- 刘光慧
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 膜生物学国家重点实验室 100101

姓 名: | 刘光慧 |
学 科: | 再生医学 |
电话/传真: | +86-10-64889970 / |
电子邮件: | ghliu@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 膜生物学国家重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 衰老与再生研究组 |
刘光慧,博士,中国科学院动物研究所研究员,膜生物学国家重点实验室副主任,衰老与再生研究组组长,国家杰出青年基金获得者,中组部万人计划科技创新领军人才,国家重大科学研究计划(973)项目首席科学家。2002年毕业于北京大学医学部,获理学学士学位;2007年于中国科学院生物物理研究所获得理学博士学位;2007-2012年分别在美国斯克利普斯研究所(The Scripps Research Institute)和索尔克生物学研究所(Salk Institute for Biological Studies)从事博士后(Research associate)研究;2012年加入中国科学院生物物理研究所,任研究员(PI);2016年获得国家杰出青年科学基金;2019年至今任中国科学院动物研究所研究员(PI)。
1. 人类衰老的遗传和表观遗传信息解码 结合非人灵长类动物模型、干细胞、基因编辑和多组学分析,研究人类衰老(如脑衰老)和老年病(如神经退行性疾病)的遗传和表观遗传学基础,探索延缓衰老和防治老年疾病的方法和手段,以期实现健康老龄化(healthy aging)的梦想。 2. 基于干细胞的人类疾病研究和精准治疗 利用患者诱导性多能干细胞(iPSC)和体外创建的疾病胚胎干细胞(ESC),结合细胞定向分化和移植技术,在功能基因组水平研究人类疾病的分子机理及新型靶标;发展基于干细胞技术的药物筛选和评价体系;研发针对特定疾病靶标的药物先导化合物;推动干细胞相关技术的临床转化。 3. 新型基因编辑和基因治疗技术的发展和应用 以HDAdV,telHDAdV,TTALE和CRISPR/Cas9为基础,发展安全高效编辑人类基因组的新方法,开发基于干细胞去衰老及刺激组织原位再生的基因治疗新策略,为罕见疾病的基因修复、人类干细胞的遗传增强、以及衰老相关疾病的干预提供科学依据。
中国细胞生物学学会衰老细胞生物学分会会长,中国生物物理学会衰老生物学分会副理事长,中国老年医学学会基础与转化医学分会副会长,中国老年学和老年医学学会抗衰老分会副主任委员,国家重点研发计划“干细胞与转化医学”重点专项指导专家组成员,国家自然科学基金委员会“器官衰老与器官退行性变化的机制”重大研究计划专家组成员,《Protein & Cell》副主编,《Stem Cell Research & Therapy》副主编,《Cell Reports》编委,《Aging Cell》编委,《Cell Proliferation》编委,《Cell Regeneration》编委。
2019,中组部“万人计划-科技创新领军人才”2019,普洛麦格创新奖2018,中国青年科技奖(特别奖)2018,谈家桢生命科学创新奖2018,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才2018,中国生命科学十大进展2017,树兰医学青年奖2017,首届老年医学杰出贡献奖2017,中国科学院青年科学家奖2017,中国细胞生物学会青年研究员奖2017, 北京市科学技术二等奖2017,日本-国际领军人才计划(Future Leader 2017)2016,国家杰出青年基金2016, 首都十大疾病科技攻关创新型科技进展奖2015,盖茨基金会大挑战青年科学家奖2015,干细胞青年研究员奖2013,贝时璋青年生物物理学家奖2012,国家优秀青年基金
Yan P, Li Q, Wang L, Lu P, Suzuki K, Liu Z, Lei J, Li W, Ren R, He X, Wang S, Ding J, Chan P, Zhang W, Song M, Belmonte JC, Qu J#, Tang F#, Liu GH#. FOXO3-engineered human ESC-derived vascular cells promote vascular protection and regeneration. Cell Stem Cell. 2019. 24(3), 447-461 (#Corresponding author)Deng L, Ren R, Liu Z, Song M, Li J, Wu Z, Ren X, Fu L, Li W, Zhang W, Guillen P, Belmonte J, Chan P, Qu J#,Liu GH#. Stabilizing heterochromatin by DGCR8 alleviates senescence and osteoarthritis. Nat Commun. 2019. in press (#Corresponding author)Fu L, Hu Y, Song M, Liu Z, Zhang W, Yu FX, Wu J, Wang S, Belmonte JC, Chan P, Qu J#, Tang F#, Liu GH#. Upregulation of FOXD1 by YAP alleviates senescence and osteoarthritis. PLoS Biology. 2019. 17(4):e3000201 (#Corresponding author)Ren X, Hu B, Song M, Ding Z, Dang Y, Liu Z, Zhang W, Ji Q, Ren R, Ding J, Chan P, Jiang C, Ye K, Qu J#, Tang F#, Liu GH#. Maintenance of nucleolar homeostasis by CBX4 alleviates senescence and osteoarthritis. Cell Reports. 2019. 26(13):3643-3656. (#Corresponding author)Ling C, Liu Z, Song M, Zhang W, Wang S, Liu X, Ma S, Sun S, Fu L, Chu Q, Belmonte JC, Wang Z, Qu J#, Yuan Y#, Liu GH#. Modeling CADASIL vascular pathologies with patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. Protein Cell. 2019. 