







  • 成步文
  • 研究员







Email:cbw@semi.ac.cn, Tel: 010-82304762



16 通道100Gbps 高响应低暗电流硅基微纳锗硅探测器阵列研究,重点研发计划课题,(2017.7-2022.6,主持)





硅基锗材料外延及其相关器件基础研究,重点基金,(2011-2014, 主持)


基于能带工程的硅基发光材料及光电子原型器件,973课题, (2007.7-2011.8,骨干)





GeSi/Si MQW波长可调光电探测器,863课题,(1998.10-2000.10,主持)


Zhi Liu, Jietao Liu, Buwen Cheng*, Jun Zheng, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue and Qiming Wang, Enhanced light trapping in Ge-on-Si-on-insulator photodetector by guided mode resonance effect,Journalof Applied Physics, 124, 053101 (2018)

Zhi Liu, Juanjuan Wen, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue,Buwen Cheng*, Research progress of Ge on insulator grown by rapid melting growth, J. of Semiconductors, 39(6):061005 (2018)

Jun Zheng, Zhi Liu, Yongwang Zhang, Yuhua Zuo, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue,Buwen Cheng, Qiming Wang, Growth of high-Sn content (28%) GeSn alloy films by sputtering epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth, 492:29–34 (2018)

Jun Zheng, Yongwang Zhang, Zhi Liu, Yuhua Zuo, Chuanbo Li,Chunlai Xue, Buwen Cheng, and Qiming Wang, Fabrication of Low-Resistance Ni OhmicContacts on n+-Ge1−xSnx, IEEE Transactionson Electron Devices, 65(11):4971-4974 (2018)

Kai Yu, Fan Yang, Hui Cong, Lin Zhou, Qingyun Liu, Lichun Zhang,Buwen Cheng, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, Chuanbo Li, Fabrication of high-hole-mobility germanium-on-insulator wafersthrough an easy method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 750:182-188 (2018)

Hui Cong, Fan Yang, Chunlai Xue, Kai Yu, Lin Zhou, Nan Wang, Buwen Cheng,and Qiming Wang, Multilayer Graphene–GeSn Quantum Well HeterostructureSWIR Light Source, Small,14:1704414(2018)

Fan Yang, Hui Cong, Kai Yu, Lin Zhou, Nan Wang, Zhi Liu, Chuanbo Li, Qiming Wang, and Buwen Cheng*, Ultrathin Broadband Germanium−Graphene Hybrid Photodetector with High Performance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 13422−13429( 2017)

Zhi Liu, Fan Yang, Wenzhou Wu, Hui Cong, Jun Zheng, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue,Buwen Cheng* and Qiming Wang,48 GHz High-Performance Ge-on-SOI PhotodetectorWith Zero-Bias 40 Gbps Grown by SelectiveEpitaxial Growth, Jounal of Lightwave Technology, 35(24):5306-5310(2017)

Wenzhou Wu, Buwen Cheng*, Jun Zheng, Zhi Liu, Chuanbo Li, Yuhua Zuoand Chunlai Xue,High gain-bandwidth product Ge/Si tunneling avalanche photodiode withhigh-frequency tunneling effect,Journal of Semiconductors,38(11): 114003( 2017)

Wenqi Huang, Buwen Cheng, Chunlai Xue, Hong Yang,The band structure and optical gain of a new IV-group alloy GePb: Afirst-principles calculation,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,701:816e821 (2017)

Junying Zhang, Chunqian Zhang, Zhi Liu, Jun Zheng, Yuhua Zuo, Chunlai Xue, Chuanbo Li,Buwen Cheng,High-performance ball-milled SiOx anodes for lithium ion batteries,Journal of Power Sources,339:86e92 (2017)

Mehdi Afshari Bavil,Zhi Liu,Wenzhou Wu,Chuanbo Li,Buwen Cheng,Photocurrent Enhancement in Si-Ge Photodetectors by UtilizingSurface Plasmons,Plasmonics,12:1709–1715, 2017

Junying Zhang, Chunqian Zhang, Shouming Wu, Jun Zheng, Yuhua Zuo, Chunlai Xue, Chuanbo Li, Buwen Cheng,High-performance lithium-ion battery with nano-porous polycrystalline silicon particles as anode,Electrochimica Acta,208:174–179(2016)

Junying Zhang, Chunqian Zhang, Shouming Wu, Zhi Liu, Jun Zheng, Yuhua Zuo, Chunlai Xue,Chuanbo Li and Buwen Cheng,Cu2+1O coated polycrystalline Sinanoparticles as anode for lithium-ionbattery,Nanoscale Research Letters 11:214(2016)

