- 苏东
- 研究员

苏东 简介
男,1998年在南京大学物理系获学士学位,2003年在南京大学物理系和中国科学院物理研究所电镜实验室(联合培养)获凝聚态物理专业博士学位。曾先后在瑞士洛桑高工、和美国伊利诺伊大学、亚利桑那大学做博士后研究(2004-2008)。他于 2008-2019年在美国布鲁克海文国家实验室先后任助理,副,正研究员和研究室主任 (group leader)。现为中国科学院物理研究所先进材料与结构分析实验室(A04组)杰出研究员、博士生导师。
2019.8-, 中国科学院物理研究所 (IOP)
兼职教授(Adjunct Professor)
2011-,美国,石溪大学(stony Brook University, NYSU)
电镜研究室主任 (Group Leader)
2019.3-2019.8,美国,布鲁克海文国家实验室, 纳米中心 (CFN),电镜研究室 (Electron Microscopy Group)
资深科学家(Scientist with Continuing Appointment)
2015.9-2019.8,美国,布鲁克海文国家实验室 (Brookhaven National Laboratory),纳米中心 (CFN)
副科学家(Associate Scientist)
助理科学家(Assistant Scientist)
助理研究员(Assistant Research Scientist)
2007.11-2008.6,美国,亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)
博士后(Research Associate)
2004.1-2005.12,瑞士,洛桑高等理工大学(EPFL) ,
2005.12-2006.11,美国,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign)
2006.12-2007.11,美国,亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)
材料物理,电子显微学,催化剂反应机制, 与新材料相关的探索性研究。
--入选2019 科睿唯安年度高被引科学家(Highly Cited Researchers 2019)化学类
[1] Phase evolution of conversion-type electrode for lithium ion batteries
Jing Li#, Sooyeon Hwang#, Fangming Guo, Shuang Li, Zhongwei Chen*, Ronghui Kou, Ke Sun, Cheng-Jun Sun, Hong Gan, Aiping Yu, Eric A Stach, Hua Zhou*, Dong Su*,
Nature Communications
, 10:2224 (2019)
[2] Multi-Step Lithiation of Tin Sulfide: An Investigation Using In Situ Electron Microscopy
S. Hwang, Z. Yao, L. Zhang, M. Fu, K. He, L. Mai, C. Wolverton, D. Su*,
ACS nano
12, 3638 (2018)
[3] Ordered Pt
Co Intermetallic Nanoparticles Derived from Metal-organic Frameworks for Oxygen Reduction,
X. Wang, S. Hwang, Y.-T. Pan, K. Chen, Y. He, S. G. Karakalos, H. Zhang, J. S. Spendelow, D. Su*, and G. Wu*,
Nano Letters
, 18,4163-4171, (2018)
[4] High Energy-Density and Reversibility of Iron Fluoride Cathode Enabled Via an Intercalation -Extrusion Reaction, X. Fan, E. Hu, X. Ji, Y. Zhu, F. Han, S. Hwang, J. Liu, S. Bak, Z. Ma, T. Gao, S.-C. Liou, J. Bai, X. Yang, Y. Mo, K. Xu, D. Su*, C. Wang*,
Nature Communications
, 8:2324 (2018)
[5] Kinetically-Driven Phase Transformation during Lithiation in Copper Sulfide Nanoflakes,
Kai He*, Zhenpeng Yao, Sooyeon Hwang, Na Li, Ke Sun, Hong Gan, Yaping Du, Hua Zhang, Chris Wolverton, and Dong Su*,
Nano Letters
, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02694 , (2017)
[6] Structural Evolution of Sub-10 nm Octahedral Platinum-Nickel Bimetallic Nanocrystals,
Qiaowan Chang, Yuan Xu, Zhiyuan Duan,Fei Xiao,Fang Fu, Yongmin Hong, Jeonghyeon Kim, Sang-Il Choi*, Dong Su*,Minhua Shao*,
Nano Letters
, 17, 3926-3931,(2017)
[7] Strain Coupling of Conversion-type Fe3O4 Thin Film for Lithium Ion Battery,
Sooyeon Hwang, Qingping Meng, Ping-Fan Chen, Kim Kisslinger, Jiajie Cen, Alexander Orlov, Yimei Zhu, Eric A. Stach, Ying-Hao Chu, and Dong Su*,
Angewandte Chemie
, 56, 7813 (2017)
[8] Biaxially Strained PtPb/Pt Core/Shell Nanoplate Boosts Oxygen Reduction Catalysis,
Lingzheng Bu, Nan Zhang, Shaojun Guo*, Xu Zhang, Jing Li, Jianlin Yao, Tao Wu, Gang Lu, Jing-Yuan Ma, Dong Su*, and Xiaoqing Huang*,
, 353,1410-1414, (2016)
[9] Kinetic Phase Evolution of Spinel Cobalt Oxide during Lithiation,
Jing Li, Kai He, Qingping Meng, Xin Li, Yizhou Zhu, Sooyeon Hwang, Ke Sun, Hong Gan, Yimei Zhu, Yifei Mo, Eric A. Stach, and Dong Su*,
ACS Nano
,10 (10),8577-8585 (2016)
[10]Visualizing Non-Equilibrium Lithiation of Spinel Oxide via In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy,
Kai He, Sen Zhang, Jing Li, Xiqian Yu, Qingping Meng, Yizhou Zhu, Enyuan Hu, Ke Sun, Hongseok Yun, Xiao-Qing Yang, Yimei Zhu, Hong Gan, Yifei Mo, Eric A. Stach, Christopher B. Murray*, and Dong Su*,
Nature Communications