- 彭景楩
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号

姓 名: | 彭景楩 |
学 科: | 发育生物学 |
电话/传真: | +86-10-64807183 / |
电子邮件: | pengjp@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 生殖免疫研究组 |
彭景楩,男,1958年生,汉族,湖北武汉人,博士,中国科学院动物研究所研究员、博士生导师、干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室生殖免疫研究组组长。 主要从事生殖分子免疫学领域的研究,研究兴趣:妊娠过程中母胎识别与免疫豁免的分子表达及调控机制,探索母-胎免疫耐受机制。基因疫苗机理与应用的研究:以基因疫苗为技术平台,研究免疫控制生育、免疫抗生殖系统肿瘤的分子机理。1996年赴美从事神经与生殖内分泌免疫关系的研究,在Georgetown大学医学中心和Rutgers大学分子生物学中心完成二项博士后研究。近几年来承担和完成的研究课题有:近几年来承担和完成的研究课题有:科技部863计划课题2项、国家自然科学基金面上项目5项(已完成4项)、973项目子课题1项和国家重大科学研究计划项目课题(项目首席科学家)。04年入选“新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选”,同年荣获“中央国家机关五一劳动奖章”荣誉称号,享受国务院政府特殊津贴;03年、06年两次获国家人口和计划生育科技工作先进个人荣誉称号;2011年获得国家人口和计划生育委员会全国人口和计划生育优秀科技成果奖壹等奖。十多年来,发表论文68篇。其中SCI论文48篇;获国家发明专利5项;参编学术著作国内外各一部。
973项目(2006CB504006):滋养层侵入的分子基础与肿瘤侵润重大科学研究计划项目(2006CB944007):母胎免疫豁免和排斥的分子机理国家自然基金面上项目(30770246):CYP26A1在大鼠胚胎植入中的作用及其分子机理的研究国家自然基金面上项目(31571552): CYP26A1对妊娠子宫免疫细胞调节作用机制的研究
Ruo-lan Xiang, Fei Zhou, Ying Yang and Jing-Pian Peng *,(2003)Construction of the Plasmid pCMV4-rZPC` DNA Vaccine and Analysis of its Contraceptive Potential, Biol Reprod, 68(5):1578-1524.Shu-Qun Shi, Wang Jin-ling,Jing-Pian Peng * Jian-Jun Chang,(2005) Oral feeding and Nasal Instillation Immunization with Microtus branditi Lactate Dehydrogenase C Epitope DNA Vaccine Reduce Fertility in Mice via the Specific Antibodies Responses Fertil Steril84:781-784.Quan-Hong Sun, Jing-Pian Peng*, Hong-Fei Xia,(2005) Effect on expression of RT1-A and RT1-DM molecules treatment with interferon gamma at the maternal-fetal interface of pregnant rat. Hum. Reprod., 20(9):2639-2647.Jian-Jun Chang,Jing-Pian Peng* YingYang, Jing-LingWang, Li Xu(2006)Study on the Anti-fertility Effects of the Plasmid DNA Vaccine Expressing Partial brLDH-C4. Reprod. 131: 183–192.Quan-Hong Sun, Jing-Pian Peng* and Hong-Fei Xia (2006) IFNg pretreatment sensitizes human choriocarcinoma cells to etoposide-induced apoptosis. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 12(2):99-105.Shu-Qun Shi, Li Xu, Gang Zhao, Yang Ying, Jing-Pian Peng*,(2006)Apoptosis and tumor inhibition induced by human chorionic gonadotropin beta in mouse breast carcinoma. J Mol Med. 84:933–941.Li Xu; Shu-Qun Shi; Ying Yang; Jing-Pian Peng*(2007)Researches on four cDNA fragments from rabbit ZP3: their immunogenicity and effects on fertility, Fertil Steril. 87(2):381-390..Quan-Hong Sun Jing-Pian Peng* Hong-Fei Xia Ying Yang (2007) Interferon gamma promote apoptosis of uterus and placenta in pregnant rat and human cytotrophoblast cells J Interf Cytok Res. 27:567-578.Hong-Fei Xia, Jing Sun, Quan-Hong Sun, Ying Yang, Jing-Pian Peng*(2008) Implantation associated gene-1 (Iag-1): a novel gene involved in the early process of embryonic implantation in rat. Hum Reprod, 23(7):1581–1593.Jing Sun, Hong-Fei Xia, YingYang, Jing-Pian Peng*, (2008) The antifertility effects of DNA vaccine-induced immune responses against uroguanylin. Vaccine, 26: 3696–3704.Bing-Chen Han, Hong-Fei Xia, Jing Sun, Ying Yang, Jing-Pian Peng*,(2010) Retinoic Acid-metabolizing Enzyme Cytochrome P450 26a1 (Cyp26a1) Is Essential for Implantation: Functional Study of Its Role in Early Pregnancy . J cell physiol. 