Zhi Liu, Hui Cong, Fan Yang, Chuanbo Li, Jun Zheng, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, Buwen Cheng*, Qiming Wang, Defect-free high Sn-content GeSn on insulator grown by rapid melting growth, Scientific Reports, 6: 38386(2016)

Jun Zheng, Suyuan Wang, Zhi Liu, Hui Cong, Chunlai Xue, Chuanbo Li, Yuhua Zuo, Buwen Cheng, and Qiming Wang, GeSn p-i-n photodetectors with GeSn layer grown by magnetron sputteringepitaxy, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 033503 (2016)

Zhi Liu, Chao He, Dongliang Zhang, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, and Buwen Cheng*, Temperature dependent direct-bandgap light emission and optical gain of Ge, Chinese Physics B 25, 057804 (2016)

Chao He, Zhi Liu, Buwen Cheng*, Room temperature direct-bandgap electroluminescence from a horizontal Ge ridge waveguide on Si, Chinese Physics B, 25(12), 126104(2016)

X. Zhang,Z. Liu,C. He,B. Cheng*,C. Xue,C. Li, Q. Wang, Characterization and thermal stability of GeSn/Ge multi-quantum wells on Ge (100) substrates, J. of Materials Science-Materialsin Electronics, 27(9):9341-9345(2016)

H. Cong,C. Xue, J. Zheng, F.Yang, K. Yu, Z. Liu,X. Zhang,B. Cheng*,Q. Wang, Silicon Based GeSn p-i-n Photodetector for SWIR Detection, IEEE Photonics Journal, 8(5):6804706(2016)

Wen, JJ ; Liu, Z; Zhou, TW; Xue, CL; Zuo, YH; Li, CB; Wang, QM; Cheng, BW*,Inhibitation of Si-Ge interdiffusion in Ge-on-insulator structures formed by rapid melt growth,Thin Solid Films,586:54-57(2015)

Zhi Liu, Juanjuan Wen, Jun Zheng, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, Chuanbo Li, Buwen Cheng*, and Qiming Wang, Strain Evolution of Ge on Insulator Formed by RapidMelting Growth, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 4 (12) P415-P418 (2015)

Zhi Liu, Juanjuan Wen, Xu Zhang, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo,Buwen Cheng* and Qiming Wang, High hole mobility GeSn on insulatorformed by self-organized seeding lateralgrowth, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48, 445103(2015)

Zhi Liu, JuanjuanWen, Tianwei Zhou, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, Chuanbo Li, Buwen Cheng*, QimingWang, Lateral growth of single-crystal Ge on insulating substrate usingamorphous Si seed by rapid melting growth, Thin Solid Films, 597, 39–43 (2015)

Xu Zhang, Dongliang Zhang, Jun Zheng, Zhi Liu, Chao He, Chunlai Xue, Guangze Zhang, Chuanbo Li, Buwen Cheng*, Qiming Wang, Formation and characterization of Ni/Al Ohmic contact on n+-type GeSn, Solid-State Electronics, 114, 178–181(2015)

Wenqi Huang, Buwen Cheng*, Chunlai Xue, and Zhi Liu, Comparative studies of band structures for biaxial (100)-, (110)-, and (111)- strained GeSn: A first-principles calculation with GGA+U approach, Journalof Applied Physics, 118, 165704 (2015)

何超, 张旭, 刘智, 成步文*, Si基IV族异质结构发光器件的研究进展, 物理学报, 64(20), 206102 (2015)

Junying Zhang, Chunqian Zhang, Shouming Wu, Xu Zhang, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue and Buwen Cheng, High-Columbic-Efficiency Lithium BatteryBased on Silicon Particle Materials, Nanoscale Research Letters, 10:395 (2015)

Dalin Zhang, Zhi Liu, Dongliang Zhang, Xu Zhang, Junying Zhang, Jun Zheng, Yuhua Zuo, Chunlai Xue, Chuanbo Li, Shunri Oda, Buwen Cheng, and Qiming Wang, Sn-Guided Defect-Free GeSn Lateral Growth on Si by MolecularBeam Epitaxy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 17842−17847(2015)

Chunqian Zhang, Fan Yang, Dalin Zhang, Xu Zhang, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, Chuanbo Li, Buwen Cheng and Qiming Wang, A binder-free Si-based anode for Li-ion batteries, 5, 15940–15943 (2015)

Jun Zheng, Suyuan Wang, Tianwei Zhou, Yuhua Zuo, Buwen Cheng, and Qiming Wang, Single-crystalline Ge1-x-ySixSny alloys on Si (100) grown by magnetron sputtering, Optical Materials Express, 5(2), 287-294(2015)

Jun Zheng, Suyuan Wang, Xu Zhang, Zhi Liu, Chunlai Xue, Chuanbo Li,Yuhua Zuo, Buwen Cheng, and Qiming Wang, Ni(Ge1−x−ySixSny) Ohmic Contact Formationon p-type Ge0.86Si0.07Sn0.07, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 36(9), 878-880(2015)

