







  • 吕杭炳
  • 副主任
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:


2004.9~2009.1 复旦大学微电子系 博士

2000.9~2004.7 山东大学物理系 学士


2016.1~至今 中国科学院微电子研究所研究员

2012.10~2015.12 中国科学院微电子研究所副研究员

2012.3~2012.10 中国科学院微电子研究所助理研究员

2010.3~2012.3 中国科学院微电子研究所博士后

2009.1~2010.1 复旦大学微电子系助理研究员


1. IEEE会员

2. IEEE ETDM TPC member

3. Nature Asia Materials、Scientific Reports、Advanced Materials、IEEE Electronic Device Letters、Applied Physics Letters等期刊审稿人

4. IEDM、VLSI Symp.等国际会议审稿人

5. 国家自然科学基金项目评审人

研究方向:新型不挥发存储器集成及应用;神经元计算网络 承担科研项目情况:

1. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,“面向三维集成的阻变存储器纳米尺度效应研究”,2016.6-2021.5;

2. 自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,“阻变存储器集成与可靠性”,2016.1-2018.12;

3. 863项目子课题,“RRAM存储阵列设计和优化”, 2011.1-2015.12;

4. 自然科学基金面上项目,“基于氧化物薄膜晶体管的不挥发性DRAM技术研究”, 2014.1-2017.12。


1)Qing Luo, Xiaoxin Xu, Hangbing Lv*, Tiancheng Gong, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Haitao Sun, Ling Li, Nianduan Lu, Ming Liu*, Fully BEOL Compatible TaOx-based Selector with High Uniformity and Robust Performance, Tech. Dig.-Int. Electron Devices Meet (IEDM), 2016.

2)Qing Luo, Xiaoxin Xu, Hongtao Liu, Hangbing Lv*, Tiancheng Gong, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Haitao Sun, Writam Banerjee, Ling Li, Jianfeng Gao, Nianduan Lu, Ming Liu*, Super non-linear RRAM with ultra-low power for 3D vertical nano-crossbar arrays, Nanoscale, 8, 15629, 2016.

3)Xiaoxin Xu, Qing Luo, Hangbing Lv*, Shibing Long, Qi Liu, Ling Li, Steve S. Chung, Jing Li, and Ming Liu*, Fully CMOS Compatible 3D Vertical RRAM with Self-aligned Self-selective Cell Enabling Sub-5nm Scaling, VLSI Symp. Tech. Dig., 2016, 8.4.

4)Luo, Qing; Xu, Xiaoxin; Liu, Hongtao; Lv, Hangbing*; Gong, Tiancheng; Long, Shibing; Liu, Qi; Sun, Haitao; Writam Banerjee; Li, Ling; Gao, Jianfeng; Lu, Nianduan; Chung, Steve S.; Li, Jing; Liu, Ming*, Demonstration of 3D Vertical RRAM with Ultra Low-leakage, High-selectivity and Self-compliance Memory Cells, Tech. Dig.-Int. Electron Devices Meet (IEDM), 2015, 10.2.

5)Luo, Qing; Xu, Xiaoxin; Liu, Hongtao; Lv, Hangbing*; Lu, Nianduan; Gong, Tiancheng; Long, Shibing; Liu, Qi; Sun, Haitao; Writam Banerjee; Li, Ling; Li, Jing; Liu, Ming*, Cu BEOL Compatible Selector with High Selective (>107), Extremely Low Off-current (~pA) and High Endurance (>1010), Tech. Dig.-Int. Electron Devices Meet (IEDM), 2015, 10.4.

6)Lv, Hangbing; Xu, Xiaoxin Xu; Sun, Pengxiao; Liu, Hongtao; Luo, Qing; Liu, Qi; Banerjee, Writam; Sun, Haitao; Long, Shibing; Li, Ling; Liu, Ming*, Atomic View of Filament Growth in Electrochemical Memristive Elements. Scientific Reports, 5, 13311, 2015.

7)Lv, Hangbing; Xu, Xiaoxin Xu; Liu, Hongtao; Liu, Ruoyu; Liu, Qi; Banerjee, Writam; Sun, Haitao; Long, Shibing; Li, Ling; Liu, Ming*, Evolution of conductive filament and its impact on the reliability issues in oxide-electrolyte based resistive random access memory, Scientific Reports, 5, 7764, 2015.

8)Xu, Xiaoxin; Lv, Hangbing*; Li, Yuxiang; Liu, Hongtao; Wang, Ming; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Liu, Ming*, Degradation of Gate Voltage Controlled MLC Storage in 1T1R Electrochemical Metallization Cell, IEEE, Electron Device Letters, 36(6), 555-557, 2015.

9)Xu, Xiaoxin; Lv, Hangbing*; Liu, Hongtao; Gong, Tiancheng; Wang, Guoming; Zhang, Meiyun; Li, Yang; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Liu, Ming, Superior Retention of Low Resistance State in Conductive Bridge Random Access Memory with Single Filament Formation, IEEE, Electron Device Lett. 36(2), 129-131, 2015.

10)Liu, Hongtao; Lv, Hangbing*; Yang, Baohe; Xu, Xiaoxin; Liu, Ruoyu; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Liu, Ming, Uniformity Improvement in 1T1R RRAM with Gate Voltage Ramp Programming”, IEEE, Electron Device Lett. 35(12), pp 1224-1226, 2014.

