- 张锋
- 研究员

简 历:
社会任职: 研究方向:高速低功耗存储器的设计;高速低功耗接口电路的设计 承担科研项目情况:
负责863课题“RRAM外围电路关键技术研究” 2011A,2011年-2013年
[1]张锋,周玉梅。一种用于SRAM快速仿真的模型。半导体学报,2005 Vol.26 No.6 P.1264-1268
[2]张锋,周玉梅。基于全定制IP设计的漏电流功耗仿真计算方法。半导体学报,2004 Vol.25 No.9 P.1169-1174
[3]张锋,周玉梅。一种新的基于SRAM的快速综合技术。固体电子学研究与进展,2006 Vol.26 No.2 P.255-259
[4]zhang feng, et al. A Low Latency Transceiver Macro With Robust Design Technique For Processor Interface.2009 IEEE Asian Solid state circuit conference.
[5]zhang feng, et al. A 0.18um Transmitter and receiver with high speed and low power. 半导体学报 2008
[6]zhang feng, et al .An effective Approach for Subthreshold and Gate Leakage Power Estimation of SRAM.International Symposium on Integrated Circuits 2007.
[7]zhang feng, et al.A High Speed CMOS Transmitter And Rail-to-Rail Receiver. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design,Test&Application 2008.
[8]Yi.Yang, zhang feng et al. A Clock System for High Speed and Low Power Parallel Link. IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits 2007. P.390-393.
[9]Jun Wang,zhang feng et al. Energy-Efficient Input Buffer Design Using Data Transition Oriented Model. IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits 2007 .P.220-223
[10]Gao zhuo, zhang feng et al.A 10Gb/s Wire-line Transeiver With Half Rate Period Calibration CDR Lower Power Techniques. The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)2008.p.1827-1830
[11]Ge zhang,zhang feng, et al.a High Speed Floating-Point Adder Design. the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Integration Technology.p.241-244
[12]Yi Yang,zhang feng et al., A PVT Tolerant sub-mA PLL for High Speed Link', Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, 2008, 29(10):1873-1878.
[13] Baoxia Fan,Zhuo Gao ,Feng Zhang, et al ,”The implementation and design methodology of a quad-core version Godson-3 microprocessor. Circuits and Systems, 2009. MWSCAS '09. 52nd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on 2009, page(s): 1167 - 1170
《一种基于静态随机存储器的快速仿真器及方法》申请专利号:200410074678.0 发明人:张锋 周玉梅等
《一种基于静态随机存储器的快速综合设计方法》申请专利号:200410074678.0 发明人:张锋 周玉梅等