







  • 安俊岭
  • 高级工程师
  • 北京9804信箱LAPC




An Junling,Ying Li, Yong Chen, Jian Li, Yu Qu, Yujia Tang (2013) Enhancements of major aerosol components due to additional HONO sources in the North China Plain (NCP) and implications for visibility and haze, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences30(1): 57-66

An Junling, Weiling Xiang, Zhiwei Han, Kaitao Xiao, Zifa Wang, Xinhua Wang, Jianbin Wu, Pingzhong Yan, Jie Li, Yong Chen, Jian Li, Ying Li (2013) Validation of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics emergency response model with the meteorological towers measurements and SF6 diffusion and pool fire experiments, Atmospheric Environment 81: 60-67

An Junling, Hiromasa Ueda, Kazuhide Matsuda, Hisashi Hasome, Motokazu Iwata (2003) Simulated impacts of SO2 emissions from the Miyake Volcano on concentration and deposition of sulfur oxides in September and October of 2000, Atmospheric Environment 37(22): 3039-3046

An Junling, Hiromasa Ueda, Zifa Wang,Kazuhide Matsuda, Mizuo Kajino, Xinjin Cheng (2002) Simulations of monthly mean nitrate concentrations in precipitation, Atmospheric Environment 36(26): 4159-4171

An Junling, Ling Zhou, Meiyuan Huang, Hu Li, Tsunehiko Otoshi, Kazuhide Matsuda (2001) A literature review of uncertainties in studies of critical loads for acidic deposition, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130: 1205-1210

An Junling, Meiyuan Huang (1999) Long-term soil acidification model (LTSAM) development and application for analyzing soil responses to acidic deposition, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 110: 255-272

Li Ying, Junling An, Min Min, Wei Zhang, Feng Wang, Pinhua Xie (2011) Impacts of HONO sources on the air quality in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province of China, Atmospheric Environment45(27): 4735-4744

Qu Yu, Junling An, Jian Li, Yong Chen, Ying Li, Xingang Liu, and Min Hu (2014) Effects of NOxand VOCs from five emission sources on summer surface O3over the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 31(4): 787–800.

Tang Yujia, Junling An, Ying Li, Feng Wang (2014) Uncertainty in the uptake coefficient for HONO formation on soot and its impacts on concentrations of major chemical components in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Atmospheric Environment 84: 163-171