孟 磊








  • 孟 磊
  • 研究员

孟 磊


2008年获取东北大学学士学位。2011年获取中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所硕士学位。2016年3月获取日本东京工业大学电子物理工程专业博士学位。博士毕业后至2017年3月在东京工业大学工学院山田明课题组任博士后研究员。2017年7月经中国科学院率先行动“百人计划C类”人才项目来到中国科学院半导体研究所工作。迄今已在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells和IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics等重要期刊上发表论文20余篇(第一作者14篇,JCR一区论文5篇),以第一发明人申请中国发明专利5项(授权专利1项)。


1. 采用非真空溶胶-凝胶法研制出电阻率达9.8×10-4 Ω∙cm的掺铝ZnO(简称AZO)和低电阻率(8.2×10-3 Ω∙cm)且宽禁带(3.66 eV)的掺铝Zn0.8Mg0.2O透明导电薄膜,材料性能接近采用昂贵真空设备的磁控溅射法制备的同种材料,为太阳电池和有机发光二极管等光电器件提供低成本的透明电极材料。

2. 采用真空蒸发法及热处理工艺,在AZO的表面制备出一种低阻多晶态Zn3Mo2O9-d表面改性材料,通过增加群电负性和钼离子氧化态,使AZO表面功函数从3.83 eV提高到4.86 eV,促进AZO与p型半导体材料之间界面的载流子输运,在不增加串联电阻的前提下提高薄膜太阳电池的光电性能。为透明导电薄膜的表面改性研究领域开拓一个新方向。

3. 提出发展光学粗糙且电学平坦型透明导电衬底,将光散射界面和吸收层生长面分离,实现低表面粗糙度(<10nm)、低薄膜电阻(< 40 Ω/sq)且强光散射(光学雾度Haze>10%);应用于非晶硅薄膜太阳电池,在获得低缺陷密度高质量吸收层材料的同时,增强陷光效应而增加光吸收,降低电池中非辐射复合损耗和光学损耗而提高光电转化效率。为薄膜太阳电池技术发展提供一种新思路。








3. 科技部重点研发计划项目“等离激元超晶格阵列及突破衍射极限纳米激光器研究”,2019.08-2023.07,参与。


1. Lei Meng*, Xiaoguang Yang, Hongyu Chai, Zunren Lv and Tao Yang*, “Surface modification of Al-doped ZnO transparent conducive thin films with polycrystalline zinc molybdenum oxide”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(29), 26491-26499.

2.Lei Meng*, Hongyu Chai, Xiaoguang Yang, Zunren Lv and Tao Yang*, “Optically rough and physically flat TCO substrate formed by coating ZnO thin film on pyramid-patterned glass substrate”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019, 191, 459-465.

3.Lei Meng*, Xiaoguang Yang, Hongyu Chai, Zunren Lv and Tao Yang*, “Sol-gel derived Zn1-xMgxO:Al transparent conductive thin film and its application to thin film solar cells”, Thin Solid Films, 2019, 672, 186-191.

4. Lei Meng and Akira Yamada*, “Low-resistance orthorhombic MoO3-x thin film derived by two-step annealing”, Thin Solid Films, 2018, 665, 179-183.

5. Lei Meng*, Xiaoguang Yang, and Tao Yang, “Self-flattened ZnO:Al transparent conductive thin films derived by Sol–Gel process”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2018, 8, 1149-1155.

6. Lei Meng* and Shinsuke Miyajima, “Optically-rough and physically-flat TCO substrates for superstrate-type thin-film solar cells: sol-gel Zn1-xMgxO coating on reaction-ion etched glass substrates”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2017, 172, 230-237.

7. Lei Meng and Shinsuke Miyajima*, “Optically-rough and physically-flat TCO substrates for superstrate-type thin-film solar cells: sol-gel Zn1-xMgxO coating on nanoimprint patterned glass substrates”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2017, 161, 38-45.

8.Lei Meng and Shinsuke Miyajima*, “Characteristics of naturally textured Zn1-xMgxO transparent conductive thin film fabricated by sol-gel process”, Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2016, 5(7), Q195-Q198.

9.Lei Meng*, Makoto Konagai, and Shinsuke Miyajima, “Effect of annealing atmosphere on the electrical and optical properties of sol-gel derived Al doped Zn1-xMgxO thin film”, Thin Solid Films, 2015, 597(31), 144-150.

10.Lei Meng*, Shinsuke Miyajima, and Makoto Konagai, “Effect of Al doping concentration on the electrical and optical properties of sol-gel derived Zn0.87Mg0.13O thin film”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 54, 08KB091-08KB0914.

11.Lei Meng*, Shinsuke Miyajima, and Makoto Konagai, “Development of transparent and conductive Al doped Zn1-xMgxO thin film by sol-gel process with two-step annealing”, SPIE Proceedings, 2014, 9177, 91770G1-6.

12. Lei Meng, Liaoying Zheng*, Lihong Cheng, Guorong Li, Yan Gu, and Fuping Zhang, “Synthesis of novel core-shell nanocomposites for fabricating high breakdown voltage ZnO varistor”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 11418-11423.

13.Lei Meng, Liaoying Zheng, Lihong Cheng, Yao Zheng, Guorong Li, and Slavko Bernik, “Enhancement of the electrical stability of ZnO varistor by a novel immersion process”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94(9), 2939-2945.

14.Lei Meng, Guorong Li, Liaoying Zheng, Lihong Cheng, and Jiangtao Zeng, “The effect of Bi2O3/SiO2 molar ratio and annealing on the dc degradation of ZnO varistor”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94(8), 2300-2303.