- 张紫辰
- 设备中心副主任
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:
2001.09-2005.06 东南大学,电子科学与技术 学士
2005.09-2007.06 东南大学,物理电子学 硕士
2007.09-2011.06 剑桥大学,光电子技术 博士
2011.11-2012.08 剑桥大学 助理研究员
2012.08-2015.08 清华大学 博士后、讲师(高校)
2015.08-2016.08 清华大学 助理教授(高校)
2016.08-2018.03 中国科学院微电子研究所 副研究员
2018.03- 中国科学院微电子研究所 研究员
2018.03- 中国科学院昆山分所 副所长
2018.12- 中国科学院微电子研究所设备中心 副主任
国际电工协会IEC TC47半导体器件和TC110平板显示技术专家;
共发表SCI学术论文40余篇,包括Light: Science and Applications、IEEE、OSA Optics Express、Applied Optics等国际权威期刊。
ZF “开槽机”负责人 经费1447万元
ZF “冷激光加工设备”负责人 经费1130万元
北京科委 “隐形划切设备”负责人 经费160万元
JW“ZHQ” 负责人 经费500万元
1. Zhi Tao, Yi-an Huang, Xiang Liu, Jing Chen, Wei Lei, Xiaofeng Wang, Lingfeng Pan, Jiangyong Pan, Qianqian Huang, Zichen Zhang* “High-Performance Photo-Modulated Thin-Film Transistor Based on Quantum dots/Reduced Graphene Oxide Fragment-Decorated ZnO Nanowires” (Cover)Nano-Micro Lett. DOI 10.1007/s40820-016-0083-7, (2016), IF: 3.012
2. J Pan, J Chen, D Zhao, Q Huang, Q Khan, X Liu, Z Tao, Z Zhang*, W Lei “Surface plasmon-enhanced Quantum dot light-emitting diodes by incorporating gold nanoparticles”, Optics Express 24 (2), A33-A43, (2016), IF:3.148
3. Zichen Zhang, Mike Pivnenko, Ivonne Medina-Salazar, Zheng You, Daping Chu “Advanced Die-Level Assembly Techniques and Quality Analysis for Phase-Only Liquid Crystal on Silicon Devices”, Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture, 1-6, (2015), IF:0.978
4. J Pan, J Chen, Q Huang, Q Khan, X Liu, Z Tao, W Lei, F Xu, Zichen Zhang* “Flexible Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode Based on ZnO Nanoparticles”, RSC Adv 5, 82192-82198, (2015), IF:3.289
5. Q Huang, J Chen, J Zhao, J Pan, W Lei, Zichen Zhang* “Enhanced Photoluminescence Property for Quantum Dot-Gold Nanoparticle Hybrid”, Nanoscale Research Letters 10 (1), 1-6, (2015),IF:2.584
6. J Chen, J Pan, Q Huang, F Xu, Z Zhang*, W Lei, A Nathan “Graphene oxide/PEDOT: PSS as injection layer for quantum dot light emitting diode”, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, 212(12):2856-2861, (2015), IF:1.648
7. Zichen Zhang, Zheng You, D.P. Chu ”Fundamentals of Phase-only Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS) Devices”, (Invited Review Articles), Light SciAppl 3 (10): e213, (2014), IF:13.600,
8. H Yang, B Robertson, D Yu, Z Zhang*, D.P Chu “Origin of Transient Crosstalk and Its Reduction in Phase-only LCOS Wavelength Selective Switches” IEEE J Lightwave Technology 31, 3822 (2013), IF:2.567
9. Zichen Zhang, Haining Yang&, Brian Robertson, Maura Redmond, Mike Pivnenko, Neil Collings, William A. Crossland, D. P. Chu. “Diffraction Based Phase Compensation Method for Phase-Only Liquid Crystal on Silicon Devices in Operation” Applied Optics 51, 3837 (2012), IF: 1.598
10. Zichen Zhang, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, Neil Collings, Mike Pivnenko, John Moore, William A. Crossland, D. P. Chu, and William I. Milne. 'High Quality Assembly of Phase-Only Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS) Devices' (Invited paper) IEEE J Display Technology 7, 120 (2011), IF: 1.925
The rest of journal publications
11. Brian Robertson, Zichen Zhang, Maura M. Redmond, Neil Collings, Jinsong Liu, R. S. Lin, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, John R. Moore, William A. Crossland and D. P. Chu. “Use of Wavefront Encoding in Optical Interconnects and Fibre Switches for Crosstalk Mitigation” Applied Optics 51, 659 (2012), IF: 1.598
12. Brian Robertson, Zichen Zhang, Maura M. Redmond, Neil Collings, Jinsong Liu, R. S. Lin, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, John R. Moore, William A. Crossland and D. P. Chu. “Application of the Fractional Fourier Transform to the Design of LCOS Based Optical Interconnects and Fibre Switches” Applied Optics 51 2212 (2012), IF:1.598
13. Zichen Zhang, Kaichen Dong, Yiyuan Zhang, Jianzhong Wang, Zheng You, Chinese Journal of Electronics. (Accepted 2014)
14. Zichen Zhang, Zheng You, Daping Chu, Chinese Journal of Electronics. (Accepted 2014)
15. Zichen Zhang, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, N. Collings, Mike Pivnenko, J Moore, W. I. Milne, W. A. Crossland, and D. P. Chu, 'High quality assembly of phase-only liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) devices for phase-only holography', Photonics-West 2010, Proc SPIE 7618, 76815 (2010).
