







  • 王英辉
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:教育背景

1994.9-1998.7 学士 中国 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院

2002.4-2003.3 研修生 日本 东京大学 工学院 精密机械工程系

2003.4-2005.3 硕士 日本 东京大学 工学院 精密机械工程系

2005.4-2008.3 博士 日本 东京大学 工学院 精密机械工程系


1998.7-1998.9 东江(深圳)塑胶制品有限公司 设计部 工程师

1998.10-2001.1 斯比泰(深圳)电子有限公司 研究开发部 安规工程师

2001.1-2002.3 精量(深圳)电子有限公司 分析部 工程师

2008.4-2008.8 日本 东京大学 工学院 精密机械工程系 特任研究员

2008.9-2010.11 日本 东京大学 工学院 精密机械工程系 学术振兴会外国人特别研究员

2010.12-2011.3 日本 物质材料研究机构 博士后研究员

2011.4-2015.3 日本 东京大学 工学院 国际工学教育推进机构 特任研究员(主任)

2015.1- 中国科学院微电子研究所 研究员

社会任职:中国科学院大学 研究生导师 研究方向:MEMS真空封装,微系统集成技术,晶圆键合 承担科研项目情况:2016年 中国科学院国际人才访问学者计划

2016年 国家02科技重大专项项目子课题 “器件图形结构的III-V族外延层与带有器件图形结构的SiGe/Ge外延片通过金属为媒介的键合” (参与人)

2015年 科技部973重大研究计划项目子课题 “适于16纳米及以下的器件和电路的集成工艺基础研究” (参与人)

2015年 所长基金“键合界面材料及温度对MEMS传感器功能的影响”

2014.4-2015.3 日本物质?器件共同研究课题

2012.4-2013.3 日本精密测定技术振兴财团研究资助

2008.9-2010.11 日本学术振兴会外国人研究奖励


1. Ying-Hui Wang, Matiar R Howlader, Kenji Nishida, Takashi Kimura, and Tadatomo Suga, “Study on Sn-Ag Oxidation and Feasibility of Room Temperature Bonding of Sn-Ag-Cu Solder”, Materials Transactions, Vol.46, No.11 (2005) pp.2431-2436.

2. Ying-Hui Wang, Matthias Hutter, and Tadatomo Suga, “Bonding Behaviors of Au-Au and Au-Sn Thin Bumps at Low Temperature”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology (ICEPT2006), Shanghai, China, Aug. 26-Aug. 29, 2006, pp. 118-122.

3. Ying-Hui Wang, Kenji Nishida, Matthias Hutter, Takashi Kimura, and Tadatomo Suga, “Low-Temperature Process of Fine-Pitch Au–Sn Bump Bonding in Ambient Air”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.46 (2007) Part 1, No.4B., pp.1961-1967.

4. Ying-Hui Wang, Takahiro Sato, Tsuyoshi Sugiura, and Tadatomo Suga, “Low-Temperature Bumpless Bonding for SAW Components”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.47, No.4 (2008) 2521-2525.

5. Ying-Hui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “Effect of Surface Contamination on Solid-State Bondability of Sn-Ag-Cu Bumps in Ambient Air”, Materials Transactions, Vol.49, No.7 (2008) 1508-1512.

6. Ying-Hui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “20-?m-Pitch Au Micro-bump Interconnection at Room Temperature in Ambient Air”, the 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC2008), Florida, USA, May 27- May 30, 2008, pp. 944-949.

7. Ying-Hui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “The Chip-on-Board Bonding Using Non-Conductive Film and Metallic Bumps by the Surface Activated Bonding Method”, IEEE 9th VLSI Packaging Workshop in Japan (VPWJ2008), The Westin Miyako Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 1-2, 2008, pp. 91-94.

8. Shingo Taniyama, Ying-Hui Wang, Masahisa Fujino and Tadatomo Suga, “Room Temperature Wafer Bonding Using Surface Activated Bonding Method”, IEEE 9th VLSI Packaging Workshop in Japan (VPWJ2008), The Westin Miyako Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 1-2, 2008, pp. 141-144.

9. Chenxi Wang, Shingo Taniyama, Ying-Hui Wang, and Tadatomo Suga, “High-Precision Alignment for Low Temperature Wafer Bonding”, Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol.156, No.3 (2009) H197-201.

10. Ying-Hui Wang, Jian Lu and Tadatomo Suga, “Low-temperature Wafer Bonding Using Gold Layers”, International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), Beijing, China, Aug. 10-13, 2009, pp.516-519.

11. Ryuji Kurayama, Eiji Higurashi, Yinghui Wang, Tadatomo Suga, Yasuo Doi, Yoshihiro Sawayama and Iwao Hosako, “Low Temperature Bonding of Ge for Infrared Detectors”, 2nd International IEEE Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 19-20, 2010, pp.451-455.

12. Keigo Oshikawa, Ying-Hui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “Low Temperature Bonding of Si Wafers in Nitrogen Atmosphere”, International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP2010), Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan, May 12-14, 2010, pp.23-26.

13. Ying-Hui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “Influence of Bonding Atmosphere on Low-Temperature Wafer Bonding”, the 60th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC2010), Las Vegas, USA, June 1-4, 2010, pp.435-439.

14. Keisuke Goto, Masahisa Fujino, Yinghui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “Reduction of Non-uniformity in Stress Distribution on the Bonded Interface Caused by Solid State Bonding”, Proceedings of ECO-MATES 2011, Osaka, Japan, Nov. 28-30, 2011, pp.173-175.

15. Yinghui Wang and Kun’ichi Miyazawa, “Influence of UV Irradiation on Polymerization of LLIP-Prepared C60 Nanowhiskers”, Extended Abstracts, The 40th Commemorative Fullerenes-Nanotubes General Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, Mar. 8-10, 2011.

16. Eiji Higurashi, Ryuji Kurayama, Yinghui Wang, Tadatomo Suga, Yoshihiro Sawayama, Yasuo Doi, and Iwao Hosako, “Room-Temperature Direct Bonding of Ge Wafers for Application to Far-infrared Detectors”, The 28th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM on Sensors, Micromachines and Application Systems, Tokyo Japan, Sept. 26-27, 2011, C4-5.

17. Yasutaka Eida, Zhang Wenjing, Masahisa Fujino, Yinghui Wang, Ming Li and Tadatomo Suga, “Low temperature bonding on electroless plated surfaces with nano-structure”, 27th Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging Conference (JIEP), Sendai, Japan, Mar. 13-15, 2013, 13E-04.

18. Ying-Hui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “Influence of Diffusion on Solid-state Bonding for Micro-bumps at Low Temperatures”, IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2013 (ICSJ 2013), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 11-13, 2013, 15-3.

19. Ran He, Masahisa Fujino, Akira Yamauchi, Yinghui Wang and Tadatomo Suga, “Combined Surface Activated Bonding Technique for Low-Temperature Cu/Dielectric Hybrid Bonding”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 5 (7) P419-P424 (2016).

20. W. Xu, S. K. Wang, Y. Xu, Y. H. Wang, D. P. Chen, H. G. Liu, A new wafer bonding method based on spot pressing technique, Trans. Chin. Welding Inst.. 37, 9, 125 (2016).

专利申请: 获奖及荣誉:2011年,The 28th Sensor Symposium, Best Technical Paper Award

2009年,International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, ASE Group CPMT Best Paper Award

2008年,IEEE 9th VLSI Packaging Workshop in Japan Young Award