- 李孟华
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号中国科学院动物研究所 动物生态与保护生物学院重点实验室 100101

姓 名: | 李孟华 |
学 科: | 基因组生物学 |
电话/传真: | +86-10-64806336 / +86-10-64806336 |
电子邮件: | menghua.li@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号中国科学院动物研究所 动物生态与保护生物学院重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 基因组学与动物遗传育种研究组 |
李孟华,研究员,博士生导师,基因组学与动物(主要是绵羊)遗传育种研究组组长。 2003年毕业于华中农业大学畜牧兽医学院动物遗传育种与繁殖专业,获得博士学位;2003年 -2008年任芬兰农业食品科学研究院博士后,其中2007年11-12月在挪威生命科学技术大学任访问学者(合作教授:Theo Meuwissen);2008年-2010年于赫尔辛基大学生物和环境科学系从事博士后研究;2010年至2011年任芬兰农业食品科学研究院生物技术和食品研究部Principal Research Scientist (PI),其中2011年3-5月在意大利圣心天主教大学(Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)任访问学者。 入选芬兰科学院研究员(Research Fellow of the Academy of Finland, 2011年),获得欧洲科学基金(生命、地球、环境和极地科学部)青年学者奖励资助(2011年)。2010年6月被授予赫尔辛基大学Docent,2011年9月入选中国科学院 “百人计划”引进海外杰出人才,2018年获得国家杰出青年基金。担任国际动物遗传学会羊专业委员会执行委员,Animal Genetics, Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Frontier in Genetics (Livestock genomics), Scientific Reports等SCI杂志编委(Editorial Board member),爱沙尼亚国家研究委员会科学基金评审人以及第一届和第二届“世界绵羊大会”主席。 共发表50多篇SCI论文,其中第一作者或通讯作者40多篇(分别在Molecular Biology and Evolution、Molecular Ecology、DNA Research、Genome Biology and Evolution, Heredity、Frontier in Genetics, BMC Genomics、G3:Genes, Genomics, Genetics、BMC Evolutionary Biology、Genetics Selection and Evolution和Animal Genetics等专业刊物)。
Xiao-Ju Hu, Ji Yang, Xing-Long Xie, Feng-Hua Lv, Yin-Hong Cao ,Wen-Rong Li, Ming-Jun Liu, Yu-Tao Wang, Jin-Quan Li, Yong-Gang Liu, Yan-Lin Ren, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Feng Wang, EEr Hehua, Jian-Lin Han, Meng-Hua Li* (2018) The genome landscape of Tibetan sheep reveals adaptive introgression from argali and the history of early human settlements on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Biology and Evolution (doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msy208)Ji Yang(#), Xin Li(#), Yin-Hong Cao(#), Kisun Pokharel(#), Xiao-Ju Hu(#), Ze-Hui Chen(#), Song-Song Xu, Jaana Peippo, Mervi Honkatukia, Juha Kantanen, Meng-Hua Li* (2018)Comparative mRNAs and miRNAs expression in European mouflon (Ovis musimon) and sheep (Ovis aries) provide novel insights into the genetic mechanisms for female reproductive success. Heredity (doi: 10.1038/s41437-018-0090-1).Lei Gao(#), Song-Song Xu(#), Jing-Quan Yang(#), Min Shen*, Meng-Hua Li* (2018)Genome-wide association study reveals novel genes for the ear size in sheep (Ovis aries)Animal Genetics 49:345-348.Ze-Hui Chen(#), Min Zhang(#), Feng-Hua Lv(#), Xue Ren, Wen-Rong Li, Ming-Jun Liu, Kiwoong Nam, Michael W Bruford, Meng-Hua Li* (2018) Contrasting patterns of genomic diversity reveal accelerated genetic drift but reduced directional selection on X-chromosome in wild and domestic sheep species. Genome Biology and Evolution 10:1282-1297.Song-Song Xu(#), Lei Gao(#), Xing-Long Xie, Yan-Ling Ren, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Feng Wang, Min Shen, Emma Eyporsdottir, Jon H. Hallsson,Tatyana Kiseleva, Juha Kantanen and Meng-Hua Li* (2018) Genome-wide association analyses highlight the potential for different genetic mechanisms for litter size among sheep breeds. Frontier in Genetics (Livestock genomics) 9:118.Pokharel Kisun, Peippo Jaana, Honkatukia Mervi, Seppala Arja, Rautiainen Johanna, Ghanem Nasser, Hamama Tuula-Marjatta, Crowe Mark A, Andersson Magnus, Li Meng-Hua*, Kantanen Juha*(2018) Integrated ovarian mRNA and miRNA transcriptome profiling characterizes the genetic basis of prolificacy traits in sheep (Ovis aries) BMC Genomics 19:104.
