张 莹








  • 张 莹
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号D226 100101
姓 名: 张 莹
学 科: 发育生物学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807182 / +86-10-64807310
电子邮件: zhangying@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号D226 100101
更多信息: 胚胎生物学研究组


2005年北京师范大学生命科学学院获学士学位后,在中国科学院动物研究所干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室继续攻读。2011年博士毕业后留所担任助理研究员,2016年担任胚胎生物学研究组副研究员,主要从事妊娠建立和表观遗传相关研究。以第一作者/共同第一作者/通讯作者的身份在Nature Cell Biology、Cell Research、Trends in Molecular Medicine、Molecular Aspects of Medicine、Development、Journal of Molecular Cell Biology、Journal of Biological Chemistry、Biology of Reproduction等杂志发布论文15篇,参与工作发表在Science等重要杂志上;研究论文被Cell Press报道,入选F1000推送,并作为cover story受到Trends in Molecular Medicine和Journal of Molecular Cell Biology的编辑推荐。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项、青年项目一项、科技部973子项目课题一项、重点研发计划三级课题一项,入选中国科学院青年促进会并获人才项目支撑,作为主要骨干参与两项重点研发专项。




目前担任Journal of Biological Chemistry, Reproduction, scientific reports, Fertility & Sterility, PloS ONE, Biology of Reproduction等学术期刊的ad hoc审稿人。






