1 Zhao, X. H., Y. D. Liu, B. Inhester, X. S. Feng, T. Wiegelmann, L. Lu. Comparison of CME/shock propagation models with heliospheric imaging and in situ observations. The Astrophysical Journal Supplements, Accepted.
2.Zhao X. H., X. S. Feng. Influence of CME's initial parameters on arrivals at Earth of the associated interplanetary shocks and the Shock Propagational Model version 3. The Astrophysical Journal, 809:44(9pp), 2015.
3. Zhao, X. H., X. S. Feng. Correlation between solar activity and the local temperature of Antarctica during the past 11,000 years. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 122, 26-33, 2015
4. Zhao X. H., M. Dryer. Current status of CME/shock arrival time prediction. Space Weather, 12, 448-469, 2014
5.赵新华,冯学尚. 太阳活动与地球表面温度变化的周期性和相关性. 科学通报,59: 1284-1292, 2014