刘 超








  • 刘 超
  • 研究员

刘 超


1964年10月生,1986年获华东理工大学学士学位,1989年获四川大学硕士学位。1989年7月–1998年12月在中国核动力研究设计院核燃料与材料研究所工作。1990、1992年先后获得了中国核工业部科学技术进步三等奖两次;1991、1996年两次获得中国核动力研究设计院青年科学基金项目的资助,其研究成果分别获得了院基金项目一等奖和二等奖。1999年1月–2000年12月在德国于利希(Juelich)研究中心固体物理研究所做客座访问学者,参加了国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)用低活性马氏体不锈钢材料辐照效应的研究。2001年1月至今在中国科学院半导体研究所半导体材料科学重点实验室工作,长期从事分子束外延生长半导体薄膜材料的工艺及相关器件的研究工作,并在2002年研制出了达到国内领先水平的SiGe HBT结构材料和器件。2004、2011年先后主持完成了国家自然科学基金面上项目2项“绝缘衬底上高质量锗硅材料制备工艺及其性能研究(批准号:60276045)”、“新型III族氮化物基室温铁磁性单晶薄膜材料研究(批准号:60876004)”。作为主要成员先后参加了多项涉及GaN基外延材料及HEMT器件研制的863、973、中国科学院二期知识创新工程重要方向项目和国家自然科学基金重点项目的研究工作,以及国内首台GaN基外延材料用7片2英寸生产型MOCVD产业化样机的研制工作。近年来主要研究领域是用分子束外延技术研发基于新型高效太阳电池器件应用的II-VI族宽带隙外延材料,涉及半导体所知识创新项目(批准号O9S1010001,2009-2010)、中国科学院支撑计划项目(批准号61501070201,2011-2013)和国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号61376058,2014-2017)等。已在国内外期刊上发表研究论文三十余篇,申请发明专利1项。




E-mail:cliu@semi.ac.cn; 电话:010-82304101


国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型II-VI / III-V族多结叠层太阳电池材料与器件研究(2014-2017)


1.Chao Liu, Xingguo Gao, Dongyan Tao, Junxi Wang,Yiping Zeng, “Structural, Raman scattering and magnetic characteristics of Er+-implanted GaN thin films”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,618 (2015) 533–536

2.Dongyan Tao, Chao Liu, Chunhai Yin, Jianming Li, “Structural and magnetic properties of Er-implanted GaN films”, Materials Letters, 114 (2014) 22–25

3.Qiumin Yang, Chao Liu, Lijie Cui, Linen Zhang, Yiping Zeng, “Structural, surface, and electrical properties of nitrogen ion implanted ZnTe epilayers”, Applied Physics A., 116 (2014)193–197

4.Xingguo Gao, Chao Liu, Chunhai Yin, Dongyan Tao, Cheng Yang, Baoyuan Man, “Structural, morphological and magnetic characteristics of Tb-implanted GaN and AlGaN films”, Materials Science and Engineering B, 178 (2013) 349–353

5.Xingguo Gao, Chao Liu, Chunhai Yin, Lili Sun, Dongyan Tao, Cheng Yang, Baoyuan Man, “Structural, morphological and magnetic properties of AlGaN thin films co-implanted with Cr and Sm ions”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 343 (2013) 65–68

6.Tao Dong-yan,Liu Chao,Yin Chun-hai,Zeng Yi-ping, “Raman spectra analysis of GaN: Er films prepared by ion implantation”, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33 (2013) 699–703

7.Yin Chunhai, Liu Chao, Tao Dongyan, and Zeng Yiping, “Structural and magnetic properties of Yb-implanted GaN”, Journal of Semiconductors, 34 (2013) 053002

8.Chun-Hai Yin, Chao Liu, Dong-Yan Tao, and Yi-Ping Zeng, “Annealing effect on structural and magnetic properties of Tb and Cr co-implanted AlGaN”, Frontiers of Materials Science, 6 (2012) 366–370

9.Jie Zhao, Yiping Zeng, Chao Liu, Lijie Cui, “Effects of a ZnTe buffer layer on structural quality and morphology of CdTe epilayer grown on (001) GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy”, Vacuum, 86 (2012) 1062-1066

10.Lili Sun, Chao Liu, Jianming Li, Junxi Wang, Fawang Yan, Yiping Zeng, Jinmin Li, The impact of annealing temperature on the structural and magnetization properties of Sm implanted GaN films, Materials Letters, 65 (2011) 667–669

11.Jie Zhao, Yiping Zeng, Qiumin Yang, Yiyang Li, Lijie Cui, Chao Liu, “VI/II ratio-dependent growth and photoluminescence of cubic CdSe epilayers by molecular beam epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 329 (2011) 1–5

12.Lili Sun, Chao Liu, Jianming Li, Junxi Wang, Fawang Yan, Yiping Zeng, Jinmin Li, “Structural and magnetic properties of GaN:Sm:Eu films fabricated by co-implantation method”, Materials Letters, 64 (2010) 1031–1033

13.Jie Zhao, Yiping Zeng, Chao Liu, Yanbo Li, “Substrate temperature dependence of ZnTe epilayers grown on GaAs(001) by molecular beam epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 312 (2010)1491–1495

14.Jie Zhao, Yiping Zeng, Chao Liu, Lijie Cui, Yanbo Li, “Optimization of VI/II pressure ratio in ZnTe growth on GaAs (001) by molecular beam epitaxy”, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) 6881–6886