11)Wang, Ming; Bi, Chong; Li, Ling; Long, Shibing; Liu, Qi; Lv, Hangbing; Lu, Nianduan; Sun, Pengxiao; Liu, Ming*, Thermoelectric Seebeck effect in oxide-based resistive switching memory, Nature Communications, 5, 2014.

12)Sun, Haitao; Liu, Qi*; Li, Congfei; Long, Shibing; Lv, Hangbing; Bi, Cong; Huo, Zongliang; Li, Ling; Liu, Ming*, Direct Observation of Conversion Between Threshold Switching and Memory Switching Induced by Conductive Filament Morphology, Advanced Functional Materials, 24(36), pp 5679-5687, 2014.

13)Sun, Haitao; Lv, Hangbing*; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Xie, Hongwei; Liu, Xiaoyu; Yang, Xiaoyi; Niu, Jiebin; Liu, Ming*, Overcoming the Dilemma Between RESET Current and Data Retention of RRAM by Lateral Dissolution of Conducting Filament, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34(7), pp 873-875, 2013

14)Lv, Hangbing; Li, Yingtao; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Li, Ling; Liu, Ming*, Self-Rectifying Resistive-Switching Device With a-Si/WO3 Bilayer, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34(2), pp 229-231, 2013

15)Li, Yingtao; Lv, Hangbing; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Wang, Ming; Xie, Hongwei; Zhang, Kangwei; Huo, Zongliang; Liu, Ming*, Bipolar one diode-one resistor integration for high-density resistive memory applications, Nanoscale, 5(11), pp 4785-4789, 2013.

16)Wang, Ming; Lv, Hangbing; Liu, Qi; Li, Yingtao; Xu, Zhongguang; Long, Shibing; Xie, Hongwei; Zhang, Kangwei; Liu, Xiaoyu; Sun, Haitao; Yang, Xiaoyi; Liu, Ming*, Investigation of One-Dimensional Thickness Scaling on Cu/HfOx/Pt Resistive Switching Device Performance, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33(11), pp 1556-1558 , 2012.

17)Liu, Qi; Sun, Jun; Lv, Hangbing; Long, Shibing; Yin, Kuibo; Wan, Neng; Li, Yingtao; Sun, Litao; Liu, Ming*, Real-Time Observation on Dynamic Growth/Dissolution of Conductive Filaments in Oxide-Electrolyte-Based ReRAM, Advanced Materials, 24(14), pp 1844-1849, 2012.

18)Lv, Hangbing*; Tang, Tingao, Performance improvement of CuxO resistive switching memory by surface modification, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 102(4), pp 1015-1018, 2011.

19)Lian, Wentai; Lv, Hangbing; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Wang, Wei; Wang, Yan; Li, Yingtao; Zhang, Sen; Dai, Yuehua; Chen, Junning; Liu, Ming*, Improved Resistive Switching Uniformity in Cu/HfO2/Pt Devices by Using Current Sweeping Mode, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 32(8), pp 1053-1055, 2011.

20)Lv, Hangbing*; Tang, Tingao, The Role of CuAlO Interface Layer for Switching Behavior of Al/CuxO/Cu Memory Device, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 31(12), pp 1464-1466, 2010.

21)Lv, Hangbing*; Wan, Haijun; Tang, Tingao, Improvement of Resistive Switching Uniformity by Introducing a Thin GST Interface Layer, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 31(9), pp 978-980, 2010.

22)Wang, Yan; Lv, Hangbing; Wang, Wei; Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Wang, Qin; Huo, Zongliang; Zhang, Sen; Li, Yingtao; Zuo, Qingyun; Lian, Wentai; Yang, Jianhong; Liu, Ming*, Highly Stable Radiation-Hardened Resistive-Switching Memory, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 31(12), pp 1470-1472, 2010.

23)Liu, Qi; Long, Shibing; Lv, Hangbing; Wang, Wei; Niu, Jiebin; Huo, Zongliang; Chen, Junning; Liu, Ming*, Controllable Growth of Nanoscale Conductive Filaments in Solid-Electrolyte-Based ReRAM by Using a Metal Nanocrystal Covered Bottom Electrode, ACS Nano, 4(10), pp 6162-6168, 2010.

24)Lv, Hangbing*; Wang, Ming; Wan, Haijun; Song, Yali; Luo, Wenjing; Zhou, Peng; Tang, Tingao; Lin, Yinyin; Huang, Ryan; Song, Silo; Wu, Jingang; Wu, Hanming; Chi, Minhwa, Endurance enhancement of Cu-oxide based resistive switching memory with Al top electrode, Applied Physics Letters, 94(21), 2009.

25)Lv, HB; Yin, M; Fu, XF; Song, YL; Tang, L; Zhou, P; Zhao, CH; Tang, TA; Chen, BA; Lin, YY; Resistive Memory Switching of Films for a Nonvolatile Memory Application, Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 29, 309-311, 2008

26)Lv, HB; Yin, M; Song, YL; Fu, XF; Tang, L; Zhou, P; Zhao, CH; Tang, TA; Chen, BA; Lin, YY; Forming process investigation of CuxO memory films, Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 29, 47-49, 2008.


1.Lv, Hangbing,Liu, Ming,Long, Shibing,et al.,Metal oxide resistive switching memory and method for manufacturing same,US,8,735,245