16. Yongfeng Gao&, Liangcai Cao, Zheng You, Jiahao Zhao, Zichen Zhang, Jianzhong Yang “Optical Fourier Transform Based in-Plane Vibration Characterization for MEMS Comb Structure” Optics Express 24, 5063 (2013).
17. Gaofei Zhang, Rui Ma&, Zheng You, Zichen Zhang. “A Low-Power Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking Circuit for WSNs” Key Engineering Materials 562-565, 1045-1051 (2013).
18. Zhang Zichen, LEI Wei, ZHANG Xiaobing, WANG Baoping, YIN Hanchun and TuYan “Investigation of the Focus Characteristics of a Triode Structure in FED” Chinese of Journal of Electronics 18, 164 (2009).
19. Zhang Lifang, Zhang Xiaobing, Lei Wei, Su Xing, Li Chi, Zhang Zichen, Yin Hanchun, Tu Yan “Enhancement of anode current in an HOPFED” Proceedings of the seventh international conference on charged particle optics 1 371(2008)
20. Zhang Zichen, Lei Wei, Zhang Xiaobing, et al. “Investigation of the focus characteristics of a triode structure in FED” Proceedings of the seventh international conference on charged particle optics 1 375(2008)
21. Li Chi, Lei Wei, Wang Baoping, Zhang Xiaobing, Zhang Zichen “Study of decreasing the driving voltage of HOPFED” Proceedings of the seventh international conference on charged particle optics 1 367(2008)
22. Lei Wei, Zhang Xiaobing, Lou Chaogang, Tu Yan, Yin Hanchun, Zhang Zichen “Study of the movement of electron groups near a field emission cathode” Proceedings of the seventh international conference on charged particle optics 1 65(2008)
23. JinMeng, Lei Wei, Zhang Xiaobing, Tu Yan, Yin Hanchun, Zhang Zichen “Simulation of secondary electron emission in an electron gun” Proceedings of the seventh international conference on charged particle optics 1 61(2008)
24. Jing Chen; Wei Lei; Weiqiang Chai; Zichen Zhang; Chi Li; Xiaobing Zhang “High field emission enhancement of ZnO-nanorods via hydrothermal synthesis” Solid State Electronics 52, 294 (2008).
25. Xiaxi Yang, Xiaobing Zhang, Wei Lei, Zichen Zhang, Jing Chen, Lifang Zhang “Architecture of field emission display based on a gate electrode of diablo mode” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures) 25, 623 (2007).
26. Brian Robertson, Zichen Zhang, Haining Yang, Maura M. Redmond, Neil Collings, Jinsong Liu, Ruisheng S. Lin, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, John R. Moore, William A. Crossland, and D. P. Chu, “Reduction of Crosstalk in a Colourless, Multicasting LCOS Based Wavelength Selective Switch by the Application of Wavefront Encoding”, Proceedings of SPIE 8284 (2012)
27. Zichen Zhang, Zheng You, Daping Chu. “Advanced Die-Level Assembly Techniques and Quality Analysis for Phase-Only Liquid Crystal on Silicon Devices” CSMNT 2013
28. Brian Robertson, Haining Yang, Maura M. Redmond, Neil Collings, Jinsong Liu, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, John R. Moore, Z. Zhang, William A. Crossland, A. Wonfor*, I. H. White*, S. H. Lee*, and D. P. Chu, “The Use of Wavefront Encoding to Reduce Crosstalk in a Multicasting Fiber Telecom Switch”, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OM2J.6 (2012).
29. H. Yang, Z. Zhang, B. Robertson, M. Redmond, M. Pivnenko, N. Collings, W.A. Crossland, and D.P. Chu, “Phase Compensation on LCoS SLM in ROADM”, EPSRC Photonics Communication Workshop 2011.
30. Zichen Zhang, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, William A. Crossland“High Quality Assembly of Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCoS) Devices for Phase-Only Holography”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA, 2010.
31. “Assembly and Inspection of Liquid Crystal on Silicon Devices”, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, Shanghai, P.R. China, 2009.
32. Chen Jing, Zhang Zichen, Lei Wei, Zhang Xiaobing, Huang Chengxian “Field-emission properties of 3D ZnO network structure synthesized with solvent thermal method” IEEE 20th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (2007).
33. Zichen Zhang, Xiaxi Yang, Xiaobing Zhang, Wei Lei, Baoping Wang “Investigation of the Focus Characteristics of a Triode Structure in FED”, Charged Particles Optics, Cambridge, UK, 2006.
34. Xiaxi Yang, Xiaobing Zhang, Zichen Zhang, Wei Lei, Jing Chen, Lifang Zhang “CNT-FED architecture based on a gate electrode of diabolo mode” 19th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference and 50th International Field Emission Symposium (2006)
1.Method for improving the response time of liquid crystal on silicon devices, CN, ZL 2013 1 0087022.1 (Granted), Zichen Zhang(Rank 1st), Zheng You, D.P. Chu (2014.1) 一种提高硅基液晶器件响应速度的方法
2. Method for improving the response time of liquid crystal on silicon devices, CN, ZL 2013 1 0086956.3 (Granted), Zichen Zhang(Rank 1st), Zheng You, D.P. Chu (2014.1)一种提高硅基液晶器件响应速度的方法
2018.10 JW“卓青”
2019.02 中国科学院北京分院“启明星”复合型人才荣誉称号