10(4):249-271 (#Corresponding author)Song M, Belmonte JCI#, Liu GH#. Age-related cardiopathies gene editing. Aging (Albany NY). 2019. 11(5):1327-1328. (#Corresponding author)Wang S, Min Z, Ji Q, Geng L, Su Y, Liu Z, Hu H, Wang L, Zhang W, Suzuiki K, Huang Y,Zhang P, Tang T, Qu J#, Yu Y#, Liu GH#, Qiao J#. Rescue of Premature Aging Defects in Cockayne Syndrome Stem Cells by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Gene Correction. Protein Cell. 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s13238-019-0623-2 (#Corresponding author)Zhang W, Wan H, Feng G, Qu J, Wang J, Jing Y, Ren R, Liu Z, Zhang L, Chen Z, Wang S, Zhao Y, Wang Z, Yuan Y, Zhou Q, Li W#, Liu GH#, Hu B#. SIRT6 deficiency results in developmental retardation in cynomolgus monkeys. Nature. 2018. 560(7720):661-665. (#Corresponding author)Zhang W, Song M, Qu J#, Liu GH#. Epigenetic Modifications in Cardiovascular Aging and Diseases. Circ Res. 2018. 123(7):773-786. (#Corresponding author)Geng L, Liu Z, Zhang W#, Li W, Wu Z, Wang W, Ren R, Su Y, Wang P, Ju Z, Chan P, Song M#, Qu J#, Liu GH#. Chemical Screen Identifies a Geroprotective Role of Quercetin in Premature Aging. Protein Cell. 2018. doi: 10.1007/s13238-018-0567-y. (#Corresponding author)Wang S, Hu B, Ding Z, Dang Y, Wu J, Li D, Liu X, Xiao B, Zhang W, Ren R, Lei J, Hu H, Chen C, Chan P, Li D, Qu J#, Tang F#, Liu GH#. ATF6 safeguards organelle homeostasis and cellular aging in human mesenchymal stem cells. Cell Discovery. 2018. Jan 5;4:2. (#Corresponding author)Wu Z, Zhang W, Song M, Wang W, Wei G, Li W, Lei J, Huang Y, Sang Y, Chan P, Chen C, Qu J#, Suzuki K#, Belmonte JC#, Liu GH#. Differential stem cell aging kinetics in Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome and Werner syndrome. Protein Cell. 2018. 9(4):333-350. (#Corresponding author)Fang J, Yang J, Wu X, Zhang G, Li T, Zhang H, Wang CC, Liu GH#, Wang L#. Metformin alleviates human cellular aging by upregulating the ER peroxidase GPx7. Aging Cell. 2018.17(4):e12765. (#Corresponding author)Ren R, Deng L, Xue Y, Suzuki K, Zhang W, Yu Y, Wu J, Sun L, Gong X, Luan H, Yang F, Ju Z, Ren X, Wang S, Tang H, Geng L, Zhang W, Li J, Qiao J, Xu T#, Qu J#, Liu GH#. Visualization of aging-associated chromatin alterations with an engineered TALE system. Cell Res. 2017. 27(4):483-504 (#Corresponding author)Yang J, Li J, Suzuki K, Liu X, Wu J, Zhang W, Ren R, Zhang W, Chan P, Belmonte JC, Qu J#, Tang F#, Liu GH#. Genetic enhancement in cultured human adult stem cells conferred by a single nucleotide recoding. Cell Res. 2017. 27(9):1178-1181 (#Corresponding author)Ren R, Ocampo A, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. Regulation of Stem Cell Aging by Metabolism and Epigenetics. Cell Metab. 