







  • 郜永祺
  • 高级工程师

姓名: 郜永祺

性别: 男

出生: 1965年9月

职务: 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师

工作单位: 中国科学院大气物理研究所


其它任职:挪威南森环境与遥感中心领导成员, 以及编辑,中国科学院大气物理研究所学位委员会会委员

电话: 0086 10 62045641

电子邮件: gyq@mail.iap.ac.cn,yongqi.gao@nersc.no


1. 中高低纬度的气候遥相关

2. 海洋化学示踪物及污染物的数值模拟

3. 北大西洋热盐环流年代际变化


















中国科学院大气物理研究所研究员 博士生导师。


1 参加欧盟项目GOSAC(Global Ocean Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon, 1998-2001)

2 参加欧盟项目RADARC (Simulation scenarios for potential radioactive spreading in the 21st century from rivers and external sources in the Russian Arctic coastal zone, 2001-2003).

3参加挪威研究理事会资助的项目ARC (Arctic Radioactive Contamination, 2004-2006)

4 中国科学院百人计划择优支持获得者(2007.01-2009.12)

5 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“东亚气候对北大西洋淡水扰动的响应及机制(2009.01-2011.12)”主持

6 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)“全球变暖背景下东亚能量和水分循环变异及其对我国极端气候的影响”专题负责人


8 欧盟第六框架项目Dragnoess(DRAGON in support of harmonizing European and Chinese marine monitoring for Environment and Security System,2007.10-2010.09),本所协调人

9 欧盟项目EU-THOR (2008.12-2012.11),挪威南森环境与遥感中心协调人

10 挪威研究理事会项目“北冰洋海冰在气候中的作用 (2011.01-2014.12)”,主持

11 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题”项目11:气候模式模拟和预估中的不确定性问题 (2011.07-2016.06),课题负责人


[36] Gong, D.Y., Yang J., Kim S.J., Gao Y.Q., Guo D., Zhou T,J. and Hu M. (2011): Spring Arctic Oscillation-East Asian summer monsoon connection through circulation changes over the western North Pacific. Clim.Dyn., DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1041-1

[35]Yu L., Gao Y. Q., and Wang H. J., et al.(2011), The spatial and temporal response of Ocean Heat Transport and its mechanism in an enhanced freshwater experiment in North Atlantic. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, in Press

[34] Yu L, Gao Y Q, and H. Drange, et al. (2010): Diapycnal Mixing in the transient response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in an Enhanced Freshwater Perturbation Experiment. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letter. 3 (4), 201-206

[33] Sandoe, A.B., Nilsen, J.E., Gao, Y., Lohmann, K. (2010), The importance of heat transports and local air-sea heat fluxes to the Barents Sea climate variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 115, No. C7, C07013

[32] Wang, H. J., Y. Gao, Z. Ma, and D. Jiang, Two climate change issues deserving intense attention in China, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009, 23(4), 229-231.

[31] Yu, L., Y. Gao, H.J. Wang, D. Guo and S.L. Li (2009), The responses of East Asian Summer monsoon to the weakened North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in an enhanced freshwater input simulation. Chinese Science Bulletin. Vol.55, No.24,4724-4732

[30] Gao, Y., H. Drange, O.M. Johannessen and L.H. Pettersson (2009), Sources and pathways of 90Sr in the North Atlantic-Arctic region: present day and global warming. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100, 375-395

[29] Yu, L.,Y. Gao, H. Wang (2009), Mechanism for the transient response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under the enhanced freshwater forcing at the high northern latitudes. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.33, No.1, 179-197

[28] Gao, Y., and L. Yu (2008), Subpolar Gyre Index and the North Atlantic Overturning Circulation in a Coupled Climate Model. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Vol.1, No.1, 29-32

[27] Yu, L., Y. Gao H. Wang and H. Drange (2008), Revisiting Effect of Ocean Diapycnal Mixing on Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Recovery in a Freshwater Perturbation Simulation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.25, No.4, 597-609, doi:10.1007/s00376-008-0597-0

