- 林朝晖
- 研究室主任
- 高级工程师

简历: |
1968年生,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院大气物理研究所国际气候与环境科学中心主任。1990年毕业于中国科学技术大学近代力学系,获理学学士学位;1995年毕业于中国科学院大气物理研究所,获理学博士学位。1995年至今在中国科学院物理研究所从事科研工作,1999年被聘为副研究员,2002年被聘为研究员。期间先后到澳大利亚气象局、香港城市大学、内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校作高级访问学者。现任南方科技促进可持续发展委员会(COMSATS)协调委员会委员、APEC气候中心(APCC)气候预测工作组成员、中国气象学会“热带与海洋气象学委员会”副主任委员、中国力学学会“环境力学专业委员会”委员等,同时担任《气候与环境研究》副主编、《大气科学》常务编委、《气象学报》编委等。主要从事地球系统模式研制、气候水文灾害预测理论及方法、陆面-水文-大气过程及其相互作用等领域的研究,在相关领域发表论文90余篇。现主持中国科学院战略性先导科技专项项目、国家公益性行业(气象)科研专项项目、国家科技合作与交流项目、国家自然科学基金项目等。曾获2005年度国家自然科学二等奖(第三完成人),2006年度全国高等学校科技进步一等奖(第八完成人),2011年度中国科学院杰出科技成就集体奖(第四完成人),享受国务院政府特殊津贴(2008年)。 研究领域: 1. 地球系统动力学模式研制 2. 短期气候与水文预测 3. 大气-陆面-水文相互作用及陆气水循环过程 主要在研项目: 1.科学院战略性先导科技专项项目“气候模式模拟和预估中的不确定性问题”(编号:XDA05110000)(2011.1-2015.12)(项目负责人) 2.国家公益性行业(气象)科研专项项目“基于陆面水文耦合模式的淮河流域旱涝季节预测方法”(2014.1-2016.12)(项目负责人) 3.国家国际科技合作与交流专项“气候变化背景下极端气候事件的规律及机理”(2012.5-2015.4)(项目负责人) 4.国家自然科学基金委项目“基于动力学模式的季度水文可预报性研究”(批准号:41175073, 2012.1-2015.12)(项目负责人) 5.国家自然科学基金委-云南省联合基金重点项目“云南极端干旱气候的形成机理研究”(批准号U1133603)(2012.1-2015.12) 6.中国科学院大气物理研究所十二五重大突破领域项目“地球系统动力学模式研制”(2012.1-2015.12)(项目负责人) 【代表性论文论著】 1.Meichun Cao* and Zhaohui Lin, 2014: Impact of Urban Surface Roughness Length Parameterization Scheme on Urban Atmospheric Environment Simulation, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014, Article ID 267683, 14 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/267683. 2.Yang C*., Z. Yu, Z. Hao, Z. Lin and H. Wang, 2013: Effects of vegetation cover on hydrological processes in a large region: the Huaihe River Basin, China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2013, 18(11), 1477–1483. 3.Lifeng Luo, Wei Tang*, Zhaohui Lin, Eric F. Wood, 2013: Evaluation of summer temperature and precipitation predictions from NCEP CFSv2 retrospective forecast over China, Clim Dyn (2013) 41:2213–2230, DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1927-1 4.Wu C L*, Lin Z H. 2013: Uncertainty in Dust Budget over East Asia Simulated by WRF/Chem with Six Different Dust Emission Schemes . Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0045. 5.Lin Zhaohui, Jason K. Levy, Hang Lei and Michelle L. Bell, 2012: Advances in Disaster Modeling, Simulation and Visualization for Sandstorm Risk Management in North China, Remote Sens. 2012, 4, 1337-1354; doi:10.3390/rs4051337. 6.Liu Shaofeng, Yaping Shao, Chuangguo Yang, Zhaohui Lin, Min Li, 2012: Improved regional hydrologic modelling by assimilation of streamflow data into a regional hydrological model, Environmental Modelling & Software, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.12.005. 7.Zhan Yanling*, Lin Zhaohui, 2011: The Relationship between the June Precipitation over the Mid-lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin and the Spring Soil Moisture over the East Asian Monsoon Region, Acta Meteor. Sinica, 25(3), 355-363, doi: 10:1007/S13351-011-0310-6. 8.Yaping Shao, Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll, Adrian Chappell, Jianping Huang, Zhaohui Lin, Grant H. McTainsh, Masao Mikami, Taichu Y. Tanaka, Xulong Wang, Soonchang Yoon, 2011: Dust cycle: An emerging core theme in Earth system science, Aeolian Research, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2011.02.001 9.秦正坤*,林朝晖,陈红,孙照渤,2011:基于EOF/SVD的IAP短期气候数值气候预测误差订正方法及其应用,气象学报,69(2), 289-296. 10. 张贺*, 林朝晖, 曾庆存. 2011: 大气环流模式中动力框架与物理过程的相互响应,气候与环境研究, 16(1): 15-30. 11. YangChuangguo*, Lin Zhaohui, Yu Zhongbo, Hao Zhenchun and Liu Shaofeng, 2009:Analysis and Simulation of Human Activity Impact on Streamflow in the Huaihe River Basin with a Large-scale Hydrologic Model, Journal of Hydrometeorology,DOI: 10.1175/2009JHM1145.1 12. 曾庆存,林朝晖,2010:地球系统动力学模式和模拟研究的进展,地球科学进展,Vol.25, No.1, 1-5. 13. 张贺*, 林朝晖, 曾庆存,2009: IAP AGCM-4 动力框架的积分方案及模式检验. 大气科学,33(6):1267-1285. 14. 刘少锋*,林朝晖,蒋星,曾宁,2009:IAP大气-植被耦合模式的建立及其模拟试验. 气候与环境研究,14(3), 258-272. 