







  • 王勇
  • 研究员
  • 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号

王勇 1979年出生,工学博士,研究员。2001年获得烟台大学化学工程与工艺专业学士学位,2007年获得河北科技大学化学工艺专业硕士学位,2011年于获得中国科学院过程工程研究所化学工艺专业博士学位。2011至2012年在河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院任教,2013年赴澳大利亚墨尔本大学化学与生物分子工程系进行博士后研究,博士后合作导师为澳大利亚工程院院士、国际溶剂萃取协会前主席、墨尔本大学桂冠教授Geoff Stevens教授。主要研究领域为化学分离过程与工程,具体包括溶剂萃取设备(萃取塔)的模拟计算、设备设计及工艺开发,主要应用领域为溶剂萃取技术在核工业、石油化工、天然产物分离、制药行业、工业废水处理等。在Chem. Eng.Sci.、Ind. Eng.Chem.Res.等业内主流期刊上发表论文40余篇、撰写工业报告十余篇。



(1)与必和必拓公司(BHP Billiton)合作,对Olympic Dam矿厂中的大型工业铀萃取柱(塔)进行系统的研究,建立了铀萃取柱数学模型,实现萃取塔操作的优化。



与Uranium One 公司合作,针对低浓度铀浸出液,确定了完整的萃取工艺、设计了萃取设备、建立了萃取设备数学模型,实现了对低浓度铀的高效分离。


与必和必拓公司合作,针对Olympic Dam矿厂浸取液中高盐度影响铀萃取效率的问题,开展了复杂溶液环境下铀萃取新工艺的研究,确定了“协同萃取-洗脱-反萃”体系、建立了中试规模萃取塔。


(1)Wang, Y.; Yi H.;Smith, K. H.; Mumford, K.A.; Stevens, G. W. *, Mass transfer in a pulsed and non-pulsed disc and doughnut (PDD) solvent extraction column, Chemical Engineering Science2017, 165, 48-54

(2)Wang, Y.; Yi H.;Smith, K. H.; Mumford, K.A.; Stevens, G. W. *, Axial dispersion in a pulsed and non-pulsed disc and doughnut solvent extraction column, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2017, 56 (14), 4052-4059

(3) Yi H.;Wang, Y.;Smith, K. H.; Fei W.Y. *; Stevens, G. W. *, Axial Dispersion and Mass Transfer of a Pulsed Solvent Extraction Column with Novel Ceramic Internals, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2017, 56 (11), 3049-3058

(4)Xiao, F.; Wang, Y.; Shen, X.; Li, Z.; Perera, J. M.; Stevens, G. W., Effect of SDS on kinetics for Co-Cyanex 272 complex in a neutral micellar phase. Hydrometallurgy 2017, 167, 36-38.

(5)Wang, Y.; Mumford, K. A.; Smith, K. H.; Li, Z.; Stevens, G. W., Dispersed phase holdup and characteristic velocity in a pulsed and non-pulsed disc and doughnut solvent extraction column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2016, 55 , 714–721.

(6)Wang, Y.; Smith, K. H.; Mumford, K. A.; Yi, H.; Wang, L.; Stevens, G. W., Prediction of drop size in a pulsed and non-pulsed disc and doughnut solvent extraction column. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2016, 109, 667-674.

(7)Wang, Y.; Smith, K. H.; Mumford, K.; Grabin, T. F.; Li, Z.; Stevens, G. W., Prediction of dispersed phase holdup in pulsed disc and doughnut solvent extraction columns under different mass transfer conditions. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016, 24, 226-231.

(8)Wang, Y.; Mumford, K. A.; Smith, K. H.; Ballestrin, S.; Li, Z.; Stevens, G. W., Performance of an Industrial Pulsed Disc-and-Doughnut Extraction Column. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 2016, 34, 161-171.

(9)Yi, H.; Wang, Y.; Smith, K. H.; Fei, W.; Stevens, G. W., CFD Simulation of Liquid–Liquid Two-Phase Hydrodynamics and Axial Dispersion Analysis for a Non-Pulsed Disc and Doughnut Solvent Extraction Column. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 2016, 34, 535-548.

(10)Wang, Y.; Mumford, K. A.; Shen, S.; Li, Y., Effects of low-melting temperature salt (Na2SO4) addition on the phase transformation, crystal growth, and chroma of titanium dioxide pigments. Powder Technology 2015, 284, 204-209.

(11)Xiao, F.; Wang, Y.; Shen, X.; Perera, J. M.; Stevens, G. W., The effect of DTAC on the extraction of Co (II) with Cyanex272 in a neutral micellar phase. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2015, 482, 109-114.

(12)Wang, Y.;Yu, H.; Hu, Y.; Zhao, R.; Li, F.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Z., Influence of CuSO4 Doping on the Oxidation Resistance of TiO2-Coated Carbon Fibers. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 29, 2549-2554.

(13)Wang, Y.;Li, J.; Wang, L.; Qi, T.; Chen, D.; Wang, W., Preparation of Rutile Titanium Dioxide White Pigment by a Novel NaOH Molten‐Salt Process: Influence of Doping and Calcination. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2011, 34, 905-913.

(14)Wang, Y.;; Li, J.; Wang, L.; Xue, T.; Qi, T., Preparation of rutile titanium dioxide white pigment via doping and calcination of metatitanic acid obtained by the NaOH molten salt method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2010, 49, 7693-7696.

(15)Wang, Y.; Li, Z.; Demopoulos, G. P., Controlled precipitation of nesquehonite (MgCO3· 3H2 O) by the reaction of MgCl2 with (NH4)2CO3. Journal of Crystal Growth 2008, 310, 1220-1227.