Zhao Yong-Xin(#),Yang Ji(#), Lv Feng-Hua(#),Hu Xiao-Ju, Xie Xing-Long, Zhang Min, Li Wen-Rong, Liu Ming-Jun, Wang Yu-Tao, Li Jin-Quan, Liu Yong-Gang, Ren Yan-Ling, Wang Feng, Eer Hehua, Kantanen, Juha Lenstra, Johannes Arjen, Han Jian-Lin, Li Meng-Hua* (2017) Genomic reconstruction of the history of native sheep reveals the peopling patterns of nomads and the expansion of early pastoralism in East Asia. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34:2380-2395.Xu Song-Song#, Ren Xue#, Yang Guang-Li#, Xie Xing-Long, Zhao Yong-Xin, Zhang Min, Shen Zhi-Qiang, Ren Yan-Ling, Gao Lei, Shen Min, Juha Kantanen and Meng-Hua Li* (2017) Genome-wide association analysis identifies the genetic basis of fat deposition in the tails of sheep (Ovis aries) Animal Genetics 48:560-569.Peng W. -F.(#), Xu S. -S.(#),Ren X.(#),Lv F. -H., Xie X. -L., Zhao Y. -X., Zhang M., Shen Z. -Q., Ren Y. -L., Gao L.,Shen M., Kantanen J., Li M.-H.* (2017) A genome-wide association study reveals candidate genes for the supernumerary nipple phenotype in sheep (Ovis aries) Animal Genetics 48:570-579.Xu Song-Song, Meng-Hua Li* (2017) Recent advances in understanding genetic variants associated with economically important traits in sheep (Ovis aries) revealed by high-throughput screening technologies. Frontiers of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering 4:279-288.
Ji Yang#, Wen-Rong Li#, Feng-Hua Lv#, San-Gang He#, Shi-Lin Tian#, Wei-Feng Peng, Ya-Wei Sun, Yong-Xin Zhao, Xiao-Long Tu, Min Zhang, Xing-Long Xie, Yu-Tao Wang, Jin-Quan Li, Yong-Gang Liu, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Feng Wang, Guang-Jian Liu, Hong-Feng Lu, Juha Kantanen, Jian-Lin Han, Meng-Hua Li* and Ming-Jun Liu*(2016)Whole-Genome Sequencing of Native Sheep Provides Insights into Rapid Adaptations to Extreme Environments. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33(10): 2576–2592. 封面文章受到“International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)”点评和报道Ren X#. Yang GL#, Peng WF, Zhao YX, Zhang M, Chen ZH, Wu FA, Kantanen J, Shen M, Li M.-H.* (2016) A genome-wide association study identifies a genomic region for the polycerate phenotype in sheep (Ovis aries) Scientific Reports 6:201111.Xiaoju Hu, Kisun Pokharel,Jaana Peippo, Nasser Ghanem, Ismael Zhaboyev, Juha Kantanen and Meng-Hua Li*. (2016)Identification and characterization of miRNAs in the ovaries of a highly prolific sheep breed. Animal Genetics 47:234-239.