Zhang Y, Chen Q. The expanding repertoire of hereditary information carriers. Development. 2019 Mar 15;146(6). pii: dev170902Zhang Y, Jingjing Qian, Oren Zaltzhendler, Mustafa Bshara, Ariel J. Jaffa, Dan Grisaru, Enkui Duan, David Elad. Analysis of In Vivo Uterine Peristalsis in the Non-Pregnant Female Mouse. Interface Focus. 2019 acceptedZhang Y, Duan E. LncRNAs and paraspeckles predict cell fate in early mouse embryo. Biol Reprod. 2019 Feb 4. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioz021Qian J, Zhang Y, Qu Y, Zhang L, Shi J, Zhang X, Liu S, Bo H, Sung J, Zhou T, Chen Q, Sean M, Duan E*, Zhang Y*. Caffeine consumption during early pregnancy impairs oviductal embryo transport, embryonic development and uterine receptivity in mice. Biol Reprod. 2018. Jul 5. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioy155.Zhang Y#, Zhang X#, Shi J#, Tuorto F#, Li X#, Liu Y, Liebers R, Zhang L, Qu Y, Qian J, Pahima M, Liu Y, Yan M, Cao Z, Lei X, Cao Y, Peng H, Liu S, Wang Y, Zheng H, Woolsey R, Quilici D, Zhai Q, Li L, Zhou T, Yan W, Lyko F, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*, Duan E*, Chen Q*. Dnmt2 mediates intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired metabolic disorders through sperm small non-coding RNAs. Nat Cell Biol. 2018. 20, 535–540. ( Highlighted inNat Rev Endo.)Zhang Y#, Wang Q#, Wang H, Duan E. Uterine Fluid in Pregnancy: A Biological and Clinical Outlook. Trends Mol Med. 2017. May 25. pii: S1471-4914(17)30080-1. (Cell Press报道&入选F1000)Chen Q, Yan M, Cao Z, Li X, Zhang Y, Shi J, Feng G, Peng H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Qian J, Duan E*, Zhai Q*, Zhou Q*. Sperm tsRNAs contribute to intergenerational inheritance of an acquired metabolic disorder. Science. 2016 Jan 22;351(6271):397-400Zhang Y#, Chen Q#, Zhang H#, Wang Q#, Li R, Jin Y, Wang H, Ma T, Qiao J, Duan E. Aquaporin-dependent excessive intrauterine fluid accumulation is a major contributor in hyper-estrogen induced aberrant embryo implantation. Cell Res. 2015. Jan;25(1):139-42. (SMPC新闻采访/报道)Shi J, Chen Q, Li X, Zheng X, Zhang Y, Qiao J, Tang F, Tao Y, Zhou Q, Duan E. (2015) Dynamic transcriptional symmetry-breaking in pre-implantation mammalian embryo development revealed by single-cell RNA-seq. Development. 2015 142, 3468-3477.Zhang Y#, Zhang Y#, Shi J#, Zhang H, Cao Z, Gao X, Ren W, Ning Y, Ning L, Cao Y, Chen Y, Ji W, Chen ZJ, Chen Q, Duan E. Identification and characterization of an ancient class of small RNAs enriched in serum associating with active infection. J Mol Cell Biol, 2014. 6 (2): 172-174. (封面故事 & 编辑推荐)Chen Q#, Zhang Y#, Elad D, Jaffa AJ, Cao Y, Ye X, Duan E. Navigating the site for embryo implantation: biomechanical and molecular regulation of intrauterine embryo distribution. Mol Aspects Med, 2013. Oct;34(5):1024-42.Lu S#, Peng H#, Zhang H#, Zhang L, Cao Q, Li R, Zhang Y*, Yan L*, Duan E, Qiao J Excessive intrauterine fluid cause aberrant implantation and pregnancy outcome in mice. PloS One, 2013. Oct 23;8(10):e78446.Zhang H#, Zhang Y#, Zhao H, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Peng H, Lei L, Qiao J, Shi J, Cao Z, Duan E, Jin Y. Hormonal regulation of ovarian bursa fluid in mice and involvement of aquaporins. PLoS One, 2013. May 22; 8(5): e63823.Chen Q#, Zhang Y#, Peng H, Lei L, Kuang H, Zhang L, Ning L, Cao Y, Duan E. Transient {beta}2-adrenoceptor activation confers pregnancy loss by disrupting embryo spacing at implantation. J Biol Chem. 2011.286: 4349-4356.Zhang Y#, Zhao H, Peng H, Hu Z, Ning L, Cao Y, Tan Y, Duan E. GPR39, a putative receptor of Zn2+, is region specifically localized in different lobes of mouse prostate. Urology, 2011. Apr;77(4):1010.e1-6.Peng H#, Zhang Y#, Lei L#, Chen Q, Yue J, Tan Y, Duan E. Aquaporin 7 expression in postimplantation mouse uteri: a potential role for glycerol transport in uterine decidualization. Fertil Steril. 2011. 95: 1514-1517.Zhang Y#, Peng S, Kuang H, Chen Q, Liu S, Zhang L, Duan E. Expression and regulation of Dickkopf2 during periimplantation in mice. J Reprod Dev. 2009.55: 17-22.Chen Q#, Zhang Y#, Lu J, Wang Q, Wang S, Cao Y, Wang H, Duan E. (2009) Embryo-uterine cross-talk during implantation: the role of Wnt signaling. Mol Hum Reprod 15: 215-221.Zhang S, Kong S, Wang B, Cheng X, Chen Y, Wu W, Wang Q, Shi J, Zhang Y, Wang S, Lu J, Lydon JP, DeMayo F, Pear WS, Han H, Lin H, Li L, Wang H, Wang YL, Li B, Chen Q, Duan E, Wang H. (2014) Uterine Rbpj is required for embryonic-uterine orientation and decidual remodeling via Notch pathway-independent and -dependent mechanisms. Cell Res. Aug;24(8):925-42.Zhang S, Hu H, Zhang H, Liu S, Liu S, Zhang Y, Lei X, Ning Li, Cao Y, and Duan E. (2012) Hair follicle stem cells derived from single rat vibrissa via organ culture reconstitute hair follicles in vivo. Cell Transplantation. 21(6):1075-85Peng H, Shi J, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Liao S, Li W, Lei L, Han C, Ning L, Cao Y, Zhou Q, Chen Q, Duan E. (2012) A novel class of tRNA-derived small RNAs extremely enriched in mature mouse sperm. Cell Res 22: 1609-1612.Zhao P, Qiao J, Huang S, Zhang Y, Liu S, Yan LY, Hsueh AJ, Duan E. (2011) Gonadotrophin-induced paracrine regulation of human oocyte maturation by BDNF and GDNF secreted by granulosa cells. Hum Reprod. Mar;26(3):695-702.Chen Q, Peng H, Lei L, Zhang Y, Kuang H, Cao Y, Shi QX, Ma T, Duan E. (2011) Aquaporin3 is a sperm water channel essential for postcopulatory sperm osmoadaptation and migration. Cell Res 21: 922-933.Kuang H, Chen Q, Fan X, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Peng H, Cao Y, Duan E. (2009) CXCL14 inhibits trophoblast outgrowth via a paracrine/autocrine manner during early pregnancy in mice. J Cell Physiol, 221: 448-457.Kuang H, Chen Q, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Peng H, Ning L, Cao Y, Duan E. (2009) The cytokine gene CXCL14 restricts human trophoblast cell invasion by suppressing gelatinase activity. Endocrinology 150: 5596-5605.Zhang L, Guo W, Chen Q, Fan X, Zhang Y, Duan .(2009) Adam12 plays a role during uterine decidualization in mice. Cell Tissue Res 338: 413-421.Chen Q, Peng H, Zhang Y, Lei L, Cao Y, Duan E. (2009) Embryo implantation: a time for recalling and forwarding. Chinese Science Bulletin. 54: 4083-4093.Peng S, Li J, Miao C, Jia L, Hu Z, Zhao P, Li J, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Duan E. (2008) Dickkopf-1 secreted by decidual cells promotes trophoblast cell invasion during murine placentation. Reproduction 135: 367-375.Li J, Liu W, Cao Y, Peng S, Zhang Y, and Duan E. (2008) Roles of Dickkopf-1 and its receptor Kremen1 during embryonic implantation in mice. Fertility and Stertility, 90(4):1470-1479.
