







  • 吴振华
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:教育背景









2006年于南京大学物理学系微电子专业获学士学位,2011年于中国科学院半导体研究所获理学博士学位。2011年-2016年于三星电子韩国总部半导体研发中心任半导体器件高级研发工程师。参与研发世界领先的14nm,10nm节点半导体逻辑芯片,主要从事三维鳍形晶体管FinFET中的载流子输运特性研究,TCAD仿真,性能表征,优化,可靠性分析。2016年入选中国科学院率先行动百人计划“青年俊才”项目,进入中国科学院微电子研究所集成电路先导工艺研发中心任研究员至今。已在国际一流学术杂志(JAP, APL, Nanotechnology, RCS Adv., PCCP, PRB, PRL, Nature Materials等)发表同行评议学术论文30余篇,被引用次数近900次,两篇论文入选ESI高引论文。APL,PRB等期刊以及IEEE SISPAD, IEEE ISCAS等会议审稿人。目前研究兴趣包括FinFET,亚10纳米CMOS架构与关键技术,低维介观系统中电荷/自旋量子输运特性,机器学习在半导体器件TCAD仿真中的应用,半导体量子比特等。

社会任职: 研究方向:FinFET, Nanowire FET, 亚10纳米CMOS架构与关键技术,低维介观系统中电荷/自旋量子输运特性,机器学习在半导体器件TCAD仿真及设计制造协同优化研究中的应用,半导体量子比特等。 承担科研项目情况:

1. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目(61774168),高迁移率二维料铟硒及其异质结构的物性、量子输运性质调控和器件应用研究,2018/01-2021/12,63万,在研,主持。

2. 国家重点研发计划项目(科技部),2016YFA0202300,半导体二维原子晶体材料的制备与器件特性,2016/07-2021/06,4100万,在研,参与(项目骨干)。

3. 中国科学院微电子所所长基金,“亚10纳米工艺节点CMOS架构材料可行性方案的探索研究”,2016/07-2018/06,70万元,在研,主持。

4. 中国科学院微电子器件与集成技术重点实验室开放性课题, “新型二维材料纳米微结构中电荷输运的介观调控”,2016/07-2017/06,10万元,已结题,主持。

5. 中国科学院率先行动百人计划(C类),2016年。

6. 国家02科技重大专项,“16/14nm FinFET器件” 子课题“10nm FinFET path-finding”,2013.8-,参与(子课题负责人)。

代表论著:Journal Papers (* denote corresponding author):

(1) Hou, Z.; Wu, Zhenhua; Yin, H., The effect of thermal treatment induced performance improvement for Charge Trapping Memory with Al2O3/(HfO2)0.9(Al2O3)0.1/Al2O3 Multilayer Structure. ECS J. Solid. State. Sci. Tec., 2018, 7, Q229.

(2) Hou, Z.; Wu, Zhenhua; Yin, H., Performance Enhancement for Charge Trapping Memory by Using Al2O3/HfO2/Al2O3 Tri-Layer High-k Dielectrics and High Work Function Metal Gate. ECS J. Solid. State. Sci. Tec., 2018, 7, N91.

(3) Yao, J.; Yin, H.; Wu, Zhenhua*; Gao, J.; Zhang, Q.; Hou, Z.; Gu, J.; Luo, K., Comparative Investigation of Flat-Band Voltage Modulation by Nitrogen Plasma Treatment for Advanced HKMG Technology. ECS J. Solid. State. Sci. Tec., 2018, 7, Q152.

(4) Yao, J.; Li, J.; Luo, K.; Yu, J.; Zhang, Q.; Hou, Z.; Gu, J.; Yang, W.; Wu Zhenhua*; Yin, H.; Wang, W., Physical Insights on Quantum Confinement and Carrier Mobility in Si, Si0.45Ge0.55, Ge Gate-All-Around NSFET for 5 nm Technology Node. J. Elec. Dev. Soc., 2018 6, 841.