2017. 26(3):460-474. (#Corresponding author)Wang L, Yi F, Fu L, Yang J, Wang S, Wang Z, Suzuki K, Sun L, Xu X, Yu Y, Qiao J, Belmonte JC, Yang Z, Yuan Y#, Qu J#, Liu GH#. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted gene correction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patient iPSCs. Protein Cell. 2017. 8(5):365-378 (#Corresponding author)Kubben N, Zhang W, Wang L, Voss T, Yang J, Qu J, Liu GH#, Misteli T#, Repression of the antioxidant NRF2 pathway in premature aging. Cell. 2016. 165(6):1361-74 (#Corresponding author)Pan H, Guan D, Liu X, Li J, Wang L, Wu J, Zhou J, Zhang W, Ren R, Zhang W, Li Y, Yang J, Hao Y, Yuan T, Yuan G, Wang H, Ju Z, Mao Z, Li J, Qu J#, Tang F#, Liu GH#. SIRT6 safeguards human mesenchymal stem cells from oxidative stress by coactivating NRF2. Cell Res. 2016. 26(2):190-205.(#Corresponding author)Suzuki K, Tsunekawa Y, Hernandez-Benitez R, Wu J, Zhu J, Kim EJ, Hatanaka F, Yamamoto M, Araoka T, Li Z, Kurita M, Hishida T, Li M, Aizawa E, Guo S, Chen S, Goebl A, Soligalla RD, Qu J, Jiang T, Fu X, Jafari M, Esteban CR, Berggren WT, Lajara J, Nu?ez-Delicado E, Guillen P, Campistol JM, Matsuzaki F, Liu GH, Magistretti P, Zhang K, Callaway EM, Zhang K, Belmonte JC. In vivo genome editing via CRISPR/Cas9 mediated homology-independent targeted integration. Nature. 2016. 540(7631):144-149.Wang H, Diao D, Shi Z, Zhu X, Gao Y, Gao S, Liu X, Wu Y, Rudolph KL, Liu GH, Li T, Ju Z. SIRT6 Controls Hematopoietic Stem Cell Homeostasis through Epigenetic Regulation of Wnt Signaling. Cell Stem Cell. 2016. 7;18(4):495-507Fu L, XX, Ren R, Wu J, Zhang W, Yang J, Ren X, Wang S, Zhao Y, Sun L, Yu Y, Wang Z, Yang Z, Yuan Y, Qiao J, Belmonte JC#, Qu J#, Liu GH#. Modeling Xeroderma Pigmentosum associated neurological pathologies with patients-derived iPSCs. Protein Cell. 2016.7(3):210-21.(#Corresponding author)Li Y, Zhang W, Chang L, Han Y, Sun L, Guo X, Tang H, Liu Z, Deng H, Ye Y, Ren R, Wang Y, Li J, Qiao J, Qu J#, Zhang W#, Liu GH#. Vitamin C alleviates aging defects in a stem cell model for Werner syndrome. Protein Cell. 2016. 7(7):478-88. (#Corresponding author)Zhang W, Li J, Suzuki K, Qu J, Wang P, Zhou J, Liu X, Ren R, Xu X, Ocampo A, Yuan T, Yang J, Li Y, Shi L, Guan D, Pan H, Duan S, Ding Z, Li M, Yi F, Bai R, Wang Y, Chen C, Yang F, Li X, Wang Z, Aizawa E, Goebl A, Soligalla RD, Reddy P, Esteban CR, Tang F#, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. A Werner syndrome stem cell model unveils heterochromatin alterations as a driver of human aging. Science. 2015; 348(6239):1160-3.