- 乔格侠
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号

姓 名: | 乔格侠 |
学 科: | 动物学 |
电话/传真: | +86-10-64807133 / +86-10-64807099 |
电子邮件: | qiaogx@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 中国科学院动物进化与系统学重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 蚜虫系统进化研究组 |
乔格侠,女,博士,研究员,中国科学院大学岗位教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者。现任动物研究所副所长,国家动物博物馆馆长,动物进化与系统学院重点实验室蚜虫系统进化研究组组长。 主要研究成果:鉴定描述各类蚜虫450余种,重新记述50多种模式标本;建立8属24种的新异名;厘定49属,澄清了对有些类群的错误记载。率先构建中国蚜亚科、毛管蚜亚科与大蚜亚科DNA条形码数据库,解决了一些类群的分类混乱,实现了不同寄主植物型的身份识别;提出以内共生菌Buchnera的gnd基因作为蚜虫类的补充条形码标记;开发“tag barcodes”新方法以提高条形码系统的物种鉴定准确度。基于形态、分子与生物学数据,构建了蚜虫高级阶元系统发育框架;研究提出了蚜总科曾经历在裸子植物上以及由裸子植物向被子植物转移的两大适应辐射的观点;阐述了瘿绵蚜亚科、扁蚜亚科、毛管蚜亚科与大蚜亚科各亚科、族的单系性以及属级阶元的系统发育关系,探讨了蜡片、虫瘿、寄主转换、寄主结合等特征的演化规律;提出了斑蚜亚科和扁蚜亚科胚胎及胚后毛序的演化模式。测定柳二尾蚜、大豆蚜、粉毛蚜、栎刺蚜等十余种蚜虫的线粒体基因组全序列,分析了蚜虫线粒体基因组的结构特点。基于GIS技术研究发现青藏喜马拉雅地区蚜虫分布格局呈边缘性特点;发现4个物种多样性中心;阐述了高原隆起对物种分布格局的影响;以PAE和GIS方法发现蚜虫4个主要特有化中心及3个次要中心,并提出青藏喜马拉雅地区蚜虫区系演化假说。探讨东洋区蚜虫代表类群声毛管蚜属、粉角蚜属与伪角蚜属的系统发育关系与生物地理格局,提出寄主植物多样性与地理隔离是影响其物种分化与现有分布格局形成的重要因素。提出蚜虫与其初级内共生菌Buchnera在低级阶元水平上具有系统发育一致性、而在高级阶元水平不存在平行演化关系的假说,并在声毛管蚜属与蚜科内得到验证;检测并揭示了中国蚜虫类次级内共生菌Wolbachia的感染模式与特点。组织研制了我国首台吸虫塔,在东北、华北等地构建了蚜虫吸虫塔监测网络,监测其迁飞扩散动态,为及早防控蚜虫提供预警。发表论文237篇,其中SCI论文97篇,部分论文发表于本领域国际重要刊物TREE、Cladistics、J. Linn. Zool. Soc.、Syst. Ent.、J. Biog.、Bull. Ent. Res.等;出版科学专著6部、科普专著1部。 曾获得全国优秀科技工作者、陕西省农业技术推广成果一等奖、“周尧昆虫分类学奖励基金”一等奖、中国科学技术发展基金会中国昆虫学会第三届青年科学技术奖等奖项。 研究组在读博士研究生6人,硕士研究生4人;已毕业博士研究生25人、硕士研究生18人。
博士 动物学 1996 中国科学院动物研究所(导师:张广学 院士) 硕士 动物学 1992 陕西师范大学生物系(导师:郑哲民 教授) 学士 生物学 1987 陕西师范大学生物系
研究员 中国科学院动物研究所 2001至今 副研究员 中国科学院动物研究所 1997-2001 助理研究员 中国科学院动物研究所 1996-1997 助教、讲师 陕西师范大学 1987-1993
主要以蚜虫类为研究对象,开展系统分类、生物地理、DNA条形码、分子系统发育与进化、蚜虫与植物和蚜虫与内共生菌演化关系、蚜虫长期监测与综合防控等领域的研究。 未来研究重点在以下几个方面:1. 基于多种手段的蚜虫系统分类, DNA barcoding和DNA分类的理论和实践;2. 基于基因组学手段的系统发育及关键性状的适应进化;3. 物种多样性格局与演化机制;4. 基于新一代测序技术的蚜虫与内共生菌演化关系;5. 蚜虫与蚂蚁/蚜虫与植物的关系; 6. 有害蚜虫长期监测与迁飞规律。
中国昆虫标本出口专家审定组组长,中国昆虫学会常务理事、副秘书长、分类区系专业委员会主任,亚太昆虫学联合会理事,第六届亚太地区昆虫学大会秘书长,第九届国际蚜虫学大会主席,MSEF组织中国协调员,Zoological Systematics主编,《中国动物志》、《昆虫学报》、《应用昆虫学报》、《昆虫分类学报》编委等。
2014年 中国科学院京区“巾帼建功”先进个人2013年 中国科学院第四届“十大杰出妇女”提名奖2012年 中国科学技术协会“全国优秀科技工作者”2010年 获国家杰出青年科学基金资助2006年 中国科学院研究生院“优秀教师”2003年 “周尧昆虫分类学奖励基金”一等奖(独立完成人)2002年 陕西省农业技术推广成果一等奖(第三完成人)2002年 中国科学技术发展基金会中国昆虫学会第三届青年科学技术奖2002年 北京昆虫学会第六届青年优秀科技论文二等奖2001年 《西北农林蚜虫志》获第十届全国优秀科技图书三等奖2000年 《科学家爷爷谈科学》丛书获第十二届中国图书奖(《与我们珍爱的朋友》卷册共同作者)1996年 中国科学院院长奖学金“优秀奖”1996年 中国科学院首届“地奥”奖学金一等奖
Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2014. Aphids as models for ecological and evolutionary studies. Insect Science, doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.12130.Liu L, Li XY, *Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2014. Evolutionary relationships of Pemphigus and allied genera (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Eriosomatinae) and their primary endosymbiont, Buchnera aphidicola. Insect Science, doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.12113.Wang Y, *Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of Cervaphis quercus (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae). Insect Science, doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.12112.Wang Z, Su XM, Wen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2014. Widespread infection and diverse infection patterns of Wolbachia in Chinese aphids. Insect Science, doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.12102.Zhou QS, Xi YQ, Yu F, Zhang X, Li XJ, Liu CL, Niu ZQ, Zhu CD, Qiao GX, *Zhang YZ. 2014. Application of DNA barcoding to the identification of Hymenoptera parasitoids from the soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) in China. Insect Science, doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.12095.Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2014. A total-evidence phylogenetic analysis of Hormaphidinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), with comments on the evolution of galls. Cladistics, 30: 26–66.Jiang LY, An GC, Li WW, *Qiao GX. 2014. A new Shivaphis species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on the Chinese endemic plant, Pteroceltis tatarinowii. Zootaxa, 3753: 375–383.
*Huang XL, Qiao GX, Favret C. 2013. Cladistics: The high cost of overspecialization. Nature, 497: 40.*Huang XL, Hawkins BA, Qiao GX. 2013. Biodiversity data sharing: will peer-reviewed data papers work? BioScience, 63: 5–6.Wang Y, *Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2013. Comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes of five aphid species (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and phylogenetic implications. PLoS ONE, 8(10): e77511.Liu L, Huang XL, Zhang RL, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2013.Phylogenetic congruence between Mollitrichosiphum (Aphididae: Greenideinae) and Buchnera indicates insect–bacteria parallel evolution. Systematic Entomology, 38: 81–92.Chen R, Jiang LY, Liu L, Liu QH, Wen J, Zhang RL, Li XY, Wang Y, Lei FM, *Qiao GX. 2013. Gnd gene of Buchnera as new effective DNA Barcode for aphid identification. Systematic Entomology, 38: 615–625.Zhang RL, Huang XL, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2013. Molecular phylogenetic evidence for paraphyly of Ceratovacuna and Pseudoregma (Hemiptera, Hormaphidinae) reveals Late Tertiary radiation. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 103: 644–655.Liu QH, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2013. DNA barcoding of Greenideinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with resolving taxonomy problems. Invertebrate Systematics, 27: 428–438.Dang LH, Mound LA, Qiao GX. 2013. Leaf-litter thrips of the genus Adraneothrips from Asia and Australia (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae). Zootaxa, 3716: 1–21.Zhang B, *Qiao GX. 2013. Ephedraphis Hille Ris Lambers (Hemiptera: Aphididae), with a key to species and one new species from Mongolia. Zootaxa, 3669: 585–596.Dang LH, *Qiao GX. 2013. Review of the spore-feeding Idolothripinae from China (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae). Zookeys, 345: 1–28.Zhang B, Lou YM, *Qiao GX. 2013. A new genus and species of Macrosiphini (Hemiptera, Aphididae) from China, living on Isodon eriocalyx. ZooKeys, 359: 1–12.Li XY, Zhang B, Su XM, *Qiao GX. 2013. First record of the aphid genus Jacksonia Theobald (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Aphidinae) from China, with description of one new species. ZooKeys, 312: 79–87.
