- 孙钦秒
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号

姓 名: | 孙钦秒 |
学 科: | 细胞生物学 |
电话/传真: | +86-10-64807391 / |
电子邮件: | qinmiaosun@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 膜生物学国家重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 免疫和信号传导研究组 |
孙钦秒,女,博士,研究员,博士生导师;中国科学院动物研究所免疫和信号传导研究组组长。 1999年在中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位,2000-2005年在美国德州大学西南医学中心分子生物学系作博士后,2006-2007任美国德州大学西南医学中心分子生物学系Researcher Instructor。2007年入选中国科学院动物所“百人计划引进国外杰出人才”,建立“免疫与信号传导”研究组。
本研究组的研究方向是以小鼠和果蝇等模式动物作为研究系统,利用分子生物学、细胞生物学、遗传学和生物化学等技术在分子、细胞和个体(包括果蝇和小鼠)三个水平上进行探讨:1)天然免疫反应的调控机制;2)免疫调控与癌症治疗和自身免疫疾病的关系;3)干细胞命运调控的分子机制。近年来所取得的研究成果发表在国际核心学术期刊,包括Nature Communications, Molecular Cell,PNAS,PLoS Pathogens, Stem Cell Reports, Immunity,和Blood等。
He S, Zhang G, Wang J, Gao Y, Sun R, Cao Z, Chen Z, Zheng X, Yuan J, Luo Y, Wang X, Zhang W, Zhang P, Zhao Y, He C, Tao Y*, Sun Q*, Chen D*. 6mA-DNA-binding factor Jumu controls maternal-to-zygotic transition upstream of Zelda. Nat Commun. 2019 May 17;10(1):2219. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10202-3.Ji S, Luo Y, Cai Q, Cao Z, Zhao Y, Mei J, Li C, Xia P, Xie Z, Xia Z, Zhang J, Sun Q*, Chen D. LC* Domain-Mediated Coalescence Is Essential for Otu Enzymatic Activity to Extend Drosophila Lifespan. Mol Cell. S1097-2765(19)30094-2. (2019)Xin D, Gu H, Liu E, Sun Q*. Parkin negatively regulates the antiviral signaling pathway by targeting TRAF3 for degradation. J Biol Chem. 293(31):11996-12010. (2018)Li W, Li W, Zou L, Ji S, Li C, Liu K, Zhang G, Sun Q*, Xiao F*, Chen D*. Membrane targeting of inhibitory Smads through palmitoylation controls TGF-β/BMP signaling. PNAS. 114 (50):13206-13211.(2017)Ji S, Li C, Hu L, Liu K, Mei J, Luo Y, Tao Y, Xia Z, Sun Q*, Chen D*. Bam-dependent deubiquitinase complex can disrupt germ-line stem cell maintenance by targeting cyclin A. PNAS. 114(24):6316-6321.(2017)Lin W, Zhang J, Lin H, Li Z, Sun X, Xin D, Yang M, Sun L, Li L1, Wang H, Chen D, Sun Q*. Syndecan-4 negatively regulates antiviral signalling by mediating RIG-I deubiquitination via CYLD. Nat Commun. 7:11848.(2016)Sun X, Sun L, Zhao Y, Li Y, Lin W, Chen D, Sun Q*. MAVS maintains mitochondrial homeostasis via autophagy. Cell Discov. 2:16024 (2016)Jin W, Wang L, Zhu F, Tan W, Lin W, Chen D, Sun Q*, Xia Z*.Critical POU domain residues confer Oct4 uniqueness in somatic cell reprogramming. Sci Rep. 6:20818. (2016)Sun Q*, Huang S, Wang X, Zhu Y, Chen Z, Chen D*.N6-methyladenine functions as a potential epigenetic mark in eukaryotes. Bioessays. 37(11):1155-62. (2015)Li Z, Liu G, Sun L, Teng Y, Guo X, Jia J, Sha J, Yang X, Chen D, Sun Q*. PPM1A regulates antiviral signaling by antagonizing TBK1-mediated STING phosphorylation and aggregation.PLoS Pathog. 11 (3):e1004783.(2015)Ji S, Sun M, Zheng X, Li L, Sun L, Chen D* and Sun Q*. Cell-surface localization of Pellino antagonizes Toll-mediated innate immune signaling by controlling MyD88 turnover in Drosophila. Nature Commun. 5:3458.