







  • 韦朝阳
  • 研究员
















中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所“一三五”战略科技计划项目重点项目“典型稀土矿区特征污染物的环境行为与健康风险”, 2012年6月-2015年6月。专题负责。

国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目子课题“湖泊典型重金属和有机污染物区域差异及生态系统响应”(2008CB418201),2008年 1 月 1 日至 2012年12月30日。子课题负责。


国家自然科学基金委员会-中国科学院大科学装置科学研究联合基金 “矿区锑形态的XAFS表征”(10979052)。2010年1月-2012年12月。主持。

国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAJ05A08)“村镇退化废弃地恢复关键技术开发”, 2007年1月1日-2010年12月31日。子课题负责。

国家自然科学基金项目(20477045)“尾矿中砷的生物有效性与植物提取机理”, 2005年1月-2007年12月。主持。

国家自然科学基金项目(40271099)“不同生态型凤尾蕨对砷的吸收富集转化及其机理”, 2003年1月-2005年12月。主持。


[1]王晓丽,韦朝阳*,冯人伟,涂书新.白玉凤尾蕨与印度芥菜对不同形态锑的富集与转化特征.环境科学学报, 34(3)720-727, 2014.

[2]Zhang N, Wei CY*, Yang LS. Occurrence of arsenic in two large shallow freshwater lakes in China and a comparison to other lakes around the world. Microchemical Journal, 110: 169-177,2013.

[3]Feng RW, Wang XL, Wei CY*, Tu SX. The accumulation and subcellular distribution of arsenic and antimony in four fern plants.: International Journal of Phytoremediation, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2013.773281, 2013.

[4]Feng RW, Wei CY*, Tu SX. The roles of selenium in protecting plants against abiotic stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 87:58-68,2013..

[5]Feng RW, Wei CY*, Tu SX et al.The uptake and detoxification of antimony by plants: a review. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 96:28-34,2013..

[6]张楠,韦朝阳*,杨林生. 湖泊生态系统中砷的赋存与转化行为研究进展. 生态学报, 33:337-347,2013..

[7]Feng RW, Wei CY*, Tu SX, Ding YZ, Song ZG. A dual role of Se on Cd toxicity: evidences from the uptake of Cd and some essential elements and the growth responses in paddy-rice. Biological Trace Element Research ,151:113-121, 2013..

[8]Ge ZF, Wei CY*.Simultaneous analysis of SbIII, SbV and TMSb by high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry detection: application to antimony speciation in soil samples. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 51:391-399, 2013..

[9]Feng RW, Wei CY*, Tu SX, Liu ZQ. Interactive effects of selenium and antimony on the uptake of selenium, antimony and essential elements in paddy-rice. Plant and Soil, 365:375-386, 2013.

[10] Fu S, Wei CY*. Multivariate and spatial analysis of heavy metal sources and variations in a large old antimony mine, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13:106-116,2013..

[11] Wei, CY*, Zheng, H, Yu, JP. Arsenic in the rhizosphere soil solution of ferns. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 14(10): 950-965, 2012.

[12] Wang, SF; Zhang, MM; Li, BA, Wei CY, Jia YF. Comparison of mercury speciation and distribution in the water column and sediments betvveen the algal type zone and the macrophytic type zone in a hypereutrophic lake (Dianchi Lake) in Southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment, 417: 204-213, 2012.

[13] Feng, RW; Wei, CY. Antioxidative mechanisms on selenium accumulation in Pteris vittata L., a potential selenium phytoremediation plant. Plant Soil and Environment, 58:105-110, 2012.

[14] 朱雁鸣,冯人伟,韦朝阳*.水口山水稻土与菜地土中砷的有效性及其与土壤理化性质的关系. 生态学杂志, 31:2657-2661, 2012.

[15] Wei CY*, Zhang N. Arsenic Variation in Two Basins of Lake Dianchi. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 88: 605-610, 2012.

[16] Wei CY*, Wen HL. The geochemical baseline of heavy metals in the sediments of two large fresh water lakes in China: implications for estimation of contamination character and history.Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 34:737-748, 2012.

[17] 冯人伟,韦朝阳,涂书新。锑在植物体内吸收、代谢与毒性的研究进展。植物学报,47: 302-308, 2012.

[18] 戈兆凤,韦朝阳*。锑的环境健康效应研究进展。环境与健康杂志, 28(7)649-653, 2011.

[19] 朱雁鸣,韦朝阳*,冯人伟,杨林生。三种添加剂对矿冶区多重金属污染土壤的修复效果评估—大豆苗期盆栽实验。环境科学学报,31(6):1277-1284, 2011..

[20] Wei CY*, Zhang N, Yang LS. The fluctuation of arsenic levels in lake Taihu. Biological Trace Element Research, 143:1310-1318, 2011.

[21] Wei CY*, Deng QJ , Wu FC*, Fu ZY, Xu LB.Arsenic, antimony and bismuth uptake and accumulation by plants in an old antimony mine, China. Biological Trace Element Research, 144: 1150-1158,2011.

[22] Feng RW, Wei CY*, Wu FC, Tang SR, Tu SX. Simultaneous hyperaccumulation of arsenic and antimony in Cretan brake fern: Evidence of plant uptake and subcellular distributions. Microchemical Journal 97:38-43, 2011.

[23] Feng RW, Wei CY*, Wu FC, Tang SR, Tu SX. Detoxification of antimony by selenium and their interaction in paddy rice under hydroponic condition. Microchemical Journal 97:57-61, 2011.

[24] Wang SF, Li B, Zhang MM, Xing DH, Jia YF, Wei CY.Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of mercury in a food web from a large, shallow, hypereutrophic lake (Lake Taihu) in China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19:2820-2831, 2011.

[25] 王玲梅,韦朝阳*,杨林生。两品种水稻对砷的吸收富集与转化特征及其健康风险。环境科学学报,30(4)832-849, 2010.

[26] Zhu YM, Wei CY*, Yang LS. Rehabilitation of a tailing dam at Shimen County, Hunan Province: effectives assessment. Acta Ecologica Sinica 30(3) 178-183, 2010.

[27] 王玲梅,韦朝阳*。利用HPLC-DRC-ICP-MS检测水稻中的砷形态。环境化学,29(4)734-738, 2010..

[28] 王玲梅,韦朝阳*,杨林生。矿冶周边水稻对重金属污染来源的指示作用. 生态毒理学报, 4(3)373-381, 2009.

[29] Feng R.W., Wei C.Y*., Tu S.X., Wu F.C. Yang L.S. Antimony accumulation and antioxidative responses in four fern plants. Plant and Soil, 317: 93-101, 2009.

[30] Feng R.W., Wei C.Y*., Tu S.X., Wu F.C. Effect of selenium on the uptake of nutrient elements in Pteris vittata L. Plant and Soil ,325:123-132, 2009.

[31] Feng R.W., Wei C.Y.*, Tu S.X., Sun X. 2009. Interactive effect of Se and As on their uptake by Pteris vittata. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 65:363-368.

[32] Wei C.Y.*, Wang C. and Yang L.S. Characterizing spatial distribution and sources of heavy metals in the soilsfrom mining-smelting activities in Shuikoushan, Hunan Province, China. Journal of Environmental Science ,21(9)1230-1236, 2009.