(5) Huang, R.; Li, J.; Wu, Zhenhua; Yang, W.; Huang, W.; Li, C., Universal absorption of two-dimensional materials within kp method. Physics Letters A, 2018, 382, 3035

(6) Hou, Z.; Yao, J.; Wu, Zhenhua; Yin, H., Investigation for the Feasibility of High-Mobility Channel in 3D NAND Memory. ECS J. Solid. State. Sci. Tec., 2018, 7, Q75.

(7) Wu, Y.; Shen, C.; Tan, Q.; Shi, J.; Liu, X.; Wu, Zhenhua; Zhang, J.; Tan, P.; Zheng, Houzhi, Valley Zeeman splitting of monolayer MoS2 probed by low-field magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy at room temperature, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2018, 112, 153105.

(8) Zhang, R.; Wu, Zhenhua; Li, X.; Li, L.; Chen, Q.; Li, Y.; Peeters, F., Fano Resonances in Bilayer Phosphorene Nanoring. Nanotechnology, 2018, 29, 215202.

(9) Zhang, Q.; Yin, H.; Meng, L.; Yao, J.; Li, J.; Wang, G.; Li, Y.; Wu, Zhenhua; Xiong, W.; Yang, H.; Tu, H.; Li, J.; Zhao, C.; Wang, W.; Ye, T., Novel GAA Si Nanowire p-MOSFETs with Excellent Short Channel Effect Immunity via an Advanced Forming Process. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2018, 39, 464.

(10)Li, X.; Yu, J.; Luo, K.; Wu, Zhenhua*; Yang, W., Tuning electrical and optical anisotropy of a monolayer black phosphorus magnetic superlattice. Nanotechnology, 2018, 29, 174001.

(11)Liu, J.; Cao, Y.; Tong, H.; Wang, D.; Wu, Zhenhua*, Broad-spectrum enhanced absorption of graphene-molybdenum disulfide photovoltaic cells in Metal-Mirror Microcavity. Nanotechnology, 2018, 29, 144001.

(12)Wu, Zhenhua*; Luo, K.; Yu, J.; Wu, X., Lin, L., Spin-polarized charge transport in HgTe/CdTe quantum well topological insulator under a ferromagnetic metal strip, Solid State Communications, 2018, 270, 151.

(13)Liu, J.; Tong, H.; Wu, Zhenhua; Huang, J.; Zhou, Y., Greatly enhanced light emission of MoS2 using photonic crystal heterojunction, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 16391.

(14)Wu, Zhenhua*; Li, Jian; Li, Jun; Yin, Huaxiang; Liu, Yu, Tuning of few-electron states and optical absorption anisotropy in GaAs quantum rings, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 30048.

(15)Hou, Z.; Wang, G.; Xiang, J.; Yao, J.; Wu Zhenhua; Zhang, Q.; Yin. H., Improved Operation Characteristics for Nonvolatile Charge-Trapping Memory Capacitors with High-?? Dielectrics and SiGe Epitaxial Substrates, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2017, 34, 097304.

(16)Li, Xiaojing; Wu, Zhenhua*; Liu, Jiangtao, Rashba spin-orbit coupling in graphene monolayer coated by periodic magnetic stripes, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 6526.

(17)Yang, Yang; Wu, Zhenhua; Yang, Wen; Li, Jun; Chen, Songyang.; Li, Cheng, Optimized spin injection efficiency and spin MOSFET operation based on low barrier FM/I/n-Si tunnel contact, Applied Physics Express, 2017, 10(6), 063001.

(18)Wu, Zhenhua*; Lin, L.; Yang, W.; Zhang, D.; Shen, C.; Lou, W.; Yin, H.; Chang, K., Spin-polarized Charge Trapping Cell based on a Topological Insulator Quantum Dot, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(49), 30963.

(19)Zhang, Rui; Wu, Zhenhua*; Li, X. J.; Chang, Kai*, Aharonov-Bohm effect in monolayer phosphorene nanorings, Physical Review B, 2017, 95(12), 125418.