(2014)Zhu G, Li Y, Zhu F, Wang T, Jin W, Mu W, Lin W, Tan W, Sun Q*, Jin P* and Chen D*. Coordination of engineered factors with TET 1/2 promotes the early stage epigenetic modification during somatic cell reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports, 2:253-261. (2014)Huang S, Zhang Z, Zhang C, Lv X, Zheng X, Chen Z, Sun L, Wang H, Zhu Y, Zhang J, Yang S, Lu Y, Sun Q, Tao Y, Liu F, Zhao Y, Chen D. Activation of Smurf E3 ligase promoted by smoothened regulates hedgehog signaling through targeting patched turnover. PLoS Biol. 11(11):e1001721 (2013).Wang F, Yang Y, Lin X, Wang JQ, Wu YS, Xie W, Wang D, Zhu S, Liao YQ, Sun Q, Yang YG, Luo HR, Guo C, Han C, Tang TS. Genome-wide loss of 5-hmC is a novel epigenetic feature of Huntington's disease. Hum Mol Genet. 22(18):3641-53. (2013)Zhao Y, Sun X, Nie X, Sun L, Tang TS, Chen D, Sun Q*. COX5B Regulates MAVS-mediated Antiviral Signaling through Interaction with ATG5 and Repressing ROS Production. PLoS Pathog.;8(12):e1003086. (2012)Dong X, Feng H, Sun Q , Li H, Wu TT, Sun R, Tibbetts SA, Chen ZJ, Feng P*. Murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 hijacks MAVS and IKKbeta to initiate lytic replication. PLoS Pathog. 29;6(7):e1001001. (2010)Xia L, Jia S, Huang S, Wang H, Zhu Y, Mu Y, Kan L, Zheng W, Wu D, Li X, Sun Q, Meng A, Chen D*. The Fused/Smurf complex controls the fate of Drosophila germline stem cells by generating a gradient BMP response. Cell. 10;143(6):978-90. (2010)Chen, Dongsheng; Wang, Qi; Huang, Haidong; Xia, Laixin; Jiang, Xiaoyong; Kan, Lijuan; Sun Q; Chen, Dahua*. Effete-mediated degradation of Cyclin A is essential for the maintenance of germline stem cells in Drosophila. Development (136)24:4133- 4142. (2009)Bhoj VG, Sun Q, Bhoj EJ, Somers C, Chen X, Torres JP, Mejias A, Gomez AM, Jafri H, Ramilo O, Chen ZJ*. MAVS and MyD88 are essential for innate immunity but not cytotoxic T lymphocyte response against respiratory syncytial virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(37):14046-51. (2008)Chiu YH, Sun Q, Chen ZJ*. E1-L2 activates both ubiquitin and FAT10. Mol Cell.; 27(6):1014-23. (2007)Sun Q, Matta H, Lu G, Chaudhary PM. Induction of IL-8 expression by human herpesvirus 8 encoded vFLIP K13 via NF-kappaB activation.Oncogene. 2006 May 4;25(19):2717-26.Sun Q, Sun L, Liu HH, Chen X, Seth RB, Forman J, Chen ZJ*. The specific and essential role of MAVS in antiviral innate immune responses. Immunity. 24(5):633-42. (2006)Sun Q, Matta H, Chaudhary PM*. Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpes virus-encoded viral FLICE inhibitory protein activates transcription from HIV-1 Long Terminal Repeat via the classical NF-kappaB pathway and functionally cooperates with Tat.Retrovirology 2:9. 2005Sun Q, Zachariah S, Chaudhary PM*. The human herpes virus 8-encoded viral FLICE-inhibitory protein induces cellular transformation via NF-kappaB activation. J Biol Chem. 2003 Dec 26;278(52):52437-45.(2003)Sun Q, Matta H, Chaudhary PM*. The human herpes virus 8-encoded viral FLICE inhibitory protein protects against growth factor withdrawal-induced apoptosis via NF-kappa B activation. Blood. 101(5):1956-61(2003)
组长:孙钦秒 研究员组员:李林 工程师博士研究生: 顾海艳,刘恩平,陶新月,林永芳已毕业博士生:赵媛媛,孙明,张菁,李泽兴,黎亚洁,金文松,孙立伟,孙晓枫,朱飞,辛帝,罗悦婉已毕业硕士生:李林,杨英,岳威联培生:霍娆娆(科大),储贝(科大),杨静(安大),韩新宇(安大)
1. 科技部资助项目 (国家重点研发、国家重大研究计划、973项目、转基因重大专项) (1)原始生殖细胞特化和定向迁移 (2)免疫细胞亚群定向发育分化的调控机制 (3)以果蝇、小鼠为模式研究生殖干细胞命运决定的分子机理 (4)抗蓝耳病病毒抗病相关基因的筛选和功能鉴定基因 (5)新型表观遗传修饰体系的鉴定及机制研究 (6)解析微环境在原始生殖细胞命运决定中的作用 2. 国家自然科学基金委资助项目 (1)MAVS和MyD88在抗病毒的天然免疫反应中的作用 (2)FMR1在小鼠卵巢早期发育中的机制研究 (3)线粒体电子传递链组分COX5B与自噬途径协同调控MAVS介导的抗病毒天然免疫反应的分子机制 (4)E3泛素连接酶调控Toll信号介导的天然免疫反应分子机制的研究 (5)去泛素相关蛋白在肠道稳态和炎症反应调控机制的研究 3. 中国科学院“百人计划”