- 岳嵩
- 副研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:
2007年9月 – 2012年7月,北京大学物理学院现代光学研究所,光学专业,理学博士;
2003年9月 – 2007年7月,北京大学物理学院物理系,物理专业,理学学士。
2017年6月 – 现在:中国科学院微电子研究所,副研究员、硕士生导师,“率先行动”百人计划C类项目入选者。
2013年5月 – 2016年10月:[德]马克斯-普朗克智能系统研究所,博士后,亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会博士后奖学金获得者。
2012年7月 – 2013年4月:中国科学院高能物理研究所,助理研究员。
社会任职: 研究方向:
微纳光学与光子学 (micro-/nano-optics and photonics)
表面等离激元光学 (plasmonics)
电磁超表面 (metasurface)
1. “率先行动”百人计划C类备案项目,80万, 2018 – 2020,项目负责人;
2. 中国科学院微电子所所长基金,激光切割Low-k介质圆晶,50万,2017 – 2020,项目负责人;
3. 地方政府部门课题,激光隐形划切设备及工艺开发,160万,2018 – 2020,项目主要参与人员;
4. 国家其他任务,红外用激光冷加工设备,2018 – 2020,项目主要参与人员;
5. 国家其他任务,芯片精密开槽机,2017 – 2019,项目主要参与人员。
在纳米光子学领域已积累了十余年的研究经验,长期开展基于金属纳米结构的表面等离子体光学和超表面光学器件的相关研究,积累了从数值模拟、微纳加工到光学表征全链条的丰富经验。目前主要开展的工作有:针对表面等离子体超表面手性光学响应的调控,利用精确对准的多次电子束曝光手段(precise overlay through multiple EBL processes),制备并研究了复杂三维手性超表面的光学行为;结合相变材料及化学反应特异材料,利用复合表面等离子体微纳结构实现了光学性质的有源调控并展示了高灵敏度氢气传感的应用;针对发生在介观尺度上的超快动力学过程,利用时空高分辨飞秒-近场系统(fs-SNOM)对亚波长尺度上的热电子超快动力学过程及物理效应开展了极富特色的研究。截至2019年3月,他与合作者一起,在应用物理、光学和纳米等领域的国际知名学术期刊上累计发表SCI论文25篇,总被引次数719次,他引697次,单篇引用最高达131次,h因子14。已获授权中国发明专利1项,处于实审阶段2项。独立主持德国洪堡基金会博士后科研项目一项(Humboldt Fellowship, 8.28万欧元)。
(1) Yue, Song; Liu, Song; Hou, Yu; Zhang, Zichen, Tailorable chiral optical response through coupling among plasmonic meta-atoms with distinct shapes, Optics Letters, 2018.2.27, 43(5): 1111~1114
(2) Yue, Song; Li, Zhi; Chen, Jianjun; Gong, Qihuang, Deep subwavelength confinement and giant enhancement of light field by a plasmonic lens integrated with a metal-insulator-metal vertical nanocavity, Optics Express, 2012.8.13, 20 (17): 19060~19066
(3) Yue, Song; Li, Zhi; Chen, Jianjun; Gong, Qihuang, Ultrasmall and ultrafast all-optical modulation based on a plasmonic lens, Applied Physics Letters, 2011.4.18, 98(16)
(4) Yue Song; Li Zhi; Chen Jian-Jun; Gong Qi-Huang, Dielectric waveguide with deep subwavelength mode confinement based on coupled nanowires, Acta Physica Sinica, 2011.9, 60(9)
(5) Yue Song; Li Zhi; Chen Jian-Jun; Gong Qi-Huang, Bending Loss Calculation of a Dielectric-Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguide Structure, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010.2, 27(2)
(6) Li, Na; Tittl, Andreas; Yue, Song; Giessen, Harald; Song, Chen;Ding, Baoquan; Liu, Na, DNA-assembled bimetallic plasmonic nanosensors, Light-Science & Applications, 2014.12, e3
(7) Fu, Yulan; Hu, Xiaoyong; Lu, Cuicui; Yue, Song; Yang, Hong; Gong, Qihuang, All-Optical Logic Gates Based on Nanoscale Plasmonic Slot Waveguides, Nano Letters, 2012.11, 12(11): 5784~5790
(8) Chen, Jianjun; Li, Zhi; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, Highly Efficient All-Optical Control of Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Generation Based on a Compact Asymmetric Single Slit, Nano Letters, 2011.7, 11(7): 2933~2937
(9) Chen, Jianjun; Li, Zhi; Yue, Song; Xiao, Jinghua; Gong, Qihuang, Plasmon-Induced Transparency in Asymmetric T-Shape Single Slit, Nano Letters, 2012. 5, 12(5): 2494~2498
(10) Ma, Ren-Min; Wei, Xian-Long; Dai, Lun; Liu, Shi-Feng; Chen, Ting; Yue, Song; Li, Zhi; Chen, Qing; Qin, G. G., Light Coupling and Modulation in Coupled Nanowire Ring-Fabry-Perot Cavity, Nano Letters, 2009.7, 9(7):2697~2703
(11) Lu, Guowei; Li, Wenqiang; Zhang, Tianyue; Yue, Song; Liu, Jie; Hou, Lei; Li, Zhi; Gong, Qihuang, Plasmonic-Enhanced Molecular Fluorescence within Isolated Bowtie Nano-Apertures, Acs Nano, 2012.2, 6(2): 1438~1448
(12) Duan, Xiaoyang; Yue, Song; Liu, Na, Understanding complex chiral plasmonics, Nanoscale, 2015, 7(41): 17237~17243