223: 471-479.Hong-Fei Xia, Jing-Jing Ma, Jing Sun, Ying Yang, Jing-Pian Peng*(2010). Retinoic acid metabolizing enzyme CYP26A1 is implicated in rat embryo implantation Hum Reprod, 25(12):2985-2998.Gao-Feng Xiong, Yan-Shuai Zhang, Bing-Chen Han, Wen Chen, Ying Yang, Jing-Pian Peng*(2011). Estradiol-regulated gene praline-rich acid protein 1 repressed by class I histone deacetylase and its action in peri-implantation mouse uterus. Mol Cell Endocrinol.331: 23-33Meng-Fei Yu, Wen-Ning Fang, Gao-Feng Xiong, Ying Yang, Jing-Pian Peng* (2011) Evidence for the inhibition of fertilization in vitro by anti-ZP3 antisera derived from DNA vaccine. Vaccine, 29: 4933-4939Rong-Chun Wang , Zhen-Kun Liu, Wen Chen, Ying Yang , Jing-Pian Peng*(2011) The antitumor immunopreventive effects of a DNA vaccine against CYP26a1 on mouse breast carcinoma. Vaccine 29:8915-8923.Zhen-Kun Liu, Hai-Yan Liu, Wen-Ning Fang, Ying Yang, Hong-Mei Wangand Jing-Pian Peng*(2012) Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7 Modulates Estrogen- Induced Trophoblast Proliferation and Invasion in HTR-8 and JEG-3 Cells. Cell Biochem Biophys,63(1):73-84.Zhen-Kun Liu,Rong-ChunWang,Bing-Chen Han, Ying Yang,Jing-Pian Peng*,(2012) A Novel Role of IGFBP7 in Mouse Uterus: Regulating Uterine Receptivity through Th1/Th2 Lymphocyte Balance and Decidualization. PLOS ONE, 7(9): e45224.Jing-jing Ma, Bing-chen Han, Ying Yang , Jing-Pian Peng*,(2012), Retinoic acid synthesis and metabolism are concurrent in the mouse uterus during peri-implantation, Cell Tissue Res, 350:525–537.Hai-Yan Liu, Huhe Chao, Zhen-Kun Liu, Hong-Fei Xia, Zhihui Song, Ying Yang, Jing-Pian Peng *, (2014) Regulation of cyp26a1 on Th17 cells in mouse peri-implantation. J Cell Mol Med 18(3): 455-467.Hai-Yan Liu, Zhen-Kun Liu, Huhe Chao, Zhongyin Li, Zhihui Song, Ying Yang, and Jing-Pian Peng,*(2014) High-Dose Interferon-g Promotes Abortion in Mice by Suppressing Treg and Th17 Polarization. J Interf Cytok Res., 34(5) : 393-403.Zhong-Yin Li, Hu-He Chao, Hai-Yan Liu, Zhi-Hui Song, Li-Li Li, Yu-Jie Zhang, Ying Yang, Jing-Pian Peng,*(2014) IFN-γ induces aberrant CD49b+ NK cell recruitment through regulating CX3CL1: a novel mechanism by which IFN-γ provokes pregnancy failure, Cell Death Dis. 5, e1512; doi:10.1038/cddis.2014.470Zhong-Yin Li, Zhi-Hui Song, Chao-Yang Meng, Dan-Dan Yang, Ying Yang, & Jing-Pian Peng,*(2015). IFN-γ modulates Ly-49 receptors on NK cells in IFN-γ-induced pregnancy failure. Sci. Rep. 5, 18159; doi: 10.1038/srep18159 (2015).
本人主要从事生殖分子免疫学领域的研究,研究兴趣主要集中在:1)妊娠过程中母胎识别与免疫豁免的分子表达及调控机制; 2)基因疫苗机理与应用的研究:研究免疫控制生育、免疫抗生殖系统肿瘤的分子机理。 如果您对我所从事的研究方向感兴趣,真诚欢迎您报考。几多耕耘,几分收获,期盼我们在未来的3-5年中一起努力工作,不断求索,将我们组的研究工作推向一个新高度,我们期盼你的加入!