Lv F-H, Peng W-F, Yang J, Zhao Y-X, Li W-R, Liu M-J, Ma Y-H, Zhao Q-J, Yang G-L, Wang F, Li J-Q, Liu Y-G, Shen Z-Q, Zhao S-G, Hehua E, Gorkhali NA, Farhad Vahidi SM, Muladno M, Naqvi AN, Tabell J, Iso-Touru T, Bruford MW, Kantanen J, Han J-L*, Li M-H* (2015). Mitogenomic Meta-Analysis Identifies Two Phases of Migration in the History of Eastern Eurasian Sheep. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 2515-2533. 封面文章 受到“Financial Times”,“Modern Farmer”和“ILRI”等媒体报道和点评 受到《中国科学》的评述中国科学院科研进展英文评述Jun Liu, Cuimin Wang, Dongli Fu, Xiaoju Hu, Xiangmo Xie, Pengfei Liu, Qiong Zhang and Meng-Hua Li* (2015) Phylogeography of Nanorana parkeri (Anura: Ranidae) on the Tibetan Plateau: effects of Plateau uplift and Quaternary climatic changes. Scientific Reports 5:9857 中国科学院科研进展英文评述Weimin Zhao, Yulian Mu, Lei Ma, Chen Wang, Zhonglin Tang, Shulin Yang, Rong Zhou, Xiaoju Hu, Meng-Hua Li* and Kui Li* (2015) Systematic identification and characterization of long intergenic non-coding RNAs in fetal porcine skeletal muscle development. Scientific Reports 5:8957.Kisun Pokharel, Jaana Peippo, G?ran Andersson, Meng-Hua Li*, Juha Kantanen (2015) Transcriptome profiling of Finnsheep ovaries during out-of-season breeding period. Agricultural and Food Science 24: 1-9.Kantanen J, L?vendahl P, Strandberg E, Eythorsdottir E, Li M.-H., Kettunen-Pr?bel A, Berg P, Meuwissen T. (2015) Utilization of farm animal genetic resources in a changing agro-ecological environment in the Nordic countries. Frontiers in Genetics 6:52.
Feng-Hua Lv, Saif Agha, Juha Kantanen, LiciaColli, Sylvie Stucki, James W. Kijas, Stéphane Joost, Meng-Hua Li*, Paolo Ajmone Marsan (2014) Adaptations to Climate-Mediated Selective Pressures in Sheep. Molecular Biology and Evolution31: 3324-3343. 封面文章受到Science daily等媒体报道和点评 Ji Yang, Takahito Shikano, Meng-Hua Li*, Juha Meril? (2014) Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium in nine-spined stickleback. G3 – Genes Genomes Genetics4:1119-1129Yang J, Li M.-H.* (2014) A multi-omics integrated study deciphers biology of the rumen and lipid metabolism. Science China Life Science 57: 951-953 特邀评述 Liu J., T. Shikano, T. Leinonen, J. M. Cano, M.-H. Li*, J. Meril? (2014) Identification of major and minor QTL for ecologically important morphological traits in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). G3-Genes, Genomes, Genetics 4: 594-604Shan L., Wu Q., Li Y., Shang H., Guo K., Wu J., Wei H., Zhao J., Yu J., Li M.-H.*(2014) Transcriptome profiling identifies differentially expressed genes in postnatal developing pituitary gland of miniature pig. DNA Research 21:207-216Li M.-H.*, T. Tiirikka, J. Kantanen (2014) A genome-wide scan study identifies a single nucleotide substitution in ASIP associated with white versus non-white coat-colour variation in sheep (Ovisaries). Heredity 112: 122–131.Zhang Min, Wei-Feng Peng, Guang-Li Yang, Feng-Hua Lv, Ming-Jun Liu, Wen-Rong Li, Yong-Gang Liu, Jin-Quan Li, Feng Wang, Zhi-Qiang Shen, Sheng-Guo Zhao, EEr Hehua, Nurbiy Marzanov, Maziek Murawski, Juha Kantanen and Meng-Hua Li (2014) Y chromosome haplotype diversity of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in northern Eurasia. Animal Genetics 45:903-907.
