







  • 李世光
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号
简 历:






1996.04 - 1998.01,航天部北京空间机电研究所,助理工程师

2005.12 – 2009.11,Singapore-MIT Alliance,Singapore,Research Fellow

2010.03 – 2011.05,the University of North Carolina,USA,Post doctor

2011.10 – 今,中国科学院微电子研究所,副研究员

2016.2 – 今,东方晶源微电子科技(北京)有限公司,项目经理,项目总监

社会任职: 研究方向:光电技术,光学工程,光学检测 承担科研项目情况:

[1] 86ps动态范围、6比特、高速可编程偏振模色散补偿器,国家863计划项目,核心成员

[2] 浸没光刻机系统需求与技术指标分析和评估,国家02专项,核心成员

[3] EUVL 技术体系与共性技术研究,国家02专项,部分期间核心成员

[4] 红外目标模拟器光学成像系统方案论证,航天部预研项目,核心成员

[5] 高分辨率空间相机研制,航天部项目,研发工程师

[6] 生产环境中大规模、高产出、基于塑料的微流体器件的测量技术研究,新加坡-麻省理工联盟博士后项目(新加坡),核心成员

[7] 光学数字全息术对生物组织的粘弹性研究,北卡罗来纳大学博士后项目(美国),核心成员

[8] 电子束检测系统中高度传感器研发,公司合作开发项目,项目经理

[9] 大范围、高灵敏度、紧凑型光学滚转角传感器研制,个人兴趣研究 代表论著:国内外期刊、会议发表29篇论文,举例如下:

[1] 孙裕文,李世光,宗明成,基于空间分光的纳米级调焦调平测量技术, 光学学报, 2016(5)

[2] 孙裕文,李世光,叶甜春,宗明成,纳米光刻中调焦调平测量系统的工艺相关性, 光学学报, 2016(8)

[3] Li S G, Xu Z G, Yoon S F and Fang Z P, Feasibility study on bonding quality inspection of microfluidic devices by optics coherence tomography, J. of Biomedical Opt., 2011, 16(6): 066011

[4] Li S G, K. D. Mohan, W. W. Sanders and A. L. Oldenburg. 'Toward soft-tissue elastography using digital holography to monitor surface acoustic waves.' Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(11):116005 (2011)

[5] Li S G, Liu J, Nguyen N T, Fang Z P, Yoon S F, Measurement of buried undercut structures in microfluidic devices by laser fluorescent confocal microscopy, Applied Optics, 2009, 48 (33): 6432-6441

[6] Li S G, Thorsen T, Xu Z G, Fang Z P, Yoon S F, Microvalve Thickness and Topography Measurements in Microfluidic Devices by White Light Confocal Microscopy, Applied Optics,. 2009, 48(27):5088-94

[7] Xu Z G, Li S G, Shilpiekandula V, Taylor H K, Yoon S F, Youcef-Toumi K, Reading I, Fang Z P, Zhao J H, Boning D S. Three-Dimensional Profile Stitching Based on the Fiducial Markers for Microfluidic Devices. Optics Communications, 2009, 282, p493–499

[8] Li S G, Xu Z G, Reading I, Yoon S F, Fang Z P and Zhao J H. Three dimensional sidewall measurements by laser fluorescent confocal microscopy, Opt. Express, 2008, 16: 4001-4014

[9] Li S G, Xu, Z G, Mazzeo A, Burns D J, Fu G, Dirckx M, Shilpiekandula V, Chen X, Nayak N C, Wong E, Yoon S F, Fang Z P, Youcef-Toumi K, Hardt D, Tor S B, Yue C Y and Chun J H. Review of production of microfluidic devices: material, manufacturing and metrology, 2008, France, SPIE 6993: 69930F-1-12

[10] Taylor H K, Xu Z G, Li S G, Youcef-Toumi K, Yoon S F, and Boning D S, Moire fringe method for the measurement of distortions of hot-embossed polymeric substrates, 2008, Singapore, SPIE 7155: 715528-715528-9

[11] Li S G, Fu Gang, Reading Ivan, Tor S B, Loh N H, Chaturvedi P, Yoon S F, and Youcef-Toumi K. Dimensional variation in production of high-aspect-ratio micro-pillars array by micro powder injection molding. Applied Physics A, 2007, 89: 721-728

[12] Li S G, Yang C X, Zhang E Y, and Jun G F. Dynamic performance of magneto-optical Bi-substituted rare-earth iron garnet. Chin. Opt. Lett., 2005, 3(1): 38-41

[13] Li S G, Yang C X, Zhang E Y, and Jin G F. Compact optical roll angle sensor with large measurement range and high sensitivity. Opt. Lett., 2005, 30(3): 242-244

[14] 范志刚,张伟,李世光,金海. 角锥棱镜不同方位反射光束的能量分布, 航空计测技术, 15(4), 8-12, 1995


201410374962.3 一种调焦调平传感器测量装置,发明,授权


201410718598.8 一种垂向调整装置,发明,公开

201310003089 一种靶源预整形增强的极紫外光发生装置,发明,授权

201210479101 一种EUV光源污染物收集装置,发明,授权

03150120 偏振模色散补偿系统,发明,授权