(#Corresponding author)Reddy P, Ocampo A, Suzuki K, Luo J, Bacman SR, Williams SL, Sugawara A, Okamura D, Tsunekawa Y, Wu J, Lam D, Xiong X, Montserrat N, Esteban CR, Liu GH, Sancho-Martinez I, Manau D, Civico S, Cardellach F, Del Mar O'Callaghan M, Campistol J, Zhao H, Campistol JM, Moraes CT, Izpisua Belmonte JC. Selective Elimination of Mitochondrial Mutations in the Germline by Genome Editing. Cell. 2015; 161(3):459-469Duan S, Yuan G, Liu X, Ren R, Li J, Zhang W, Wu J, Xu X, Fu L, Li Y, Yang J, Zhang W, Bai R, Yi F, Suzuki K, Gao H, Esteban CR, Zhang C, Belmonte JC, Chen Z, Wang X, Jiang T, Qu J#, Tang F#, Liu GH#. PTEN deficiency reprograms human neural stem cells towards a glioblastoma stem cell-like phenotype. Nat Commun.2015. 6:10068.(#Corresponding author)Suzuki K, Yu C, Qu J, Li M, Yao X, Yuan T, Goebl A, Tang S, Ren R, Aizawa E, Zhang F, Xu X, Soligalla R, Chen F, Kim J, Kim NY, Liao HK, Benner C, Esteban CR, Jin Y, Liu GH#, Li Y#, Belmonte JC#. Targeted gene correction in human disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells minimally impacts whole-genome mutational load. Cell Stem Cell. 2014; 15, 31–36. (#Corresponding author)Liu GH#, Suzuki K, Li M, Qu J, Montserrat N, Tarantino C, Gu Y, Yi F, Xu X, Zhang W, Ruiz S, Plongthongkum N, Zhang K, Masuda S, Nivet E, Tsunekawa Y, Soligalla R, Goebl A, Aizawa E, Kim N, Kim J, Dubova I, Li Y, Ren R, Benner C, del Sol A, Bueren J, Trujillo J, Surralles J, Esteban C, Izpisua Belmonte JC#. Modeling Fanconi Anemia pathogenesis and therapeutics using integration-free patient iPSCs. Nat Commun. 2014. 7;5:4330. (#Corresponding author)Yang J, Cai N, Yi F, Liu GH#, Qu J#, Belmonte JC#. Gating pluripotency via nuclear pores. Trends Mol Med. 2014. 20(1):1-7. (#Corresponding author)Wu K, Ren R, Su W, Wen Bo, Zhang Yuying, Yi Fei, Qiao X, Yuan T, Wang J, Liu L, Belmonte JC#, Liu GH#, Chen C#. A novel suppressive effect of alcohol dehydrogenase 5 in neuronal differentiation. J Biol Chem. 2014. 289(29):20193-9. (#Corresponding author)Xu XL#, Yang JP, Fu LN, Ren RT, Yi F, Suzuki K, Liu K, Ding ZC, Qu J, Zhang WQ, Li Y, Yuan TT, Yuan GH, Sui LN, Guan D, Duan SL, Pan HZ, Wang P, Zhu XP, Montserrat N, Li M, Bai RJ, Liu L, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Liu GH#. Direct reprogramming of porcine fibroblasts to neural progenitor cells. Protein Cell. 2014. 5(1):4-7. (#Corresponding author)Xu X, Duan S, Yi F, Ocampo A, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. Mitochondrial regulation in pluripotent stemcells. Cell Metab. 2013. 18:325-32. (#Corresponding author)Pan H, Cai N, Li M, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. Autophagic control of cell stemness. EMBO Mol. Med. 2013 5(3):327-31. (#Corresponding author)Zhang WQ, Qu J, Suzuki K, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. Concealing cellular defects in pluripotent stem cells. Trends Cell Biol. 2013. 23(12):587-92. (#Corresponding author)Guan D, Zhang W, Zhang W#, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. Switching cell fate, ncRNAs coming to play. Cell Death Dis. 2013.17;4:e464. (#Corresponding author)Sui L, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. hESC-derived pancreatic progenitors. Cell Res. 2013. 