Wang C., Hu X., Xie X., Liu P., Meril? J., Zhang Q. *, Li M.-H.* (2013) Isolation and characterization of 113 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Tibetan frog (Nanoranaparkeri) using next generation sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources 5: 915-924.Li M.-H., A.Osva, J. Kantanen (2012) Integrating multidisciplinary data for the conservation of livestock biodiversity: a case study of the Yakutian cattle in Siberia, the far east of Russia. Animal Genetics Resources 50:97-104.Li M. H.* and J. Meril? (2011) Population differences in levels of linkage disequilibrium in the wild. Molecular Ecology 20: 2916-2928.Li M.-H., I. Strandén, T. Tiirikka, M.-L. Sevón-Aimonen, J. Kantanen (2011) A comparison of approaches to estimate the inbreeding coefficient and pairwise relatedness using genomic and pedigree data in a sheep population. PLoS ONE 6: e26256.Cano J.M., M.-H. Li, Laurila A, Vilkki J, Meril? J. (2011) First-generation linkage map for the common frog Ranatemporaria reveals sex linkage group.Heredity107: 530-536.Li M.-H.*, J. Kantanen, A. Michelson, U. Saarma (2011) Genetic components of grey cattle in Estonia as revealed by microsatellite analysis using two Bayesian clustering methods. BMC Research Notes 4: 37.Zerabruk M.#, Li M.-H. #, J. Kantanen, I. Olsaker, E. M. Ibeagha-Awemu, G. Erhardt, D. G. Bradley and O Vangen (2011) Genetic diversity and admixture of indigenous cattle breeds of North Ethiopia: implications to historical introgressions in the gateway region of cattle to Africa. Animal Genetics 43:257-266.Nair A., S. Kumar, S. George, S. Gopalan, M.-H. Li, E. Leder and J. Meril? (2011) Sixty two new microsatellite markers for an endemic frog Indiranabeddomii from the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot. Conservation Genetics Resources 3: 167-171.
Tapio, I., Tapio, M., M.-H. Li, Popov, R., Ivanova, Z., Kantanen, J (2010) Estimation of relatedness among non-pedigreed Yakutiancryo-bank bulls using molecular data: implications for conservation and breed management. Genetics Selection Evolution 42: 9.Li M. H.* and J. Meril? (2010) Genetic evidence for male-biased dispersal in the Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus) based on autosomal and Z chromosomal markers. Molecular Ecology 19: 5281-5295.Li, M.H., Kantanen, J (2010) Genetic structure of Eurasian cattle (Bos taurus) based on microsatellites: clarification for their breed classification. Animal Genetics 41: 150-158.Li, M.H., Iso-Touru, T., Lauren, H., Kantanen, J (2010) A microsatellite-based analysis for the detection of selection on BTA1 and BTA20 in northern Eurasian cattle (Bos taurus) populations. Genetics Selection Evolution 42: 14.Li M. H.* and J. Meril? (2010) Avian Z-specific microsatellites map to pseudoautosomal or autosomal chromosomes in the Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus): insights into avian genome evolution from cross-species amplification tests. Journal of Genetics 89: 223-228.Li M.-H.* and J. Meril?(2010) Sex-specific population structure, natural selection, and linkage disequilibrium in a wild bird population as revealed by genome-wide microsatellite analyses. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 66. 受到 Science (328:19)“编辑的选择”栏目评述Li M.-H.*, and J. Meril? (2010) Extensive linkage disequilibrium in a wild bird population. Heredity 104: 600-610.Iso-Touru, T., J. Kantanen, M. H. Li, Z. Gizejewski and J.Vilkki (2009) Divergent evolution in cattle and pigs in the cytoplasmic domains of GHR and PRLR. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9:172.Li M.-H.* K. V?lim?ki, M. Piha, T.Pakkala and J. Meril? (2009) Extrapair paternity and maternity in the three-toed woodpecker, Picoides tridactylus: insights from microsatellite-based parentage analysis. PLoS ONE 4: 1-6.Li M.-H., I. Strandén, and J. Kantanen (2009) Genetic diversity and pedigree analysis of the Finnsheep breed. Journal of Animal Science 87:1598-1605.Jarri S., M.