- 路鑫超
- 副研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:
1996年9月—2000年7月,天津大学 精密仪器及光电子工程学院,学士
2000年9月—2003年3月,天津大学 精密仪器及光电子工程学院,硕士
社会任职: 研究方向:表面等离激元与物质相互作用及其应用研究 承担科研项目情况: 代表论著:
[1] J. R. Knab, Xinchao Lu, Felipe A. Vallejo, Gagan Kumar, Thomas E. Murphy, and L. Michael Hayden, 'Ultrafast carrier dynamics and optical properties of nanoporous silicon at terahertz frequencies.' Optical Materials Express 4(2): 300-307 (2014).
[2] Xinchao Lu, Carsten Rockstuhl, and Weili Zhang, 'Far-infrared properties of hybrid plasmonic geometries', Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29(4): 644-648 (2012).
[3] Xinchao Lu, Li Wang, and Weili Zhang, 'Resonant Field Enhancement in Hybrid Plasmonic Geometries', Terahertz Science and Technology, 5(2): 87-96 (2012).
[4] Xinchao Lu, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, 'Localized Plasmonic Properties of Subwavelength Geometries Resonating at Terahertz Frequencies', IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 17(1): 119-129 (2011). (Invited paper)
[5] Xinchao Lu, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, 'Transmission field enhancement of terahertz pulses in plasmonic, rectangular coaxial geometries', Optics Letters, 35(7): 904-906 (2010).
[6] Xinchao Lu, and Weili Zhang, 'Terahertz localized plasmonic properties of subwavelength ring and coaxial geometries', Applied Physics Letter, 94(18): 181106-3 (2009).
[7] Xinchao Lu, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, 'Resonant terahertz reflection of periodic arrays of subwavelength metallic rectangles', Applied Physics Letter, 92(12): 121103 (2008).
[8] Shuang Zhang, Yong-Shik Park, Jensen Li, Xinchao Lu, Weili Zhang, and Xiang Zhang, 'Negative Refractive Index in Chiral Metamaterials', Physical Review Letters, 102(2): 023901 (2009).
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