liang, Y., Li, C., Xu, Y., Lan, L., Chen, C., Xu, Z., Xue, Y., Chong, K. (2005) Identification of anther development-related genes by gene expression profiling with a 10-K cDNA microarray in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Mol Biol 58:721-73739.Causier, B., Castillo, R., Zhou, J., Ingram, R., Xue, Y., Schwarz-Sommer, Z., Davies, B. (2005) Evolution in action:following function in duplicated floral homeotic genes. Curr. Biol. 15:1508-151240.Wang, L., Dong, L., Zhang, Y. E., Zhang, Y., Wu, W., Deng, X.W., Xue, Y. (2005) Genome-wide analysis of S-locus F-box –like genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Biol 56:929-94541.Qiao, H., Wang, F., Zhao, L., Zhou, J., Lai, Z., Zhang, Y., Robbins, T., Y., Xue, Y. (2004) The F-box protein AhSLF-S2 controls the pollen function of S-RNase-based self-incompatibility. Plant Cell 16:2307-232242.Lan, L., Chen, W., Lai, Y., Suo, J., Kong, Z., Li, C., Lu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., Zhang, X., Han, B., Cheng, J., Xue, Y. (2004) Monitoring of gene expression profiles and isolation of candidate genes involved in pollination and fertilization in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using a 10K cDNA microarray. Plant Mol Biol 54:471-48743.Qiao, H., Wang, H., Zhao, L., Zhou, J., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., Xue, Y. (2004) The F-box protein AhSLF-S2 physically interacts with S-RNases that are inhibited by the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway of protein degradation during compatible pollination in Antirrhinum.Plant Cell 16:582-295Reviews and Book Chapters:1.Chen, G., Zhang, B., Zhao, Z., Sui, Z., Zhang, H., Xue, Y. (2010) “A life or death decision” for pollen tubes in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility. J. Exp. Bot. 61:2027-20372.Zhang, Y., Zhao, Z., Xue, Y. (2009) Roles of proteolysis in plant self-incompatibility. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol. 60:21-42 3.Zhang, Q., Li, J., Xue, Y., Han, B., Deng, X. (2008) Rice 2020: A call for an international coordinated effort in rice functional genomics. Mol Plant 1:715-719 4.Li, C., Zhao, J., Jiang, H., Geng, Y., Dai, Y., Fan, H., Zhang, D., Chen, J., Lu, F., Shi, J., Sun, S., Chen, J., Yang, X., Lu, C., Chen, C., Cheng, Z., Ling, H., Wang, Y., Xue, Y., Li, C. (2008) A snapshot of the Chinese SOL Project. JGG 35: 387-390 5.Zhang, Y., Xue, Y. (2008) Molecular biology of S-RNase-based self-incompatibility. Pages 193-215 in Franklin-Tong, V. E. (ed.) Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants: Evolution, Diversity and Mechanisms, Springer-Verlag6. Wang, Y., Xue, Y. and Li, J. (2005) Towards molecular breeding and improvement of rice in China. Trends Plant Sci. 10:610-614