(20)Bhuwalka, Krishna K.; Wu, Zhenhua*; Noh, Hyeon-Kyun; Lee, Wonsok; Cantoro, Mirco; Heo, Yeon-Cheol; Jin, Seonghoon; Choi, Woosung; Kwon, Uihui; Maeda, Shigenobu; Lee, Keun-Ho; Park, Young-Kwan, In0.53Ga0.47As-Based nMOSFET Design for Low Standby Power Applications, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2015, 62(9), 2816.

(21)Tan, P. H.; Han, W. P.; Zhao, W. J.; Wu, Zhenhua; Chang, K.; Wang, H.; Wang, Y. F.; Bonini, N.; Marzari, N.; Pugno, N.; Savini, G.; Lombardo, A.; Ferrari, A. C., The shear mode of multilayer graphene, Nature Materials, 2012, 11(4), 294.

(22)Wu, Zhenhua*; Li, J.; Chan, K. S., Charge pumping in monolayer graphene driven by a series of time-periodic potentials, Physics Letters A, 2012, 376(12-13), 1159.

(23)Wu, Zhenhua*; Li, J., Spin-related tunneling through a nanostructured electric-magnetic barrier on the surface of a topological insulator, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2012 7(1), 90.

(24)Wu, Zhenhua; Zhai, F.; Peeters, F. M.; Xu, H. Q.; Chang, Kai, Valley-Dependent Brewster Angles and Goos-Hanchen Effect in Strained Graphene, Physical Review Letters, 2011, 106(17), 176802.

(25)Wu, Zhenhua; Peeters, F. M.; Chang, Kai, Spin and momentum filtering of electrons on the surface of a topological insulator, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98(16), 162101.

(26)Wu, Zhenhua*, Electronic fiber in graphene, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98(8), 082117.

(27)Wu, Zhenhua; Peeters, F. M.; Chang, Kai, Electron tunneling through double magnetic barriers on the surface of a topological insulator, Physical Review B, 2010, 82(11), 115211.

(28)Wu, Zhenhua; Zhang, Z. Z.; Chang, Kai; Peeters, F. M., Quantum tunneling through graphene nanorings, Nanotechnology, 2010, 21(18), 185201.

(29)Zhang, Z. Z.; Wu, Zhenhua; Chang, Kai; Peeters, F. M., Resonant tunneling through S- and U-shaped graphene nanoribbons, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20(41), 415203.

(30)Wu, Zhenhua; Chang, Kai; Liu, J. T.; Li, X. J.; Chan, K. S., The Hartman effect in graphene, Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 105(4), 043702.

Conference Paper:

(1) F. Liu, C. Qiu, Z. Zhang, L. Peng, J. Wang, Zhenhua Wu, and H. Guo, First Principles Simulation of Energy efficient Switching by Source Density of States Engineering, 2018/12/3-2013/12/5, San Francisco, United States, 2018.

(2) Z. Hou, H. Yin, and Zhenhua Wu, Charge Trapping Memory with Al 2 O 3/HfO 2/Al 2 O 3 Multilayer High-k Dielectric Stacks and High Work Function Metal Gate Featuring Improved Operation Efficiency, 2018 14th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT). IEEE, 2018.

(3) Z. Hou, H. Yin, and Zhenhua Wu, Experimental Study of FinFET-based FOI-MAHAS Charge Trapping Memory with Improved Operation Characteristics, 2018 14th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT). IEEE, 2018.

(4) K. Luo, Y. Pan, Z. Hou, J. Yao, W. Yang, Zhenhua Wu*, H. Yin, A First Principle Study of the Carrier Mobility and Injection Velocity for Strained 2D Materials MOSFETs, SOI-3D-SUBTHRESHOLD MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY UNIFIED CONFERENCE (S3S), 2018 IEEE International, 2018/10/15-2018/10/17, San Francisco, United States, 2018.

(5) Z. Hou, H. Yin, Zhenhua Wu, Characterization of P-Channel FOI-MAHAS Charge Trapping Memory with Improved Operation Characteristics, SOI-3D-SUBTHRESHOLD MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY UNIFIED CONFERENCE (S3S), 2018 IEEE International, 2018/10/15-2018/10/17, San Francisco, United States, 2018.