Li Chong, Xue Chun-Lai, Li Ya-Ming, Li Chuan-Bo, Cheng Bu-Wen, and Wang Qi-Ming, High performance silicon waveguide germanium photodetector, Chin. Phys. B, 24(3), 038502 (2015)

Shaojian Su, Dongliang Zhang, Chunlai Xue, Buwen Cheng,Influence of growth and annealing temperature on the strain andsurface morphology of Ge0.995Sn0.005epilayer, Applied Surface Science, 340,132–137 (2015)

Zhang Dong-Liang, Cheng Bu-Wen*, Xue Chun-Lai, Zhang Xu, Cong Hui, Liu Zhi, Zhang Guang-Ze, and Wang Qi-Ming, Theoretical study of the optical gain characteristics of a Ge1-xSnx alloy for a short-wave infrared laser, Chin. Phys. B, 24(2),024211 (2015)

Zhi Liu, Yaming Li, Chao He, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, Buwen Cheng*, and Qiming Wang, Direct-bandgap electroluminescence from a horizontal Ge p-i-n ridge waveguide on Si(001) substrate,Applied Physics Letters,104, 191111 (2014)

Xu Zhang, Dongliang Zhang, Buwen Cheng*, Zhi Liu, Guangze Zhang, Chunlai Xue, and Qiming Wang,Crystal Quality Improvement of GeSn Alloys by Thermal Annealing, ECS Solid State Letters, 3 (10), 127-130 (2014)

J. J. Wen, Z. Liu, D. L. Zhang, T. W. Zhou, C. L. Xue, Y. H. Zuo, C. B. Li, Q. M. Wang, and B. W. Cheng*,Effects of rapid thermal process temperatures on strain and Si concentration distributions in Ge-on-insulator structures formed by rapid melt growth,ECS solid state letters,3 (7),Q33-Q35 (2014)

Yaming Li, Chong Li, Chuanbo Li, Buwen Cheng*, and Chunlai Xue,Compact two-mode (de)multiplexer based on symmetric Y-junction and Multimode interference waveguides,Optics Express,22(5), 5781-5786 (2014)

Wenqi Huang, Buwen Cheng*, Chunlai Xue, Chuanbo Li, Comparative studies of clustering effect, electronic and optical properties for GePb and GeSn alloys with low Pb and Sn concentration, Physica B, 443, 43–48 (2014)

Leliang Li, JunZheng, Yuhua Zuo, Buwen Cheng, QimingWang , Structural and optical properties of (Sr,Ba)2SiO4:Eu2+ thin films grown by magnetron sputtering,Journal of Luminescence,Journal of Luminescence, 152, 234–237 (2014)

Ym Li, BW Cheng*, Design of electro-absorption modulator with tapered-mode coupler on the GeSi layer, Journal of Optics, 15, 085501 (2013)

Shaojian Su, Dongliang Zhang, Guangze Zhang, Chunlai Xue, Buwen Cheng*, Growth of Ge1-xSnx/Ge strained-layer superlattices on Si(100) by molecular beam epitaxy, Superlattices and Microstructures,64,543-551(2013)

J. J.Wen, Z. Liu, L. L. Li, C. Li, C. L. Xue, Y. H. Zuo, C. B. Li, Q. M.Wang, and B.W. Cheng*, Cooling Rate Dependent Lattice Rotation in Ge on Insulators Formed by Rapid Melt Growth, ECS Solid State Letters, 2 (9), 73-75 (2013)

Zhi Liu, Tianwei Zhou, Leliang Li, Yuhua Zuo, Chao He, Chuanbo Li, Chunlai Xue, Buwen Cheng*, and Qiming Wang, Ge/Si quantum dots thin film solar cells, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 082101 (2013)

Dongliang Zhang, Chunlai Xue, Buwen Cheng, Shaojian Su, Zhi Liu, Xu Zhang,Guangze Zhang, Chuanbo Li, and Qiming Wang, High-responsivity GeSn short-wave infrared p-i-n photodetectors, Applied Physics Letters,102, 141111 (2013)

Juanjuan Wen, Zhi Liu, Leliang Li, Chong Li, Chunlai Xue, Yuhua Zuo, Chuanbo Li, Qiming Wang, and Buwen Cheng*, Room temperature photoluminescence of Ge-on-insulator structures formed by rapid melt growth, J.of Applied Physics,113, 143107 (2013)

Chong Li, Chunlai Xue, Zhi Liu, Buwen Cheng, Chuanbo Li, and Qiming Wang, High-Bandwidth and High-Responsivity Top-Illuminated Germanium Photodiodes for Optical Interconnection, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 60(3), 1183-1187(2013)