(13) Zhang, Xiang ; Li, Zhi; Chen, Jianjun; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, A dichroic surface-plasmon-polariton splitter based on an asymmetric T-shape nanoslit, Optics Express, 2013.6.17, 21(12): 14548~14554
(14) Lu, Cuicui; Hu, Xiaoyong; Yue, Song; Fu, Yulan; Yang, Hong; Gong, Qihuang, Ferroelectric Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide for All-Optical Logic Gate Applications, Plasmonics, 2013.6, 8(2): 749~754
(15) Liao, Huimin; Li, Zhi; Chen, Jianjun; Zhang, Xiang; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, A submicron broadband surface-plasmon-polariton unidirectional coupler, Scientific Reports, 2013.6.3, 3
(16) Zhang, Xiang ; Li, Zhi; Chen, Jianjun; Liao, Huimin; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, A submicron surface-plasmon-polariton dichroic splitter based on a composite cavity structure, Applied Physics Letters, 2013.3.4, 102(9)
(17) Chen, Jianjun ; Li, Zhi; Lei, Ming; Yue, Song; Xiao, Jinghua; Gong, Qihuang, Broadband unidirectional generation of surface plasmon polaritons with dielectric-film-coated asymmetric single-slit, Optics Express, 2011.12.19, 19(27): 26463~26469
(18) Chen, Jianjun; Li, Zhi; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, Ultracompact surface-plasmon-polariton splitter based on modulations of quasicylindrical waves to the total field, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011.4.1, 109(7)
(19) Ye, Yu ; Ma, Yaoguang; Yue, Song; Dai, Lun; Meng, Hu; Li, Zhi; Tong, Limin; Qin, Guogang, Lasing of CdSe/SiO2 nanocables synthesized by the facile chemical vapor deposition method, Nanoscale, 2011, 3(8): 3072~3075
(20) Li, Zhi; Yue, Song; Chen, Jianjun; Gong, Qihuang, Ultrafast spatiotemporal relaxation dynamics of excited electrons in a metal nanostructure detected by femtosecond-SNOM, Optics Express, 2010.6.21, 18(13): 14232~14237
(21) Chen, Jianjun; Li, Zhi; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, Efficient unidirectional generation of surface plasmon polaritons with asymmetric single-nanoslit, Applied Physics Letters, 2010.7.26, 97(4) (期刊论文)
(22) Chen, Jianjun; Li, Zhi; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, Hybrid long-range surface plasmon-polariton modes with tight field confinement guided by asymmetrical waveguides, Optics Express, 2009.12.21, 17(26): 23603~23609
(1) Song Yue; Xinghui Yin; Na Liu, 3D chiral plasmonics, 5th International Topic Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2015), Seefeld, 2015.1.5-2015.1.8
(2) Song Yue; Simon Kamin; Na Liu, Active charge transfer plasmonics, 551. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef, 2014.1.19-2014.1.22
(3) Song Yue; Zhi Li; Jianjun Chen; Qihuang Gong, Ultrafast spatiotemporal evolvement of hot electrons near a gold nanoslit, the 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP5), Busan, 2011.5.15-2011.5.20
(4) Li, Zhi; Yue, Song; Chen, Jianjun; Gong, Qihuang, Ultrafast Hot Electron Relaxation in a Metal Nanostructure Detected by Femtosecond-SNOM, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010.5.16-2010.5.21
(5) Li, Zhi; Chen, Jianjun; Yue, Song; Gong, Qihuang, Ultracompact Surface Plasmon Polariton Unidirectional Generator Based on Asymmetric Single-Nanoslit, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, 2011.5.1-2011.5.6
(6) Hong, Tao ; Wang, Yang; Yu, Hong-Yan; Yue, Song; Chen, Wei-Xi; Liang, Song; Li, Zhi; Pan, Jiao-Qing; Ran, Guang-Zhao, A Selective Area Metal Bonding Method for Si Photonics Light Sources, 7th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), Beijing, 2010.9.1-2010.9.3
(1) 岳嵩,刘嵩,侯煜,张紫辰;一种光学氢气传感器及其制备方法和应用系统,2017.12.20,中国,201711385495.4
(2) 岳嵩,侯煜,刘嵩,张紫辰;一种法诺共振光学氢气传感器及其制备方法和应用系统,2017.12.20,中国,201711384825.8
(3) 李智,岳嵩,陈建军,龚旗煌;一种集成金属纳米腔的表面等离激元透镜, 2012.6.20, 中国, 201210211252.X