(6) Y. Zhao#; Zhenhua Wu#; Y. Wu; F. Zhang; L. Li; M. Liu, Generalized Neural-Network solution for Poisson-Schrodinger equation in MOS structure, 3rd Sino MOS-AK Workshop, 2018/6/14-2018/6/15, Beijing, China, 2018. (# The authors contributed equally to this work)

(7) Z. Hou; J. Yao; Zhenhua Wu; H. Yin, Simulation for the feasibility of high-mobility channel in 3D NAND memory, Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC), 2018 China IEEE, 2018/3/11-2018/3/12, pp 1-3, Shanghai, China, 2018.

(8) Qingzhu Zhang; H. Yin; J. Luo; H. Yang; L. Meng; Y. Li; Zhenhua Wu; Y. B. Zhang; Y. K. Zhang; C. Qin; J. Li; J. Gao; G. Wang; W. Xiong; J. Xiang; Z. Zhou; S. Mao; G. Xu; J. Liu; T. Yang; J. F. Li; Q. Xu; J. Yan; H. Zhu; C. Zhao; T. Ye, FOI FinFET with ultra-low parasitic resistance enabled by fully metallic source and drain formation on isolated bulk-fin, Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2016 IEEE International, 2016/12/3-2016/12/7, pp 17.3.1-17.3.4, San Francisco, United States, 2016.

(9) S. Dhar; H. Noh; S. Kim; H. Kim; Zhenhua Wu; W. Lee; K. Bhuwalka; J. Kim; C. Jeong; U. Kwon; S. Maeda; K. Lee, Impact of BTBT, stress and interface charge on optimum Ge in SiGe pMOS for low power applications, Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), 2016 IEEE International Conference, 2016/9/6-2016/9/8, pp 345-348, Nuremberg, Germany, 2016.

(10)Hur, Sung-Gi; Yang, Jung-Gil; Kim, Sang-Su; Lee, Dong-Kyu; An, Taehyun; Nam, Kab-Jin; Kim, Seong-Je; Wu, Zhenhua; Lee, Wonsok; Kwon, Uihui; Lee, Keun-Ho; Park, Youngkwan; Yang, Wouns; Choi, Jungdal; Kang, Ho-Kyu; Jung, Eunsung, A practical Si nanowire technology with nanowire-on-insulator structure for beyond 10nm logic technologies, Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2013 IEEE International, 2013/12/9-2013/12/11, pp 26.5.1-26.5.4, Washington, DC, United States, 2013.


US Patent

(1) K. Bhuwalka; Zhenhua Wu; U. Kwon; K. Lee, Semiconductor devices having tapered active regions, US Patent 9,634,092, 2017.

(2) M. Cantoro; Zhenhua Wu; K. Bhuwalka; S. Kim; S. Maeda, Semiconductor devices including field effect transistors and methods of forming the same, US Patent 9,679,975, 2017.

CN Patent

(1) 朱慧珑; 吴振华, 半导体器件机器制造方法及包括该器件的电子设备,201811178260.2

(2) 李俊杰; 吴振华; 李永亮; 王桂磊; 王文武, 一种纳米线沟道制作方法, 201810712905.X.

(3) 李俊杰; 吴振华; 张丹; 罗军; 王文武, 一种纳米线的制作方法, 201810596945.2.

(4) 李俊杰; 吴振华; 张青竹; 王文武, 包括纳米线的器件及其制作方法, 201810502936.2.

(5) 李俊杰; 吴振华; 胡艳鹏; 崔虎山; 杨涛; 李俊峰, 一种ITO薄膜的图案化方法, 201810482550.X.

(6) 殷华湘;顾杰;张青竹;许高博;吴振华,量子点器件及其制作方法,201810134788.3.

(7) 张青竹; 殷华湘; 闫江; 吴振华; 周章渝; 秦长亮; 张严波; 张永奎, 半导体器件及其制作方法, CN107068769A.

(8) 姜勋财; 王任凡; 汤宝; 罗飙; 余兵; 朱拓; 吴振华, 一种垂直腔面激光器及其制作方法, CN106654856A.