23(5):592-4. (#Corresponding author)Zhang K, Yi F, Liu GH#, Belmonte JC#. New march towards the regeneration of sensation and cognition: hear more, see more and learn more. J Mol Cell Biol. 2013; 5(2):151-3. (#Corresponding author)Liu W, Li M, Qu J, Yi F#, Liu GH#. Reevaluation of the safety of induced pluripotent stem cells: a call from somatic mosaicism. Protein Cell. 2013; 4(2):83-5. (#Corresponding author)Liu GH#, Qu J, Suzuki K, Nivet E, Li M, Montserrat N, Yi F, Xu X, Ruiz S, Zhang W, Ren B, Wagner U, Kim A, Li Y, Goebl A, Kim J, Soligalla R, Dubova I, Thompson J, Yates J III, Esteban C, Sancho-Martinez I, Belmonte JC#. Progressive degeneration of human neural stem cells caused by pathogenic LRRK2. Nature. 2012; 491(7425):603-7. (#Corresponding author)Li M*, Liu GH*, Belmonte JC. Navigating the epigenetic landscape of pluripotent stem cells. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2012; 13(8):524-35. (*equal contribution)Liu GH#, Ding Z, Izpisua Belmonte JC#. iPSC technology to study human aging and aging-related disorders. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2012; 24(6):765-74.(#Corresponding author)Giorgetti A, Marchetto MC, Li M, Yu D, Fazzina R, Mu Y, Adamo A, Paramonov I, Cardoso JC, Monasterio MB, Bardy C, Cassiani-Ingoni R, Liu GH, Gage FH, Izpisua Belmonte JC. Cord blood-derived neuronal cells by ectopic expression of Sox2 and c-Myc. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012; 109(31):12556-61Liu GH#, Li M, Qu J, Belmonte JC#. Gating neural development and aging via nuclear pores. Cell Res. 2012; 22(8):1212-4. (#Corresponding author)Wang P, Zhang W, Yang J, Qu J#, Liu GH#. Higher-order genomic organization in pluripotent stem cells. Protein Cell. 2012; 3(7):483-6. (#Corresponding author)Liu GH*, Suzuki K*, Qu J*, Sancho-Martinez I, Yi F, Li M, Kumar S, Nivet E, Kim J, Soligalla RD, Dubova I, Goebl A, Plongthongkum N, Fung HL, Zhang K, LoringJ,Laurent L, and Belmonte JC. Targeted gene correction of laminopathy-associated LMNA mutations in patient-specific iPSCs. Cell Stem Cell. 2011; 8(6):688-94. (*equal contribution) Li M, Suzuki K, Qu J, Saini P, Dubova I, Yi F, Lee J, Sancho-Martinez I, Liu GH, Belmonte JC. Efficient correction of hemoglobinopathy-causing mutations by homologous recombination in integration-free patient iPSCs. Cell Res. 2011; 21(12):1740-4Pan H, Zhang W, Zhang W#, Liu GH#. Find and Replace: editing human genome in pluripotent stem cells. Protein Cell. 2011; 2(12):950-6. (#Corresponding author)Liu GH, Barkho BZ, Ruiz S, Diep D, Qu J, Yang SL, Panopoulos AD, Suzuki K, Kurian L, Walsh C, Thompson J, Boue S, Fung HL, Sancho-Martinez I, Zhang K, III JY, Belmonte JC#. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Nature. 2011; 14;472: 221-5