- 杨晓红
- 研究员

E-mail: xhyang@semi.ac.cn
电话: 010-82304178
Hui Wang, Tingting He, Kaibao Liu, Rui Wang, Han Ye, and Xiaohong Yang∗“Photocurrent Saturation and Thermal Breakdown Mechanism in Modified Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodetectors ” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 18, 7369–7373, 2018(SCI)
D. Yin, T. He, Q. Han, Q. Lv, Y. Zhang and X. Yang†, “High-responsivity 40Gbit/s InGaAs/InP PIN Photodetectors Integrated on Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguide Circuits”, Journal of semiconductors, (2016).
Bin Li, Qian-Qian Lv, Rong Cui, Wei-Hong Yin, Xiao-Hong Yang†, and Qin Han “A Low Dark Current Mesa-Type InGaAs/InAlA Avalanche Photodiode” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. ,VOL. 27(1), 34( 2015) (SCI)
Zhangchun Shi, Xiaohong Yang†, Chenglei Nie, Weihong Yin, Qin Han, Haiqiao Ni, and Zhichuan Niu “A quantum dot asymmetric self-gated nanowire FET for high sensitive detection” AIP Advances5, 017108(2015) (SCI)
LiBin,YangXiaohong,YinWeihong, LüQianqian, CuiRong,andHanQin, “A high-speed avalanche photodiode”,Journal of Semiconductors. 35(7),34(2014)
Liu Shao-Qing, Yang Xiao-Hong†, Liu Yu, Li Bin, and Han Qin “Design and fabrication of a high-performance evanescently coupled waveguide photodetector”, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 10 (2013) 108503(SCI)
YANG Xiao-Hong, LIU Shao-Qing, NI Hai-Qiao, LI Mi-Feng,LI Liang, HAN Qin, NIU Zhi-chuan “High Quality Pseudomorphic In0:24 GaAs/GaAs Multi-Quantum-Well and Large-Area Transmission Electro-Absorption Modulators”Chin. Phys.LettVol30,046102,2013(SCI)
LI Bin, YANG Huai-Wei, GUI Qiang, YANG Xiao-Hong, WANG Jie,WANG Xiu-Ping, LIU Shao-Qing, HAN Qin,“Ultra Low Dark Current, High Responsivity and Thin Multiplication Region in InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodiodes” Chin.Phys. Lett. Vol. 29 118503 (2012) (SCI)
Xiaohong Yang, Xiulai Xu, Xiuping Wang, Haiqiao Ni, Qin Han, David A Williams and Zhichuan Niu,“ Optically controlled QDs gated QWR-FET: a promising way for single photon discrimination” International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop 147 , 2011.
Xiaohong Yang, Xiulai Xu, Xiuping Wang, Haiqiao Ni, Qin Han, Zhichuan Niu and David A Williams “Optically controlled quantum dot gated transistors with high on/off ratio ”Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.96, 083503, 2010 (SCI)