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1999年获博士学位, 2000年-2002年,中国科学院半导体研究所博士后。主要从事磷化铟、锑化镓等化合物单晶材料生长技术、材料缺陷和材料在光电子和微电子器件上应用的研究。
E-mail:zhaoyw@semi.ac.cn; 电话:010-82304513
1.Y. W. Zhao, H. W. Dong, Y. H. Chen, Y. H. Zhang, J. H.Jiao, J. Q. Zhao and L. Y. Lin, S. Fung, Creation and Suppression of Point Defects through a Kick-out Substitution Process of Fe in InP, Applied Phys. Lett. 80, 2878 (2002)
2.Y. W. Zhao, H. W. Dong, J. M. Li and L. Y. Ling,Photoluminescence characteristics of InP annealed in phosphorus and iron phosphide ambiances, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 8,215(2005)
3.Y. W. Zhao, Z. Y. Dong, and Ch. J. Li,Approach for defect suppression and preparation of high quality semi-insulating InP, J. Crystal Growth 254, 364 (2005)
4.Y. W. Zhao, Z. Y. Dong, M. L. Duan, W. R. Sun, Y. P. Zeng, N. F. Sun and T. N. Sun, Annealing ambient controlled deep defect formation in InP, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 27, 167(2004)
5.Youwen Zhao, Niefeng Sun, Hongwei Dong, Jinghua Jiao, Jianqun Zhao, Tongnian Sun and Lanying Lin,Characterization of Defects and Whole Wafer Uniformity of Annealed Undoped Semi-insulating InP Wafers, Material Sci.& Eng.B 91-92, 521 (2002)
6.Y.W. Zhao, Z.Y. Dong, A.H. Deng , Electron irradiation-induced defects in InP pre-annealed at high temperature, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 9 (2006) 380–383
7.Y. W. Zhao, Y. L. Luo, S. Fung, and C. D. Beling, Native donor and compensation in Fe-doped LEC InP, J. Appl. Phys. 89,86 (2001)
8.Y. W. Zhao, S. Fung, Y. L. Luo, and C. D. Beling, Electrical conduction of annealed semi-insulating InP, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 3838(2000)
9.Y. W. Zhao, S. Fung, C. D. Beling, N. F. Sun, T. N. Sun, X. D. Chen, and G. Y. Yang, Effects of annealing on the electrical properties of Fe-doped InP, J. Appl. Phys. 86, 981(1999)
10.Y. W. Zhao, X. L. Xu, M. Gong, S. Fung, et al. Formation of PIn defect in annealed undoped LEC InP,Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2126 (1998)