15. M L Bell, J K Levy, and Z Lin:The effect of sandstorms and air pollution on cause-specific hospital admissions in Taipei, Taiwan, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Feb 2008; 65: 104 - 111. 16. Chen Hong, Lin Zhaohui, 2006: A correction method suitable for dynamical seasonal prediction, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,Vol.23, No.3, 425-430. 17. Xingkui Xu,Jason K Levy,Lin Zhaohui,Chen Hong,2006:An Investigation of Sand-Dust Storm Events and Land Surface Characteristics in China using NOAA NDVI data,Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 52, 182-196, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2006.02.009. 18. 雷航*,林朝晖,孙建华,2005:一个改进的沙尘天气数值预测系统及其模拟试验,气候与环境研究,Vol.10, No.3,669-683. 19. LIN Zhaohui, Jason K. Levy, Xingkui Xu, Sixiong Zhao, and Jens Hartmann, 2005: Weather and seasonal climate prediction for flood planning in the Yangtze River Basin,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment DOI: 10.1007/s00477-005-0007-4 20. Jason K. LEVY, Chennat Gopalakrishnan and Zhaohui Lin, 2005: Advances in Decision Support Systems for Flood Disaster Management: Challenges and Opportunities, Water Resources Development,21(4),593-612. 21. Wei, J., Lin, Z. H., Xia, J. and Tao, S. Y.,2005. Interannual and interdecadal variability of atmospheric water vapor transport in the Haihe River Basin,Pedosphere. 15(5): 585--594. 22. Lin Zhaohui, Wang Huijun, and Zhou Guangqing et al., 2004: Recent advances in the dynamical extra-seasonal to annual climate prediction in IAP/CAS, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,Vol.21, No.3, 456-466. 23. 陈红,林朝晖,周广庆,我国春季沙尘天气趋势的数值气候预测试验,气候与环境研究,2004,Vol.9,No.1,182-190. 24. 林朝晖,陈红,张时煌,徐兴奎,2003年春季中国沙尘天气异常的气候及环境背景,气候与环境研究,2004,Vol.9,No.1,191-202. 25. Chen Hong*, Lin Zhaohui, Zeng Qingcun, 2003: Introduction and systematic assessment for IAP numerical annual climate prediction system, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, Vol.48 Supp. II, 56-61. 26. Shao Y.P., Yan Yang, Jianjie Wang, Zhenxin Song, Lance M. Leslie, Chaohua Dong, Shihuang Zhang, Zhaohui Lin, Yutaka Kanai, Sadayo Yabuki and Youngsin Chun, 2003: Northeast Asian dust storms: Real-time numerical prediction and validation, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D22), 4691, doi:10.1029/2003JD003667, 2003. 27. 曾庆存,林朝晖,周广庆,2003: 跨季度动力气候预测系统(IAP DCP-II),大气科学,Vol.27,No.3,289-303。 28. Lin Zhaohui,Yang Xiaosong* and Guo Yufu,2002:Preliminary study of land surface characteristics over Huaihe River Basin during HUBEX field experiment, Progress in Natural Science, 2002,Vol.12, No.2, 120-125. 29. 林朝晖,赵彦,周广庆,曾庆存,2002:2000年中国夏季降水异常的数值预测,自然科学进展,Vol.12, No.7,771-774. 30. Yang Xiaosong*,Lin Zhaohui, Dai Yongjiu,Guo Yufu,2001: Validation of IAP94 land surface model over the Huaihe River Basin with HUBEX field experiment data, Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.18, No.1, 139-154.(SCIE) 31. 林朝晖,杨小松*,郭裕福,2001:陆面过程模式对土壤含水量初值的敏感性研究,气候与环境研究,Vol.6, NO.2,240-248. 32. 林朝晖,杨小松*,郭裕福,2001:淮河流域陆面水文过程特征分析,自然科学进展,Vol.11,No.6,588-594。 33. 林朝晖,赵彦,周广庆,曾庆存,2000:1999年中国夏季气候的预测和检验,气候与环境研究,Vol.5, No.2, 97-108. 34. Lin Zhaohui, Bi Xunqiang, Wang Huijun and Zeng Qingcun, 1999: Dependence of the AGCM climatology on the method of prescribing surface boundary conditions and its climatological implication,Advance in Atmospheric Sciences,No.4, Vol.16, 593-607. 35. 林朝晖,李旭,赵彦,周广庆等,1998:“IAP PSSCA 的改进及其对1998全国汛期旱涝形势的预测”,气候与环境研究,3 (4),339-348. 36. Lin Zhaohui and Zeng Qingcun, 1997:“Simulation of east Asian summer monsoon by using an improved AGCM”,Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 14 (4), 513-526. 37. Lin Z.H., Q.C Zeng and B. Ouyang, 1996:“Sensitivity of the IAP two-level AGCM to surface albedo Variations, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 55, 157-162. (*表示指导的学生): 合作专著: 1.张庆云,王会军,林朝晖等著:中国天气气候异常成因研究-2003年,气象出版社,2004,170pp. 2.夏军,刘昌明,丁永建,贾少凤,林朝晖主编:中国水问题观察(第一卷):气候变化对我国北方典型区域水资源影响及适应对策,科学出版社,2011,311pp. |