[26] Su J., H. Wang, H. Yang, H. Drange, Y. Gao and M. Bentsen (2008),

Role of the atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the tropical Pacific SST changes. Journal of Climate, Vol.21, 2019-2034, doi:10.1175/2007JCI1692.1

[25] Jiang D., Z. Ding, H. Drange and Y. Gao (2008), Sensitivity of East Asian climate to the progressive uplift of the Tibetan Plateau under the PRISM boundary conditions. Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 25(5), 709-722, doi: 10.1007/s00376-008-0709-x

[24] Orre S., Y. Gao, H. Drange and E. Deleersnijder (2008), Diagnosing ocean tracer transport from Sellafield and Dounreay by equivalent diffusion and age.

Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 25(5), 805-814

[23] Gao, Y., D. Gao (2007), Water Environmental Evolution on the Northern Slope of Mt. Qomolangma since 1975. Plateau Meteorology (in Chinese), Vol.26, No.6, P.1276

[22] Orre, S., Y. Gao, H. Drange and J.E.O. Nilsen (2007),

A reassessment of the dispersion properties of 99Tc in the North and Norwegian Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, Vol.68, No.1-2, P. 24-38, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.10.009

[21] Gong D.Y., H. Drange and Y. Gao (2007), Reconstruction of northern hemisphere 500 hPa geopotential heights back to the late 19th century Theor. Applied Climat., Vol. 90, No.1-2, P.83-102. doi 10.1007/s00704-006-0271-3

[20] Risebrobakken, B, Dokken T, Ottera OH, Jansen E., Y. Gao, H. Drange (2007), Inception of the northern European ice sheet due to contrasting ocean and insolation forcing. Quaternary Research, Vol. 67, P. 128-135, doi: 10.1016/j.yqres.2006.07.007

[19] Zhou, T.J., R.C. Yu, Y. Gao, H. Drange (2006), Air-sea Coupled Model Simulation of North Atlantic Interannual Variability II:Tropical tele-connection. Acta Meteorologica Sinica (Chinese journal), Vol. 64, No.1, 18-30

[18] Zhou, T.J., R.C. Yu, Y. Gao, H. Drange (2006), Air-sea Coupled Model Simulation of North Atlantic Interannual Variability I: Local Air-sea Interaction. Acta Meteorologica Sinica (Chinese journal), Vol. 64, No.1, 1-17

[17] Zou, H., L. Zhou, Y. Gao, X. Chen, P. Li, C. Ji, S. Ma and D. Gao (2005), Total ozone variation between 50 and 60 N. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L23812, doi:10.1029/2005GL024012

[16] Drange H., R. Gerdes, Y. Gao, M. Karcher, F. Kauker, M. Bentsen (2005), Ocean general circulation modelling of the Nordic Seas, in The Nordic Seas: An Integrated Perspective, Drange H., T. Dokken, T. Furevik, R. Gerdes and W. Berger (Eds), AGU Monograph 158, American Geophys. Union, Wash. DC, 199-220.

[15] Gao, Y., Drange H., Bentsen M., Johannessen O.M. (2005), Tracer-Derived Transient Time of the Eastern Waters in the Nordic Seas. Tellus, 57B, 332-340

[14] Gao, Y., H. Drange (2004), Effect of Diapycnal Mixing on Ventilation and CFC-11 Uptake in the Southern Ocean. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.21(5), 755-766

[13] Doney, S.C., K. Lindsay, K. Caldeira, J.M. Campin, H. Drange, J.C. Dutay, M. Follows, Y. Gao, A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, A. Ishida, F. Joos, G. Madec, E. Marier-Reimer, J.C. Marshall, R.J. Matear, P. Monfray, A. Mouchet, R. Najjar, J.C. Orr, G.K. Plattner, J. Sarmiento, R. Schlitzer, R. Slater, I.J. Totterdell, M.F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka, A. Yool (2004), Evaluating Global Ocean Carbon Models: The Importance of Realistic Physics. Global Biogeochemical Cycles , Vol. 18, GB3017, doi:10.1029/2003GB002150