-H. Li*, and J. Meril? (2009) A first-generation microsatellite-based genetic linkage map of the Siberian jay (Perisoreusinfaustus): insights into avian genome evolution. BMC Genomics 10: 1.Agha S. H., F. Pilla, S. Galal, I. Shaat, M. D’Andrea, S. Reale, A. Z. A. Abdelsalam, and M.-H. Li (2008) Genetic diversity in Egyptian and Italian goat breeds measured with microsatellite polymorphism. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 125: 194-200.Li M.-H., I. Tapio, J. Vilkki, Z. Ivanova, T. Kiselyova, N. Marzanov, M. Cinkulov, S. Stojanovic, I. Ammosov, R. Popov, and J. Kantanen (2007) Genetic structure of cattle populations (Bostaurus) in northern Eurasia and the neighboring Near Eastern regions: implications for breeding strategies and conservation. Molecular Ecology 16:3839-3853. 封面文章Li M.-H., M. Zerabruk, O. Vangen, I. Olsaker, and J. Kantanen (2007) Reduced genetic structure of north Ethiopian cattle revealed by Y-chromosome analysis. Heredity 98: 214-221.Li M.-H., T. Adamowicz, M. Switonski, I. Ammosov, Z. Ivanova, T. Kiselyova, R. Popov, and J. Kantanen (2006) Analysis of population differentiation in North Eurasian cattle (Bostaurus) using single nucleotide polymorphisms in three genes associated with production traits. Animal Genetics 37: 390-392.Bennewitz J., J. Kantanen, I. Tapio, M.-H. Li, E. Kalm, J. Vilkki, I. Ammosov, Z. Ivanova, T. Kiselyova, R. Popov, and T. H. Meuwissen (2006) Estimation of breed contributions to present and future genetic diversity of 44 North Eurasian cattle breeds using core set diversity measures. Genetics Selection Evolution 38: 201-220.Li M.-H., K. Li, J. Kantanen, Z. Feng, B. Fan, and S. H. Zhao (2006) Allelic variations in exon 2 of caprine MHC class II DRB3 gene in Chinese indigenous goats. Small Ruminant Research 66: 236-243.Li M.-H., E. Nogovitsina, Z. Ivanova, G. Erhardt, J. Vilkki , R. Popov, I. Ammosov, T. Kiselyova, and J. Kantanen (2005) Genetic contributions of indigenous Yakutian cattle to two hybrid populations as revealed by microsatellite variation. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 18: 613-1619.Li, M.-H., K. Sternbauer, P. T. Haahr, and J. Kantanen (2005) Genetic components in contemporary Faroe Islands Cattle as revealed as microsatellite analysis. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 122: 309-317.Li S. J., S. H, Yang, S. H. Zhao, B. Fan, M. Yu, H. S. Wang, M.-H. Li, B. Liu, T. A. Xiong, and K. Li (2004) Genetic diversity analyses of 10 indigenous Chinese pig populations based on 20 microsatellites. Journal of Animal Science 82:368-374.Li M.-H., S, H. Zhao, and K. Li (2004) Diversity of Chinese indigenous goat breeds: a conservation perspective – a review. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 17: 726-732.Mo D. L., B. Liu, Z. G. Wang, S. H. Zhao, M. Yu, B. Fan, M.-H. Li, T. A. Xiong, M. Yu, and K. Li (2003) Genetic variation and genetic relationship of seventeen Chinese indigenous pig breeds using ten serum protein loci. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 16: 939-945.Yang S. L, Z. G Wang, B. Liu, G. X. Zhang, S. H. Zhao, M. Yu, B. Fan, M.-H. Li, and K. Li (2003) Genetic variation and relationships of eighteen Chinese indigenous pig breeds. Genetics Selection Evolution 35: 657-671.Fan B., Z. G. Wang, Y. J. Li, X. L. Zhao, B. Liu, S. H. Zhao, M Yu, M.-H. Li, S. L. Chen, T.A. Xiong, and K. Li (2002) Genetic variation analysis within and among Chinese indigenous swine populations using microsatellite markers. Animal Genetics 33: 422-427.Li M.-H., S. H. Zhao, C. Bian, H. S. Wang, H. Wei, B.Liu, M. Yu, B. Fan, S. L. Chen, M. J. Zhu, T. A. Xiong, and K. Li (2002) Genetic relationships among twelve indigenous Chinese goat populations based on microsatellite analysis. Genetics Selection Evolution 34: 729-744.Chen S. L., M.-H. Li, Y. J. Li, S.H. Zhao, C. Z. Yu, M. Yu, B. Fan, T. A. Xiong, and K. Li (2001) RAPD variation and genetic distances among Tibetan, Inner Mongolia and Liaoning Cashmere goats. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 14: 1520-1522.Sakha Ynaga. Cattle of the Yakuts (Granberg L., J. Kantanen& K. Soinieds). Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland. 218 pp. (ISBN978-951-41-1032-0, Li M.-H.是该书的主要的编著者之一).