Chen R, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2012. The effectiveness of three regions in mitochondrial genome for aphid DNA barcoding: a case in Lachininae. PLoS ONE, 7(10): e46190.Zhang RL, Huang XL, Jiang LY, Lei FM, *Qiao GX. 2012. Species differentiation of Chinese Mollitrichosiphum (Aphididae: Greenideinae) driven by geographical isolation and host plant acquirement. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13: 10441–10460.Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2012. Biodiversity data sharing is not just about species names: response to Santos and Branco. Trends of Ecology and Evolution, 27: 7–8.Huang XL, Hawkins BA, Lei FM, Miller GL, Favret C, Zhang RL, *Qiao GX. 2012. Willing or unwilling to share primary biodiversity data: results and implications of an international survey. Conservation Letters, 5:399–406.Chen J, *Qiao GX. 2012. Wax gland plates in Hormaphidinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae): morphological diversity and evolution. Entomological News,122: 27–45.Huang XL, Xiangyu JG, Ren SS, Zhang RL, Zhang YP, *Qiao GX. 2012. Molecular phylogeny and divergence times of Hormaphidinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) indicate Late Cretaceous tribal diversification. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 165: 73–87.Chen J, *Qiao GX. 2012. First record of the aphid genus Neonipponaphis Takahashi (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Hormaphidinae) from China, with a description of one new species. ZooKeys, 236: 81–89.Dang LH, *Qiao GX. 2012. The genus Meiothrips Priesner (Thysnoptera, Phlaeothripidae, Idolothripinae) with a key and a new species from China. ZooKeys, 177: 59–68.Dang LH, *Qiao GX. 2012. The genus Bactrothrips in China (Thysanoptera: Idolothripinae): morphological and molecular data, and a key with two new species. Zootaxa, 3449: 47–61.Jiang LY, Chen J, *Qiao GX. 2012. The hormaphidine aphid genus Tuberaphis Takahashi (Hemiptera) from China with description of a new species. Oriental Insects, 46: 199–220.Jiang LY, Wang JF, *Qiao GX. 2012.A special morph of hormaphidine aphid Glyphinaphisbambusae van der Goot(Hemiptera) from China. Oriental Insects, 46: 243–254.Gu JJ, Montealegre-Z F, Robert D, Engel MS, Qiao GX, Ren D. 2012.Wing stridulation in a Jurassic katydid (Insecta, Orthoptera) produced low-pitched musical calls to attract females. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109: 3868–3873.Gu JJ, Qiao GX, Ren D. 2012. The first discovery of Cyrtophyllitinae (Orthoptera, Haglidae) from the Middle Hurassic and its morphological implications. Alcheringa, 36: 27–34.
Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2011. Biodiversity databases should gain support from journals. Trends of Ecology and Evolution, 26: 377–378.Jiang LY, Chen J, *Qiao GX. 2011. A new species of Chucallis Tao (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Calaphidinae) from China. ZooKeys, 146: 69–81.Su XM, *Qiao GX. 2011. Genus Aulacorthum Mordvilko (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with description of two new species and a new subspecies. Oriental Insects,45: 20–48.Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2011. Revision of Neothoracaphis Takahashi with description of a new species from China (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Hormaphidinae). Oriental Insects,45: 146–161.Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2011. Taxonomic position of Hormaphis similibetulae Qiao & Zhang, 2004 (Hemiptera: Aphididae): molecular and biological evidences. ZooKeys, 111: 11–18.Chen J, Sorin M, *Qiao GX. 2011. Asiphonipponaphis, a new genus of Hormaphidinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) causing galls on Distylium chinense from China, with description of a new species. ZooKeys, 111: 1–10.Wang JF, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2011. Use of a mitochondrial COI sequence to identify species of the subtribe Aphidina (Hemiptera, Aphididae). ZooKeys, 122: 1–17.Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2011. A review of Aleurodaphis (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Hormaphidinae) with the description of one new species and keys to species. ZooKeys, 135: 41–56.Zhang RL, Huang XL, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2011. Phylogeny and species differentiation of Mollitrichosiphum (Aphididae, Greenideinae) based on mitochondrial genes COI and Cytb. Current Zoology, 57: 802–811.Gu JJ, Qiao GX, Ren D. 2011. A exceptionally-preserved new species of Barchaboilus (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China. Zootaxa, 2909: 64–68.
Wang XY, Huang XL, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2010. Predicting potential distribution of chestnut phylloxerid (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae) based on GARP and Maxent ecological niche models. Journal of Applied Entomology, 134: 45–54.Fong JJ, *Qiao GX. 2010. New localities of endangered Chinese turtles from museum specimens and the practical and ethical challenges using and reporting natural history collection data. Zootaxa, 2393: 59–68.Su XM, *Qiao GX. 2010. Macromyzus Takahashi (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a generic account, description of one new species, and keys to species. Zootaxa, 2619: 1–13.Su XM, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2010. Tuberocephalus (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from China with description of a new species. Oriental Insects,44: 157–191.Zhang D, *Qiao GX. 2010. Mollitrichosiphum Suenaga from China (Hemiptera: Aphididae), with the description of one new species. Zootaxa, 2608: 1–24.Huang XL, Qiao GX, Lei FM. 2010. Use of parsimony analysis to identify areas endemism of Chinese birds: implications for conservation and biogeography. International journal of molecular sciences, 11: 2097–2108.Gu JJ, Qiao GX, Ren D. 2010. Revision and new taxa of fossil Prophalangopsidae (Orthoptera: Ensifera). Journal of Orthoptera Research, 19: 41–56.Nieto Nafría JM, Favret C, Mier Durante MP, Sano M, Akimoto SI, Barbagallo S, Chakrabarti S, Miller GL, Pérez Hidalgo N, Qiao GX, Stekolshchikov A, Wegierek P. 2010. Type species of genera in Aphididae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) with two new generic synonymies. Zootaxa, 2410: 65–68.