







  • 薛怀君
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
姓 名: 薛怀君
学 科: 动物学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807237 / +86-10-64807099
电子邮件: xue@ioz.ac.cn, tirerr@126.com
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 动物进化与系统学院重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 鞘翅目形态与进化研究组


2010.01-中国科学院动物研究所 副研究员 2008.05-2009.06 爱达荷大学(University of Idaho, USA) 博士后/访问学者 2007.06-2009.12 中国科学院动物研究所 助理研究员 2004.07-2007.06 中国科学院动物研究所 博士后 2001.09-2004.07 南开大学生物系 昆虫学专业 获博士学位 1998.09-2001.07 南开大学生物系 昆虫学专业 获硕士学位 1994.09-1998.07 西北农林科技大学 森林资源保护专业 获学士学位








Zhang B, Xue HJ*, Song KQ, Liu J, Li WZ, Nie RE, Yang XK*. 2014. Male mate recognition via cuticular hydrocarbons facilitates sexual isolation between sympatric leaf beetle sister species. Journal of Insect Physiology (in press)Song KQ, Xue HJ, Beutel RG, Bai M, Bian DJ, Liu J, Ruan YY, Li WZ, Jia FL*, Yang XK*. 2014. Habitat-dependent diversification and parallel molecular evolution - water scavenger beetles as a case study. Current Zoology (in press)Xue HJ, Li WZ, Yang XK*. 2014. Assortative mating between two sympatric closely-related specialists: inferred from molecular phylogenetic analysis and behavioral data. Scientific Reports 4: 5436. DOI: 10.1038/srep05436.Nie RE, Zhou DK, Xue HJ, Yang XK*. 2013. Notes on black elytron species of Pyrrhalta Joannis and the description of a new species from China (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). Zookeys 289: 41–56.李燕利, 薛怀君, 胡春祥*, 杨星科*. 2013. 4种植食性甲虫肠道内纤维素酶活性的比较. 林业科学 49: 161–168.Nie RE, Xue HJ, Hua Y, Yang XK*, Vogler AP*. 2012. Distinct species or colour polymorphism? Life history, morphology and sequence data separate two Pyrrhalta elm beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Systematics and Biodiversity 10: 133–146 (Cover paper).Xue HJ,Li WZ, Nie RE, Yang XK*. 2011. Recent speciation in three closely related sympatric specialists: inferences using multi-locus sequence, post-mating isolation and endosymbiont data. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27834.Drummond CS#, Xue HJ#, Yoder JB, Pellmyr O. 2010. Host–associated divergence and incipient speciation in the yucca moth Prodoxus coloradensis (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae) on three species of host plants. Heredity 105: 183–196.Xue HJ, Yang XK*. 2010.Species catalogue of Pyrrhalta Joannis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) of the world. Entomotaxonomia 32 (Suppl.): 119–136.Xue HJ, Magalh?es S, Li WZ, Yang XK*. 2009. Reproductive barriers between two sympatric beetle species specialized on different host plants. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 2258–2266.Xue HJ, Li WZ, Yang XK*. 2009. Genetic analysis of feeding preference in two related species of Altica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Ecological Entomology 34: 74–80.Xue HJ, Yang XK*. 2008. Common volatiles are major attractants for neonate larvae of the specialist flea beetle Altica koreana (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Naturwissenschaften 95: 639–645.Xue HJ, Bu WJ*. 2008. Cuticular morphology of areas surrounding dorsal abdominal scent gland openings in 5th-instar nymphs of Lygaeoidea (Insecta: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha) and the significance in taxonomy and phylogeny. Journal of Natural History 42: 35–58.薛怀君, 李文柱, 杨星科*. 2008. 非社会性植食昆虫的同种相残行为及其机理. 昆虫学报 51: 876–882.张丽杰, 薛怀君, 杨星科*. 2008. 七种跳甲卵的比较形态学研究. 昆虫知识 45: 303–305.Xue HJ, Egas M, Yang XK*. 2007. Development of a positive preference-performance relationship in an oligophagous beetle: adaptive learning? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 125: 119–124.Xue HJ, Yang XK*. 2007. Host plant use in sympatric closely related flea beetles. Environmental Entomology 36: 468–474.Xue HJ, Bu WJ*. 2007. Cuticular fine structures of 5th instar nymph and adult of Ischnodemus caspius Jakovlev (Insecta: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Blissidae). Entomologica Fennica 18: 218–225.薛怀君, 王书永, 李文柱, 张学忠, 杨星科*. 2007. 蛇莓跳甲的生物学初步观察. 昆虫知识 44: 69–73.翟宗昭, 薛怀君, 王书永, 杨星科*. 2007. 跳甲属(鞘翅目,叶甲科,跳甲亚科)同域分布种及其寄主关系探讨. 动物分类学报32: 137–142.Xue HJ, Bu WJ*. 2005. Notes on 5th instar nymphs of two species of Phaenacantha Horváth (Heteroptera: Colobathristidae). Entomologica Fennica16: 109–116.Xue HJ, Bu WJ*. 2004. A new species from China and notes on the 5th instar of the genus Chauliops Scott (Heteroptera, Malcidae, Chauliopinae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 29: 121–125.Xue HJ, Bu WJ*. 2004. Descriptions of the immature stages of three ozophorine species (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae: Rhyparochrominae: Ozophorini) from China. Entomotaxonomia 26: 264–271.Xue HJ, Liu GQ*. 2002. New species of Genus Coptosoma Laporte (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 27: 750–755.薛怀君, 刘国卿*. 2002. 异龟蝽属记述(半翅目:龟蝽科). 动物分类学报 27: 96–100.