[12] Matsumoto, K., J.L. Sarmiento, R.M. Key, O. Aumont, J.L. Bullister, K. Caldeira, J.-M. Campin, S.C. Doney, H. Drange, J.-C. Dutay, M. Follows, Y. Gao, A. Gnanadesikan, N. Gruber, A. Ishida, F. Joos, K. Lindsay, E. Maier-Reimer, J.C. Marshall, R.J. Matear, P. Monfray, R. Najjar, G.-K. Plattner, R. Schlitzer, R. Slater, P.S. Swathi, I.J. Totterdell, M.-F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka, A. Yool, J.C. Orr (2004), Evaluation of ocean carbon cycle models with data-based metrics. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 31, L07303, doi:10.1029/2003GL018970

[11] Gao, Y., H. Drange, M. Bentsen and O.M. Johannessen (2004), Simulating transport of non-Chernobyl 137Cs and 90Sr in the North Atlantic-Arctic region. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 71, No. 1, p1-16, doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(03)00108-5.

[10] Gao, Y., H. Drange and M. Bentsen (2003), Effects of diapycnal and isopycnal mixing on the ventilation of CFCs in the North Atlantic in an isopycnic coordinate OGCM. Tellus , 55B, No. 3, p837-854.

[9] Nilsen, J.E.O., Y. Gao, H. Drange, T. Furevik and M. Bentsen (2003), Simulated North Atlantic -Nordic Seas water mass exchanges in an isopycnic coordinate OGCM. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 30, No. 10, 1536, doi:10.1029/2002GL016597.

[8] Dutay, J.C., J.L. Bullister, S.C. Doney, J.C. Orr, R. Najjar, K. Caldeira, J.M. Campin, H. Drange, M. Follows, Y. Gao, N. Gruber, M.W. Hecht, A. Ishida, F. Joos, K. Lindsay, G. Madec, E. Marier-Reimer, J.C. Marshall, R.J. Matear, P. Monfray, G.K. Plattner, J. Sarmiento, R. Schlitzer, R. Slater, I.J. Totterdell, M.F. Weirig, Y. Yamanaka and A. Yool (2002), Evaluation of ocean model ventilation with CFC-11: comparison of 13 global ocean models. Ocean Modelling, Vol.4, No.2, 89-120

[7] Zou, H., Y. Gao and L.B. Zhou (1998), Ozone low and surface heating over large scale mountains. Climate and Environment (Chinese journal), Vol. 3, No. 3, 209-217.

[6] Gao, D.Y., Y. Gao, K. Xiong, Y. Gjessing and T. Lange (1998), Arctic air/ice exchange and physical characteristics of icefloe in summer. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, Vol.20, No.4, 326-329.

[5] Zou, H., and Y. Gao (1997), Long-term variation in TOMS ozone over 60 deg.-70 deg. S. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 24, No. 18, 2295-2298.

[4] Zou, H., and Y. Gao (1997), Vertical Ozone Profile over Tibet Using Sage I and II data, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 4, 505-512.

[3] Zou, H., and Y. Gao (1997), QBO and ENSO signals in total ozone between 60-70S, Climate and Environment (Chinese journal), Vol.2, No.1, 61-70.

[2] Gao, D.Y., W.X. Lu and Y. Gao (1996), Impacts of Kuwait Oil Fires on the Mount. Qomolangma Region, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 2., 196-202.

[1] Ma, Y.M., Y. Gao, D.X. Li and J.L. Hu (1993), Observational Study of Atmospheric Turbulence above and within a Pine Forest, in Chinese, Meteorological Monthly, Vol. 19, No. 12., 13-18


Johannessen, O.M., Volkov, V.A., Pettersson, L.H., Drange, H., Gao, Y., Maderich, V.S., Neelov, I.A., Nielsen, S.P., Bobylev, L.P., Stepanov, A.V., Zheleznyak, M.J., Tishkov, V. (2009), Radionuclides in the Arctic: Observations, Modelling and Simulations , Springer Praxis Books, ISBN: 3-540-24232-5

